University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, December 20, 1889, Image 33

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University Reporter. 31 And dubbed it, truly in college lore. He made some awful, noisy thing, Without any feathers, tail or wing And called it a University Sophomore. On the delivery of this a serious scuffle ensued, and the last that has been seen of this poetical Sopho nore were the ends of his coat tail as he closed the door to in an unceremonious manner. But the question is why did John Hale go into that closet? Can you keep a muse in a closet? Dr. Boggs lectured to a large crowd of students at the college Y. M. C. A. hall last Friday night. Though the University is attacked for lack of religious influence, yet we'can safely say that there is a great deal larger attendance at the religious rervice held exclusively by the students, than any of the colleges that offer moral training and attack the University on the groundless plea of immorality. The truth is the University s udents will compare favorably With either Mercer or Emory—her enemies—even though they'are Theo logical schools and cet themselves up as models. If the enemies of the University Were to look after their own favorite college as closely as they watch for some little thing to occur at the University, that they may publish in their journals, call in ail their neighbors, kill the fatted calf and feast on the glorious news, their colleges might improve and we be compelled to consider them our rivals, but as long as they howl around over the State about such little things as they impute to the University, we will continue tost e the University head and shoulders above them, and her sons will continue to hold the most important positions in Georgia. The Pandora will appear about the first of April and is expected to I e the best that has been issued yet. The subscriptions are fast com ingin. The editoi s are, J. D. Little, S. A. B; W.D Ellis, Chi Phi; F. C. Calloway, K. A; S. J. Tribble, P. D. T; Wheatly, A. T. O; W. L. Stallings, D. T. D; Crawford, S. N.', and E. A, Cohen selected by the other editors. The officers of the" colleye Y. M.C. A. are Walker King,.President; Albert Boyelston, Secretary; 8. J. Tribble. Corresponding Secretary; Marion Hull Treasurer The devotional committee, Pope, Blassin- game, J. D. Smith and Jones. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. To the unmarried young lady that will produce the pmst words from the letters spelling Skiff, the jeweler, will receive first prize—a plush dressing-case Second prize—a pearl handle goldpe i . The editors of the Collegi: Reporter will act as judges and uward the prizes. The competitors should hand their list to Skiff, the jeweler, before Christmas, and don’t forget to look at the Christmas eards and other articles suitable for presents at Skiff’s, the jeweler.