University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, January 14, 1888, Image 4

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FOR MEN’S FINE S ZEE O ES —CALL ON — E. I. SMITH & CO. Cor Clayton St. and College Avenue. University Bazaar, S. Raphael & Co- It is with pleasure that we are able to an nounce the improvements we have made to our well knowu Merchant ailoring and Furnishing Goods Establishment. We have added and are the sole agents of the well known Dunlap Hat. We also carry a full line of the celebrated Stetson, Miller and Yeoman Hats An inspection of our establishment wil convince you of the elegant line of goods we carry. We solicit a continuance of the business of our friends and customeis, with the fullest confidence that courteous attention aud lair dealing will insuie success. S. RAPHAEL & CO. FO R CATARRH TH10AT. MOUTH, EYES.&C. F,i bale bv Druggists. WE KEEP IN STOCK A FULL LINE OF TOILET ARTICLES, Soaps, Blushes, Combs, Culoun s, Ex rads, Baj Bum, u. s Etc. C Igste s cele brated Cashmere Boquet, and Vmiel Toilet W ' pounded. WADE & SLEDGE. 72, CLAYTON ST. CHAS, STERN & -AND DEALERS IN- CO., Clothiers, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc. uits made to measurement a specialty. An inr-pfetion of our stocksolicited. Broad street & Co., COLLEGE AYE. Call attention of ihe students and eem ral public in tln-ir s-lect stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoe?, Gents Furnishing Goods And the most complete line of Scarfs Ties, Collars, Cliffs, Gloves, Etc., tliat can be found iu the city. t —MANUFACTURER OF- FINE CIGARS, Corner BROAD STREET and COLLEGE AYE. Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco of grades, also all kinds of Smokers Articles. HE C CI £ PECIALTY. A nice lot of Canes. Terms Slrictly Cash. NEW OPERA HOUSE ! JAN 16 and 17. Grand opeuing of Athens’ new and beautiful Opera House, by the charming and peerless little actress, KATIEPUTNAM Supported by her own suj erb Company >10ND’Y Evening,Miss Putnam’s latest success P ERMA, the ELF-” “TUESDAY EVENING, the brilliant Comedvs “ LENA, the MADCAP/’ Both plays presented on a scale of matchless magnificence, Sparkling Music. Pretty Songs and Dances, Duets, Banjo Solos, Ere. Dress Circle and Orchestra Chairs, $1. Bal cony, 75c. Gallery 50c. Rsserved seats on ale’at \V. H. Davis’, Broad st. COAL } C S, TONGS, Shovels, Stew Tans, Oil Cans and numerous articles that Students reed, at E E. JONES’ NEW STOVE STORE, Corner Broad and Wall Street. GO TO W. H. DAVIS FOR YOUR School Stationery, -Blank J£ookd Musical Instrumenes and Strings. Harmoni cas a specialty. Broad Street The Reliable tailor shop, TOM JACKSON, The Tailor, can be found over Max Joseph c store. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. The cutting and making of pants a speciattv Give him a Call. UNIVERSITY JEWELER. Repairing Fine Watcher, Badges an ! Pins a Specialty. C. fl. SC UDDER. Long the LIV & Taylor, DRUGGISTS, BROAD STI KEEP A FUI.L LINE OF CHEMIC Pianos, Organs, Musical Itfit Violin arid Guitar Strings a ,EJECT -A.TIE3IE]ItSrc3, G-J±. U APARATUS. GIVE THEM A CALL. llaselton UDIjziers Music House, Clayton St Next to Post Office. rurnents, and Novelties. Fine Harmonicas, pecialty. «M’QUEEN & DURHAM* HAV 2 OPENED UP THEIR New Barber Shop, fn the Commercial Hotel Block on C Mi gamucl g. Bencdii t PHYSICIAN AND SUE GEON, Ofiicc 59 CLAXTON STREET, door to the Post-Office Residence BROAD ST., Opposite nnipus. TELEPHONE NO. 24 liege Ave > with a full corps of assistants. They solicit patronage of the students. E. W. BURKE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER Y. B. CLIFTON, — ARTIST IN — photography Over LONG’S DRUG STORE, THE ATTENTION Of the Students is called to the NEW AND SELECTED Stock of FINE SHOES at Snead’s Shoe Store, The Best $3.00 Shoe in the Market Full Line of Harmonicas, — And fpu6ical ^XerchandMe. Fraternity Pads a Specialty- Miss Yon der Lieth, TOYS* GAMES, CHILDREN’S * BOOKS, Wagons and Velocipedes, Fine french Candies AND CONFECTIONERIES. pa6ket6 of all Jpnd6. 41 HIT S B0ENBU.TT, 51 Clayton fgtrect, Deals in new and second hand guns, shells, wads, caps and all kinds of • GUN MOUNTINGS, Gnns and Rifles rented out at reasonable rates. Specia’ atiention paid to the cleaning and repairing of Bicycles. All Work Guaranteed. MRS. C. BODE Calls the attention of the students to her select, stock of Candies, Cakes and all kinds of Confectioneries. A full line of Haimonicas, Base Balls and Bats, etc., con stantly on hand. HARRIS & MACK, ARTISTIC SHOEMAKERS, JACKSON ST., opposite B.-W. Office. Do all kinds of repairing on shoes. Fine Stit'hing. Invisible patching and putting in Elastics a Specialty. All Woi k Guaranteed. Davis & Harris, buy you * drgus PROPRIETORS OF THE J. Z. COOPER & SON, genera Ca 11 attention of the students and public tr their selectst ock of HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. The fin est turn-outs in the city can be obi tained at the most reasonable prices at their stables on MARKET AND THOMAS STS. PALAGE BAMBEH SHOP, BROAD STREET, ATHENS GA. Guarantee satisfaction in their line. Hot and Cold Baths. Call on them. ORR & HUNTER, — DEALERS IN— COAL. Office opposite Opera House, above Hulnie’s Store, THOMAS STREET. FROM GEO. W. RUSH, COLLEGE AVENUE. BRUMBY’S DRUG STORE, On COLLEGE AVENUE, is headquarters for fiPURE * DRUGSil and all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES. A full line of Cologne, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brus ie» ‘ and Teeth Powders. A fine asaortmentof the i best grades ot Cigars aud Tobacco on hand.