The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, September 05, 1912, Image 1

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VOLUME X7- j local mb personal Miss Flora Holt is a pound. We have had an awfully spell for this country the past few days. Webster's International Unabridged Dictionary for sale at a bargain at this office. Mr Allen Findley and son Joan were here Monday w ith a load of watermelons for sale. WANTED—500 Cords of Chestnut Wood. Reece & Tramell, Mr Bill Walker, of College Park lias been visiting relatives in Dili jay this week. Waive and mortgage notes for sale at this offite. Misses Ethel and Loucile Stuart were the guest of little Miss Thelma Holt Monday. Now is the time to take advantage of our cltbbing offer and get the Tri- Week¬ ly Corstituition, Courier and Uncle Re¬ mus al one year for §1.50. If you cant keep cool, just keep as cool as you can and renumber that it wont last much longer. Sir»po3e you had a fire tonight. Arc you isured? See H. M. Ellington about t. Conk Stuart, of White Path epett Saturday (tad Saturda]' nigh with Sylvester and Aurther Place y n ' % 4 eminent * N. -box Terry, a pre _ ,-hti: Dawson Coun% was iirAofMr Frank Waters IL-d r y rijght. t'Nv prtnt this week a list of the pjrors drawn ti serve at the October Term of Gilmer Superior fCourt. Mr Frank Pettit, of Pike, Ga left Mouday for Young Harris to re-enter tl.e College for his Senior year. Frank Ellington, Max Crbo and Manley Cox left Monday fer Dahloncga to attend the North Georgia Agricultural College. Miss Gertrude Ellington left Monday for Young Harris tc begin her duties as one of the Teachers in the Y. H. College. Miss Eunice Tabor, of w Path has been visiting in Eolith Georgia, and will enter the State Normal School at Athens Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S o A 3 T O R \ A Miss Cora Hamby has gone Clarksville to enter College Prof Henderson, ably assisted by Misses Ethel Perry of this place and Miss Mamie Tucker of Dawson County, opened up the fall term of the Institute last Monday and the prospect is fine for a good School year. NOTICE. I want 500 Bushels old fashion peach seeds will pay fifty and Sixty cents, they must be dry. J. 0. Hipp. How's Th<s? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cqse of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the la;t 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in business transaction and able to carry out any obligations by his firm. Walding Kinman& Hall’s Catarrh Cur* is taken acting directly u;on the blood mucous surfaces of he system. monials sent free. Frica 75c. per bottle. Sold Yj all Dmgfi ts. T'we Hall's Fandy Pills for consti patien. THE ELLIJAIV a wood green or deadened, "ESr Pany ' Wi “ The family of Mr. Horace Holt has moved to Blue Ridge, where Central Hotel. We are sorry to loose them from our town. Rev J. E. Chasteen is conduct ing a revival meeting at Oakhill Methodist Church this week and we hope much good will result. Nineteen Miles a Second without a jar, shock or disturbance, the awful speed of our earth through space. \\ e wonder at such ease of nature’s movement, and so do those take Dr King s Now Life Pills. No griping, nb distress, just thorough wopk that brings [good health and fine feelings. 25c at TEEM BROS. Mrs Trammell,-mother of C. G. Trammell, of near this place, ’died and V. A-Trammell, of EHijay, Tuesday and was buried Wednes¬ day. She was quite old and had been sick only a sh irt time—Blue Ridge Summit. WANTED—The Cosmopolitan Group the service of a representative Ellijay, Ga and surrounding territory, look after subscription renewals, to extent circulation by special which have proved unusualy Salary and Commission. experience desirable but not Whole time or spare time,, TSp CSlK^spiiia.; c«>"p 2£r (■■■■■■I Martha, or r !y daughter of Mr and' Mrs Frank Ledford, of Burnet?, was marri-'d to Mr - Gus Badey. Esquire ‘Columbus Curtis per¬ formed -he ceremony. The Courier congratulates the happy pair and their friends all wish then a long and happy life. Mrs J. N. Hip, Hamer. Ga., l r<s used Foley,a llouey and Tar Compound for years, and says she always recommends it to her friends. “It never fades to cure our coughs and colds and prevents croup. We have live children and always give timm F'dey’s Honey and tar Compound for a cold, and they are all soon well. Wo would not lie without it in our house.” For Bale By All Dealers. Mr Frank Waters, of this place was called to Lumpkin County last week to attend the funeral ^3 mother, who died last Thursday at the age of 76 years m. There are 8 o sons and , daughters , u I ...... th fam,ly ■ * {rom ± to 1 " ' 3 - ra " B,n2 “ >2 years of age, and her death vas the first to occur in the amily We sympathize with the amily in the loss of their mother. To Alothers—tad Others, You can use Bucklen’s Arnica Salve i cure childrens of eczema, rashes, let¬ s', dialings, scaly and crusted humors, 1 well as their accidental injuries,— is, burns, bruises, etc., with perfect s?ety. Nothing else heals so quickly. Ir boils, ulcers, old, running or fever ses or pilos it has no equal. 