The Georgia major. (Atlanta, Ga) 1883-????, March 11, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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8 HK LOVES HIS COUNTRY BEST WHO KNOWS NO NORTH OR SOUTH— NO EAST OR WEST “The Georgia Major” can be found on file with— S. M. Pettingill & Co., 37 Park Row, New York. N. W. Ayer A Son. “Times” Building, Philadel phia. H. P. Hubbard, City Building, New Haven, Conn. • H. F. Gillig & Co., 449 Strand, London, Eng land. Where Advertisements and Subscriptions will be received, “ The Georgia Major ” can be ”J'°7 ur follnwlhg wholesale news depots; AffluHl'Ah Nbws (joinpahy, New York, American News COu Denver, Colo., G. Banker. Kahsas City, Mo., American News Co., Omaha, Neb., American News Co., St. Paul, Minn,, Baltimore News Co., Baltimore, Md., Central News Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati News Co., Cincinnati, Ohio., Detroit News Co., Detroit, Mich., Montreal News Co., Montreal. Canada. Newark News Co., Newark, N. J., New England News Co., Boston, Mass., New York News Co., New York, Pittsburg News Co., Pittsburg, Pa., Rhode Island News Co., Providence, R. I. San Francisco News Co., San Francisco, Cal., St. Louis News Co., St. Louis, Mo., Toronto News Co., Niagara, Falls, Ontario, Western News Co., Chicago, 111,, Washington News Co., Wash.ngton, D. C., New Orleans News Co., New Orleans, La., And is sold by retail news dealers everywhere, and on the leading railroads. fEfcl Mathews.—Fannie Aymar Mathews has just written a strong play, the scene of which is located in Washington, and shows the ins and outs of diplomatic life at the National Capitol. If she has at all succeeded in her work the play will probably out-rank ‘ * A Parisian Romance’’ in suggestiveness, or “Camille” in un blushing dirtiness. His veto. —The Catholic bishop of Providence put his veto on theatre-going during Lent and all his people believe the best shows of the season were billed for that circuit during the forty days. Banks.—General Nathaniel P. Banks, a former Governor of Massachusetts, for many years in Congress and at one time Speaker of the House of Representatives, and a distinguished officer in the late war, was an actor at the old National Theatre, Boston, in his early days. He •was also an expert dancer of the Sailors' Hornpipe and the Highland Fling. Wyndham.—Charles Wyndham will probably play next season through this country ; but whether under his own or an American manager's auspices has not been settled. Salvini.—Salvini said that he studied Lear for five years; but he is not satisfied with his conception of the character. James.—Bunnell, the museum man, wants to engage Frank James as one of his spring curiosities ; but Frank has pressing engagements to appear before the courts for several months yet. Bernhardt. —The Modern Argo is au thority for the following bulletin to myopic and bald-headed admirers of French Sal: Bernhardt is coming to this country and will render Shake spear’s plays in English. On the nights when Rosalind is on the bills front seats will be reserved for near sighted people. In Hamlet she will wear tights and play the ghost. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN’S IOLANTHE This new fairy Opera when produced in New York was so successful that the price was raised to two dollars and it is now in its fouth month crowding the house nightly at those prices. The Press and the admirers of Comic Operas claim that the best rendition of the Opera both in acting and singing is by the Ford Company. lolanthe will be presented for the first time in Atlanta at the Opera House, on Friday Evening, March 16 th, by Chas. E. Ford’s English Comic Opera Com- Bany8 any now numbering upwards of 40 peratic singers. Fine Arts. It is a well known fact that no city in this country has advanced with the mar velous rapidity of this city, that circum stance has had a tendency to draw to this great Southern centre various enter prises—both native and European. We now hear that Atlanta following the ex ample of all the leading cities is going to have a large and important exhibition of modern pictures. The collection as we understand it, has been gathered from all the principal exhibitions and studios of Europe by a well known conneseur, and after having been on exhibition a reasonable time, will be disposed of at public auction. Col. W. H. Fanning, the owner of this collection, is a Ken tuckian by birth, and has spent many years in the various art centres, of Eu rope, proposes to put the entire collec tion up at public auction, so that an art loving public can obtain these works to decorate their homes at their own prices. We heartily wish the enterprise all suc cess. ANNALS