The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, June 25, 1955, Image 1

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Official Newspaper For The Diocese Of Savannah - Atlanta PUBLISHED BY THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA “To Bring About a Friendlier Feeling Among Neighbors Irre spective of Creed” Vol. XXXVI, No. 2 MONROE, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1955. 10c Per Copy — $3 a Year ST. ANNE’S DEDICATED Joint Meeting To Stress Church's 'Greatest Need' His Excellency the Most Rev. William D. O’Brien of the Catholic Church Extension Society is pictured as he blessed the Chapel of St. Anne’s, Richmond Hill. The new chapel is the former Mar tha Mary Chapel which was build by Henry Ford. The building was purchased by the Diocese and now serves the Catholics of the Richmond Hill area. Necessary alterations were made possible through the Extension Society. The Rev. Michael J. Regan is in charge of the Chapel. (Andrew Bunn photo) PRIEST BROTHERS ASSIST AT SILVER JUBILEE HASS Clerical Appointmeats His Excellency, Bishop Hy land, wishes to announce the fol lowing changes and appoint ments among the diocesan cler gy: Rev. Thomas H. Payne, from assistant rector of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Sav annah, to Administrator pro tern of the Church of St. Michael, Savannah Beach. Rev. Ralph Seikel, newly or dained, to assistant rector of the Church of the Blessed Sac rament, Savannah. Rev. Francis J. Donohue, as sistant rector of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Savan nah, to the office also of Dioce san Director of the Confraterni ty of Christian Doctrine, Sav annah. Rev. Joseph F. Ware, from as sistant rector of the Church of St. Thomas More, Decatur, to as sistant rector of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Hape- ville. Rev. Leonard F. X. Mayhew, newly ordained, to assistant rec tor of the Church of St. Thomas More, Decatur. Rev. John Mulroy, newly or dained, to assistant rector pro tern of the Co-Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta. Rev. Robert Teoli, newly or dained, to assistant rector of the Church of Saint Theresa, A1 bany. GRIFFIN, Ga. — A very rare event took place recently in Sacred Heart, Griffin, Ga. The Rev. Walter Kuhn C.SS.R. cele brated his silver jubiliee, assist ed by his three brothers, who are also priests of the Redemp- torist Order. At his Solemn High Mass of Thanksgiving, his old er brother, Father Stephen Kuhn, chaplain of Fort Howard Md. was master of ceremonies: his younger brother, Fathers Gerard and Kenneth were his deacon and sub-deacon respectively. Father Walter Kuhn, after fin ishing St. Patrick’s Parochial school, Erie Pa. enrolled at St. Mary’s College North East Pa. for four years of high school and two years of college. Enter ing the novitiate at Ilehester, Md. he resumed his studies for the priesthood at Mt. Saint Al- phonsus Seminary. Esopus N. Y. and was ordained there in June of 1930. After his second noviti ate, Father Kuhn was appointed as a professor at the Redemp- torist preparatory college at North East. After several years of teaching, he was assigned to the foreign missions in the Vir gin Islands. Over the years he has occupied parish posts in New York, Philadelphia, and Balti more. Now he is the present pas tor of Sacred Heart, Griffin, Ga. Father Kuhn is the son of the late Mr. Joseph Kuhn and Mrs. Elizabeth Kuhn of Erie Pa. Due to her advanced age of eighty- two, his mother was unable to attend his jubilee Mass in Grif fin. “JOTTINGS” IS NEW FEATURE “Jottings”, by Barbara C. Jancks, makes its first appear ance in this issue of The Bul letin. Miss Jencks, who is on the staff of The Providence Visitor, diocesan newspaper, is a convert, becoming attracted to the Church shortly after her graduation from college. Arthur of two books, “Christ’s Own”, a history of religious or ders for women and a travel book, “Irish Jauntings,” she is at work on a third, “Saints for Women Who Work.” SAVANNAH, Ga.—Of high in terest to the people of the Diocese of Savannah-Atlanta will be the Ninth Regional Congress of The Confraternity of Chris tian Doctrine, which will be held at the General Oglethorpe Hotel, Wilmington Island, Savannah, October 21, 22, 23, 1955. Sharp ening the interest of the priests, religious and laity of the Diocese in this all-important Congress will be the Fortieth Annual Con vention of the Catholic Laymen’s Association, which will take place in conjunction with the Congress. The Congress will bring to the Diocese of Savan nah-Atlanta priests, religious and laity from the many dioceses, constituting the Province of Bal timore. This means, then, in at tendance will be delegates from Deleware to Florida. Already five Bishops have accepted invi tations to address the Congress on matters, relating to lay-par ticipation in the work of the hierarchy. Religious and lay leaders of national prominence have likewise indicated that they will be on hand to enrich the program of the Congress through active participation in its Work shops. Long a leader in the field of Catholic Action and translating in a very and practical sense the call of Saint Pius X to re store all things in Christ, the Catholic Laymen’s Association of Georgia will find in the Con gress an identity of aims and ob jectives and through the pro gram of the Congress orienta tion and direction in the chal lenging days ahead. Bishop Hy land reflecting on the magnifi cent achievements of the Cath olic Laymen’s Association and the world-wide acclaim that these achievements have brought to the Diocese of Savannah-At lanta has expressed himself as particularly pleased that he has been enabled to bring to the Laymen’s Association in conven tion a program so rich in promise as that of the Ninth Regional Congress of The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. No society or confraternity in the Church enjoys a greater dis tinction and position in the Church. It is the Confraternity pre-eminent and according to Canon Law it takes priority over all other societies and confra ternities. It is required that it be or ganized in every parish Its ac cent is on lay-participation. As Saint Pope Pius X expressed it, “The greatest need in the Church to save society is an organized group of Catholic lay people in every parish throughout the world, at the same time virtu ous, well-instructed, determined and really apostolic.” Through its forty years of his tory the Laymen’s. Association has brought about a friendlier spirit among Georgians, irrespec tive of creed. Like so m a n!y Apollos (Acts. 18,24; I Cor. 3,6.), the members of the Laymen’s Association through their under standing of the good-will of Georgians generally have been enabled to defeat the profession al bigot and the panderer of in tolerance within the State and have created a condition wherein the many seek a fuller under standing of the Church, her teachings and her practices. Now (Continued on Page Five) JUBILEE MASS Rev. Richard Morrow, newly Rev. Joseph Beltran, newly or- ordained, to assistant rector pro tern of the Church of St. Patrick, Augusta. dained, to assistant rector pro tern of the Shrine of the Im maculate Conception, Atlanta. These appointments are effec tive immediately. Shown celebrating his Jubilee Mass is the Rev. Walter Kuhn C.SS.R. assisted by his three brothers, who are also priests of the Redemptorist Order. His older brother, Father Stephen Kuhn, was Master of ceremonies: his younger brothers Fathers Gerard and Kenneth were his Deacon and Sub-Deacon.