The Pilgrim's banner. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1893-1918, September 15, 1895, Image 3

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Elder Z, T Marsh of Berth a Ala.,was ordained to the full func tions of the gospel ministry July 17th by Elders P. L. Thomas J. W. Parker and J. J. Byrd as presbytery. Elder Marsh is a gift ed minister and is much appre ciated wherever he goes. May the Lord bless him—H. “It is done Rev.” xx. 1-8. In these blessed words we see that, that salvation that Obnst -came to work out for his people, “is done.'’ Types and shadows are all at an end in the substance—Jesus. The law with all its rites and ceremo nies “is done” in Jesus. He has by one offering perfected forever them that are sanctified, hence this work of the atonement “is done” for the election of grace and is done forever. He has made them righteous by his obedience, hchce the work of justification “is done.” He put away ein by the sacrifice of himself, and she now stands the “undefiled dove” with no spot in her. The Lamb has been slain and she is now redeemed to God by his blood. No more sinners will be saved for all that work of eter nal salvation “is done” by the off ering of Christ for all the chosen. This work was done for nobody but the sheep, the bride, the all that were given him, and they shall come to him. He is the Sa vior of all the elect and they en joy the benefits of the eternal Salvation, but the believer enjoys the special blessings in tins lite. While all God’s children are saved eternally, many of them are not saved with the common or ’time salvation. Many fall in the wil derness because of unbelief, see Heb. iii chap. The eternal salvation of all the church “is done” and tbc mission of the Holy Spirit is to reveal to the heirs of promise, this salvation and what Christ has done for them. Man is not required to make any heirs to God. The preacher and ' Bible are not required to make Spirit not_re quired. to make heirs, but simply reveal to the chosen heirs that they are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ The work is all done for poor sinners, and you can look back, and praise God for what».'‘is done” for you through Christ Jesus your Advocate. Soon the Ist tie will be fought and the war ended and you will be called home and glori fied and there bask in his sweet smiles forever. Then how sweet to sing with ecstatic joy“lt is done” —H, Savannah Ga., July 23rd 1895. Elder A. V. Simms: Esteemed Elder; Since last addressing you I nave fortned a more close rela tionship, and now have the honoi of addressing you as “Brother,” and right glad am I of it Your kind and enteresting apis tle wai received, lor which I thank yoa. I had asked my fattier s opin ion of the same Scripture, and his reply was about the same as yours. Both very good, I believe, I also received the Bajoster which you sent me, but on account of the dis eased condition of my eyes I have not been able to read but little of it, However I have read some copies of it which I believe were well worth reading' Formerly when alone and with a hungering soul Umristing after truth, I could find comfort in leading my Mes senger and the holy Writings, but have been deprived, for reasons known to God, of this privilege for some time past by defective right. Being dissatisfied with amfiniau preaching I decided to seek and find a convenient place to hear the Old Baptists. But wheal tried I was sorely disappointed many times, either by not finding a preacher or finding a poor one, and even when I found a good one I. was unable to digest his saying and thug receive comfort, Sa I might say that my lients for dreaching were nearly all a failure In the meantime 1 somewhat re< luctantly went, to the ’ Mission Baptist church an Bull street. The first Sunday I went to this place I had been feeling sad. on account of an expected death in the family. The text was, “No man saith Where is God my Maker that giveth songs in the night.” It seemed that there was not a text in the Bible that could have suited my case better. The preacher talked right well on at for a few minutes, and I went away feeling better. Still I believed I had not been to the church. Again I was feeling quite sad on account of the unsociability of the people here, and’having noth ing else to do, I went to hear the same preacher again, the text be ing; “The saints at Rome salute you, especially those of Ceasar’s household.” This- seemed another time when he found a text to suit my case, He talked a few minutes to the people about their unfriend ly ways one towards another, and contrasted the great disadvantages under which the saints of Cesar’s Household 1 labored as compared with the liberty which the people of God have, and added that If a person could live a Christian life in the house of the wicked Nero, emperor life in City of Savannah, “It is the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesui Chist that you need.” said the preacher. I went home feeiing much bet ter than before; By hearing the preacher on such Occasions as this paeach so much to my comfort— notbringing in any of his armiman talk, I become much impressed with the Mission preacher. The other arminian preachers here have not been able to put the feel ing on me that this man did. La ter on he commenced vi little, “Freewillism, which I had not be lieved in. This put me to think ing and I soon found that I was “On the fence.” and knew not