University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, January 21, 1888, Image 3

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to V A 1.8. “I'm :i wfiillemuii and 1 don l care who U nows- it. 1 ' 'I'll, ul.l College lu ll i-pcuks in lit. agMii, in familiar tones. The mystic "Sophomore Comliinii tit. ii." having: accomplished llleil “mi slcrious i>iii pos'is now 11 >hing of l In* pnSl. lirljuiesC'lt in futtt. ll is said l hat a certain yuing El,-simian. thinking the opera hmisv was really tm tire the oilier nighi.; grubbed his hai mid made fur lh< dour. 'I lie college liel rings mice more, a.ud a welcome sound il is i.o the s'ndcni’s ear. No one can imagine I lie inconvenience occasioned liv he jo-niovai of t lie cla I'l'fi’. or ihe liup- Limss caused I'.vtho purchase of a ]uew one, College prayer meeting was held last, Friday night., as usual. The Handier present was small, lint, it. was a good nitelinsr. nevertheless.— Lei every one at lend these meetings Ti are was no dehate after the |Ua ver-tneet i ng. W. D. Nesbitt, of ela-s ’88. is (bumming for a large Kibacco house |iu Col uml'tts. Mississippi. A large list of new and popular (banks will he ordered in a few days for the Library. Tl mill a~, “Miss have spent I.. (Joolihaiu lb-lie : — - I assure you that I a most onpretn*'Iannted LUCY COBB DOTS. 'i’ne gentleman from Arkansas ‘■though slightly disfigured, is siiljj im the ring.” He has had his hai cut. f Prof. Strahn gave an independcil I iv . | ...i. 6 We ace glad to learn that our ge- iu Geometry to the F reslunau cla -s > f „ i „.|„.„ iIih .-I.J "ta tneiid * Judge W at fen Is con- tke oilier dav, mid when Uie class , . , i,., i,,,K va e-eent. alter a week s coidinement was ealled upon to report, the whole • • . i Mi t ii Iiis mom. v .in' u i r class failed to give the right demol f" h ' s r, ’ om - stration except one. Professor The large glass for the library “Mr. Davidson, have you got tin doors have lu-en on the road for answer?’ Mr. Davidson: • Yes some time, and are expected daily sir.” Professor: "Well, make y<|u They will be quite an improvement, demonstration.” Davidson: ‘ Wfl evening ; amt il is a great feel I ing of regiei that 1 tear niysell | away, and repair to my virtuous couch.’" (Young lady signs and closes the th oi af'er Inin ) Dr. Melt reached Athens last Sat. urday nisibt lb- stood the trip very well, a lid has I), en slowly improving durii.g llie week We hope to see him out with us again at an early date. Prof, in History, speaking of a celebrated Git clan general.asks Mr. Hawes what became of him utter a certain event. Mr. Hawes replied that he became a sea pirate alter his death. The Sophs, are now in a condition to speak “feelingly” of the beauties of Applied Mat hematics. They have labored hard with paste board, mucilage and drawing instruments VOu draw a quadrilateral tiianglj Professor: “That will do, Mr. vidsoo ” Robinson coming in Sheppat room, inquires for a map of Gear Sheppard: “What, do you want it?” Robin sou: when put in. Henry Vf alker, ot ’87. is in town, shaking hands with his many friends an d collegians. Mr. T E. Hubert has left college do attend the funeral of his grand- . » i father in Macon. Why, I wish- t write a composition on the Missis*- l lie Athletic Association had a . . call meeting Friday evening, and sipni fiver. . ^ appointed a committee ot arrange- '1 ate is sorely inconvenienced «* ,. or Fit . 1( , day . present in consequence of his wash* woman defaulting to the amount <1 The Seniors have a hard examina two weeks washing. ion before them in the shape of a The Soph class has been reinfml in mechanics. The Juniors forced bv Mr W B. Smith of Gran#ve a final in chemistry next Tues- l Ga ly- A " tl,e 8t,ldelUs concur i“ Jjononncing finals to be nuisances. A bright Soph, in speaking of tl, ^ ^ History; Mr Almon> cold weather, said that tie 1 le vha.t tlid the Persians do after the mometer registered 12 degrees abov^^ ^ MaratBon? r.ero in a warm room. Mr. Almon: They went back into Will we have a final or not in Logi| )t _ gea (Ga- e at laughter.) is the question that is now agitatm p(-o( . jn Walh . Mr. Whitehead, the mind ot the Juniors. dial is the area of a triaugle in We are very sorry to hear that oujrms of two sides and the included friend “Fresh.” Callaway is sufferinngle? with a iiad ease ot “blind staggeis Whitehead: The area is It is said of him indeed, that he q UH | t0 three right angles, sir. sorely afflicted. Ihe