Newspaper Page Text
- ■ rn. n/ i-F •
Williamston N. C. Sept. 23, 1895.
Elder Lee Hanks Boston Ga
Dear Brother: Your postal re
questing mv views on the pearl of
great price was forwarded tn me
dating my recent tour in Virginia
and Maryland. I returned home
last week, and reply as soon as I
could well find the time.
Some supposes, that by the
‘merchant-man seeking good!}
pearls” Christ means himself, and
by “the pearl of great price” He
means His Church, which He loves
above all things else, and for the
possession of which He parts with
His divine glory and His human
life itself, thus accomplishing her
eternal redemption ( Eph. v. 25-27 ,
2 Cor. viii 9). But I think that
it is more in accordance with the
other six parables in Matt. xiii. to
understand by the merchant-man
the travailing soul, the sin-burden
ed sinner, seeking spiritual goo s,
release from the guilt and power of
sin, and finding, in the oerson and
work and sufferings and death and
resurrection and intercession of
Christ, the pearl of great price, all
his salvation and all his desire J
for the possession of which incom
parable treasure he is willing, it
necessary, to part with a 11 besides,
with all natural riches and honors
and pleasures and wisdom and self
righteousness and with natural life
itself. No human being obtains
Christ, who does not esteem Him
as of infinitely more value than all
besides; and no one who does so
esteem Christ wilt fail to obtain
Him. He is already a member oi
“the kingdom of heaven,” to whom
sin is the greatest burden, and
Christ thegreatest desire; and the
glorious and pure and imperisha
ble riches of that kingdom are his
Yours in love,
Sylvester Hassell.
The thanks of the Ochlockonee
« Primitive Baptist Association are
due, and hereby tendered to the
brotherhood of
S sux‘
so fwuntifulJy en
tertainment of visitors to our as
sociation. May the Lord abundantly
bless them and keep them from
all danger, is our prayer. By order
of the association in conference.
October £Bth 1895.
R. H. Barwick Moderator
J. N. Gibson Clerk.
Valdosta. District Missionary
Meeting in this City.
The annual meeting of the Wo
man’s Foreign Missionary Society,
of the Valdosta district, was held
in the Methodist church here,
commencing with an address of
welcome by Miss Lilia Whitting
ton and a response by Alias Gussie
Barnes of Quitman, last Friday
night. Nearly every society in the
district was represented by a dele-
gate and the meeting is said to
have been one of the most pleas
ant ever held in the district. The
business meeting was held on Sat
urday morning and the reports
from the various societies over
the district demonstrated the
vigor with which the women are
doing their work towards Chris
tianizing the world.—Valdosta
And the “report” given in the
New Testament demonstrates, not
only the vigor, but the power of
Jesus of Nazareth in Christianiz
ing the world,” but we had not
known before that there were
any successors to his office. Give
us another verse brother
Then I looked on all the works
that my hands had wrought, and
on the labour that I bad laboured
to do: and, behold, all was vanity
fthd vexation of and there
was do’ pfcffit under t'hd sun.
Arlen Ga, Not. 2nd 1895. I
Elder A. V. Simms.
Dear brother:— 1 was at Upper i
Utt’s Creek cbnrchlast Saturday
apd Stind mh! the meeting j
truly delightful. The same Spirit ,
that made the Association j
pleasant, prevailed with us, and |
everything was lovely indeed.
Two young ladies was received for
baptism—a Miss Mollie Jones,
(daughter of sister Menerve
Jones) and Miss Debby Parrish.
They brought the pure language
of Canaan, with so much comfort
to the whole church.
sister Cartie, who was receive at <
the Association,^ereall baptized
Sunday morning. The sight w’as
so beautiful and heavenly, till I
felt to say with Jacob of old,“This
is none other than the house of
God, and the gate of heaven.” Oh
fiow I dread the winter that will
probably- come after a while. 1
remember you said in your sermon
l “The storm will surely come,”
: I remain as ever your brother
J. Ja Smith.
3 Mrs. Lillie Roberson, wife of
’ W. R. Roberson, was born Janua
i ry 23rd 1862 and fell asleep ini
Jesus August 31st 1895 after a
> protracted spell of sickness. She
1 leaves a heart-broken husband,
i and three little girls, with other
1 relatives, and a host of friends to
I mourn their loss. Her sufferings
1 were great, but it is now all over
■ and she is asleep in Jesus, waiting
J for that glorious, immortalized
body that shall come forth in its
glorified state at the second com
ming of Jesus.