what to believe. Now in such matters we have W rule to go by, and that is the divine Word. But I did not know what is said about the mat ter, and was unable to read and find out, Oh! miserble wretch that I was; Jt seemed like I was now in toe same condition I was in before I received my hope. The first question was: Is the Bible infallibly IrueSAnd the latter was: Is the Bull Street Baptists Church tho proper church for me? Finally I deceived, as my mind would not become clear, that it would I e best for me to stay and of all churches until I knew what was right. Just about this time, Elder NcDonald came ta Savanna h and preached too beautiful Sermons which convinced me that be was a faithful minister of our Lord: so I said in my bean, I will arise and f Alow Jesus. So Elder McDonald baptized another young man and myself into fellowship of Spring Grove church, though an arm ex t ended here. My mind was now relieved and I found rest. We ex pect to constitute a church soon. There seventeen Baptists in Sava nnah that we know, besides a num ber who have received a posspori into Ganaan but have not crossed You will see I have addressed, you a long letter bfit my brother if it is too long please excuse me. Your Baby Brother. Georgs, &, Cajxull- Josie Ala, Joly 1895. Editors of the Pilgrim's Banner Dear Brethren; I have had a mind to write something for your paper for sometime but have failed from a feeling sense of unworthifless, I am wboly dependent upon the e temal God for anything that would be profitable and consoling to his Spiritual children: hence tho light aud liberity that is required in order to render acceptable ser vice to God is unmerited, for it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts. s .... After' reading * one- hundred questions propounded in the Banncr, I was animated, I wish to say to all who may read these remarke, that the one who |pro pounded those questions is send ing on a sure ioundation. I believe that he has been throughly strip ped of his grave clothes and pre pared to give God all the glory that is due his high exalted name I will now present a scripture for your consideration feeliug that God is able to bring light out of dark ness. “ And I heard a voice from heaven as the voice of a great thundea and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps and they sung as it were a new song before the throne and before the four brest and the elders and and no man could learn that song but tho hundred and forty and four thousand, which were re deemed from the earth. Rev. 14: 23 That voice was the voice of Jesus. As the voice of many waters, and as the voice of thunder, so is the voice of the Son of God, and thes that hear it shall live. The voice of many waters Is powerful inso much that it cant be hushed. The voice oi a great thunder, is powerful in its nature; it is above all the voices that are common to the natural organ of hearing; It works independent of human will human efforts cannot produce it, neither can they perventit, so is that voice that is heard from heaven It is not heard according to human will but according to the will of the eternal God. It was after life was imparted that he said “Lazrus come fourth,” and you herd this heavenly voice. “I heard the voices harping with, their harps and they sang as it were a new song.” This is new only with time beings: this the song of the covenant of grace which brings salvation by grace. Hence this new song is salvation by grace. Yon remember what the old. r sfing was my brethren salvation by workers, by the deeds of the law. This song of salvation by grace is a glotions one and is new be cause one has said in the scriptures I never saw it after this fashion, before. This song i 8 as old as the plan of salvation, but ic new be caus it comes after the old. “No man can learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand which were redeemed from the earth. Notice dear doubt ing child, that none can learn that song but the redeemed, so when you find yourself singing this song in your experience you may know that you are one of that redeemed family. I know satan tries to counterfeit that little hope and tells you that it is all fiction, the works of your own Hands, but which will you believe, words of truth or the lying tongue of satarn May God give you grace and faith to over come the wickedness. “In their mouths was found no guilt for they are without fault before the throne of God” I under stand the one hundred and forty and four thousand, and to be the remnant which Paul says shall be, saved according to the election of grace, saved in a temporal salva tion saved by the foolishness of preaching. This is of grace also lor the preaeher must have grace to preach and the hearer must have g*ace to hear and to receive it. This does not embrace all the heirs of promise for they are as the sand of the shore. Surely this people hundred forty and luurthousand do put their trust in Him, They ’’ely wholly upon him for Hfe and salvation in so much that they are without fault before God. They are so well upon practical goodness and duty that there is no guile in their mouths they are tree from rites, and ceremonies of the law. They are not defiled with women representing the work mongrel system and everythingelse that tends to rob God of his glory® which is emulated to people. Then let us take heed ufo to ourselves and the doctrine that we may save ourselves and them that hear us. Again that they may keep from the strange woman, from the stringer which flattereth with her words.” Prov vii. 5. 