University reporter; (Athens) 18??-current, December 20, 1889, Image 42

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40 University Reporter. We regret to learn that Prof. Wilcox will have to forego the pleas ure of meeting his classes a few days previous to the beginning of the Xmas holidays, as he leaves for Montgomery, Ala., this morning, to spend the holidays. We wish him a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mr. II. E. Choate, the rival of Frederick Warde and Lamar Clay, will spend his Xmas in the Central City ELECTION. The election in the Demosthenian and Phi Kappa Societies for edit ors of the PEPOBTERcame off last Saturday and resulted in the elec tion of Messrs. W. K. Wheatley, Walker King and T. C. Shackelford from the Demosthenians, and II. O. Crittenden, A. C. Newell and J. G. Cranford from the Phi Kappa. They are good men and you may look for a spicy Reporter for the next term. STUDENTS Returning home cannot take a more suitable if not also more acceptable PRESENT To their friends than something from the BOOK STORE 5000 illustrated books and booklets, 5 cents to $35. Bibles, every size and variety, albums, plush goods, Christmas cards, gold pens, .toys, frames, novelties, etc. IL W. MeEREEER, flfliEns, Ea,