University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, February 25, 1888, Image 2
University Reporter. [Second- Clata Matter.'] Published by the PHI KAPPA AND DEM03- THENIAN SOCIETIES. EDITORIAL STAFF. T. W. Reed, P. K Eiitor-in-Chief P. H. Estes, D Miscellany P. S. Black, P. K Local R. F. Maddox, D Local G. A. Whitehead, Jr., P. K Society W. W. Sheppard, P. K Alumni A. M. Hartsfield. D Exchange BUSINESS MANAGER, Oscar Davis, D. The UiuvEKrwY Reporter is issued every Saturday afternoon during the college year, by the literary societies of the University of Terms, One Dollar per year, strictly in advance. Communications solicited from students and alumni. Address all communications to THE REPORTER, Athens, Ga VALEDICTORY. there made, and still recognize the importance of Lucy Cobb Dots and Society Notes. We would be delighted to see ’ere our college days shall close, the old Unviversity, so dear to all our hearts,rse up in its might and make giant strides toward prosperity. We trust that the next Editors will guard her interests as faithfully as we have tried to ; and that renewed prosperity will crown each succeed ing day, week, month and year of her existence. With best wishes for the success of our worthy successors in office, and for the continued prosperity of the Reporter, we make our bow, and turn the paper over into their hands. T. W. Reed, Editor in Chief. O. S. Davis, Business Manager. that his gift could not 1 ve been be stowed crowd. upon a more p In regard to m ,1-eciative liring ll '° Old Father Time notifies us to day that half of the collegiate term Las passed away, and that we must step down and out to make room tor those whose good(?) fertune it may be to secure our positions. Our connection with the University Re porter has been one of much pleas nre, although of considerable work, and we sever our friendly and p’eas ant relations upon its editorial staff' with a great reluctance, i Reporter : most favorable aus pices, and from a financial stand point, it is in a very good condition at present. The circulation has in creased from 15 to 20 per cent, over the last year; and its advertisemenis are all working nicely. The literary department has betn instances, ami The Demosthenian Anniversary exercises have been postponed until next Tuesday, and for this reason it is impossible to present to our read ders with this issue an eight page sheet containing the speeches of the two anniversarians. However, this double issue will come out next Sat urday, if the Demosthenians hold their exercises next week, and the leaders may expect a treat. building, we would sav ,hat the ex periment of soliciting sbscriptions has been tried and tlitl failed — Hence, the Phi Kappa olieiy w'U endeavor out of its oval funds to repair its hall. We trut that this step will be the commei> e |aent of a determined effort to sect e a iiist- c'ass gymnasium for th nit ire col lege, and that the Smith;yinnasium fund of the Phi-Kappa iofiety will bear fruit to the benefit iflhe'entire society. . LITERARY SOCIEms. Phi Kappa Haul, ! Feb. 25,1888. J Society met and was called to ol der by President Poe. Mfyntes ot preceding meeting and appjjoved. Mr. B. F. Carr was eleited and duly initiated a member of the So ciety. The regular order of business be ing suspended, and the head ot elec tions called, Mr. C. R. Tate was elected Business Manager of the Reporter, and responded in'a beau tiful and chaste address. For President of the Society, Mr. Quarterman was unanimously elect Demosthenian Haei., 1 Feb. 25, 1888 j Society met and called to order by President Brand. Minutes of preeeediug meeting read and adopt- The society turned to head of motions. A committee consisting of Comer, Johnson and Boone, was 1 appointed to confer with Col. Char- I bonnier concerning anniversarian s day. It was decided to have the anniversary on Tuesday next. W. I). Anderson, Jr., and A. W. Moore were elected and initiated regular members of the society. The question for the competitive debate was changed, and the time was appointed for one month from to-day. Question, Resolved, That the right of suffrage be extended to the women in the U. S. Miller was elected ‘ Mell Memo- ial” Orator. Steed was elected Editor-in-Chief of the Reporter. A new committee, consisting of Brown, Miller