1 his is one of the same women which is mentioned in Revelation, lying in wait at every corner. I sometimes go to hear these women tell of their good performances and in a boasting way, they claim many wonderful works. I have peace offerings with me this day. I have paid my vows, I have decked my bed with tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. This is time that she decked her bed with carv-, ed works and carved them herself. Jesus is not there and is not wanted. This is done in Egypt in the flesh—down in the depths of hell. She has cast dowm many wounded; strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the cham bers o. death.” A little more about those who keep his com mandments. “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord from henceforth saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their la bors and their works do follow them.’ Here we have a death un derconsideration which awaits the children of God. This death proves a blessing to those wtob re alize it, and that blessing is rest. God’s people are brought to view in a dead live state, working and resting at the same time. The word “rest” may have different meanings, but in this case it means re ty or lean, stop sewing fig leavdT together and put on the Lord’s garment made of skins and rest in Jesus our Sabbath which we are to keep holy. We. mist die in order to’find t hat given is contrary to the hu wan will choose deWm Death comes ac cording to the will of God. He killsand inakes alive, then good works follow as a fruit. Then let them who believe in God be careful to maintain good works. Yours in hope of the salvation of God. J. E. Fincher (Continued) Again I pleaded to be taken to it’s home before it passed away, not be as the other little one cal led before that only in death could I see the baby form so pale—so still But again the boon was denied me. The loved ones dar ed not let mo take the ride, besides I was so ill myself. Day after day I awaited the news from the little one, and after days of much suffering it was spared to us/Sure ly God is good. The weeks passed away until June. Sometime I would be bet ter, but oftener worse. In Jun I again ralapsed and for weeks I never got a moments ease or rest from pain. Only God knows half my suffering, I seemed to trof fer in most every way a human could, but after unfailing attention and skill of the kind physician, and the best of nursing, God blessed me to improve again. Time with its trials and conflicts has brought me to the ©resent time. “Sent. It is now over eighteen months Since I have been confined to my bed and room. I can walk a little in the house, with the aid of some thing to lean upon, but my trials c- utio.ue to come, besides my own body suffering. My dear mother has been away from me nearly six weeks, staying at the bed-side of my dear sister which she has been called too so often Since my long illness. My sister is very low •with that dreadful disease con suihption.Oh; dear pitying chil dren of God, pray for me. Again I | must lie and wait the sad news, that death has borne away another -I— 111- • . . #4 » ........ 1 ■ love’d one. }(ever again, shall we loot:' into each others fact?, or clasp each others hands. Each member of the family has visited her bed side accept myself, for her home is over 20 miles away, and I have not the strength to go to see her. Sometimes it seems more than I can bear, but when I can hive faith to look “heavenward” 1 I know that God will give me strength to bear every trial “tfeo bitter be the cup from which I must drink.” He wounds, he alone can heal, and while I have suffered untold agony, almost the pangs of death, and been tried in the furnace of trials and afflic tions, yet I have often been m ide to feel it ■was “good to be afflict ed” yea I have felt it was an h in or, a blessing, to suffer for Jesus sake | that may be He did love me,by noticing me enough to afflict me. I have been made to enjoy sweet communion with Jesus (as I hope) often up®n my bed of affliction. I have been made to forget cares and pain and disip pointments, by His holy presence. Tears fill my eyes when I remem ber some of the heavenly visions I have seen. I have been enabled as I hope, to see deep and hidden mysteries, I never saw before. I have seemed to soar away from earth and earthly things, and hive a foretaste of the joys I hope await ing me in that “home beyond the skies.” Often looking oat just through the width of a door or window from my bed, I have seen the hand of God and His power in the boughs of the trees, and hear it in the songs of the birds. How oft have I been reminded of the Psalmist language where be sa’d “0 that man would praise the Lord for his goodness and wonder ful works to the children of men” I know David’s heart, must have been full of melody when he ex pressed those words. Many times I have felt that I would not exchange places with the heal th rat, queenhest of wom en, were it possible for me to do so. While their life may be grander or more exalted than mmA I had far rather have my afflictions and trials with the sweet little vis its of Jesus, and little rays of sun shine from his presence, than all the wealth or power of earth. I would not if I conld undo a mo ments pain or hours of sadness. Earth has taught its lessons. Of ten while bowed in