The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, July 25, 1912, Image 1

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VOLUME 37- local artb personal * f ! $ See oar clubbing rates in this paper. Mr U. S- Foster, of Atlanta was up the first of the week on business Waive and mortgage notes foi sale at ibis i ffi -e. Protracted services are in progress at the new Methodist Church in East Ellijay. Webster’s International Unabridged Dictionary for sale at a bargain at this office. Mr Elmer Duval returned from a visit to Murry County Sunday. Old newspapers at this office one cent a pound. Miss Nell Phillips of Fannin County has been visiting the Misses Cox on DaUon street. Suppose you had a fire tonight. Are youinsured? * SeeH. M. Ellington about t. Mr Ryy Davis has our thanks for one dollar william on his paper. Mr Tom Harmon and Walt Stillwell of Murray County were visiting in this section recently. Papers to post Ends 25c. at this office Mr John Duva’. of Ramhurst has cur thanks ftr a dollar on Subscription. Children C- y FOR FLETCHER’S CASTOPIA Sumner visitors from the South has begain to arrive at our resorts and all enjoy our cool nights and fried chickens. Miss Kate Simmons, of Jasper has been visiting the family of her Uncle Mr Good Simrhons of iev Dr Joel Daves, Presiding :der of the M- E. Church South vas here last Saturday and Sun¬ day holding Quarterly Con ference. Now is the time to take advantage of pur dubbing offer and get theTri-Week )y Constituition, Courier and Uncle Re mus all one year for $1.50. Mrs E. J Chastain will betaken to a Sanitarium in Atlanta this week for a surgical operation t We lope soon to sea her back honp restored to health. Oi Monday morning Miss Narnie Pettit of Cartecay was i talon to Atlanta for an operation for Appendicitis. We hope it wil be successful and that she wil 4n due time be restored to heilth. Ve recently saw a csrd from Mbs Rosa Teem to her brother Hfrschel, and we are glad to note that she is getting along nicely and is able to attend the 3aptist Chattauqua at Mountain Air, N, M. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTOR I A There is more Catarrh in tals section if the country than HI other diseases pot together, and udsiI the .astfew years vas suppos¬ ed to be ticnrahle. For a great many y6»p doctors pronounced it a local diseaie and prescribed local remedies, ana bj constantly fail¬ ing to cure wfth local treatment, pronoudeed it incurable. Science has proven citarrh to be a con¬ stitutional dsease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catardi Cure, manufactur¬ ed by F..r. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only consttutional cure on the narfcet, It is taken internally in loses f-ora 10 drops to n teaspooiful. I acts directly on the blood aid mnious surfaces of the eyste i. They offer one hundred dolars for my case it fails to out®. Send fo circulars and testnnbnils. Address: % F. J Cheney & Co. i ik Toledo O. Sold by Pr jgists, 75c. Take flr t«J»ily?ills for comtipa ioa ' THE ELLIJAY COURIER. Mrs Gaines Roberts called week and subscribed for Courier Seaf Sellers is now riding Tails Creek mail for Milton Mr John Garrett, of Roy here on business last week and renewed Ip's subscription, Mrs Alice Jackson and son Kenneth who recently visited relatives here have returned to their home in Dahlonega. Mr Joe M. Withrow and wife of Odum, Ga have been visiting in this section- He says they have fair crop prospects in South Ga. Mr Horace Holt of this place has leased tne Central Hotel at Blue Ridge and will run same assisted by Mrs W. E- Mulkey Mr Holt’s family will remain at Ellijay for the present, When the moon changed, it changed from damp to wet- The unusual wetness gives us the blues, and rotes our tomatoes and makes the grass grow faster than the corn. Later—Since writing the above we have had afew dry days. Hon R. E. Smith goes to Mountrie, Ga, this week to accept a good position with a Mercantile. Go of that place. Mr Smith is a good business man and a pro¬ gressive citizen and we regret to have him leave Ellijay - Last Saturday the Democrats of Fannin County met in Mass Meeting to name candidates for County offices. Taking advantage of this.gathering, Col. Henry L. Patterson, candidate for Judge, Col Holder for Congress, Col. | Clay for Solicitor and Judge FOR SALE, A New Deering Mower and Rake, cheap for cash. R E. Smith. Some of our farmers say they planted the little yellow corn this year, which accounts for the appearance of their crops. Rev E. C. Thurston preached at the New M. E. Church, South at East Ellijay last Sunday night. Mrs Addie McCollum of Atlan¬ ta is visiting relatives in Ellijay. She