The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, May 30, 1912, Image 1

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YOU!MR :?S. ( Ai Cocal anb personal *■ I Sbgt • • • • •• £ee our clubbing rates in this paper. Waive and mortgage notes for sale at this ofhee. Court is ih session this week in Farihiff County, EjtipfSwe! y*u had a fire tonight. Art you ihs'Jred? See H. M. Ellington about !t. ! have a bran New Sewing Machine for sale cheap. Call and sec it. H. M. EijMNUTON. Miss Dora Webb is very sick this week but hope she Will 3 o(»h be well again. Miss Evaline Jones and Walt Sellers visited friends at Ram hurst last Saturday. The Singing Convention at Jasper last Sunday Was Well rep¬ resented from this plane and ali report a nice time. Miss Gertrude Ellingtoh has been spending a few days with Miss Ilebie Allen at her home on Cartecatfj Mr. Per rf Padget has charge of the construction of the new bridge and is pushing the work rapidly. There is fl than iff Ililtoriin, Qa , whose release from pain and Suffering is due to Foley Kidney Pills. He re tomends them: ”1 suffered With kid¬ ney trouble recently and had awful pains in nry bdtk. I got a bottle of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them I am entirely cured and cheerfully recommend them to all:” For -Sale By All Dealers. WANTED—1000 chestnut posts 4 1-2 inches at top, 7 feet long, cut from lire timber.- Must have same within the next two weeks. ReeKIe & TkaMMsll. . _ The excavation and fill work for the depot is fHTivirijf and it Wilkn )i be long before we ‘have' _ £p.up to'iibw’staticyn at Ellijay. hfy. Jack Greer O'f Berner, Ga. visited homofolks and old friends In Ellijay this week- He had been to Gainesville attending the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows' Jack is looking well and is well Satisfied in Middle Georgia By reason of the finsRvery po¬ litical conditions df Gilrfier Coun¬ ty, our section is getting* to be a by word fill over tile state/ injur¬ ing our business interests find determ $ people from coming here and making investments! It would be to the interest Of citizens of the County to Wisdom, Justice arid Moderation restored tO'ofir county in the ad¬ ministration of it’s affairs, ThSr.S Hits 6plo fH fffis firWh vUW unthinkingly neglect a "Mere Cold” though they* would ffo't OtHerWiri# ex¬ pose their children or themselves t<7 danger. Yet a coHi fiegleo.fod filial tte Velope info Junta gsdiis JiptMnfi, bfoh chitis, of fWettrfiorila. tide Foley % Kfrn« «y and Tar Cdfiiridurid firofilptjy for it stops conghs quickly and cures cOMs ■ It contains no opiates and is fiAfe for children. Far Sale BY AH Pf'Alcr'L Ab Bfcidiord. marshal of Fry town, Ga./ shot and hilled a man there last Monday by the name of Easley, of Union county. Ensley also fihot Bradford in the head arid iff the abdomen, though it is not thought that his wounds will prove fatal. Bradford was arrested afid tried before the Justice of the Feace here Satur¬ day, and after hearing the evi¬ dence he was allow ed to give a $1,000 bond and released.—Blue Ridge Summit; tfav/’s Th s. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re Ward for any case of Catarrh that can¬ not Pc cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We', thc undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last .15 years.- and believe him perfectly honorably in all business fraifsaetioftS/ and financially •able to carry 1 oVft any eWigatrohs made by his firm. 1 WalpPIg Kin^an £ Map.?:n, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo; O'. