The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, January 25, 1947, Image 2

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TWO THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA JANUARY 25, 1947 # Cardinal Villeneuve, Archbishop of Quebec, Dies in California CARDINAL VILLENEUVE <N. C. ff. C. News Service) LOS ANGELES.—Victim of a heart attack, His Eminence Rod rigue Cardinal Villaneuve, 63-year-old Archbishop of Que bec, died at Ramona Academy in neighboring Alhambraon January 15. Although the Cardinal had been ill for several months and arrived here from New York for a period of recuperation and rest, his death was sudden and came as a profound shock. Cardinal Villaneuve appeared to be in fair health after he arose and moved about the Academy. He was stricken with the heart at tack at 7 a. m.' and died an hour later. With him at his bedside were Msgr. Paul Nicole, his sec retary; Dr. Lawrence Quillin, a physician, and a Sister-nurse of the Ramona Convent. A few mo ments after the Cardinal was stricken, Monsignor Nicole an notated him and administered the Last Rites of the Church. Less than an hour after the Cardinal's death, Monsignor Nicole offered a Solemn Mass of Requiem for the repose of his soul. More than 350 elementary and high school stu dents of Ramona Academy assist ed at the Mass and afterwards re cited the Rosary. The body of Cardinal Ville neuve left here by airplane to be flown to Quebec. Arrangements for this last journey recall that in the closing years of his life, the Cardinal became an aviation en thusiast. His interest in flying was heightened when he made his first trans-ocean flight in 1944 to visit Canadian troops in Britain. France and Italy. On this ocrn- sion, he made a number of visits to the front lines. The prelate, who was the fourth Cardinal in Canada’s history, was a close friend of both Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII. He also was a warm friend of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt and of Brit ain’s wartime Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. From all parts of Canada, from all creeds and from all walks of life expressions of sorrow and tributes to his greatness as a not ed leader and warm friend follow ed the announcement of the death of Cardinal Villeneuve. Non-Catholic leaders across Canada, as also the secular press, joined in paying eloquent tribute to the memory of Cardinal Ville neuve. Among the non-Catholic leaders- who voiced public sorrow ; and sympathy were the Most Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, Primate of All Canada of the Church of England in Canada; Rt. Rev. John Dixon, Anglican Bishop of Montreal; Rt. Rev. Dr. T. W. Jones, Moderator of the United Church of Canada; Rabbi Abraham L. Feinberg, of Holy Blossim Temple of Toronto, and others. Typical of the sorrw felt at the death of Cardinal Villeneuve by non-Catholic leaders in Canada v. _ . that voiced in Toronto by Dr. Jones, Moderator of the United Church of Canada,, who said: "At the meeting of the Cana dian Council of Churches held recently in the city of Quebec, .when the illness of the Cardinal was reported to us, I joined with my fellow members of the coun cil, in the prayer that if God so willed, he might be restored to . health and strength. But God in £U« providence has called him MONSIGNOR SHEN, FATHER O'CONNELL ON RADIO PROGRAM WASHINGTON — (NC) — Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, of the Catholic University of America, recognized as one, of the foremost radio orators, will open a series of ad dresses on Sunday, January 26 which will continue until’Easter Sunday, April 6, on the Catholic Hour radio program, it has been announced here by the National Council of Catholic Men, producer of the program. The Catholic Hour is broadcast each Sunday evening from 6:00 to 6:30 p. m., EST, by the National Broadcasting Company. At the same time, the N. C. C. M. announced that the speaker during February on the Hour of Faith programs, which it also produces, will be the Rev. Thomas E. O’Connell, pastor of St. Paul’s Church. Richmond, Va., and a leader in the Catholic Committee of the South. The Hour of Faith is carried each Sunday morning from 11:30 a. m. to'noon on the American Broadcasting Company network. Father O’Connell’s gen eral subject will be “Four Men And A Man”. Music on the broad casts will be provided by a m'ale quartette and instrumental en semble directed by Paul Creston.' The general theme of Monsignor Sheen’s series will be “Light Your Lamps” and will deal with com munism as treated in the Encycli cals. The individual topics will be: “Signs of Our Times”, Jan uary 26; “Is Communism the Enemy of the Western World,” February 2; “The Philosophy of Communism,” February 9: “Com munism and the Church,” Feb ruary 16; “How to Meet Com munism,” February 23; “Com munism and Woman”, March 2; “Communism and Marriage,” March 9; “Communism and the Revival of Passion,” March 16; “Russia and the Faith”, March 23; “Russia and Our Lady." March 30 and "The Resurrection”, April 6th. from his labors and his suffer ings. “As a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada, Car dinal Villeneuve was entrusted with a very great responsibility and it is well known that he dis charged the public ofices of that important position with dignity and with grace. His passing will be a great loss, especially to the Church of which he was so out standing a leader. I would add my prayers to the many that will be lifted up throughout Canada to day beseeching Almighty God to comfort and sustain with