and Cooper was appointed to select judges for the competitive debate. The committeee on music was in structed to obtain the Athens color ed band for Auniversarian day. The question for donate, Junioi and Senior orators, and Sophomore d T ),,jm(V:iAt_rmUli I DUl 1 ""l "'P'' 1 h"*'" Mr. W. E. Steed was elected Editor in-Chief of the University Reporter this morning, and Mr. C. R. Tate was chosen to fill the office of Busi ness Manager. These gentlemen are eminently qualified to fill the positions to which they have been elected, and the Reporter will, no doubt, be filled with excellent reada ble matter during the next term, as well as being supported well linan- eriticised in many perhaps enemies had been made by statements which have been made in its columns, but we hope that such dally. enmity, if it exist, will be laid aside, ^ exleD ds Us best and that everything j liss Millie Rutherford, smoothly during the remainder ol wishes to Miss • i „„iior«> veal- It has been our Principal the college j eai ^ for additions to the endeavor to present the ho raise S-oOGU loi auuiim. ° ders of this little sheet as reada- main building. Under ici manage f! a< Lssible,andif in our Lent the Institute has become one endeavors to so do we have failed, it of the leading col leges of 1^ h Mr^-= fered from week to week, concerning subscribe at once the amouu affairs of great importance, and al j is asked for. though few have brought forth fruit, we hope to see 1 he time when all •will be carried out. We have endeavored to keep our PIII-KAFPA GYMNASIUM. Through the kindness of Mr. , Vu - bright and iewsy Hoke Smith, of Atlanta, the Phu fte° no. lh„l «h. K.pp. Society is to ),.» .«?«»•■ SIX,* n...ti»fo. Lm. H. ge» o«e». to l , oni on a college journal. We equip the gymnasium, and pay he f VP nassed compliments upon oth- expenses of such equipment,and also prs and have had them passed on us; suggested the advisability o so iu we have attacked exchanges and Lg subscriptions for ^e -pairing , Q l.ppn attacked; but in all that of the society hall. 'Ve retu we"'have done, we have ever tried to thanks to Mr. Smith, throng tie l Id the dignity of the Reporter, columns of the Reporter in beha MoYov wefj amply repaid in the Phi Kappa society and the sti> Moreover, , . ..... I , . ... nnrl ftftsnre him ouT society column for ail insertions [dents in general, and assure him Ass’t Mr. Threaders ft 2d Ass t, Mr. Dean’, 1st Censor, Mr.E.W. Rogers 2d Censor, W. D. Reid Secretary and C. C. Poe Clavinger. Returning to the regular order, Mr. Moon responded as Senior ora tor, and Mr. Rogers, E. W, as Soph declaimer. The following question. Resolved, That there should be a high license on the sale of whiskey in the Slate of Georgia, was discussed affirma tively by Messrs. Broyles, A., Jones, Rovers, E. W., Sheppard, Tate and WeV, negatively by Messrs Broyles, N. R-, Day, Gantt. R. J-> Smith, J. E., Walker and Weaver, 'lhe Pres^ dent gave his decision in favor of the affirmative. Appointments for next meeting, Senior orators, Poe and Wright ; Junior orators, Spence and Stewart-. Soph, declaimers, Ellis ami Jones. Debate foi next Saturday, Re solved,That England has progressed more in science, art and literature, durinv the last one hundred years than the United States. Affirma tire, Black and Boston ; negative, Dobbs and Knight. Debate for Saturday week, Re solved, That the orator is more pow erful than *he press ; affirmative, Shaw and Moon: negative,W^coxon and Williford. No other business before the So ciety, the meeting then adjourned. Poe, President. I L. L. Knight, Sec. pro ten. Saturday. On motion, society adjourned. Brand, Pres. Anderson. Sec. A FAILURE. No man deserves to be crowned with honor whose life is a failure.— IJe who only lives to eat and drink and accumulate money is a failure. Skiff, U le jeweler, is a failure in many things, but never fails to give satis faction to all his patrons. Watch and jewelry repairing and engrav ing. R. Harvey Johnson, graduate of lhe class of ’84, is a coming lawyer of the city of Atlanta. Lucas, Dearing & Co- Merchant Tailoring and Gents Furnishing Goods- Latest styles in French and English 1 suitings, Hats, shirts, Umbrellas, Neck-wear, Etc New Goods con stantly arriving. Call and examine our stock, Broad street, Athens, Georgia-