University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, November 05, 1887, Image 4

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UNIVERSITY JEWELER. Repairing Fine Watcher, Badges and Pins a Specialty. C. A. SCUDDER. Long & Taylor, THE LIVE DRUGGISTS, BROAD STREET -A-TZHEEHsTiS, GEA.. KEEP A Full LINE OF CHEMICAL APARATUS. GIA r E THEM A CALL COAL RODS, TONGS, PERSONALS. Mr. F. Elmore Twitty of last year’s law class, who lias been in Athens for several days, taking in the Fair(sex) returned to Atlanta yesterday. Mr. W. Bill Crawford, ’87 spent several days of the past week in Athens. Bill in tends to be an M. D. Mr. Geo. W. Lamar, '86, of Savannah, a “disciple of Esculapius” at the Medical college in Augusta,has hcen shaking hands with his many friends here during the past week. Mr. Sanders McDaniel, ’86, who is now a rising lawyer in Monroe, was seen on the campus again for a few days ricently Mr. Henry Walker, ’87 of the same place is also in town. Mr. Joe Jarrell has just recover'd from a severe attack of the gout, and is on the campus again, shaking hands wilh his many friends. Mr. Peyton L. Wade, of the class of ’86, paid a pleasant visit to the N. E. Ga., Fair. We are always glad to see our alumni among us. Mr. James Brown, of Greensboro, an old University boy, has been taking in the N, E. Ga., Fair during the past week. Mr. Hal D. Arnold, ’81, of Wilkes Co , has been renewing the acquaintance of his college days during here duriug the Fair. SERENADES. During the week just ended, the text books which have edified the University students, have been thrown aside and with few exceps tioDs the chief aim has been to get as much iun to the square inch as the laws of equilibrium, as well as those of the faculty, could stand. To begin at the beginning, last Sat; urday night the gallant Green Rifles were serenaded by the yells from the throats of scores of student s. In re- ply to frequent calls, Capt. John C. Hart, of Union Point, responded i with the laconic sentiment; “I was I here teu years ago, and I believe I | was as big a fool then as any of you. ’ Not discouraged by their reception on this occasion, the Fears House brigade, Capt. Albert Howell com manding, turned out in full force Wednesday night, having previously stormed the fort and captured two drums from a patent medicine com. pany. Taking up a number of re cruits at the Summej', the well or ganized brigade proceeded to the Danner Watchman office, headed by the base drum in charge of Messrs. Axson and Collier and the kettle drum which was ably and ap propriately manipulated by Mr, Arthur Hicks McCarrel of Augusta. After speeches had been made by editors Cooper Pope, and P. A. Sto vall, the latter referring touchingly to the career of the Junior nine, of last year, the company obeyed the order “carry arms” and commenced to move off. Just then, the alarm of “set up” was heard, but “when they got there the cupboard was bare.” The students however were regaled by a speech from Congress man Carlton who said in conclusion: “Good night, God bless you, I wish I could stay with you all till the morning. [Applause.] Ileaveina few days for W ashington and I want you all to write me [cheers.] If you ever get into a scrape with the Facul ty let me know and I will do my best for you.” [Tumultuous ap plause and continued roll of the “kittle” by Mac.] Upon suggestion of Capt. Howell, three cheers were given for the game cock of the Democracy, and the company then broke ranks to partake of the deli cate viands of a boarding house supper. The Junior B. E. students en gaged in a survey on the campus on Friday evening, and they say Ned Fleming was very much surprised to find that at the end of the last course of the survey they had come back to the starting point. —MANUFACTURER OF— FINE CIGARS, Corner BROAD STREET and COLLEGE AVE. Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of al 1 grades, also all kinds of Smokers Articles. Fine Cig ars a pecialty. A nice lot of Canes. Terms Strictly Cash. McQUEEN & DURHAM, —Pioprietors of the— Claiiic gity Barber ghop. Opposite the Banner-Watchman office. Satis faction guaranteed, when a good hair-cut or shave is wanted. PATRONIZE THEM. The Reliable tailor shop, TOM J/1CKS0N, The Tailor, can be found over Max Joseph’s store. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. The cutting and making of pants a speciattv. Give him a Call. W. H. DAVIS FOR YOUR School Stationery, Blank Bookd Musical Instruraenes and Strings. Harmoni cas a specialty. Broad Street gamucl CL Benedict, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office 59 CLAXTON STREET, next door to the Post-Office. Residence BROAD ST., Opposite Campus. TELEPHONE NO. 24 E. W. BURKE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER Full Line of Harmonicas, | AND H|u6ical JJftcrchandLe. Fraternity Pads a Specialty Miss Von der Lieth, TOYS, GAMES, CHILDREN’S • BOOKS, Wagons and Velocipedes, Fine French Candies AND CONFECTIONERIES. ■3ft $a6ket6 of all -Kinda. jfr Davis & Harris, PROPRIETORS OP THE PALAGE BARBER SHOP, BROAD STREET, ATHENS GA. Guarantee satisfaction in their line. Hot and Cold Baths. Call on them. ORR & HUNTER, — DEALERS IN— COAL. Office opposite Opera House, above Hulme’s Store, THOMAS STREET. J. z. cooper & Von, C all attention of the students and general public tr their select stock of HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. The finest turn-outs in the city can be ob tained at the most reasonable prices at their stables on MARKET AND THOMAS STS. Shovels, Stew Pans, Oil Cans and numerous articles that Students reed, at E. E. JONES’ NEW STOVE STORE, Corner Broad and Wall Street. Y. B. CLIFTON, —ARTIST IN— PHOTOGRAPHY. Over LONG’S DRUG STORE, TRE .ATTENTION Of the Students is called to the NEW AND SELECTED Stock of FINE SHOES at Snead’s Shoe Store. The Best $3.00 Shoe in the Market. JULIUS DOBNBLATT, SI Clayton Street, Deals in new and second hand guns, shells, wads, caps and all kinds of GUN MOUNTINGS, Gnn3 and Rifles rented out at reasonable rates. Special atiention paid to the cleaning and repairing of Bicycles. All Work Guaranteed. MRS. C. BODE Calls the attention of the students to her select stock of Candies, Cakes and all kinds of Confectioneries. A full line of Hai monicas, Base Balls and Bats, etc., con stantly on hand. HARRIS & MACK, artistic Shoemakers JACKSON ST., opposite B.-W. Office. Do all kinds of repairing on shoes. Fine Stitching, Invisible patching and putting in Elastics a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM GEO. W. RUSH, COLLEGE AVEUE. BRUMBY’S DRUG STORE, On COLLEGE AVENUE, is headquarters for €§PURE • DRUGS# and all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. A full line of Cologne, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brushes and Teeth Powders. A tine assortment of the best grades ot Cigars and Tobacco on hand. FOR MEN’S FIHE SHOES —CALL ON— E. I. SMITH & CO. Cor Clajton St. and College Avenue. CHAS. STERN & CO,, Clothiers, AND DEALERS IN Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc. buits made to measurement a specialty. An inspection of k our stock solicted. Broad street.