25 cts at Tim Bros. i The recent primary, in Fannin j canty, gives you some interest- j iir figures to study- There were irail S74 votes polled, and it is sd li>2 of them were not on the rdstra.ion book filed With the Grk. ihen it shows that there hs a balance of 1183 of the 1700 othe list that did not vote at all. I shows another things; That te democrats polled about their f 1 strength in the county.—Blue Idge Summit ,1 rt-ailv Hffottivo kidney and bddur uiHdicim must first Kton 1 ________ . p.ig e. » o *,ie disease aud on on cure cure the the condition.; conditions that j !“■ USH lt _ Use Foley Kidney iw** Pills *" *“> l > l ’ dd »* uunnr y iriegularities. They -‘e safe aud reliable. They help nckly and permauemly. In the -1 low package. For Sale Bv All ealera. EL LI JAY. GEORGIA, THUR 8 'AY. SEP! EMBER 5 TH. 1912 . . j T0 THE people of / THE BLUE RIDGE CIRCUIT* !“ of; the Blue Ridge Circuit. I Pett tothe bMt of my ability. i to carry out my platform, and I I wunt the people to know that I i am going to do my duty. young man, and if I do the clean thing, it means something else. If I don’t, it means I am down " nc * out ’ an< ? * am g°’- n g to do the clean tnins j Ingratitude has n0 p * ace ' . n niy neai 't- I love my . and hate no man. Respectfully, Herbert Clay. U. A. Sorith, Bridgeton, lad. : : j i Lari kuluev trouble for years, and was so crippled with rheumatism ' he could not dress without help. He started using Foley* Kidney and says! “I began to get aj once, and now all my trouble has left me and I do not feel tnat lever had rheumatism. I rest well nil night and trio’ 59 years old, can now do the work of (I man of 35 years. I would like to be others getting benefit from ftffoy -iviinay Pills, All Refuse Dealers. substitutes, For'Salo fiy FOR SALE. Otie 5 room hoi^e anti lot in oy. v ' jiAs. c. Poindexter. A ^<8^ “rr——“—r— | • -■:iyor Rev 3. T Me'j xii ciei.iF: to return their sincere tuan* to all who so kindly helped them in their recent bereavement in the loss of their daughter. Such kindly sympathy will always he remembered and appreciated $30.000 000.00 L ost Annually By Earners Dr Sadlsi-H timatnso thnt about §B().(jOO.C*(> 0.00 in wayvs is lost annually to the American people ns a direct result, of colds. I,out time mentis lost wages and doctor¬ ing is expensive. Use Foley’s Hooey and Tar Compound promptly. It will stop the cough, and heal and sooth the sere and iniltiuied sir passages. For Bale by All Dealers. The Rural Carriers enjoyed a Holliday last Monday it beinr Labor T , Day. n which , is. . very much , observed in the Cities and among Labor Organisations, but little, known in this section. In M:moriam. Fair as a lilly of the valley and beautiful as a rose in bloom, Miss Idella Mctlan was called by the Reaper in her youth aud beauty into the Unknown and unknowa¬ ble land of the Great Silence Surely the Great Merciful Father knoweth best and m taking her to himself has' fulfilled his mysterious purpose which the finite mind can not understand, The hearts of all who knew her go out in sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones who are left to mourn her, But while they sorrow they will remember that God will care for his own in the Mansions not made with hands, Eternal in the Heavens. A TEXAS WONDER. ; T* 1 * 3 Texas Wo.ider cures kidney and i b!adder troub, c, r..m ovin K gravel cures ; diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheu j j n)a tism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in will !“t be ec -sent : by mail on receipt Joor of §1.09. fit 1 j One small bottle is two months treat- ! ment, ar.d seldom fails to perfect a! cure. Send for testimonials from this! 2326 and other O Street, states. Dr. Louis, E. Mo. W. Hallj ive Si. Sold n'druggist. Pattersen W ms. ^ a ^ rson —Mor s Contest. 