was formerly Miss Addie Killian and has many friends in Ellijay who are glad to see her The farmers have been finish¬ their crops this week which had gotten sadly in the during the rainy spell. Mr R. Brown, of Route 2 was in on business Saturday. Mr M. B Smith bought another of beef cattle last Monday Miss Gertrude Ellington has to Calhoun, Ga. to attend a party given by her class Miss Minnie Allison. Quite a number of the peach have returned from Miss Edith Cox gave some of young folks a party last night in honor of Miss J^ile has *o en Terrell, visiting of Blue her. Ridge who Ellijay i~ ug g; st Deserves Praise. ® ru e Co., deserves praise , rom ijayoeopie r or j ntroduc ^rfne j n gj, e e the simple buckthorn b^ k rnd i.ijiuirT ii,;. f i ,j ri ^------* ^ s | * . simyie German remedy fW$%ecarne famous by curing appendicitis iiAithaa' now been discovered that A SINGLV. DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation INSTAN • It is the only remedy which nev¬ er fats. The Travelling men of Atlanta are afte- the Legislature to enact laws to protect the Drummers from unscrupulous Hotel Proprie¬ tors. One vriter on the subject says\ ... ‘ Lav is foui.t upon the princeple of care for the heljess. It is diffcult to picture a man mo e helpless than when he entezs a hotel *, d ask for accon> modaffon. He must, at that which ifj set before him, sleep , the bed he is led to, and when he gl . s to , eave hc paysthe price the landlon demands If law n necessary anywhere, it ought tQ be in he regulation of hotei,.»> Thit does not apply t 0 the Hotelsof Ellijay as we he„ t jj e Travelling men complimei.,-^ our local iotels for the good f t „ and kind treatment they receive when they cqne to Ellijay. “The Live* Pills act So Naturally and Easily.” Such a statement, coining from the cashier of a bank, shows vh a t confidence responsible people ha e in these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilson after trying them wrote: "I have used Dr. Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills and also your Anti-Pain Pills, on myself, with good results. The Liver Pills act so naturally and so easily that I scarcely know that I have taken a pill. Frequently being troubled with headache I take an Antl-Paln Fill and get Immediate relief In every case.” A. L. Wilson, Sparta, 111. Mr. Wilson was for a number of years cashier of the First National Bank of Sparta. Dr. Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills are different from others. Many , kinds of liver pills are “impossible” after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr. Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills do not act by sheer force but in an easy, natural way, with¬ out griping or undue irritation. They are not habit forming. If th« first bottle falls to benefit, your druggist will return the prise. Ask him, MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, ind. Morns wereall present and made It is said by some, of made a fin. impression and won a lot of votes tor himself by this speech The Patterson campaign, whica^t first was treated as a joke in Cb-^ain quarters, is now Judge ? e j tin ^/° Moms - 1 ? tu« 80 serious that busy. n( j s are getting As will be seen from an item m this issue of ’lh e Courier, a new Telephone line ha& been put in on the east side of Elnjc^r Already has been for some time a line reaching from the Cartecay into Dawson County, it connects with 'lines to Dahlonega, Gaines¬ and other points. Also a from Cartecay into the settlement is in opera¬ Recently a line on the west of the County has been running from Ellijay Roosevelt Post Office and Tom Store, We of course have good local system and connect •n with the Southern Bell to all necS" ^ese Telephone con t S are most convenient and ™ n f the reatest hel farm tarmute life° £ P s to the country . There Wat , National Democ^ OU ^ -Convention in recently held Clty Baltimore to humili® of us. The whooping dignified of thP adi?. 0 ^ enes . was not a the features of the gatheriS *° ■>ny manner of means and e w'ld shrieking dianot make votes among in¬ telligent people for the candidate in wh*se interest the noise was made. But let us all be thankful that the Convention did have decency enough to adjourn for the Sabbath. That was to its credit, but '.t was no more than the enlightened sentiment of this country demanded. It is rather striking, not a mere coincidence either we judge—that both the National Convention, the one in Chicago and the one in Baltimore had representatives of the Roman CaiholK {Church to pray. In Chicago, a priest of the city officiated, while in Baltimore Cardinal Gibbons, a so-called “prince of the Church,” was called upoh to lead the devotions of the body.