University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, November 26, 1887, Image 4

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Waiter drill and oyster supper next Thursday and Friday evenings at Deupree Hall. Eighteen young ladies to serve the tempting dishes. Don’t forget. Mr. H. Key Milner, ’87, is visiting friends here on his way home from Columbia college, where he has been in attendance. Blue Blazes Cigars, Moore & Elder. —MANUFACTURER OF— FOR FINE CIGARS, Comer BROAD STREET and COLLEGE AYE. Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of il grades, also all kinds of Smokers Articles. Fine Cigars a pecialty. A nice lot of Canes. Terms Strictly Cash. CATARRH, F ’V sale bv Druggists. THROAT, MOUTH. EYES, &C, WE KEEP IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF TOILET ARTICLES, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Coloun'-s, Extracts, Bay Rum, Sponges, Etc. Colgate s cele brated Cashmere Boquet, and Violet Toilet Waters. Prescriptions Accurately Com pounded. WADE SXjIEIDG-IE!- 72, CLAVTON ST. CHAS, STERN & C0„ Clothiers, AND DEALERS IN Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc. Suits made to measurement a Jspecialty. Au inspection ot our stocksolicited. Broad stre et . M MYKKSvvOu COLLEGE AVE. Call attention of the students and general public to their select stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Gents Furnishing Goods, And tlie moat complete line of Scarfs, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, Etc., that caD be found in the city. I Am Coming. | COAL RODS, TOJIGS, Please save your old shoes for me. I- T DERKICO'ITE, three doors east of Epis copal church, will mend all old shoes with while oak leather and Invisible Patches, and buy all old shoes he can get his hands on. The University Law Class has de veloped a great passion for debate, and during the past week have had six discussions of the questions of the day. The regular debate was held last Saturday afternoon, on the question of foreign immigration, Messrs. Kitcb, Miller and Johnson were on the affirmative; while the negative was upheld by Messrs. Ray, Curry, Broyles and Moon. Mr. Garmar.y, who presided, decided in favor of the negative. The lawyers this evening dive into history in the discussion of the question, “Resolved, That Columbus was en titled to more credit for the discov ery of America, than Washington for saving it.” 3 King Cigars, Moore & Elder. Shovels, Stew Pans, Oil Cans and numerous articles that Students need, at E. E. JONES’ NEW STOVE STORE, Corner Broad and Wall Street. GO TO W. H. DAVIS FOR YOUR School ^Stationery, -Blank iBookd Musical Inst.rumenes and Strings. Harmoni cas a specialty. Broad Street MCQUEEN & DURHAM, —Proprietors of the— gla66ie Qity Barber Shop. Opposite the Banner-Watchman office. Satis faction guaranteed, when a good hair-cut or shave is wanted. PATRONIZE THEM. The Reliable tailor shop, TOM JRCKSON, The Tailor, can be found over Max Joseph’s store. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. The cutting anamaking of pants a speciatty. Give him a Cali. UNIVERSITY JEWELER. Repairing Fine Watcher, Badges aid Pins a Specialty. C. A. SCUDDER. Long & Taylor, THE LIVE DRUGGISTS, BROAD STREET ATHENS, G-_A_ KEEP A FULL LINE OF CHEMICAL APARATUS. GIVE THEM A CALL. HASELTON’S MUSIC HOUSE. Clayton St Next to Post Office. Pianos, Organs, M nsical Instruments, and Novelties. F’ine Harmonicas, Violin and Guitar Strings a Specialty. gamuel g, Benedict, PHYSICIAN AND SUFGEON, Y. B. CLIFTON, -ARTIST IN— Office 59 CLAXTON STREET, ne*i door to the Post-Office Residence BROAD ST., Opposite Campus. TELEPHONE ISO. 24 E. W. BURKE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER J Full Line of Harmonicas, —and— i ;Mu6ical Merchandise. Fraternity Pads a Specialty- Miss Von der Lieth, TOYS, GAMES, CHILDREN’S • BOOKS, Wagons and Velocipedes, Fine French Candies AND CONFECTIONERIES. tfaeketa of all Kindi. Davis &~Harris, PROPRIETORS OF THE PARAGE BARBER SHOP, BROAD STREET, ATHENS GA. Guarantee satisfaction in their line. Hot and Cold Baths. Call on them. ORR & HUNTER, — DEALERS IN- COAL Office opposite Opera House, above llulme’s Store, THOMAS STREET. J. Z. COOPER & SON, Call attention of the students and general public tr their select stock of HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. The finest turn-outs in the city can be ob tained at the most reasonable prices at their stables on MARKET AND THOMAS' STS. PHOTOGRAPHY. Over LONG’S DRUG STORE, THE ATTENTION Of the Students is called to the NEW AND SELECTED Stock of FINE SHOES at Snead’s Shoe Store. The Best $3.00 Shoe in the Market. miBS BOBNBLATT, SI Clayton Street, Deals in new and second hand guns, shells, wads, caps and all kinds of GUN MOUNTINGS, Gnns and Rifles rented out at reasonable rates. Special atiention paid to the cleaning and repairing of Bicycles. All Work Guaranteed. MRS. C. BODE Calls the attention of the students to her select stock of Candies, Cakes and all kinds ot Confectioneries. A full line of Haimonicas, Base Balls and Bats, etc., con stantly on hand. HARRIS & MACK, artistic Shoemakers JACKSON ST., opposite B.-W. Office. Do all kinds of repairing on shoes. Fine Stitching, Invisible patching and putting in Elastics a Specialty. All W01 k Guaranteed. BUY YOUR DRUGS - FROM GEO. W. RUSH, COLLEGE AVEUE BRUMBY’S DRUG STORE, On COLLEGE AVENUE, is headquarters for fiPURE * DRUGSii and all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. A lull line of Cologne, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brushes and Teeth Powders. A tine asaortment of the best grades ot Cigars and Tobacco on hand. FOR MEN'S FIPTE SHOES —CALL ON — E. I. SMITH & CO.; Cor Clayton St. and College Avenue.