University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, October 16, 1886, Image 3

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V LOCALS. | We have two students from Mer- ; rer and one from Annapolis. The pew men have had a nice Turn him! j time, taking buggy rides and eating Very few loafers in college this oysters, year. The Sophomores will elect their One hundred and sixty students c ' aS8 officers Monday^ evening. A have registered up to date, and the attendance is desited. campus rings with their merry voices. The beaming face and radiant The lordly Senior, the dignified Ju-j smiles of a pretty young lady clerk nior and the presumptions Sopho- lend many attractions to the eonfec-^ more, are thorns in the sides of our Th s issue of the Reporter is timid Freshmen. The technological committee vis ited the University several days ago, and it was with great difficulty that escaped being turned by the boys, w ho mistook them for new students. They took their departure early next morning. The Board of Trustees will meet in the early part of November, to tionery counters of Hampton & Webb. The combined powers of taffy and feminine beauty are irre- resistible to the average student. The Junior Class elected the fol lowing officers Friday afternoon:— President,; N. R. Broyles; Vice- President, T. W Reed; Secretary, W. M. Glass; Treasurer, Eugene Wade; Historian,L. L. Knight. Come to Hampton & Webb’s candy THK S. A. K. (LEHMAN. \ take some action on the Gilmer | factory, on Clayton streety, for fresh fund. It is quite probable that .the I Taffy, Peanut Bar and French Can dies of all kinds. meeting will be held in Atlanta, The Athens street cars have at last found a rival in speed—the Athens fire department en route to a conflagration. John Upshaw is studying for the ministry, having gained another Sunday school medal. College politics promise to be very lively, as many of,our students seem to have a commendable zeal to serve their country(?) The game of base-ball is being re- terest in it. and every^efffg&t ers of the national sport enjoy pleasant game. We will state to our subscribers, who may be astonished at the brill iancy of our puns, that we have gone into training under the eminent Dr. Marion Davis. Summey House butter is rapidly convalescing. In a few days, we think it will be able to walk about. I he best food is always reserved for editors. Especially is this true in the case of the Editor-in-Chief. His landlady always has Rice at the table. “Slam” Lyndon says that the only tiling in this world which bothers him, and causes him to break forth into sulphurous exclamations, is a Stra-hm, which occasionally crosses his path. Our triend Martin is veryabsent- I minded. Last week, after treating Sour local editor to a milk shake, he IICt without depositing the necessary The Phi-Kapa and Demosthenian Societies have received four hundred copies of Hon. W. B. Hill’s admira ble address delivered at commence ment. Each member is entitled to a copy free. Mr. Horton, of the Summey, has an insatiate desire for stealing wood as the cold weather approaches. Let the'Professor of Latin and Greek takl? steps at once for his protection. Wiiy is Downing like Banquo’s 1'C O'? 11 riot 50 far, the University has students who represent the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas. Trying to do business without ad vertising. i s like winking at a pretty girl in the dark. You may know what you are doing, but no one else does. The Freshman class can boast of a member that is now in iiis twenty- seventh year. We are now trying to make onr arrangements for a regular corres pondent from Emory college. In another week or two we hope to pre sent a newsy letter from that Insti tution. Among the students, loafers are less plentiful than last year; and for this, the store-keepers send vote of thauks. mailei 1 to a great many who are not subscribers. If you desire to sub scribe write or see ns next week. It lias a kind act in -1. J. Gilbert pvese Ring the\soyieties with four hund ed copies <H Hon. W. B. Hill’s eneement address, /im is a goodjrriend of our literary societies. Wliy was it that the eollege prayir'meetyig did not bloom out as usual last Tuesday night? Tile students are very grateful to the energetic and progressive! board of Trustees, for making such a handsome appropriation for a gyra- uazium. §£ § Aqj one who has