—Wesleyan Christian Advocate. ELLIJAY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 25TH, 1912. i SUMMER BOARDERS . - The Central Hotel, Blue Ridge, Ga recently renovated and now under the Management of Mr B, H. Holt with Mrs W E. Mulkey of furnish Atlarita, in charge is prepared to entertainment to those wanting! tike a- delightful place to spend hot season. Bine Ridge hf^is electric lights, water¬ works arid delightful cool mghts and for the | finest the scenery. week month. Write terms# by or B. 1H. Holt, Manager Blue Ridge, Ga A Girl’Ik Wild Midnight Ride. To warn eople of a fearful forest fire in the atskills a young girl rode horseback midnight and saved many lives. Her was glorious but lives are often by Dr King’s New Discovery in] :uring lung troble, coughs and colds, whj |h might have “It ended cured in con sumption or neumonia. of a dreadful igh and lung disease,” writes W.R. .tterson, VVellining, Tex. “after four ur family consumption,! id I gained 87 pounds.” Nothing so si* and for all throat and lung troubles.l 'rice ooc and$l.oo. Trial bottle free. Gtl aranteed by Teem Bros. AnoBhcr Wreck. Keithsburl seems to be bound an unlucky stat lion. The north Accommodatl lion train was derailed and near there londay night failed to ar ve here. We learn that a numb? lr of passengers were severely sha |en ]s up but no one killed. It wil near Keithsburg that Engine*! ■ Latimer was killed not long ago \ *ud there have been a number of vrecks near there in the past# lWe We hear „„„„ hear a „ * great * deal of compll :int tnat the in rail- bad d .. . « ivision is i ount of so many ^ Qn ^ 1 e railroad bui. **■■■" roa “ t travelling public. Dcvtai I- NOTICE. I will be iff i; jiujay doing July until from - Mo^ S^tiirfay -- day morning morning — 3. Th^. l3C needing work please caUq 0 n me at Hyatt Hotel. Vang f ei Kesbectfully, S. B. B. er griff, D. D. ; - — m — For Clu lo? RateS Cash in adtte'Wewewill »^ send you Th. Courier tiW and Uncle ™ j. $1.50. Thi^ fYo. U1 _,se Courier Journal f- s „ ' Mdo Blade Home & iK, Editor’ $1. 00. H.IC 1 friend Flet{'l h Holden ’ of / lue Ridge recent! 4 has b f n in J Sanitarium i f 0 b Atlanta from a &a attack of Miy s^ieree scukr him out Rheumatism soon. ' We hope to Miss Eliia^ ■> ebeth N M Roberts, who is m the of U- Mbuquerquf Service ’ ‘ and who is a S. ForesV ^ m the ate forf" 1 Jtierly of * hls p a ? e ’ us Q 3 order the Courier „ to Mrs wN. C. Muton, Green Uta* rid b Ben this Qua/Sfles week. of Dalton has been ool Mr C, NRogers of Ollie called se e us la{ Jfi week. i > ,ib * £line Milton, of East ' with Mr and Mrs H h * M ' ^ _pgton last Wednesday. We bad ' wj bur first mess of green corn Wedras, „iesday- ? Mr Ervi; T> ^ CalTO n, 0 f Mountain sucl ' lb (Yarn. Per Plate was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay, iu Orleans in J1S42. Mighty ow cos lv for those with stomach troi ble indigestion. To day peoplo or very where ubb Dr. KiDg’s New Life Pills for theae troubles aB w 1 as liver, kidney aod bo*el die* rders. Easy, sure. Only 2, U at Teem Bros. Announcemnets. For judge To the voters of the Blue Ridge Jud cial Circuit. for the office c f Judge ot the Superior Courts of this Circuit for the term be¬ ginning January 1st 191?, subject to the action of the General State Demo¬ Primary. have the If elected I shall endeavor to business of the courts openly, honestly and fairly conducted, and promptly dis IJOged of, with the utmost economy both to to the parties litigant and the public expense. support . in Earnestly soliciting your this race and assuring you that it be appreciated, I am Most Respectfully’ &c. Henry. L. Patterson. To The Voters of the Blue Ridge cuit: I hereby announce my Judge of this Judicial Circuit for another term, subject to the Democrat¬ ic Primary, which I presume will be in August. of courts, Since I became Judge your IhaVe endeavored honestly and con¬ scientiously, and to the best of my a bility, to faithfully and impartially dis¬ charge the duties of this office. If re-elected I shall continue give my best efforts to an impartial business-like administration of ,RW8. Having had three years the Bench, I feel that I am better to render more efficient ser¬ for another term. I will deeply appreciate your vote and influence. help Thanking you in advance for any you may give me, Pam, with best wishes, Yours very truly N. A. Morris. For Solicitor General. To the Citizens of the Blue Ridg Circuit: myself I respectfully announce a can didate for Solicitor General of the Blue Ridge Circuit; subjects the Democratic Primary. I will appreciate the support and influence of all voters and citizens