Lucy Cobb Institute messenger. (Athens, Ga.) 1876-18??, March 01, 1876, Image 4

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True Pathos. General Washington in his partiug inter view with his generals, undertook to read a farewell paper which he had writteu for the occasion. But finding it difficult to read, he said, with simple pathos: “Par don me gentlemen} I have not only grown gray, hut blind in your service. Professor Wilson, of Edinburgh, made a speech to his students even more touching than this. When Wilson first met his class in the university,- after hig. wife’s death, he had to adjudicate on. the. cQiupAiMtlvc merits of various essays which had been sent in on competition fbp'a. prize, ILe bowed to his class’ and in as firm a voice as he could command, apologized for not having examined the essays, “Tor”,- said hey “I could not see to read them'in* the darkness of the valley of the shadow of death”. As he spoke, the tears rolled down his cheeks. He said no more, but waved his hand to his class, who stood up as he concluded, and harried oat of the lecture ‘rFlm. Every saint in heaven is as a floWer jn th*H gardii of G> l, ail h >lv l ive is r *ie Vuir-viee and sweet olir lIbF all i t .(,h, :\ad with Which they the vers yf that paraffin above.— l mnssm to, W itch makers and Jewelers, ATHENS. GA- Dealer hi WATCHES of all kinds, tracks, Wliofesale and Retail FINE JEWELRY. STERLING SILVERWARE ■SI LVER UIATED-WaRE BRID AL PRESENTS Musical instruments SPECTACLES and EYE.GLASSES, GUNS and PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, Etc., Etc. SOLE AGENTS, IN ATHENS, FOR Levi Brown GoltfPeiis, The Finest Pens Mefcfe. GENERAL absents for &EMIK&TON SHEWING MACHfWg, FOR NORTHEAST GEORGIA. The Best Sewing Machine iu Us'e. GENERAL AGENTS FOR McNeale and Urban’s Eire and Burglar Proof Safes, The Best and the Cheapest. repair Work of all kinds Promptly Bone Advertise in the V r < .-, <t . LAMAR COBB. HO WELL. COBB L. and H. COBB, Attorneys at Law, ISEUPREE HALL, BROAJ&>ST. 1* ft J. OQHHR. Oder spec'a' bargains in DRESS GOODS,‘WHITE GOODS And- all l lhv Xj volues,C tliae si. a m'i i < G?OS Gi-aiu and plain Side. Ribbons in Large Assortment at LOW PRICES No. 5. Broad. St., Athens,' Gat. m> ft* n***.; Corner Broad Street ami College Avenue, ATHENS; GEORGIA. BOt )KBELLE R AN D STATfONER Keeps constantly on hand, and will sell as low as anybody, a good stock of MISCELL AN LOUS BOOKS, Juvenile, Poetical, and HLOrieal Books /School Books, Bibles? Prayer atod HVmr Books, UhrCncW?, Blank IfUss. Writing Papefl, Envelopes, Initial Papers and Envelopes# and Commercial Stationary, in every Variety. The B ’st grades at Low Prices. ARTISTS 7 MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS’- p'tCTtrfiE Flakes‘and mouldings, picture Frame a; o! arty size, made at s hort notice. E. B. BEN§t)N & CO., St J CCE*feO§to i. A person and son. Dialers in EVERYT tIING, EXCEPT Liqiiofs, Playing Cards, iif? Tombstone. IIAbT WELL, GA. W WfffiEj ATTORNEY AT LAW, Washington, ®a® Will give prompt attention to business, THE. L. C. I. MESSENGER. Edited’aud printed by the young; ladies of the Lucy Cobb Institute, will be issued, from the Ins titute” the last week in each month; we bespeak for our paper the kind consideration* of the public.- Our columns will oe devoted to Li'e-ature, Art and woman’s work; we trust oar earnest efforts for improvement will receive the encouragement it de -.-rves Miss Lollie Rutherford, Term Editress.. Miss Susie Ke11ey.,,....L0cal Editra&s- TJEHMSi For six months SI.OO INVARIABLY* IN ADVANCE; • ■ —" ■■ - % ♦--* ADVERTISING. Advertisementsj will be inserted at SEVENTY FIVE CENTS per square for each' month. L. SCHEYEXELL &CO., BROAD ST. ATHENS, GA. DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. ®u;n% Pistols* mmmm, MUSICAL IXih’RlT MEETS, cAne Spectacles, Eye-G lasses, BANOV ARTICLE/S, &c, tec Having Rest workmen, we are prepared to do REPAIRING in superior STYLE. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Slfeflß MB GOLD PLATING. And all work of this kind, sachas Forks { • SpdonSf WatchcS, ike., plated by as, liar ' :J V. “ f’ rented equal to any done la/ ctftjf ment in the country. PRICES KEA§OfABLE. VY AMENDE Pa 61. 6 f MU fix c, LUCY COBB INSTITUTE; hWY eoBB Ttie Scholastic Yearwtll commenoj^ THE SECOND WEDNESDAY TN BER, AND CLOSE THE THIRD WEDNKSir DAY IN; JUNE; Mas A. E. Wrwhi. f A PrinoipaH Rev. P. A. Heard. ( r i ! dealer ln I STAPLE AND FANCY Dry (roods* Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, MILLINERY GOODS,. Hatej Silks, Shawls, Woolens AND LINEN GOODS OF EVERY | DESCRIPTION. COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, GA Prof. Amende tenders his services to the [people of Athens in tuning and repairing ’Pianos and Organs, he has had many years experience* and gives the highest testimo 4 nials. R, T. Brumby is Cos, , DRUGGIST & PHARMACISTS dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DRUGG 1 .STS’ SUNDRIES. Paints, oils, Lamps, Glass Shade*, chamois skins, Sponges, &:e., ke., ;COLLEGE AVENUE, BETWEEN BOOK ST( >RL ANI) POS T < H’FiCE, Special attention given to Prescriptions AT ALL HOURS DO YOU WANT ELEGANT PS@Ti©EAPHS; GO TO DA¥iS ? GALLEX Before 0 online 11 eeme at. Subscribe for tie L. C. 1. MESSENGER. \\ r . F. JENKINS H. A. JENKINS W. F, k H. A, JENKINS’, Attorneys at Law* EATONTON, GA., Will give prompt atteutiou to all buM ness entrusted to their care. Collections a specialty. March