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter pally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Will’s Family Pill* for constipation. ELLIIAY COURIER. ■ ■■ 1 'apere to post lands 25c. at this offitie. Did newspapers at this office one ccht a pound. Mr, Will Simmons recently purchased a fine horse in Atlanta. Webster's Iftlerhatfohai Unabridged Dictionary for sale at a bargain at this office. We had a much needed shower here Sunday which refreshed the garden truck. Miss Ninnie DcBorde returned last Friday from a visit to rela¬ tives at Copperhill, Tenth . Mr. Pete Barclay who has befell living here for sonic months has moved back to Copperhill, l'enn. Mrs. J. H. Tinldy, Wayfioshorfi, (Id., Suffered for years with rheumatism atui kidney and bladder trouble. ”1 have taken Several different kinds of medicine bet got n6 relief until 1 took Foley Kidney Pills, which have cured me. I think them the best remedy for kidney and blar’cer trouble alid for rheumatism.” ForSaie By All Dealers. Hon. A. & J. Hall, Ordinary of Fannin County has sent his resignation to to the Governor to take effect Nov. ISth next Now is the time to take advantage of our clubbing offer and get the Tri-Week iy Const:tuition, Courier and Uncle Re mus all one year for $1.50. There is a scarcity of potato slips in this section and thous¬ ands of them have been shipped in from Florida and other places. Though in his 70th year, H. L. Knight Co - ena, Gi., was recently Cured of a sdvere pn/i 'VI had painful get k'idpe,y trouble. often He Says: to up too at night, nd my back ached terribly. But after* ifeing two bottles ox Fdicy Kid¬ ney Pi is my backache is qured, the "se crefigr s have dfesred r.jViTind Foley ahylhihg vy gi fTiave -a-x eydr For Sr Is By Ail Dealers. LO T—One cow, pale red, small 1 crumpled holms coming Verujfe over forehead. Bought in Mt. brirfg] community. Finder 1 to -Mrs. FoSsett and get $1.001 regard. Mr. C. H. Arnold of Atlanta has been recently shipping cher ries froth his fine orchard on the Arnold Mountain. He also has g big peach crop this year and brought a fruit expert with him to estimate the Crop and set how many cratfes' he will probably heed. fieV. C. L. Walters \Hrilf ldctfire tytl tefnperafifie next night at thc East Ellijay Baptist j chiifCn. All yOung men ate Cor diall.v invited to attend. The, lecture will strictly be iri com pliante With the teachings of the Bi'bfoj Mrs. J. I\f. Findley, Roufo flo. 2, Lyons, da., «’as relieved from si severe palri by tfie use of Folev Kidiiey Pillr. ’'Stmetiftie ago I had frouble vfith my bladder and suffered much joalrY. I took Foley Kidlfity Rills and they cured me. ’, Foley Ki&fcSy Pills will also chrc back Sale 6y AII Dealers. Quite a large crowd of Ellijay people attended the Singing Con Mention at Jasper Sunday and feport a fine time and the con gpituous absence of the enness and disorder that prevail etl at the recent Convention at Ellijay. It is thought that the recent purchase by the Government of a great Forest Reserve in the fountains of Fannin, Gilmer, union and Lumpkin - Counties, . wili result m the Authorities looking after Smoke Nuisance complained of So much by the farmers of this section against the Tennessee and other Copper Companies. H. E. Archiir a Well known citizen of Westover, Ala., recommends Honey any Tai Compound as safe and effective for children. little boy had an acute attack of chial ti-o'nble so severe he could nof. out of bed for a week;” he says, first dose or two of Foley’s Honey Tar Compound relieved him and he had used out fifty cent bottle he v/s!!.” lor Sale By A*? Dealers. ELLIJAY, OfiORGHA. THURSDAY, MAY ROTH, l!)t-2. Teachers Examination, I will hold an examination of applicants for teachers oh June 14th and 16th 1D12, at j | the at 8:30 Ellijay A. M Institute, There will be primary as well as the rfegular elementary license given this year. Teachers Who instruct first four grades Only and wish a license of this sOTt will need in preparation only the books in the first four grades, and the New Manllal. These questions will be given on June the 14th. Other teachers as heretofore, will take the examination on both June the 14th