of the circuit. If elected. I will . the Solicitor G-neralaoffi # * 0,1 ^ Iwffihav icit ?" e “ 80C 2 John with ^ Collius, me as As- of sistants, if elect ^ charlie Harris, Cherokee Forsytty O)0^ nty| and they will ap . of he , p gjven me . preciav Respectfully, /■ Herbert Clay. ihe Voters of the Blue Ridge Cir To C hereby hereby announce announce for tor re-election to X ^ Bike Ridge Circuit, subject to the Dcm ocralic primary. If elected, Hon. m. Bu«t, of Blue Ridge and Gordon B. Gffin, Esq., of Marietta, will be my assistants. The faithful and unpartial administration of the criminal laws during the present term is my pledge to the people of what they may expect of me in the future. I respectfelly solicit the support of all the people. j. P. Brooke. For Congressman • f I respectfully announce myself a can' for Representative in the Sixty third Congress of the United States from the Ninth Congressional District of Georgia, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. At a season .convenient to them, l will meet the people of the various counties comprising the district and ad¬ dress them upon matters pertinent to the campaign. appreciate sup I will gratefully your ° rt CHARTERS. w. A. In my-race for the Sixty-Third Con¬ from the Ninth Congressional of Georgia, in the Democrat ii» be held this year, 1 will grateful to the white of the district for their support. Respectfullv, Jno. N. Holder, Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga. I candidate for Congress. No am a the people cab afford to refuse when calielupon. The continued soli¬ citations Item the District for can¬ didacy, t geter with the almost certainty c Democratic Administration convinceir - 3 that I can render additional service to the Party and the Ninth District. Thos m. Bell. . __ Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S ca&toria A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and biadder trouble, removing gravel cures dj-d^tes, weak and lame backs, rheu matism, and all irregularities oT the will be sent by mail on receipt of $1.00. ; One small bottle is two months treat- j ment, and seldom fails to perfect a j _______ cure _ Send for testimonials from this ] an( i oth(jr states. Dr. E. W. Hall 2 926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. bold /drugg j St . Notice To Creditors, Georgia Gilmer County : Notice is hereby given to all ^ . ^Gartrell, now deceased to present their claims to the undesigned payment. This July 15, 1912. W. S- McArthur, Administrator. 6 ti of J. W.&S. Dec. PHOTOGRAPHS. Mr Lewis Quarles has opened up Photo Gallery up stairs over the Cole Drug Store, at the Marr old staud, and is ready to take your picture^,. Brirg in the family and have an artistic group made._______ lomSftIMHPKIb n.o S.bH.CHC Kiuksw"* 0 Biaoo.p The 'Tri-Weekly Co mi sit tint ion ^ ATLANTA, QA. n v* -. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Three Times Every Week. | -fo^tmTf 'mng ms Presidential Yhar Only $1.00 a presWeutisl canT conventions, Issues Involved _ *Tp ^ HE nresident, of a new con il sad ^R^^t^al^iclals, di * cua ^ d ’^^te t . leglsLturw and on down the f® 8 ?’ n will make a year of newa Trl-We.Hy the m08 c ™ J sU ^“J S f 11 ^ u E“trl-»wMT peopl/for nfW farmers, world, meets aH the needs ot the paper in the arWcies « yalue lB lt8 varIons news, gives speclal uregf ^ interests every 2S£““£'*«>“• “* e ,. a a. h.ip. „ « wanted OTet ^ and Agents village on e vfc'y rural route- la postoffice, ^“^emlums, Splendid Inducements in evetf farming all r “ agents’ cash commis club offers, small » P om fl t today, free, it and contest*. an sions work. you can ^ own Dame ^ iSSfiA" «■«»» wst e,,r4 ”• quest for same and get your paper^rt^at 8UkBC riptl<ra now Almost da»yl three times a week. a once, Address aU orders to |k Tri-Weekly Constitution ^ Atlanta,, Ga. A pi FOR OUR U ■)senbers f! m J fill Ill m h t is*- and. Send us $1.50 cash get The COURIER, the Tri Wppklv Constitution and Some and Farm or Southern Pluralist or Toledo Blade. DO it N° w Advertiseln The ADVERTISE. Courier, IT PAYS TO NUMBER 1913. P eaches for Canning* The peach picking season is ------- * - - . now on a t the Arnold UrCnarQ an( j gulls and overripe peaches ^ fae ^ c ^ eap a t the orchard. w heU to go after them. T*W • SEWING MACHINE OP QUALITY. ' NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you purchase the NEW HOME you wfll have a life asset at the price you pay, and WUI Hot have an endless chain of repairs. Quality Considered it is the Cheapest in the end to buy. . If you want a sewing machine, write for lar latest catalogue before you purchase. foe Haw Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mac