His Di vine Grace all those umo were united with the late Cardinal in the familv relationship and bonds of Church fellowship.” CARDINAL VILLENEUVE GUEST OF BISHOP WALSH IN CHARLESTON LAST YEAR CHARLESTON, S. C;—News of the death of His Eminence Rod rigue Cardinal Villeneuve. Arch bishop of Quebec, recalls his brief visit to Charleston last spring, when he was returning from Rome where he had attended the Con sistory at which His Holiness Pope Pius XII had elevated four Ameri can Prelates and a number of others to the Cardinalate. Disembarking in Charleston, Cardinal Villeneuve was" cordially welcomed by Bishop Emmet M. Walsh of Charleston and the clergy of the city, who went out in a Coast Guard cutter to the Santa Marta, which had anchored in Charleston harbor. After being greetod by Bishop Walsh who boarded the liner, the Canadian Prelate and his party were trans ferred to the Coast Guard boat for the trip ashore. During the day which he spent in Charleston, while waiting for a train to take him to New York, the next stop on his trip to Quebec, Cardinal Villeneuve was the guest of Bishop Walsh at luncheon, and had opportunity to visit the famous Magnolia Gardens and other points of interest around historic Charleston. A SERIES OF SEMINARS lor Protestant church leaders dealing with legislative and political ac tion will be held in Washington, D. C., during January and Febru ary. The first churchmen’s semi nar is being sponsored by the co operative committee of the North ern Baptist Convention, Presby terian Church in the U. S. A,, United Council of Church Wo men, the Women’s Division of Christian Service of the Methodist Church, and the Congregational Churches. ., , ON NATIONAL RADIO PROGRAMS Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen (left), of Catholic University, who on Sunday, January 26 (6 P. M. EST) inaugurates a series of ad dresses on the Catholic Hour, nationwide network program pro duced by the National Council of Catholic Men, in cooperation with, the National Broadcasting Company. "Light Your Lamps” is the. general title of Monsignor Sheen's talks. On the Hour of Faith, na tionwide program, beginning February 2, the Rev. Thomas E. O'Con nell (right), of St. Paul’s Church, Richmond, Va., will give 14ie first of four talks on “Four Men and a Man.” The Hour of- Faith, also an N. C. C. M. program, is broadcast each Sunday at 11:30 A. M., EST, (NC Photos) MONUMENT TO NAVY HERO UNVEILED IN SAVANNAH SAVANNAH, Ga. — A monu ment, erected to the memory of Lieutenant Charles E. Traynor, Jr., who lost his life in the sink ing of the submarine, U. S. S. Albatross, attached to the Asiatic fleet, on December 13, 1944, was unveiled on December 22 in Bonaventure Cemetery. Impressive ceremony attended the unveiling, in which cadets from the Benedictine Military School participated. The invocation at the exercises was by the Rev. G. E. Clary, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, while Father Bede Lightner, O. S. B., gave the benediction. The memorial ad dress was delivered by Father Robert Brennan, O. S. B., pastor of the Sacred Heart Church. Joseph Canty, a friend of Lieutenant Traynor, unveiled the monument, after a volley had been fired by the cadets, a bugler sounded "Taps.” Mrs. Charles E. Traynor, mother of the naval hero, and a number Augusta’s 100% HOME OWNED AND OPERATED [AUBBQ The 1340 Spot of relatives and friends attended the exercises. Yes, it's true In Augusta They’re listening to “BBQ” MUTUAL UIBBQ The 1340 Spot Catholic Program Being Heard Over WBBQ in Augusta AUGUSTA, Ga.—Station WBBQ, Augusta’s newest radio station, a Mutual Broadcasting Company affiliate, which began broad casting on January 12, is offer ing as a regular Sunday feature, at 1:30 p. m., the “Faith in Our Times” program which is produced by the National Council of Catho lic Men in cooperation with the Mutual Broadcasting Company. The local broadcast of “Faith in Our Times” is under the aus pices of Patrick Walsh Council, Knights of Columbus, and the Catholic Laymen’s Association of Georgia, in cooperation with the management of Station WBBQ. Christmas ^Midnight Mass Broadcasted in Waycross (Special to The Bulletin) WAYCROSS, Ga. — The Mid night Mass offered at St. Joseph’s Church here was broadcast over Radio Station WAYX. The broad cast, the first of a Mass celebrat ed here, was sponsored by the Waycross Columbus Club. Father John H. Hillman, S. M., was celebrant of the Mass, and the church choir, with E. M. Heagarty, Jr., Miss Vonceil Pharr and Miss Isabelle Mcscure as solo ists, and Mrs. C. O’. Pharr, as or ganist, rendered “The Mass of the Holy Infant,” composed by Antho ny Schindler. B. W. Cunningham, a member of the Knights of Columbus Club here, was the commentator. John J. Tobola, manager of Station WAYX, and also a member of the Columbus Club, personally operat ed the monitor station which had been set up in the church, while Edward Legare, was on duty at the station. The broadcast was well receiv ed by the listening audience in Waycross. and the Columbus Club and Station WAYX have been highly complimented for making the broadcast of the Mid night Mass possible. REQUIEM MASS for Lewis J- Valentine, New York’s esteemed “Cop’s cop,” who was the city’s Police Commissioner for eleven years and who recently returned from Japan where he aided Gen eral Douglas MacArthur in a re organization of that nation’s po lice department, was offered at the Church of Our Lady of Guad alupe in Brooklyn. AUGUSTA’S MOST COMPLETE RADIO NEWS SERVICE A. P. I. N. S. UIBB O THE 1340 SPOT CONVENIENTLY LOCATED ON THE DIAL