She was truly a Christian woman,
j a devoted companion, and loving
, mother. She desired to depart
j and be with Jesus which she said
* far better. Ts er only earthly
• rl ftrnr- l . .p;, r *'
Oh I MoIW, grieve no!
Let all your grief be for my
darling little children, for Jesus 1
has called for me and I Must go.’* ®
She talked of Jesus and his love, 1
all through her illness. Pour sis- ■
ter 1 how she suffered. Some of 1
our preachers visited and preached c
for her, during her illness and '
many other saints spoke words of c
comfort to.her—all of which she 1
greatly enjoyed.
A short time before her death
Y she had a vision in which she saw
the same beautiful man in Ins
long white robe, standing on that
- same white marble stone which
, she had seen in her experience,
1 and in talking about it afterwards
? she seemed to be perfectly happy.
May the Lord comfort all the be
’ letved ones.
Acijnj Copeland.
For Elder A. W. Patterson in
the Ochlockonee, Union, Pulaski
and Suwannee Associations. At
brother Chastain’s Thomas Co, Ga.
Friday night before the Ist Sun
day in December.
Mount Pisgah Thomas Co. Sat
urday and Sunday. Thomasville
and Boston during the week i
as may hereafter be arranged.
Antioch 2nd Saturday & Sunday
Harmony Brooks Co. Monday
Bethel “ » Tuesday
Live Oak Colquit Co,Wednesday
Moultrie “ “ at night
Pleasant Grove “ “ Thursday
Sardus “ “ Friday
Adel Berrien “ Saturday
Pleasant “ “ Sunday
Pleasant Grove “ Monday,
Concord “ « Tuesday
Cat Creek Lowndes “ Wednesday
Lake Park “ “ Thursday
Bethel Hamilton “ Sat. & Sun.
Mount Horeb Madison Co. Mon
day and Tuesday,
Columbia Brooks Co, Wedneg
and Tfcrtrtfdsy,
jftlflilH’fi Dadaiat C 6. its
1 —.- l Pi R i II I
Sunday and Saturday before.
Thence on to Alabama. He will .
need conveyance.—-S.
Appointments for Elder Lee
Hanks of Boe ton,Gw., In the bounds
or the lxwer Canoochee Asaocia.
tion, during tho mouth of Novem
ber, as follows: <
Bethel, Monday 11th,
Daisy Monday night 11th,
Bethel, Tuesday 12th,
Beard’s Creek, Wednesday 13th,
Loves Chapel, Thursday
Bay Branch, Friday 15th,
Belleville, Friday night Ipth,
Andersons, Saturday and Sun
day, 16th and 17th.
Old DeLoache’s, Monday 18th,
Upper Black Creek, Tuesday, 19th
Fellowship, Wed
Lanes, Thursday 21st,
Bethlehem, Friday, 22nd,
Upper Lott’s Creek, Saturday and
Sunday 23rd and 24th.
Savannah Baptist Church, Mon
day night 25th. He will need
conveyance. L. M. Nichola.
Elder W. C. Cleveland of Cul
loden, Ga., will preach tlie Lord
willing as follows :
Pleasant, Berrien Co. Nov. 27.
Cat Creek. “ 28.
Valdosta, “ at night
Columbia, “ 29-30.
Mount Horeb December 1.
Bethel Hamilton Co‘ “ 2.
Hebron, _ “ “ 3.
ElderCteveland is a'gifted preach
er and we oespe.ik for him a re
spectful hearing. The brethren
at Pleasant will meet him at Cecil
Ga; on the evening of the 26th,
Barwick Ga Oct. 8th,1895.
Dear Brother Simms: —I wish
to say to the readers of the Banner.
that lam an agent for Durand
and Lester’s Hymn and Tune
Books, and have them on hand.
Can furnish them at 85 cents sin
gle copy, or SI.OO sent by mail.
I keep them for the benefit of our
people without any profit to me,
except the knowledge that I have
been a help to have better singing
in our churches. The advantage
of these books is, that musici
is writt<- » with th-
One of the Churches of my
charge has bought 1 doz. of
hymn for the congregation, and
they are well pleased with them.