OF ATLANTA. Local Lines About Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness in the Gate City. A Peachtree street boy has named his father mustard; because he blisters so. The railroads of Georgia all gave re duced rates to all parties who desired to attend the funeral of Gov. Stephens. Flowers from all parts of Georgia were sent to Atlanta to be used in decorating the Capitol, on the occasion of Mr. Stephen's death. The Southern Express Co., with their usual generosity, trans ported them free, The public schools suspended exercises Thursday as a mark of respect to the memory of Gov. Stephens. The business houses of Atlanta were closed during the funeral services of Gov. Stephens 6n Thursday afternoon. Atlanta ought to have a Vennor to predict weather. We don’t have weath er any two days alike. The cold snap last week, gave early vegetables about a week backset. The drapery for the capitol building, the Senate and Hall of the Representa tives was furnished and put up by D. H. Dougherty, the great dry goods man of Atlanta. There has been an unusual number of visitors in the city this week. See advertisement of D. H. Dougherty iu another column. Mr. Dougherty has resorted to the cash system strictly, and is therefore able to sell goods cheaper than anyone. He keeps the best line of goods in the South. You can order your goods and get as good bargains as if you were in the store. Jack & Holland are going out of busi ness, and offer their immense stock at a sacrifice. For cash or good paper, you can lay in a stock of goods in their line cheaper than you can get them elsewhere, and of the very choicest brands and grades. The weather prophets seem to have struck the ’thing about right, as we are having rainy and cold weather. lots on Peachtree street sold k by Goode, Fontaine & Elmore, brought S9O, a front foot. They were opposite Henry Grady’s residence and were bought by Messrs. Dickson and Willis Reagan. We haven’t heard whose accounts were sold at the great auction sale of the re tail grocers association. Did everybody pay up? The funeral obsequies of the late Gov ernor have absorbed everything else. Most all of the stores and public build ings were draped in mourning. The city presented a millitary look on last Thursday, with the number of com panies from all parts of Georgia. There is no truth in the rumors that the E. T., & V. R. R., is on the verge of insolvency. You can’t break a road that is as well officered and backed, as is this road. The business over their lines is increasing daily. The usual amount of dead beats and chicken thieves were arrested last week. Col. Ben Crane was re-elected pubic Commissioner. The council in this mat ter consulted the wishes of the people. A Counter Movement. The retail grocers of Atlanta have an association, in which they discuss the solvency of the consuming class, and at tend to other matters touching their business. One is to watch and report if any wholesale produce and commission merchants sell to consumers, and if caught, the members of the union agree not to buy any more goods from the of fending wholesale merchant. They have been pretty active and have made sev eral objections to sales made by the wholesale merchants. Last week the wholesale commission merchants orga nized them an association, and decided to keep a black list of retail grocery mer chants, who do not pay their accounts promptly, and who are in the habit of complaining and returning goods upon flimsey pretexts. So it goes. DeGive’s Opera House TWO NIGHTS, AND ONE MATINEE, —COMMENCING— Friday Evening, March 16, ’B3. CHAS. E. FORD’S English Comic Opera Company. Gilbert and Sullivan’s New Fairy Comic Opera entitled lOLANTHE, OR : The Peer and The Peri. AVOWEDLY THE BEST INTERPRETERS IN AMERICA, ®f Gilbert’s wit and Sulivan’s melo dies. The Instruments Orchestration adopted by Profesor I. Philip Sousa, of Washington, D. C. SATURDAY MATINEE, Strauss famous Opera, THE MERRY WAR. SATURDAY EVENING, March, 17th, the fa mous London Success, entitled LES MANTEAUX NOIRS, OR: THE BLACK CLOAKS. Prices as usual, Reserved seats 25 cents extra' at Phillips & Crews Book Store. Office Counter For Sale. A very fine office counter with draw ers, closets, pigeon holes, etc., and pan nelled top, adapted to an insurance or any extensive office business. Will sell for less than one half its cost. Goode, Fontaine & Elmore, Corner Decatur and Pryor streets (Kimball House.) It “It seems stringe to me that Job, be ing so afflicted, and such a popular doc tor, did not cure himself,” remarked Mr. Hobbs to the “Major” the other day, as they met on the corner of Peachtree and Marietta, “He warn’t no doctor,” answered the Major, “what makes