The Pilgrim's banner. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1893-1918, December 01, 1896, Image 3

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not only willing, but anxious to depart and be with Jesus. His hope was strong and steadfast t?the end. When his dear wife died he said “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” Aud speaking to me afterwards about it, he said “she has only gone on before to the land of the blessed. Ho was clerk of the Harmony As sociation for eleven years, and Moderator of the same for five years ; both of which he to honor. Thus he fought the good fight, kept the faith and is wearing the crown of glory. Below are some lines composed by a lady friend, expressive of the feelings of all the brotherhood who know him. In yonder realms of heavenly light Another one doth rest With God who called him from our sight To be forever blest. The words he spoke—sweet to recall— Alas! now never more Upon our listening ears shall fall — He too, has gone before. His work is done —he’s now at rest In that sweet world above, < Where the redeemed in Christ are blest Where all is God and love. How often did he groan and sigh, Waiting that blissful shore? That fair celestial home on high, Where death is feared no more His gracious Lord has heard his cries, And given him a crown Os life eternal in the skies, Where sin is never known. We cannot wish him here-again, In this vile world to roam. Since it is God who loosed his pain And gave him that sweet home. Oh glorious thought! Oh blessed Lord ! Os such a home on high I Where all the scattered saints abroad, Shall gather bye and bye. Then ye his loved ones, weep no more, For God calls but his own; And praise, instead this stroke deplore, And strive for a like crown. Rufus H. Jennings. Gospel Messenger please copy. OBITUARY Clyde Bunn, son of W. L. and V. D. Bunn died at his homo in Worth Co Ga. Sept 14 1896. aged er, if you can bear with me in a few more words I desire to tell you a dream I had not long since. I had b- en to the Pilgrims Rest As sociation, had a glorious feast of fat things. But alter we had all parted, I felt sad, and got to think ing about old church-troubles gone, and of my ill health and sin ful state, till I was in deepdistress; being at brother Jones,’ ho asked me if I did not wish to he down and net awhile? I replied that I did. S) I did, and soon fell asleep, and dreamed that my sorrows were killing me; I fell upon my knees in prayer to the L«>rd; and I th ought my dear twin brother put his arms around my neck and tried to comfort me, but I told him I must go to the Lord—that I had no confidence in the flesh: So I kept on praying and asking the Lord to have mercy upon me and His precious people. And I be 'came so fervent, and wept so, that. I awoke weeping aloud. /Then my poor soul leaped for joy, and I felt a love for my dear brother and sister Jones and their litte chil dren, that I could scarcely keep from manifesting in some unusual way; and I loved all of God’s creatures with a love so comfort ing to me. Oh how' I wanted to praise God for this happy maifes tation and deliverance! I felt like I did when I first received a hope of eternal life and rest. I went on to the Buttahatchee Association andwas happy for about a week. I must close. Remember me in your prayers. Unworthily, Spencer F. Moore, P. S. In the Banner of Oct. 15, in the first column in Elder J. Clouds article to me, it should have read S. F. instead of E. S. Moore. ease, chronic th o neuralgia etc. 7, \'k so I use no medicine \ not take S2OO for the benet aave derived from it. Every family should have one. Just look: “It cured Mrs. M. A. Louderback, (Gas Ken M 0.,) of cancer of the womb.” It cured Miss Fannie burden of Ga., of brights’ dis ease. John Temple Graves of Atlanta, Ga., says: “It is worth its weightin gold,” it has been so beneficial to him. It cured 4* Ider D. Bartley, of Crawford ville, Ind., of chronic troubles of 30 years standing. Elder John U Boyd, Ilanaker, Va., says that he would not take SSOO for his Oxydonor, ifrtias been such a blessing to him. Elder E. E. Oliver Kenmore, Va., writer: I have used the Oxydonor in my f4nily for about IQ mppths and would foot take SIOOO for the benefit I Jiaye received to say nothing of the suffering |nd doc tors bill. Sister Laura of Bos ton, Ga., had not stood alonafor over two year until she used the (jxydonor and now she is walking and In better health than she has had for several years. Medicines and failed in her case, but the did the work. I could refer to mfiy cases but it is useless. Send orders tp me at Boston Thom as county, Ga., General dpalir for the United States. I want dealerpatavery P-'st Office. Enclose stamper terms to dealers. Order at once of Lee Hanks, Bostons, Ga. Dr. H. Sanche Detroit, Mich., is the inventor To any one sending us five new subscribers and 5 dollars for the same within the next three months we will send them the free for one year, that is, for Ave names and five dollars we will send six copies of the lUl™ 10 any or different addressestor one year. 1 The most of our Subscribers could with a little effort, feet an ‘ other to subscribe for the Banner. Brethren and sisters, try it, and help us to leave oft those hateful advertisments in ofir f4 er » and put it in pamphlet for®. As h* s we must run these secular ad ver tisments to pay curre«®P enccs - «TO£S. Merchants’ Bank, m Rpv, Carl Minor, Pastor Baptist Church, Valdosta, Ga. Specialist and Surgeon. CLUB RATES. An agreement has been made by which we can furnish The Baptist Trumpet, a good, sound, Weekly Primitive Baptist paper,pubblished at Bonham Texas by Elder J. G. Webb, and the Pilgrim’s Banner tor one year to any new subscriber for the small sum of $2 00 per. annum. Also to any old eubcriber, wishing to renew, we will give the same rate. Remember the Trumpet s a weekly paper and the regular price is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. —8. J. T. & B. H. Roberts, VALDOSTA, GA —DEALERS IN— Buggies, Pheatons, Carts, Etc They also carry a largo stock of Harness, Robes, Etc. If your wish to deal with a reliable firm and one that will save you money, give them a trial. jan 15 ’96 JOHN LANE Shoes, Hats and Gents, Furnish ing goods. Respess in the sale of tlicif nearly one year and desire to make a short re port for which intrusion I hope you will pardon me. My daughter has taken thirty-eight bottles and thinks her cancer is cured. Mrs. Stiverson who resides near my place had a running sore on her breast for two years, which four good doc tors failed to cure. It may have been cancer. Her family gave her up to die. Eight bottles of Graybeard cured her completely. Mrs. Sargent was very feeble with cancer and Graybeard cured her in six months. Mr. Koutner has had a cancer on his face 28 years. Graybeard is healing it up and making him healthy. Mr. Weiland has been to Hot Springs Ark. and other places for treatment of rheumatism and | was compelled to walk with crutches. Eighteen L bottles of the medicine made by these young men made him throw away the crutehe§. Mrs. Neff who lives in Adelpliia across our county line has been confined to her bed nine weeks with cancer. I sold her two bottles of this medicine and after taking two bottles she was able to go to the table for her meals and could ride out in her buggy. She had five physicians to hold a consultation in her case and they said they could do nothing to relieve her and that she must die in a month or six weeks. This gives the medicine quite a name here. A. Nixon Logan Ohio Aug 13th. THE GREY BEARD May Be Obtained From The WACHOVIA DRUG STORE, VALDOSTA, GA. DROPSY J™ Positively CURED with Vegetable Remedies. Have cured many thous and cases called hopeless. From first dose symtoms rapidly disappear, and in ten days at least two-thirds of all symtoms are removed. Book of testi ?S 8 . iniricu]oUß cures sent hKEE. 10 drys treatment free bv mail. Dr. H. IE GREEN & SONS, Atlanta Ga. Subscribe for the Pilgrim’s Banner —— 7 , DR. J. A. PARRISH, DENTIST, Vaddobta, Ga. t .-1 Office in McKee Building Cefi* I Hal Avenue.