atilt i5th, and will need to study in preparation all the texts used ih the common schools and the New Manual Teachers with first grade license expiring this year may have the same renewed oil condition of three years cueCesaful teaching and completion of the profess*, iohal reading course whieh Con¬ sists of the New Manual Of Meth¬ ods, Seeley’s History of Educa¬ tion and Hodges Nature Study and Life. J. S. Hudson, Co. Supt. Don’t forget the Sunday School Normal which will begin here next Monday! Miss Bernice Teem who has been in College at Bessie Tift ,g returned home for V&C itioili Max Cobb and Howard Perry who have been in College at Dahlonega are norqe f» r vaca - tion. Misses Martha, Ruth, Wessie Marie and Elizabeth Shippen have returned home for vacation from Agnes Scott College | Mr. Elias Akins of Copperhill j 1 came down Wednesday to visit hlS tr' other J. M. Akins near Ralstc tii Who$^ wife is vary sick. *■ death of the the baby baby h boy of Sheriff Penlai id who died Wednesday night after an illness of somo days. Mis). Bertho Davis was tried this week before the Ordinary for lunacy and sent to the State Sanitarium in charge of Ex Sheriff Milton. Weriearn that the Registrars have completed their revision and flied the Vdters list with thc C ferk • Vv'ill endeavor next week to give the number of voters ac- 1 cording to the revised list. Judge A. M. Johns in of East Ellijay has returned from com¬ mencement of Bessie Tift Col i 3 g C bringing his daughter/ Miss Ann i c Maude, who graduated. Miss Callie Johnson has also re turned from the State Normal at Athens, Rev- E. M. Stanton, Evange¬ list is assisting the lofe'al minis¬ ters this week in Revival serviced at the M; E. Church, Sotffhi We hope the meeting will be'success¬ ful, as there are quite a ntimber of us in Ellijay that flefid more Religion and a better kind than ***** MUSIC, Persons interested in tlte study j 0 f music nray confer with Mrs. A p. Cnrry at the Powell House this week, for the season, pj an o, Guitar and Solfegc. (read j ng vocal music > Tcnncssce Farm For Sale, 280 acres ?n Bradley county, Cleveland and Dalton 2 1-2 miles from McDonald on Southern Ry. .Six rdom house, 65 acres com paratively level land cleared, balance oak ridge, good timber. | Will se 11 for $2,000 O'ne-forth j , cash,-balance $250'per year- 7 per Cent interest, j . W. G. McNelley, I f 34 Crew bt. Atlanta,- Ga • -- - - -- ■ - | CASTOR IA For Infants and CMitep, The Kind You ta Aiweys? Bears the gjgn&turc of j To Mhny The People of Giimef. | farmers in Georgia baying corn this year at j per bushel, fall payment- Corn was made in thi® State and thiS congressional district last yeah by one of our Corn Chib Boys at i 10 1-2 cents per bushel. The &v erage cost pet bushel of COrh i made by more than 50 boys in different pafts of the state last yeqtr Was under 21 cents pet I bushel. Besides the enormous tax upon Getffgia farthers that is repre¬ sented by the difference between the present price of corn and the necessary cost of producing it here at home—a tax tvhiCh ag¬ gregates many millions annually —wfe suffer the ever present menace of eating and feeding the unsound coi*n that is shipped here from the week. Is this not as economic error Of sufficient magnitude to com¬ mand the serious attention df all Who feel the least interest in the health ahd prosperity ^heir of our people, fetid td enlist earn¬ est aid in cofrefititi# it? One safe, SUfe pleasftht way for lessening this UftWise practice df buyiftg corfl at fOlir or five times the Cost of produc¬ ing it, is for everybody to encour¬ age the work of the Boys Corn Club. These boys are certainly pointing the way for OUr eman¬ cipation from an agricultural habit that has neither apologists nor defenders. We have the names of nearly 10.C0O Georgia boys who are willing and eager this year to prove again, by actual demon¬ stration on th« farrn; that no farmers corn need cost him more than 25 ceftfa P er bu?h d ' i£ he wil: oniy about promising . .. it in the right way.' Are YOU doing .anything to encourage r A TEXAS WONDER i The Texas Wbncter Cures Itidney and bii'.dder troulfle, r.irfioving gravel Cures diabetes, weak ai^ lame backs, t-heu matif.m, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If hot skid by your druggist, will be sent-by mail on receipt of $1.00: One small boltlo is iwo months treat mcnt and 3eI(JntT1 faIfs pcrfefc t a cure . Send for ie'st.irwnlslfs from this and other state?. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 O ive street, fet. Louis, Mo. Sold b - v d^ggist. See change of schedule in this Weeks Courier ahd dont Met loft. Advize To YoUng Girls. Itis to be taken for granted that rfio'rt girls are anxious t-o be charming. Trua Charm of manner fcffon comes from happy temperament, a pleasant disposi¬ tion, There is no doubt that charm may be cultivated by politeness, a sin¬ cere wish to’, An tfnwil ingness th hurt another perSOff’5 feelings by word or act. The odhiv’i-iloo'of good marmers refines; sweetens and strengthens the character, makes Others/ one thoughtful and considerate of unselfish in ftoing little kindnesses; firm ifi the deterfif /na¬ tion to live ugtO high s fond arils or con¬ duct. Marmers must always be th'fi out growth of Tafratter, tkef real- ptolish which is the result bt 'fate, 4t^6rficisiJ. hot a thin' veneer, which is rfifife]#- It is in the j»W^rof e¥6'f'J , |Sn to fd’rm her manfi'eis So that »Wdfi(ay be a nobler wo¬ man, vififh an irrfiuence that is far-reach¬ ing, anffbyber sincere jfttltefii&s, true kindness and fine ideals of fife, rfiake meets #aysof on her Wsy ffirefugK ifc.— Sofcitty)‘'*fiT*te Lakes'WovH tor Joes. Foley's Kidmey Pills VfrUAt iitcy Will bo for Yoi i TiHfWiti Sure*your backache'* •tffngtheti f6\ff fefdneys, cor refit-binary irregularities, up the' worn Ci>t tissues, and filfmihate the fitcesi uric icid flint causes rheumatism. Pre ViSit* Bright’s Disease and De¬ bates, and restore health and vtrength. Refuse substitutes. A LI DEALERS Revision of The Tax Laws; We notice in the papers the next Legislature will the Tax Laws in the efftM equalize taxation. This is move in the right The Georgia tax laws are riously loose and inadequate unfair placing & premium rascality and making the man'with a conscience aiitl a garrl for his oath, pay the ty of the the. taxes We fifefirl •*.... a law flier Will every mah on the sdme v The v&y it is one mail can ^, j in a $5000 farm for $1000 another man who owns a place will pay the full valtle. Any one interested will be sur¬ prised to examine tile tak in any county in Georgia he is acquainted with land values, and will be iridigriaiit td see flagrant disregard that ebme men haVe for the trtith When they glfre ifi their taxes. Decoration at Flat Branch. There will be a Decoration At old Flat Branch near Roosevelt dh the first Sunday ih June. We Want the people near that place to corns out that has relatives dr friends btitied at that plate oh Saturday Morning to help dean off the grave yard and prepare for the Decoration/ for - we think it is badly needed. Everybody invited to bring dinner and a basket of flowers with them. Conncsauga News. The weather is fine. Rev. Maness preached an ... foresting sermon at Nine Mile Sunday: Mr. Ralph Weeks Weeks of of East East Ellijay attended services fit Nine Mile Sunday. - L-iffo*' Sing a few days with hdnSefofks has returned to Copper Hill, Tenn., where he hs& a gotfd po¬ sition. Mr Spray Crook has gone to Youngstown, Ohio to friake his future home. Uncle Mack Farits is in very poor health at this writing, We hope for his early recovery. Mrs. tFeeks of Llli.iay visited her daughter Mrs. Tom Parks Sunday. Miss Flora Dover visited her sister Saturday night. ^ m Tom Au'ston arid Mrs. are Visiting Mrs. Dennett ML Arthur Crook spdaks df moving fo Yoring.'ftowri Ohio S00 j; t Mrs. Ben Wimpfif arid (laught er Miss Lula and the Henson’s visited Mr. W. R. 