not yet sub scribed for the Reporter can do so by seeing one of the Business Man agers. If you want your hair cut or a shave don’t fail to call on McQueen & Dnrnham, they are the best barb ers in town. Rev. Dr Adams, of Augusta, will deliver'an address to the young men, at the Y. M. C. A, rooms, at 2:30 Surday afternoon All theUniver- sit\ students are cordially invited. Ye PERSONAL. up a On next Monday afternoon, the Senior Class will formally organize by electing a President, Vice Presi dent, SecrKftry ;vhd Treasurer, His- C- » depositing tne necessary j torbn , Pr0 ph^£oet and Orator- i nere; whereupon, the boy behind ! The Class W Orator will also be |the counter reminded him by admin-1 G w. t ,t- ... by actmm-1 elected at the Bisteriug a second shake, free of v ; ta j j bharge. The local editor escaped, I' ith some difficulty. Ask Downing what he thinks bout Cunningham's recipe for paking a *• mash” at Lucy Cobb. same time. It is of mportance that every member of the Class be present, as other business also will be transacted. Dr. Jones delivered some very in teresting letters to the Juniour class this week in Botany. '■ e are glad to -see our -clever friend Warren Wimberly back at the University again. Louis Fleming returned last Tues day 4 • umu, «#“,vasa mefoTicrn the SopJj,- class of ’84- - 85, has cen tered Junior. F. E. 1 witty has entered the Law class, as has also W. S. Chisholm,Jr. Dr. W. L. Jones, of Kirkwood, who was elected to the chair of Natural History in the University, has taken charge of that department. Dr. Jones was formerly editor of the Southern Cultivator. A better se lection to the position could not have been made. asfcWe regret to learn that W. A Speer will not return to college, but lias gone to Vanderbilt, to enter the Law department. A. W. Griggs will not return to college this year. He expects to re turn and graduate with ’88. P. H. Estes, 6on of Judge Estes, of Gainesville, has entered the Ju nior class. Misses Maggie and Tillie Morton left In^t Wednesday for an extended trip North and East. Miss Sallie Fleming, who has been visiting friends in Atlanta and else where, returned last Sunday. We a re sorry to learn that Miss The first German of the season was given by the S. A. E. fraternity last Friday evening, at the residence of Prof.'White. It was certainly a success in every respect, and greatly enjoyed bv all present. The favors were beautiful. The German was Jed by Mr. Guy Hamilton, ably as sisted by Mr. B. H. Thompson. ► Ainoug the couples present were : Miss Durham, Mr. L. H. Charbon- nier, Jr. Miss Lamar Rutherford, Mr.W. S. Chisholm. Miss Birdie Latimer, Mr. J. H. Blount. Miss Maud Talmadge, Mr. W. B. Powers. Miss Sallie Fleming, Mr. T. A. Burke “ Mamie Coates. “ Geo. Mercer. “ Gussie Noble, “ Phil Wilson. “ Sallie Dunbar, G.A.Whitehead “ Sallie Harris, Mr. Ed. Ansley, “ Horlbeck, “ C. A. Scudder, “ Livy Cobb, “ B. C. Collier, “"Sophia Schaller, “ R. Maddox,Jr, “ Jennie Smith, “ C. C. McGehee “ Cora Woodfin, “ C.P. Fuller, Mrs. H. C. White, Mr. Ben Hill Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Pleas. Stovall. Miss Maggie Horlbeck, Mr. J. A. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Thomas and Wiurgfti. ■ ■■ i ■ The stags tvere, Messrs. R. L.Fore man. V. L. Smith, Tom Cobb, R. L. Johnson, J. C. Mell, W. L. Moore. Pol hill, Geo Winston, Marion Davis, Wm Baldwin, Hammond, Cunning ham, Edwin Staunton, J. II. Walker, W. W. Wimberly, C. M. Walker, Cnrtis Carter, Ed Charbonnier and others. C. M, Walker returned to college Thursday night. is suffering with a Daisy Willcox sprained ankle. Miss Sallie Harris returned last Wednesday night from a pleasant visit to Rome and Cave Spring. Professor in Physics: “Sir, if a dry cord be moistened, what will be the result?” Student: “ What is a dry cord?” Professor: “ Any dry string, sir.” Student: “But, Professoral was thinking of a dry cord of wood."’ The Professor collapsed. T he Boston Globe says a policeman of that city chased a burglar a mile in his night shirt. When a policeman can afford to wear a night shirt large enough to chase a burglar a mile in it, we must accept it as another evidence of returning prosperity under the new administration.” Judge Lynch has been nominated for Congress by the. Democrats in tlie Twelfth Pennsylvania district. He is neither a de. scendant of the noted Judge, nor is he an advocate of mob law.