The bulletin (Augusta, Ga.) 1920-1957, July 21, 1956, Image 18

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EIGHTEEN. THE BULLETIN OF THE CATHOLIC LAYMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA JULY 21, 1956. TTO-j* ' s CONGRATULATIONS! DARBY & MADDOX PRINTING CO. Phone 8-0497 Marietta, Ga. ALLEN J. COLLEY COMPANY FLOORING SPECIALISTS MARIETTA, GEORGIA PHONE 8-8122 Greetings and Best Wishes to Father Walls COBB EXCHANGE BANK MARIETTA, GEORGIA O. D. KEMP, Cashier HEROISM OF IRON CURTAIN (Continued from Page 17) sors to strengthen the determina tion of the people who are fight ing to preserve the Faith. The Pope reminded the per secuted faithful that the Re deemer never forgets His Church. Rather, he said, the more the bark of Peter is tossed by the raging waves, the more the Di vine Pilot is vigilant, although at. times He seems to sleep. He recommended therefore that the faithful should mediate upon the following promises of Christ: “ . . .1 am with you all ways, even until the consumma tion of the world,” and “If God is for us, who is against us?” “You know what is at stake,” the Holy Father continued. “It is your eternal salvation and the salvation of your children and neighbors that'today, due to the ever growing curse of atheism, is placed in the gravest peril. “But in this spiritual struggle, if each and every one shows strength and loyalty in the fight, as We trust they will, they may be glorious victims, but never conquered.” The Pope made unmistakeable reference to “progressive Cath olics,” although he did not refer to them as such. “We realize with regret,” he said, “that human frailty and uncertainly totter, especially when these sufferings and per secutions last for a long time. For then some lose heart and their courage slackens. What is worse, they think that the doc trine of Christ must be mitigat ed and adapted,, as they say, to the times and circumstances of things and places. “They say it is necessary to mitigate and change the prin ciples of the Catholic religion so that there may be a certain false union between it and the errors of the advancing age. “If there are some who, weak and bewildered, cause others to be likewise, let the pastors of the church remind them of that solemn promise of the Divinie Redeemer: ‘Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.’ ” To the Catholic priests and laymen behind the Iron Curtain, the Pope gave these four coun sels: —“Be always united to these whom the Holy Spirit has chosen to rule the Church of God, even though these are at the present time restrained and cannot strengthen you by their word. others. —“Let those who are slipping who waver, who are weak, learn from you to fortify their spirit, to profess the Faith candidly and openly, to attend to their religious duties and to dedicate themselves entirely to Christ.” The Holy Father gave recog nition to the reports that many faithful behind the Iron Curtain 1 are doing all in their power to preserve ’ th,e Faith for future generations. In this task, he recommended that they ask the certain assist ance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, “whose powerful intercession your forebearers enjoyed in ev ery grave crisis.” In conclusion, the Pope stated: “We wish to recall some thing that Our predecessor Cal- listus III did. In the Apostolic Letter that We have recalled, he commanded that the bells of all the churches should ring daily, calling Catholics throughout the world to raise suppliant pray ers to the Omnipotent God, that in His goodness and mercy He would avert from the Christian people the calamity that was then threatening them. “The dangers threatening you and the Catholic Church among you are just as great. When, then, you hear the sacred bells ringing from your churches, in viting you to prayer, recall His appeal; And in your common sorrow, trusting in the same Di vine help, you too will do what your ancestors did.” The Holy Father told Catholics behind the Iron Curtain to re member that “the entire Chris tian family looks with reverenti al awe at what you bear so long in silence.” Services For Miss Mary Meyer AUGUSTA, Ga. — Funeral services for Miss Mary M. Meyer were held July 12th at St. Mary’s-on-the-Hill Church, Rev. Nicholas J. Quinlan officiating. Survivors are her mother, Mrs. Catherine Mura Meyer, one brother, Bernard Meyer; one aunt, Mrs. Mary Mura Mahoney; one uncle, James A. Mura, and two cousins, Mrs. John McDon ald Jr. and Henry Mura, all of Augusta. Services For Charles Williams MAYES WARD FUNERAL HOME —“Though-^ou meet the great est difficulties, may you, com pelled by apostolic zeal, gener ously and industriously perform all your religious duties, and above all preserve the Faith in tact. —Insofar as lies within your power, strive earnestly that the Light of Christ shall illumine all AUGUSTA, Ga. — Funeral services for Charles Williams were held July 10th at the Im maculate Conception Church. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Atha Smith; a brother, Robert Williams; two nieces, Mrs. Mel vin Hughes and Miss Nell Wil liams; a nephew, Harold Wil liams, and other relatives. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE DIAL 3-1511 408 CHURCH STREET MARIETTA, GA. MANLEY & ADAMS AUTO PARTS Dial — 8-3387 408 ATLANTA ST. MARIETTA. GA.