sorrow and pain in my terrible afflictions, I have wondered why I must suffer so? But already I have begun to see tho “silver lining” and to re alize that all my trials and heart aches has been for my good. And could I know for the glory of God I could rejoice; though the way is often dark and gloomy, and I feel forsaken, feel that I have no guide for my wondering feet —no light for my weary eyes, no hand to lead me gently along. Then again the clouds drift apart and tile sun shines again, and I cuu see the little light that points un to an “Eternal day” and can tru ly feel that the Lord is my shei>- berd. There are many things I would love to mention, but space forbids. But unto all the dear saints and friends who have min istered to me bpth temporally and spiritually I thank you all, and your deeds of love and kindness, will ever be ohenshod by me un til my ayes »re closed in death, aud my hands folded in peace. To each their gifts may look small, bnt to me it means much. I pray Gods blessings on all. If I had been a child of wealth or fame it don’t seem that more love or deeds of kindness, more Words of balm, more tender eatresses could ’have been mine to receive from rich and poor, great and small. Ol how often have I wondered why God is so good to me? Why does He bless me in so many ways? I ma so vile,so forgetful of his goodness, so slow to sing his praise. But Oh for a heart of praise, that I could praise Hid name forever and ever. Surely .God is good to enable me to be well as I am. My hears is so full Os gratitude—too full -foFlitteriance for of the dear people of God, and jpy kind and faithful physician, who has done so much for me; and unto my,blessed Redeemer I want to bow in humble submission. Ever giving Hi,m the praise that is due his holy name. Now in conclusion I thank you dear bro ther Simms for your forbearance and kindness in giving these I (fear unprofitable) lines, spare in the Banner. And if one sad heart has been comforted or cheered, I am. repaid for all my suffering and trials. To God be all praise. I suffer yet, and perhaps always shall, but I rejoice to have a hope I have a home “Eternal in the Heavens” where no trials, no pain, or death ever enters. I ask the’ prayers of God’s people, for I feel to be the weakest of the weak, the poorest of the poor. Lovingly your little sister in affliction, Fannie Shuman. Sparks Ga. Sept, 9th 1895. Homerville Ga July 19. 1895 Editors Pilgrim’s Banner, VaL 2 Dear Brethren in the Lord:—-Having just received the Banner for July 15the, reminds me of the many blessings received of late at the hand of the Lord among the churches. After a long and very dark cold winter, the sun has again shined . upon ns, most all the churches having received some precious brethren and sisters by experience and bap tism. I must mention our last meeting at Bethany. It was a time of love more especially at the close of conference. A little 14yr. old girl came and O! she could talk of the love and mercy of God, to the great comfort of all present who knew the truth. She was 1 eceived, and baptized next day by the writer. Again one of the most refresh ing seasons of our pilgrimage was a visit to Mt. Olive church, (Elder Tomlinson pastor.) By special request of a dear brother, A. M. Tomlinson, brother to the pastor, I was with them the first Saturday, and Sunday* one dear sister was received for baptism. After the close of the cmvforene® but thanks and praise to fnegood Lcrd. His presence still contin ued. At the waters edge two other sisters were recived into fel loship, one of which was baptised, so there was three of the dear children of God received by the church at that meeting, and the brother Tomlinson olso baptise d The Lord be praised for his spe cial presence. The Sunday’s mee ting was one of much interest Our poor hearts were made glad, our poor feeble mind was lightened up so as to speak with much free dom and ease. Tlie many tears of praise and joy will be long re membered. One more instance; we must not-forget the* last month ly meeting at Red bluff (Alapaha Association) Perhaps brother 8. you know of her very law state, but praise the Lord there are a few faithful children there that are realy to condemn error and sustain truth. While they haue had Con siderable tronble for two years past the Lord has delivered them from it all. Peace aud love exist among them, and as the Lord has promised to add to the church &c they re ceived one dear young brother by experience and baptism. There is no visible trouble nor even cold ness existing among them now. Dear brethren, more especially preachers, visit us at our meet ings for we are very poor and nee dy. Now in concfosion, let me admonish the dear saints that may chance to read this scnbble, to a faithful and humble discharge of your Christian duties. I know that we often almost despair but if the Lord Tarry wait for Him. Tho dear saints are tried as by fire and die Lord knows sdl ora needs, and if it is the fire of God’s love that burnes us, remember, the chaff on ly is consumed, and by that pro cess the wheat is parged. In love o all the little ones that fear the Lord, and in hope of this life wrought out by the precious blood of the Lamb, I close. May the Lord enable you brother Editors to faithfully contend forth e faith once delivered to the saints, leav ing off all that would tend to confusion among the saints, is the sincere desire of your litile broth er. J. A. Osteen