probable eau p j )(> p r0 | essor remarks that scrub- of his illness is excessive ealni n ai. U p on Geometry and trigonom- love making. u -y is nee ded. The following was handed us by Arnold Broyles wishes to Sophomore, and we take pleasuie 0| . ] . ect t j le impression which has inserting it: een made concerning his name. “There are problems in arithmetic, Je wis | )es us to state that his name That pale a fellow s gills, s not “Gnarl,” as it appeared in our And algebraic corkers, is t issue. And geometric pills. But the touuhest of all problems, Editor Maddox, just 8‘arting in That with dread a Sophomore fills, n editorial duties, spent the Tk to net into Prof. Ruttieiford s room,* . . is u> gci Hire evening on Friday tn looking Wilhout the pioper frills.* . ° a , TT . X) a. S>r the private office of the Univer- •Meaningkeys. ty Reporter. (He didn’t find it.) in construct little toys, which are so often seen floating through the air during the Junior’s recita l ion. We are glad lo learn l liat Echols, 91, who has been critically ill with pneumonia for several weeks, is now thought to he in a convalescent stutG’ Alex. Lawrence has already begun training bis voice, preparatory to entering the coming oratorical con. tests The probability is that there will be several vacant rooms on the third floor of the Summey house. The Juniors say that Henderson has engaged all the Chemistry notes in college between 12 o’clock and day. Mr A C. Willcoxon entermired the Edwardsville beys wiih a royal supper the ether night, having received a box loaded will) all these delicious viands which only a college boy knows how lo appreciate The writer in common with the otheis who pariicipat'd, assure him that it was highly appri dated, and w sh him many more such treats in the future. THEATRE PARTY The following party after enjoying “Humbug,” which was presented at the new opera house by Roland Reed last evening, were delightfully entertained by Mrs. Lipscomb. Mr. G. A. Whitehead, Jr., with Miss Blanche Lipscomb Mr. Arnold Broyles, with Miss Georgia Slusser. Mr. T. A, Burke, with Miss Cora Powell. Mr. Guy Hamilton, with Miss Meta Chat bonnier. Mr. Basil Cobb, with Miss Leila Hill. Mr. L. II. Cliarbonnier, Jr., with Miss Katie Rutherford The time ter finals lias arrived, ami eh. hew sorry we girls arc 'Mrs. Feihls. from Gainesville, ar- rived last Wednesday, and entered llei daughter. Miss Pearl, ns a pupil at Uie Lucy Gnlib Institute The secret societies are in a more flourishing condition than ever be— lore, and are constantly m iking ad ditions to their membership Miss Oma Williams left this mei'n- i ng for her home, much to t lie regret of her friends. Several <>f the girls are develop ing u new talent, that ot writing po, etrv. Who knows what poetic liri lies slumbering within the walls ot the Lucy Cobb. The Chataiiqua had one of its pleasant meetings night before last. Milton was the author discussed. The essays were unusually line, and the ready answers to all questions, astonished even the memoers them selves. It is with great regret that w6 chronicle the illness of Miss Millie, Her absence lias east a damper over our entire household. We sincerely hope that she may have a speedy re covery. Mrs. Lipscomb is in Atlanta (or the purpose of seeing Booth and Barrett. She returns Monday. It is generally agreed upon by the girls that, the Phantom Parly was more successful than any masque rade ever before given. Some kind friend has suggested that we publish a paper at the Insti tute. The experiment has been tried, aud proved sufficiently unsuccess- tul. White Wings. LEAP YEAR BALL. One of the most delightful enter tainments of the season was given by the young ladies of Athens, at the Athenaeum on last Friday evem ing. Among the young ladies pre»- sent, we may mention : Misses Latimer, Carr, Tabu ad ge,. Bloomfield. Lucas, Hill, Sophie Sohaller, Katie Rutherford, Barrow, Crawford, Powell, Mary N. Cobb,. Wilcox, Louise Morife, Gussie No ble, Mary E. Noble, Livy Cobb, Bowman. Paulin, Lipscomb, Slusser,. Cbarbonnier and Robertson, with Messrs. Hamilton, Briggs, Burke, Benedict, W. A. Davis. Whitehead, V. L. Smith, Clay, J. B. L. Cobb,. Howell, Seudder, Strahan, Maddox, Baird, L. D. Sledge, Russell, W. C. Davis, Griffetb, Sanford, Rowland, E. W. Cbarbonnier, Cunningham, and Willcoxon. Chaperons.—Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Flanigen, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. J as. White.