The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, December 20, 1947, Image 20

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DECEMBER 20, 1947 THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LA YMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA c/tmeum/i Seating (impmg • nirnrn fihmtihk • • Chancel furniture, carved-wood • litres, pews, tablet*, and folding • chairs to fit every budget. Many ^ other types of church equipment and m Muppiics also available. Write Department 8 AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY 354 Nalcon Street, S. W. Atlanta 3, Oa. Taafy Foods Look for Oscar K. of C. in Columbus Hoots at Christmas Party for Children (Special to The Bulletin) COLUMBUS, Ga.—Bishop Gross Council, No. 1019, Knights of Co lumbus, was host to the children attending St. Joseph’s School at a Christmas party on December 19. The occasion was one at which the children exchanged gifts with one another and enjoyed a pro gram of entertainment and re freshments as the gUests of the knights. On December 22, Bishop Gross Council will sponsor a Christmas party for some seventy-five needy families and for a number of underprivileged children. Each member of the council will be responsible for one family. He must extend the invitation to the party, see that his guests come to the party, and see that they are re turned to their homes after the party is over. Santa Claus will be on hand to distribute gifts to the children and to see that they all have plenty of ice cream, cake, candy, fruits and other good things to eat. A bountiful basket of food will be given to the parents of each family attending. William J. Weaver Dies in Columbus COLUMBUS, Ga.—Funeral ser vices for William J. Weaver, who died November 23, were held at the Church of the Holy Family, Father Herman J. Deimel offer ing the Reguiem Mass. Mr. Weaver was born in Box Springs, Ga., August 25, 1880, a son of John William Weaver and Mrs. Lula Alice King Weaver. He had lived in Columbus Tor 50 years, and had been connected with the accounting department of Purvis Grocery Company. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mattie L. Weaver; three sons, Wil liam L. Weaver and Joseph Weav er, Columbus, and Anthony Weaver, three daughters, Mrs. Louise Kykora and Mrs. Margaret Hairb««, Cleveland, and Mrs. Mary Rose Ching, Mobile; his mother, Mrs. Lula Alice Weaver; Ameri- cus; three brothers, Delos Weaver and Marvin Weaver, Americus, and James Weaver, Fitzgerald; three sisters, Mrs. M. J. Anderson, Mrs. Charles J. Dupree, Americus, and Mrs. Roscoe Matthew, Tuskegee, Ala., and nine grandchildren. Mr. Weaver, one of the most devoted members of the parish of the Church of the Holy Family, w«s for many years active in the work of the Catholic Laymen’s Association, and was for a long time the treasurer of the local branch of the Association in Co lumbus. He was a member of Bishop Gross Council, Knights of Columbus. JOHN FRANCIS MELDON FUNERAL IN CHARLESTON CHARLESTON, S. C.—John Francis Meldon, automobile deal er of Highland Park, died on November 22, in Boston, Mass. Funeral services being held at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston. Born in Boston, Mr. Meldon was the son Andrew J. Meldon and Mrs. Elizabeth O’Ddnnell Meldon. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss' Frances Bivens; a daughter, Miss Madeline Frances Meldon, both of Highland Park; his mother, Mrs. Andrew J. Mel don, of Boston; four sisters, Mrs. Anne Devlin, Mrs'. Catherine Black, Mrs. Grace Murphy and Mrs. Mil dred Westhaver. all of Boston; two brothers, Joseph F. Meldon and. Leo Meldon, both of Boston; four step-daughters, Mrs. H. A. Preach er and Mrs. F. L. P. Parks, Jr., both of Navy Yard; Mrs. Alina Long, of Charleston, and Mrs. James Adams of Summerville. MRS. HENRY RINKER FUNERAL IN AUGUSTA AUGUSTA, Ga.—Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Marion Louise Weed Rinkcr, wife of Henry A. Rinker, who died December 12, were held at St. Mary’s-on-The- Hill Church, Mconsignor James J. Grady officiating. Mrs. Rinker, wife of a widely- known Augusta businessman, was a native of Augusta, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Weed, of Yemassee, S. C. Besides her husband and par ents, she is survived by three dauhgters, Iaiuise, Sarah and Claudia Rinker; a son, Joseph An thony Rinker, Jr., all of Augusta, a sister, Mrs. H. H. Koch, o f Yemassee, and a brother, W. C. Weed, Augusta. MRS. JOHN S. II EGG IE FUNERAL IN AUGUSTA AUGUSTA, Ga.—Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Margaret Flynn lleggie, wife of John S. Heggie, Sr., who died December 7, were held at St. Mary’s-on-The-Hill Church, Father John J. Kennedy, of Valdosta, officiating. Mrs. Heggie is survived by her husband; a son, John Heggie, Jr., Dallas, Tex^ts; two grandsons, Jaek Heggie, 111, and James Heggie, of Dallas; a sister, Mrs. James Has- san, Hartford, Conn., and a broth er, Edward Flynn,Newell, Pa. MRS. MARY HUDSON DIES IN GREENVILLE GREENVILLE, S. C.—Funeral services for Mi’s. Mary Cornelia Rogers Hudson, who died Novem ber 22, were held at St. Mary’s Church, Father Ronald Anderson officiating. MISS MARGARET O’NEILL FUNERAL IN CHARLESTON CHARLESTON, S. C.—Funeral services for Miss Margaret H. O’Neill, who died November 26, were held at St. Mary’s Church. Miss O'Neil is survived by a sis ter, Miss Collette O'Neill, oi Charleston, and a brother, Law rence A. O’Neill, of Wilmingtoji. Christmas Greetings From CHARLIE BROWN Fulton County Commissioner m fLLIOTT SONS AUGUSTA, GEORGIA !! i— v r ! < u U 1 U i r 1 if u ! f ' « ,r . « if 1 <r £ u £ ■t (5 ■i * if £ !' 1ft r l A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Sanford’s Chicken Coop Under Management of Sol Risafi 1326 Greene St. Phone 2-3561 « m Augusta, Georgia * 5 v M Mrs. Mary O’Mara Dies in Savannah SAVANNAH, Ga.—Miss Mary O’Mara, who celebrated her 90tii birthday in February, died on De cember 7, funeral services being held at the Sacred Heart Church. Mrs. O’Mara, widow of Mi chael O’Mara, was born in Char leston, February 15, 1858, and had been living in Savannah since 1888. She was a charter member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mrs. O’Mara is survived by a son, J. Emmett O’Mara, Savan nah; three daughters, Miss Flor ence O’Mara, Savannah, Mrs. E. S. Devereaux, Savannah, and Miss Ellen A. O’Mara, Long Island City, N. Y.; two granddaughters, Mrs. Fred E. Smith and Miss Evitt Marie Devereaux, Savannah,. and two great - grandchildren, Miss Marie Smith and Fred E. Smith, Jr,, Savannah. MRS MARY H. WELSH FUNERAL IN SAVANNAH SAVANNAH, Ga.—Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Mary H. Welsh, formerly of Savannah, who died in New Orleans on December 5, were held at the Sacred Heart Church here. Mrs. Welsh was born in Savan nah and was a member of the first class to graduate from St. Vincent Academy. She moved to Detroit some years ago and resided there until recently when she entered a hospital in New Orleans. Mrs. Welsh is survived by three sons, Richard J. Welsh, Savan nah, William A. Welsh, Detroit, and Thomas Welsh, New Orleans; seven, grandchildren, including Mrs. William O. Mangan, Jr„ Bar rett Welsh and Richard Welsh, Sa vannah; a niece, Mrs. William J. Brady, and a nephew, William .Barbee, Isle of Hope. MISS IRENE COURTENAY FUNERAL IN SAVANNAH SAVANNAH. Ga.—Funeral ser vices for Miss M. Irene Courtenay, who died December 10, were held from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Miss Courtenay, who was for a number of years a teacher in' the public schools, is survived by a sister, Mrs. William A. Boyle; two brothers, Frank X. Courtenay and* J. A. Courtenay, and several nieces and nephews. She was a daughter of the late Richard J. Courtenay and Mrs. Lucy Marlin Courtenay. SL Leo College Prep. School Accredited High School Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers Ideal Location St Leo Pasco County, Florida Duggan Optical Co. Optometrists and Optician* D. C. Jackson, Jr., Mgr. 2Z1 Mitchell St.. S. W. ATLANTA. GA Crescent Laundry Company . Up-lo-Dale Laundry Work, Dry Cleaning and Dyeing SU Saco rut St Phono. IS—17 MACON, OA. Out-ol-town work Son. oa abort notico. Goodyear Tires Prest-o-Lite Batteries Genuine Alemiting General Tire & Supply Co. Brood at Twelfth Street Phone 2600 Augusta, Ga, STOP TERMITE DAMAGE BRUCE TERMINIX CO. 1101 Spring St., N. W. ATLANTA. GA. ASK FOR FREE INSPECTION HENRY W. POTEET FUNERAL HOME MRS. WILLIAM J. MULHERIN. Receptionist 529 GREENE STREET AUGUSTA. GEORGIA S ASHBY STREET. S. W. AMOS DRUG STORE ATLANTA, GA. PHOTO PROCESS PHOTO ENGRAVERS —^ ARTISTS iit-i wcKitmui •mAim.cioBsiA 356 FIRST STREET PARTS - ACCESSORIES - SERVICE Studebaker Cars and Trucks SCOTT-McGOLDRICK MOTOR CO., Inc. MACON, GEORGIA PHONE 1736