University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, December 03, 1887, Image 4

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A Gdoil Christmas Present. Before leaving Athens for enjoy ment of Christ mas holidays at, home, let each slnilent go to store of W. H. Davis, Broad street, and purchase a copy of “Illustrated Card of Athens.” as a present for “the good folks at home.” Advertise the Uni versity of Georgia, and bring hack a ikw student in January. Price, 15 cents per copy. —MAKUFACTDRBE OP— Ft) R FINE CIGARS, Corner BROAD STREET and COLLEGE AVE. Cigms, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of al gr» det, ubo all kinds of Smokers Articles. Fine Cigars a pecialty. A nice let of Canes. Tetms Strictly Cash. CATARRH, n n n r throat - \ Hr M0Um UUULl EYES. &C. WE KEEP IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF TOILET ARTICLES, Soap*. Bimhei-, Combs, Cniotn s, Ex raets, Bav Bum. 8.>"i a.s Eio. (J'lantes ceb - brsted ChSMin ie Boqutl, and Violet Toilet Winers I're-eripiioi s Accnrnlely Com pounded. WA.DB &c SLEIDa-IE. 72, CLAYTON ST. CI-1AS. STERN & C0„ Clothiers, AND DEALERS IN Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc. Suits made to measurement a ^specialty. An im>ptction ot <>ur i-tocksolicited. Broad atre el M MYERS 5 COIrLEGK ATE. Cull«-ntion ot tbe stmh nts and nefni ral piibl c n. tlnir S'Uot stock of Clothing, Eats, Shoe?, Gents Furnishing Goods, And the most complete line of Scarfs Tics, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, Etc., that, can be found in the city. I Am Coming. Piers' save your old shoi s for me I. n J DERMIC O I TE, three doo s east of Epis copal church, will mend all old shoes with while oak h aihcr and Invisible Pitches, and buy all old shoes he can get Ids hands on. OPERA HOUSE. KI gut only. [ Wed.Dec.7 Special Engagement of MISS LOli'ISK H I I, IT. Positively your only chance to see Eng land’s Greatest ACTRESS in America’s Greates' P ay, BALFE IN DAGMAR. Miss Balfe is surely the peer of Morris, Cushman or Neilson.—Indianapolis Sentinel. Miss Balfe is the greatest artir»te and Dag- mar the greatest play on the American stage. —New York Herald. MISS LOUISE BALFE IN DAGMAR. Positively your only chance to see the Greatest of Actresses ADMISSION—Reser ved seats 75c.; General Admission, .50 and 25. Seats on sale at Da vis's. Box sheet now open. Come early ana avoid the tush tor seats. COAL HODS, TONGS, Shovels, Stew Bans, Oil Cans and numerous articles that Students reed, at E E. JONES’ NEW STOVE STORE, Corner Broad and Wall street. GO TO W. H. DAVIS FOR YOUR School jStaticncrtj, Blank |E|ookd Musical Instruments and strings. Harmoni cas a specialty. Broad Street MCQUEEN & DURHAM, —Pioprietors of tbe— Cla^ic City Barber jShop. Opposite the Banner-Watchman office. Satis faction guaranteed, when a good hair-cut or shave is wauled. HT PATKOMlZii THEM. The Reliable tailor shop, TOM JACKSON, The Tailor, can be found over Max Joseph’s store. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. The cutting and making of pants a specialty. Give him a Cali. UNIVERSITY JEWELER' Repairing Fine Watcher, Badge; ind Pins a Specialty. C. A. SCUDDER. Long & Taylor, THE LIVE DRUGGISTS, BROAD STREET ATT HZ IE IIST 3, G-A_. KLEP A FULL LINE OF OHEMUAL APAKATUS. GIVE THEM A CALL. HASELTONS MUSIC HOUSE. Clayton St. Next to Post Office. Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments, and Novelties. Fine Harmonicas.' Violin and Guitar Strings A Specialty. |Samucl £. Benedict, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- Office Mt CLAXTOS STREET, n ijt door to the Post-Office Residence BROAD ST., Opposite Campus. TELEPHONE NO. 24 E. W. BURKE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER Full Line of Harmonicas, AND - Ipudical Merchandise. Fraternity Fads a Specialty- Miss Von der Lieth, TOYS, GAMES, CHILDREN’S • BOOKS, Wagons and Velocipedes- Fine French Candies AND CONFECTION El IES. ~$iBa6kct6 of all fgind6. & Davis & Harris, PROPRIETORS OF THE PALACE BARBER SHOP, BROAD STREET, ATHENS GA. Guarantee satisfaction in their line. Hot and Cold Baths. Call on them. ORR & HUNTER, -DEALERS IN— COAL. Office opposite Opera House, above Hulme’s Store, THOMAS STREET. J. Z. COOPER <fc SON, Call attention of the students and general public tr their select stock of HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. The finest turn-outs in the city can be ob tained at the most reasonable pr.ces at their stables on MARKET AND THOMAS STS. Y. B. CLIFTON, — ARTIST IN — PHOTOGRAPHY. Over LONG’S DRUG STORE, THE .ATTENTION Of the Students i.H called to the NEW AND SELECTED Stock of FINE SHOES at Snead's Shoe Store. The Best $3.00 Slice in trie Market Junes BORNBIATT, 51 glayton fstrcct, Deals in new and second hand guns, -shells, wads, caps and all kinds of GUN MOUNTINGS, Gnns and RitLs rented out at reasonable rates. Sp< cia' atiention paid to the cleaning and repairing of Bicycles. All Work Guaranteed. MRS. . BODE Calls the attention of the students to her select- stock of Candies, Cakes and alt kinds ot Confectioneries. A full line of Hainionicas, Baseballs and Bats, etc., con stantly on hand. HARRIS & MACK, Artisti Shemakers JACKSON ST., opposite B.-W. office. Do all kinds of repairing on shoes. Firre Stit hing. Invisible patching and putting in Elastics u Specialty. All Wo k Guaranteed. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM GEO. W. RUSH, COLLEGE AYEUE BRUMBY’S DRUG STORE, On COLLEGE AVENUE, is headquarters lor ilPURE * DRUGS’!# and all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. A full line of Cologne, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brushes and Teeth Powders. A tine asaortment of the best grades ot Cigars and Tobacco on hand. FOR MEN’S FINE SHOES —CALL ON — E. I. SMITH & CO.! Cor Clayton St. and College Avenue.