They contain almost all of our
old tunes, with a great many new
ones, and the sentiment of the
words is strictly in harmony with
our doctrine. It is a book that
I feel willing to commend to our
churches, singing schools and
Yours to serye
H. Barwick
Why use medicene when vnn
buy an oxydonor from $12(3l to
and cure all curable d ,% 00
doctors or medicine? One will W !
lifetime for a family with 1 as ‘“
want dealers, in every count, io Ge or
Sin, Alabama and Florida, to handle’
tb.s wonderful little “
For terms address with stamp ’
Lee Hanks, Boston, Ga. or AS’ q im „
Valdost;Ga. A ; v -bimm a
It gfivesm© plcasurp t-n
testimonial to the merits nt
YDONOR. I waa rS C d nft
rheumatism in the worst
days time and made nl.ln lfi Vo
work,with evervS? to % Oab <>ut my
frilly it is a little “VinM.n
great wonder. Vlctor an * a
Mrs. M.E.e CKabj)t
dropsy seated
oases called hopeless. From flr st
’ ymtom, rapidly disappear, and h,?’ 6
4ay at least two-thirds of all
are removed. Book of testimony
miraculous cures sent FREE in ° f
treatment free by mail. ’ 0da >’ 5
Da. H. H. & s ; Ngi
AVe eomnietd the above firm ’*
our brethren and friendj 1
ferers from the di seasee men(]n
ed. Dr. Green, Sr „ and h “ t T
sons have had wonderful su *°
m the treatment of dropsy. Th PBS
are devoted members of the p r jl y
Hive Baptist church in Atlanta i
Sad are worthy of the con 72
of alb Wfifc thm. ° Ufid6llc « i
-MSd. 1
Professional Cards* 15
attorney at law, J
Valdosta, - • Georgia. F
Special attention given to City
Dr B. R Saxon
Speeial attention given to sur
gury and diseases of women.
Office over National Bank. |
Valdosta, Ga-
... BiS®
Office in McKee Building Cen
tral Avenue.
Job Printing
Price per 100 250" 500
Envelops, xx 6-inch, S 30 S7O $ 1.20
Envelops, xxx, 6 3-4 V' 40 90 1.50
Commercial Note Heads, 30 75 1.25
Packet size Note Heads, 40 90 1.50
Letter Heads, 75 1.25 1.75
Bill Heads, 4s, 50 1.00 1.50
Bill Heads, 3s, 45 95 1.25
Business Cards, 2 1-2 x 4, 50 85 1.25
Shipping Tags, 40 80 1.20
U. S. Postal Cards, 1.75 3.50 7.00
Circulars, 4x 6, 50 75 1.00
Circulars, 5x 8, 75 1.00 1.50
Circulars, 6x 9, 1.00 1.85 1.75
If not why not?
We give you the lowest possible prices
qu all work, and if you need any thing
on Ibis list, write us .for
* will £uru : h
goods, promptly on receipTofSßr
We put up our Note, Letter, State
ments and Bill Heads in Tablet form
without extra charge.
Address all orders to
Book and Job Printers,
i Buinets Training School.
over 4000 students in bus!-
Mtueineca ead Shorthand
nee; the only school in ide
d on the Actual Busiwkso
i enter any lime. fiend tor
Br. D. BartleyJ
Bear Brother It is a pleasure for me
to say my wile and self have been
ÜB iug Dr C anche’s Oxydonor since
Jan. Ist. We have found great bene
fit it from its use.
I am sincerely yours.
Elder James M. True.
Dr. D. Rartly
Dear Brother My rheumatism is gone
m y stomach is ail right; my kidneys
are a great deal better. I have not
laken a dose of medcine since I got
iie Dxydonor It has done me more
feood than all the medcine I ever took.
I have had those ailments for three
Mrs. SalLim Freman
Oxford Miss, July 1, 1895.
years I have been suffering
tiA? & efl eral debility and indiges
vpr antl a short time back I came
i Uear having a severe stroke of
FyL,?* lß ’ But using Dr. Sanche’s
Hnlv? or fur three weeks, lam fee
my wlf again.
** c °rdially recomend it to every ene.
Mrs Mattie S. Wilson.
dealers wanted.