11W (Wt and ‘S f Sw m r Atlanta this week t'k> appear befor the State Commitiltee in the Pm !*l-\ tore™ “It k " Much interest has beeili . aroused all ever Georgia by the I state of affairs in this county. 4(K tickets were sold Tuesday at Eplijay in witnesses Col Patterson’s: and others beh*df, injfterested something morning, over 50 on vlVednes include uay those which d*bes not from other dotations m the county. Also 39f ' tickets the the were party party sold Wednesday who who moiling to which were were fj r ®\ :> with all f will be there from circuit will make of people to co. :> Committee in Atla If ej After going fully r 0 of the county, the Commjtte! ;.n lawful favor of Col Patters* thf° Is is the Phouemst nominee. We get by as to pres| r late we go ]’ GardejvMicb., Antoine Deloria, Postmastrf oU i' r at k " 9 fW 8 the a .’’•act tive <apts he speaks 1 cf the p* c y0 es ,^ ura - value of Foiey Kidney ;ilK He says:**--' : From my own expoth-r^ri i recommend Foley*'Kid kL e - Wy P ills, as a great, remedy for oulj^i Ud— trouble. My father was 0 ’! kidney disease and a good '•>’ my neighbars were curdd K.duey Pills.” F or All Dealers, that Root Henderson W John Hunnicutt T A Foster B. G Charles W B James B H Osborn R F Parks 0 T Simmons W R Kincaid J O Hipp R B Edmonson J B Moore T J Hollifield J- R Nicholson AJ Williams WT Pankey W M Rogers L M Long S 0 Perdand G G Wright R K Adams W N Bearden W M Teem (B.G) W V Russell W M Ray J W Wimpey * HP. Rogers * W P Harper Gordan Gable jury. Isaac Haynes 0 L J-'earcey .1 M Fowler LC Davis C L Bates W L Roger .5 Hill Rackley Augustus Langley T P Thorton D R Weeks J W Withrow (Ellijay) James H Sharp Alford Green J W Dunn \ L M Withrow jr W W Holloway J N Kinser H B McFarland TT Gregg J H Bryant R L Henderson t U S Southerland J M Jones W W Kincaid R F Simmons W M McClurd J L Kinser L T Grizzle J C Anderson, Jr G C Dunn Harve Bramlett W C Pankey J F Williams J D Grizzle J H Osborn B J Logan Connesausfa News. : in this section - | Mrs Wbert ta«. of Eton i visited hur sister Mrs T. T Parks ! last week. i-----*"™ Creek Sunday. ------ 1 --------" ’ 1 „ i i Mr and Mrs J. B. Wimpey; ; visited .Mr and Mrs T. M. Parks I j Sundav. ’ 1 Rollen Wimpey . left Monday. for Jessup, Ga to visit his broth* James. M 133 Fallie Boen is a few days with Mr Mrs John Boen in Murray County. Mr and Mrs Bon Wimpey at tened Sery^ 3 at Pleasant Hill Sunday. UpNe Wess James spent Satur¬ day night with Mr W. R. James- Viola Wimpey visited her grand parants Mr and Mrs Ben Wimpey Sunday night. Miss Flarnce Fore spent Thurs¬ day night with Miss Ollie James Miss Lula Wimpey visited her Sister Dora, Monday. Mr L. H. James after spending a few days with home folks returned to Copper Hill. Mrs J. L. Withrow visited her mother Mrs Mira Parks Thursday Quite a number of Gentlemen of this section gtgattais tjas Business jn t i v wi ^its friendg. Blue Eyes end Brown Eyes. T. L . Parks, Marniyvilje. G«., 'Route 1, is io bis 73rd year, and was rocenclv cured of a bad kidney and bladder trouble. He says himself! “I havesvffered with my kidneys My back ached and I was annoyed with bladder I can truthfully say, one bottle of Foley Kidney Pills ine entirely.” They contain luibit- forming drugs. For Sale All Dealers. Good Dentist In Dr C. L, Stocks an dentist of Atlanta arrived day and is at the Hyatt Hotel. Dr Srocke has opened a farary office over Cole' Store when he is to do first-class work and those in need of dental attion would do well to see him without delay FOR SALE. Would like to sell or exchange for farm, 130 acres land, one five room dwelling with good barn, one three room dwelling, black¬ smith shop, and store 50 by 30 with fine stock of goods. Fine orchard on place. Will sell stock of goods and rent property. A Bargain in this if pou will see II. M. Ellington at Eilijay or & Mulkey at Cartecau Ga. Club Rates. For Cash in advance we will send The Courier and TriWeekly tion and Uncle Remus Magazine only $1.50. The Courier and Weekly Journal for $1.25. The and Home & Farm or Toledo 09. H. M. Eti.lNGTC'N, Your Success. t TheDraughon Training will: take you from the .fl.OO-a-day - class of wage earners and, step j OU-a-Ciay Class, I nn on ’, S ridua. Practical Business College. Atlanta, Ga.. or Jacteonv T , ^ me-. ijJe Fla., or Nashville, Tenn. ______ (ufl OAi-'iCe: K<CMSVl«MO liiM-DBB NUMBER 1919 ANNOUNCEMENT. patrons and pupils, and the prospective patnns and pupils of the to the school school .1 but my physical condition, just new, is such that, this also will be impossible. flpvelon true rianhood and wamanhood, and nold a strong sterling * character; , each of these their placf the true work of the To .give proper is o 2. j, To prepare students for Freshmanand Sophomore classes . r College. ^ -3. To arrange the best course possible for young men and young women who expect to teach. 