University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, November 19, 1887, Image 4

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There ure men in every community who are pointed out as the 9olid men of the town. They are landmarks—they reflect the best thought of the community. Who are the men of this stamp in Athens?— Skiff, the jeweler, has a splendid assort ment of fancy articles and jewelry, and is a candidate for Mayor of Athens. John Daniel won the “ Booby Prize” at the Athenaeum last Tues day evening. —MANUFACTURER OF— FINE CIGARS, Corner BROAD STREET and COLLEGE AVE. Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of tl grades, also all kinds of Smokers Articles. This space is reserved for the Certain Catarrh Cure Company. Fine Cigars a pecialty. A nice lot of Canes. Terms Strictly Cash. WE KEEP IN STOCK A Ft'LL LINE OF toilet articles, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Colognes, Extracts, Bay Rum, Sponges, Etc. Colgate's cele brated Cashmere Boquet, and Violet Toilet Waters. Prescriptions Accurately Com-, pounded. "WADE & SIDED GEE. 72, CLAYTON ST. CHAS, STERN & C0„ Clothiers, AND DEALERS IN Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc. Suits made to measurement a fspecialty. Au inspection o our stocksolicited. Broad street M. MYERJ&TC6T COLLEGE AVE. Call attention of the students and general public to their select stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Gents Furnishing Goods, And the most complete Hue of Scarfs Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, Etc., that can be found iu the city. I Am Coming. Please save your old shots for me. I T DERKICOTTE, three doors east of Epis copal church, w ill mend all old shoos with white oak leather and Invisible Patches, and buy all old shoes he can get his hands on. OPERA HOUSE. Two Nights Only, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, First appearance iu this city of the Bril liant emotional Actress, Florence Elmore, The management is pleased to announce that Miss ELMORE will appear at the Opera House on the above named dates, and present for the first time in this city, in her two most snee tssful plays Sheri dan Knowles’ great meio-dramatic drama, “ THE HUNCHBACK ” And the beautiful historical play by Tom Taylor, LADY CLANCARTY. The plays are handsomely mounted,’and the costumes worn by Miss ELMORE, are the most elegant ev^r brought to this sec tion of country. A powerful company. Prices, 50, 75 and $1. Reserved se tts on sale at W. H. Davis’ Stationery Store, Broad steeet. COAL HODS, TORGS, Shovels, Stew Puns, Oil Cans and numerous articles that Students reed, at E. E. JONES’ NEW STOVE STORE, Corner Broad and Wall Street. GO TO W. H. DAVS FOR YOUR School Stationery, Blank Bookd Musical Instrumenes and Strings. Harmoni cas a specialty. Broad Street McQ-UEEN & DURHAM, —Proprietors of the— Cla.\'ic City Barber Shop. Opposite the BaDner-Watchman office. Satis faction guaranteed, when a good hair-cut or shave is wanted. PATRONIZE THEM The Reliable tailor shop, TOM JACKSOJI, The Tailor, can be found over Max Joseph’s store. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. The cutting ancl making of pants a speciatty. Give him a Cali. UNIVERSITY JEWELER. -- ” —-■ i— - Repairing Fine Watcher, Badges and Jpiis a Specialty. C. A. SCUDDER. Long k Taylr, THE LIVE DRUGGISTS, BROAD STREET ATHENS, C3-W. KEEP A FULL LINE OF CHEMICAL li ARATfJS. GIVE THEM A CALL HASELTOFS MUSIC HOUSE. Clayton St. .Next to Post Office. Pianos, Organs, Musical Instrituients, and Novelties. Fine Harmonicas, Violin and Guitar Strings a Specialty. Samuel C. Benedict, I y g CLIFTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I ’ ‘ _ ART1ST Office 59 CLAXTON STREET, next door to the Post-Office PHOTOGRAPHY. Residence BROAD ST., Opposite Campus. TELEPHONE NO. 24 Over LONG’S DRUG STORE, THE ATTENTION E. W. BURKE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER Full Line of Harmonicas, Musical Merchandise. Fraternity Pads a Specialty- Of the Students is called to the NEW AND SELECTED Stock of FINE SHOES at Snead’s Shoe Store. The Best $3.00 Shoe in the Market. JULIUS L01NBLATT, Sl Clayton Street, Deals in new and second hand guns, shells, wads, caps and all kinds of Gun Mountings, Gnns and Rifles rented out at reasonable rates. Special atiention paid to the cleaning and repairing of Bicycles. All Work Guaranteed. Miss Yon der Lieth, TOYS, GAMES, CHILDREN’S . BOOKS, Wagons and Velocipedes, Fine French Candies AND CONFECTIONERIES. ■$£ Bankets of all Kind*. *- Davis & Harris, PROPRIETORS OP THE PALACE BARBER SHOP, BROAD STREET, ATHENS GA. Guarantee satisfaction in their line. Hot and Cold Baths. Call on them. ORR & HUNTER, — DEALERS IN— COAL. Office opposite Opera House, above Hulme’s Store, THOMAS STREET. J. Z. COOPER & sop’, Call attention of the students and general public tr their select stock of HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. The finest turn-outs in the city can bej ob tained at the most reasonable prices at tneir stables on MARKET AND THOMAS Sip. MRS. C. BODE Calls the attention of the students to her select stock of Candies, Cakes and all kinds of Confectioneries. A full line of Haimonicas, Base Balls and Bats, etc., con stantly on hand. HARRIS & MACK, Artistic Shoemakers JACKSON ST., opposite B.-W. Office. Do all kinds of repairing on shoes. Fine Stitching, Invisible patching and putting in Elastics a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM GEO. W. RUSH, C OLLEG-E AV E UE BRUMBY’S DRUG STORE, On COLLEGE AVENUE, is headquarters tor ft PURE * DRUGS®! and all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. A full line of Cologne, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brushes and Teeth Powders. A tine asaortment of the best grades ot Cigars and Tobacco on hand. . FOR MEN’S PINE S 331 O IE S —CALL ON— E. I. SMITH & CO.: Cor Clayton St. and College Avenue.