The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, June 01, 1911, Image 24

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A Trip to the Seashore In June IS MOST DELIGHTFUL ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD offers most attractive rates. Week End, St. Simons and Cumberland $8.50; Ten- Day, $10.00; Season, St. Simons, $12.00; Cumberland, $13.00. Double daily service. Pullman Broiler Sleeping Cars leave Atlanta daily 10:15 P. M., serving Breakfast and arriving Brunswick 10:45 A. M., connecting with boat for St. Simons. Pullman Parlor Broiler Cars on Day Trains. ^Coaches equipped with overhead electric fans. Elegantly appointed new St. Simons Hotel now open for reception of guests. Further Information Cheerfully Furnished, City Ticket Office, A 70 Peachtree Street W. H. LEAHY, E. H. FELL, W. A. STOKES, General Passenger Agent Asst. Gen. Passenger Agent City Passenger and Ticket Agent