£° od active dealers in every
a,ui c i fc y in South Georgia
Oxv f f nia Florida to handle the
out Victory which cures with
in- Yn (lc,ne or doctors. It is a bless
dead a any does not raise the
the tim? eep P eo P ie from dying when
in di»n. comes for them to tell asleep
healinJ • but it posseses wonderful
Willing Vlrt ues and one instrument
Usinir {. a fami ly a lifetime. Persons
closplv r/ ,louJd follow instructions
or ohXrA 1 y° u are afflicted from;acute
I £ < ? iseases , or wish to become
a gtamM us at once and enclose
Boshtf Gs., W
Valdosta GeSstii
We Want Your 71
-* * Printing! “ I
People In tafera Oittei asA Towns : \ / W-V/
Want to know ■ -
SwERE to send and get a job of printing. j| “
WHERE to send and have it done in first-clan shape
WHERE they will have a job done when promised.
WHERE they can get what they wish at a reasonable I
WHERE?—why, at | ’
The Banner J ob Printing Ofe
Patterson Street, over Citizen*’ Bank,’
Valdosta, Ga.
’ I
We are looking
For just such people. 1
Teaches us that everyone is looking foi the Dollarg rg|
Cents (great things to have around, —mighty handy
Ain’t it? Well, wo’ve got to have it, to run our
Business.) We think we can save you some, and O
Some ourselves if we can get a trial order from yog.
Now to give you the reason why you should
Patronize us. It i»
Everything in onr Establishment is New.
We have an up-to-date outfit.
Our workmen know their busmesi, and we believe if an order k
Worth taking, it is worth doing well.
When we figure on a job we figure on first-ftlass stock, find-chit I
Ink, first-class workmanship, and satisfaction to the customer
fjarSend your orders for the Job Department to
——“ — me No j j
Train ’ p’i rain Tral> jMiles.i r '
. No. 3. I '* - ' T "MJ*
{tor-* ’ STAfZOMft
12 35 p m 800 p rn{ 535 ft m ***■»»**♦-
1202 pm 3 15pm #so a m ln , « . . u*
■1 OQ p m 34° p m 600a m H 2 . 2 Leave
116 pm iggs 615are jf ::
15 J: - ::
siop "I I,j «|:
STATIONS. „ Train Train I Train
.Fare. No. 2. Na. 6. No. 4,
~ ——- . ... Fassngr. Log & frlf
“ ? 1115 amlqlo am 6 00»»
“ Luke Station, 10 1110 am 10 02 am 165 pa
“ :::::::::: Sp^ gl ® r ’ ™ nooam 952 am 545 pm
« , -Phoebe, 32 10 50 a m 942 a m 585» ju
M . •••.Barwick, 38 10 40 am 930 am 5 20pm
Leave '\\\ Uolh ’ 52 10 30 a m 923 a m 510 p a
Arrive).., McDonald, 60 10 15 am 915 am 5 00>m
M .’.77 Alderman’s ’fni’X?®'’ S 1007 • “ 907 * m < 53 P a
“ Aldermans Judction, 70 1000 am 900 am 44sja
« Autreyvnie, 90 ItoJm
--J177212112Z Moultrie,|l 24 ( • |BOO am
71 Pi dares for 50 Cents.
We now offer you a book, print
ed on good enameled paper,
‘eighty pounds to the ream, bound
in cloth, good and strong, with
seventy-one pictures of Old Schoo
Baptists ministers, also a briel
sketch of each one’s life, all for
Think of it! Seventy-oue for
50 cents, already bound, so as to
be easily preserved forever.
Price per single copy, postage
paid by us, 50 cents.
For one dozen, in one order
money with the order, $5. ’
Send money in Registered Let
ter, or Post Office Money order at
our risk. Do not send stamps
Address, r
Fort Branch, Gibson county, Ind.
We are prepared to print Assoocia
“lnates "fatly and cheaply.
!yi «.x«xrpr£™:
m pilgrim’s turn
Valdosta Barbie Mi
Manufaettrera and Dealers in
Tomb Stonea,
Iron Fencing And
Cemetery Goods.
Come to see us, we do fin work, asd
guarantee Satisfaction. Shops loc*
ed in Savannah Avenue in front of
8, F. <tw. R. R, Depot*
' 111 1 , I Il I IJMK*
Shos, Balsa W
FuraisiiiDg M,