4. To give a liberal education to meet the needs of those, who will not be able to attend College. Miscellaneous: The trustees and the town of Ellijay’, join heartily with the Principal in the effort to make the sc heal unequaled and certainly not surpassed in advantages. The church advantages are excellent. We have three churches in the town, M, E. Church North, M E. Church South and a Bap¬ tist Church, all of which have men as pastors of extraordinary ability. and Religious torn? This is always an evidence of the high Mora! of any town. The cost of living we expect to reduce to a minimum. We shall use practical economies along this Uu", for it is not tho purpose of the school to make money but to mate citizens ’The locatisn is IDEAL, The school occupies a beautiful on the northeast side of the town of Ellijay the county site of Gilmer coun¬ ty. This town is peculiarly adapted for the location of a scnool. Its situation gives it both the advantages of an easy access to the out¬ side world and of a quiet community. The L- & N.. R. R. two up to-date newspapers, telegraph and, telephone lines and good mail facilities give one of these and NATURE gives the other, bur. rounded on three sides by verdure hills, green valleys, babbhtu - sprnws and rippling broc<s andAmtlw other by the rollin'* y&fest ° f t he^iw jufe ■ l a large, two atoA byink Pudding, with four large recitation rooms a cloak-room adjoining 'each aud a Library room on the first flour, while the second floor is used for auditoirum and office rooms A well selected Library, given by the town, adds eonsidrably to the equipment of the school. The dicipline of the school will be to make it as much like one GREAT FAMILY as it is possible to do, To awaken an interest, thereby securing the earnest application of pupils to their studies is the first part of good school management. The old adage that ‘‘An idle mind in the devil’s work shop’ is as true as it is old, there fore we wish to Insure our patrons that theii children will bo properly employed. % EACULTY: Miss Ethel , ^ Perry, First c- V/. Henderson, A- B. Principal, Assistant, Miss Mamie Tucker, Second Assistant ' CALENDAR: closes „ Inday ., n De¬ Fall term begins Monday, September 2,1912, cember 20, 1912- Spring term begins Monday, January 6, 1913, closes to be determined. grades will be Outline of course of study. The first seven same as outlined by the .State School Commissioner. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. First year: Mathematics, Elementary Algebra, Milne s Antonie-, English, Composition and Rhetoric, Advanced Crammer, Reading and interpreting selections England, Science—Ac Latin-First Year: History-History of vanced Physiology. Mathematics—Algebra through Quadratics L 11 Second Year: - glish-Rhetoric and Compoisitien with College entrance requirement tor reading and interpreting literature. Latin— Caesar, Books I to IV, Grammar and prose composition. History—American History and Civics. Science—Physical Geography. - work Third Year; Mathematics—Plane Geometry with s-mie ; Algebra, English-Study in Composition work with abundant n Latin-Six Orations of Cicero Sadud s reading and interpretation. Year; Greex, German optiona.. Cataline, Prose Composition. First History-Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern. For further information address, C. W. HENDERSON, Principal. Ellijay, Ga, Children Cry Children Cry FOR t LETCHER’S FOR FLETCHER'S | C A 3 T O R 3 A C A S TO R l A YOU Jffi JOB? r- rn ‘viR<\Fn 4S Colleges in 18 States. International repun Busiat s. Home Study. Thousands of bank cash¬ the United States say that Draughon s iers, bookkeepers, and stenographers result are ot of Bookkeeping saves them holding good positions as tli& New System v.ork a taking Draughon’s Home Study. lr ,)m 25 to 50 per cent in at worry. CATALOGUE. For prices on lessons Shorthand. Practically all U. -S. ofn- write Jno. F. Drauc.kon, rial court reporters write the System of BY MAIL, Nashville, Term. For/rcocat¬ Shorthand Draughon Colleges teach President, Tt Ol-Lid / wn.^l alogs e on course si , Atlanta or *