'V/rn pey Sunday' Blub Eyes. Legislature Will ReVisS Tax Sysietti. Generfil ffevisiori and tiori erf .taxes will be the battle cry cry ih ifi thd thd legislature legislature this this sum ilJttl mer. Thfe' discussion is destined to hold ths attention of The law¬ makers fof several weeks. The W£ys and means committee,’ of which Rerirerentivs Ashley. P r0vi0m 8 adequate /Hae.,Liery foY the assessment 6'f taxes. I RepfessniativB Walter McEl reath, of Fulton, Chairman of the appropriation committee, has given his support to tax revision and will wprk with the of the way.* find iftfeans teem preparing that bill • will meet the necessities ef present tax system. ’’The fact that we are going to revise tfie fax system, ” said Mr. Elreath today, doesn’t mean ! thftt we are goifig to increase levy. It meitfcs that We ar | to Murray equalize the News. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S C A 3 T O R ! A- OLLIE NEWS, Mrs* Theodore Drinnon Mrs. Min nib HiU Friday; | Miss Hattie Hill of towh attended (ffMehtt* p, , t+q, ‘ . Mr- it alter Gorbifi homefoiks Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Alisori house of Ellijay Route 2 calling on relatives in this j Sfiturdav night. Many s good citizens of • * !»hce . arc . greatly . a disenuraged . ..... , tne manner in which the trars ate chndUctliig their fieSs. - Dr. and Mrs-Jno. H. of Porlerttete, Ga., was on ffifehds Of this section flay* Mr. &hd Mrs. j . H. James vis ited tile formers parents Mr. aiid Mrs. vV . H. Jarnes Sunday. Uev. W. R. Legg gave patrons of the Sunday school at Pleasant 1 4. Hill 1^.1 a nice lecture Sun C-.. day iribrniiig in regard to the Sunday School Normal which is to be conducted at Ellijay be¬ ginning on Jfine Jrd. Mr- Darvy Young of ltamhurst visited iiiS mother Mrs. Sarah \oung of this place Saturday night. Mrs. W. II. James har been in | poor health for the past week, but we hopfe for her a speedy re ¬ covery. Rev. Charicv Gibson filled his appointment at this place Sun¬ day. Mr. Gibson is making afi excellent record for u young minister, ; and while here made i friends find received ' muT, y ln'any t ‘ on - l ' atu{atloms ' ^ ^ Ooly A fire Herd. feumeff iiaftdsi, cl»wti''cN tie field ! dmir •ni i *^9ujr up a stnall round box, ’’Fellows!” lie shoiited; ”{tiis fiaS Bucklen’s Arnica Salve I hold, everything beat for b'ffriis ." Right! also for boild, niters, soirtJ, jUtoplan: Cczema, Cuts, sprains, bruises. Surest foils pile curt!. Hilly It subdueft mnammation, ’I'et'riV paid. 2n cenis at Broa. Stubbfeficd Tcifis Dots. Faririifig is thd Order off the day CrdpS arfe’ looking fine. Brother Boumfin tilh'd his reg¬ ular appointment at the M E. , I Chffrch Sunday. . . ..... Sunuay School is fine and | well attended. j . ^ r - Gfi. ^ is Searcey, well Saiisfled of Cherry with i his iiew Hdfrie , here. j j Thd ffihrhOi's fife bOHirid tt'ith 1116 ^ C ™P S m areount of the re [eerit rainfo Mr. Ed SearCey' formerly of The Berry School is visiting his fatHef Mt: Seafcey; ThefO H quite a number of Georgians come here t>i late, I re ,f 11 stA] " ke - he ll,,is ot North Gec^gia. " , e they . , foi i Georgia it a good filatc: The good road movement Is in progress here' and bad reads is a thirigof the r J ast s t ore> cotton g;n, blacksmith shop two Shushes aftd sdhorif | a]so ^us j hono and fl „ e e3 . amt s In tb» j-clt. : With best wishes to'Thri Courier th , b$st mi ^ r ,n .“TT ^J>r h OeoYgia. “ r 0S T \ 1 A IlK ^’ * Route . ~ No- 4 , Alvarado, A , | Tex. . j Electric i i Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration- and female weaknesses they are .the supreme testified. remedy, as thousands have FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AWD STOMACH TROUBLE ft is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. NUMBER 190S. Arinouncgments; For Judge ; To the voters of the Blue Ridge Jud I i cial Circuit. 