you think as how he wur?” "“Because he had so much patients,” answered the witty Hobbs, as he sped across the street. GRATITUDE. Denver, Col., Aug. 29, 1882. Gents—l cannot find words with which to ex press my gratitude to you for the cure your Swift’s Specific has effected in my case. I was afflicted with the horrible blood disease for three years, and after spending some time at the Hot Springs, considered my case a hopeless one. I used only one dozen small bottles of S. S. S. and there is not a sign of the disease remaining. My sores are all healed, my throat is entirely well; I am rid of clerk, I have that terriblegflL seen so ma- disease. Be- uy hundreds ing a drug™of men dos ed with Calomel, lodide of Mercury and lodide of Potash, until they were made complete wrecks, that I shudder to think of the misery which has been brought on the human family by the use of Mercurials for Bl®od Diseases. It is a crying shame that physicians will not acknowledge the merit of your GRAND Blood Medicine. Use my name as you wish. J. H. RAFF. If you doubt, come to see us, and we will CURE YOU, or charge nothing! Write for par ticulars and a copy of the little book, “Message to the Unfortunate Suffering.” Ask any drug gist as to our standing. E3?“$1000 REWARD will be paid to any Chem ist who will find on, analysis of 100 bottles of S. S. S., one particle of Mercury, lodide of Potas sium, or any Mineral substance. SWIFT’S SPE CIFIC CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga. Price of Small Size fl 00 Large Size 175 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BRAG 18 A GOOD DOG —BUT— Hold On Is Better I 0 The proof of the above old adage is clearly manifest to all who may he wanting Furniture, by calling at the Live Furniture House OF % JOHN NEAL & CO., Nos. 7 & 9 Broad St. Call and prove us right or wrong is all we ask. THE GEORGIA MAJOR. JSOUTHERN BRANCH \ i / w MILBURN WAGON COMPANY HENRY L~ ATWATER. MANAGER, DECATUR STREET, It is a well known fact that the southern branch of the MILBURN WAGON COMPANY is HEADQUARTERS FOR Farm Wagons. OF EVERY STYLE AND KIND. But many do not know that by far the Largest and Best stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PH/ETONS, “ ROAD CARTS;“ And in fact everything in the vehicle line in the city, is to be found at their SPACIOUS WAREROOMS, ON DECATUR STREET. JOHN KEELY “ THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES.” OFFERS 250 Cases New Spring Goods THEY EMBRACE New Spring Dress Goods from 10c. to SI,OO per yard. New Buntings—very desirable makes. New Nun’s Veiling. New Black and Colored Spring Cashmeres. New Shades in Kid, Lilsle and Lace Gloves. SIO,OOO Worth of New Hosiery. The prettiest styles in New Hosiery, which this season will be likely to pre sent. New Laces. New Ruchings. New Rufflings. New Nets of all sorts, by the yard. New Corsets. New " Ladies’ Underwear. A full line of Shirts for men and Boys, in which will be found extra styles, at lowest prices. 20,000 yards of the newest and most beautiful Hamburg Edgings and Inser tions ever offered in Georgia. Everything desirable in Ladies’ Linen and Lace and Lace Trimmed Collars, etc Novelties I Novelties I New white Goodsand Linens. New stock of Domestics at factory prices. Call and examine the meritorious “BARGAINS” which are being offered this week in every Department at JOHN KEELY’S SPRING AND WmIAMPAIfiN. o 1883. 1883. 1883. —THE MARKHAM HOUSE — ‘ r AND « —The New Holland Spr ngs — ON THE FIRST DAY OF APRIL NEW HOLLAND SPRINGS WILL BE OPENED FOR THE Entertainment of Guests and wiU be kept open for Six Months—Say until the first ®f October. This will be the First Watering Place Opened in the south, And will be the Best Kept in Every Respect. All parties wishing to secure rooms at New Holland or at the Markham Mouse for the Summer, will do well to make early application, as I expect to be full and run over at New Holland by the first to the middle of May. W. A. HUFF, Proprietor Markham House, Atlanta, mhll-lm AND New Holland Springs, Hall County, Ga. TIGER ! TIGER ! TIGER ! The Chinese One 150 Rolls China Mattings, Opening at Carpet House, 46, 48 and 50 Marietta Street, OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE, LATHROP & WHITE. H. M. PATTERSON M. BOWDEN PATTERSON & BOWDEN, UNDERTAKERS! Markham House Block, (st „„. , ATLANTA, GA STILSON JEWELER, 53 Whitehall street. RELIABLE GOODS AND BOTTOM PRICES. July 12-ts F. W. Hart, E. W. Heyhw, HART & HEWITT, DEALERS IN DOORS, SASH BLINDS BUILDER’S HARDWARE, Paints, Oils, Glass. Etc., 91 Decatur street, Atlanta, - Georgia, feblst-lm FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. JOSSEY HOUSE, DECATUR. : : : : : GEORGIA W. W. JOSSEY, Prop’r.