1 , hereby announce myself a fcahflitiat# for the office ot Judge fit the Supferibf i Couits of this Circuit for the term be i January 1st 1913, subject tff i the action of the General State Deirib cratic Frlrt.ary. if elected I shall endeavor io have iNff i bJ 8.ine?s of the courts openly, honestly ! and f a, ^ y < ?. aduated ’ and pr0Itiptl y dis ' r I fiosed . of, with the utmost economy botH ♦ oto the parties litigant fciid the public esrperise: ^ i th^ac^ wd^urial ^ be appreciated, I afii j Most Respectfully ’ &c. Henry. I,. Patterson. . 1 To Thc Vdters of the Blne Rid ^ e Gir¬ . i "thereby aribbunefe my candldaty for 1 Judge of this Judicial Circuit for a "p ther subjett te ii,e Deniocrat | August^ W * C pre ’ ume " !,! t)fc ,n j 1 Since I became Judge of your fcourts, ha endeavo J ed «.d con p (bi!ity , t0 fafthfury and impartially d is - c | iarge th(; f ] ut j ey G f tIl j s j mportant office. If re-elected I shall Cofitinue to‘ give my best efforts to ah impartial and business-like hdrfiihidtratioh of the Laws; Having had three years experience on the Bench, I feel that 1 am bette: (jiiaiiiicd to render more efficient se vice for another term_ I.will deeply appreciate your vb.e and influence. Thanking you in the, ft/icahtfe forai'y *Viili fieffl you may givh ) a*h; hhsf Wishes; thtiri: vely truly N; A; Mb Pt>r Solicitor G T‘< the Cilixens of Circuit • I i-cspfettfully announ' didiitc for fffflicltprdefic Ridge f’fijhifry. Circuit, subject to t . I will ajipreciati nnrj influence 6f i/ll vifij W the cirtuii. If ele*j Utmost iiFihy itJ ai'jJat ties 6f the - in fiifi Sol grown its usefoTnPssW a| too many trivial cases the Court House, and or hot, 1 will advocate Solicitor Genefals on a f will have Associate rintants; if elected, . Cherokee Couht^-/ find of Forsyth; Cchrhty; preciate any help given hi Rospoc 1 HerBbr 1 To the Voters of the Blue RiS cuit; I hereby announce /of l e-eieclibn' the office of Solicitor General of the" Bike Ridge Circuit, subject to the fieri? ocrafiC prifnary. if elected, Hon. Win. Butt, of Blue Ridge arid Gordon ft'. Gann, Esq?, of Marietta, will bd rny assistants. The foithfoi impartial ad/iiinistrutidh 0 * the Crlftifiriai fafir during thS pres*ri£ for hi H fnjF plUHtf? to the pt-bpic of yfoat mg My exiled# of me !h ttii future; 1 riSpiftfcliy stdfcif. ti?6 sup'/)5rt 6f all tlfo phttpie. J. F*. BRft’okfi. For Copgresjirran. I respectfully announce myself a can-' didatfi for Representative in the Sixty third Congress of the United States from file Ninth Congressional District of Georgia, subject to the action of the' Democratic Primary, At a season convenient to thern, I will meet the people of tile various counties comprising the district and ad¬ dress them upon matters pertinent to the campnfomr 1 wilt gratefully appreciate your oup ; port w. A. CflAUTHKS. In my race’for the Sixty-Third Con-' District ol Georgia, in the Democrat c frinvaryto be held this year, 1 will be w tf.o whit- v 0 u-« ■» •*» -mmt. Respectfullv, Jno. N. Koi-dek, Jeffersrifi, Jackson County,-Ga. ► ftcrfo Rrc.Vs New Wofulcr ! From ffir away Porfo Ric6 crime’ re-' I ports of a wonderful rfow discovery t hat is believed will vastly benefit thc peo¬ ple. Hamcri T. Marehan, of Bartfilone ta, writes: ”Dr. King's Nev/ Discovery is doing splendid Work here. It curerf me about five times of terrible Coughs’ and colds, also my brother of a severe 1 cold in his chest and more than 20 oth i ers,- who used it on my advice. We’ | hops this great medicine will y6t be’ i sold in every drug store in Porto Rico.” j For throat and lung troubles it ha3 no j equal. A trial will Convince yoti of ire ‘merit. 10c and S1.00. Trial bottle frefi. Gua’-ar.teed by Teem Bros.