The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, January 30, 1913, Image 1
VOLUME 38- tTZ f local aitb personal i Mr. Sam Parks, of Pike, was in Ellijay Tuesday. Mr. Tom Roberts, of Tioga, was here Sunday. Mr. Richard La tty was here on business Tuesday. Ellijay has four Blacksmith shops and three Barber shops. Mr Sam Evans, of Dyke, was a caller at our office this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson, of Oak Hill, were in town Tues¬ day. Mr. W. A. Allen, of Cartecay, was in town the first of the week. Mr. Bill Gibbs, of Pike, was in town Tuesday selling some yams ' - For Bale—The Estes Johnson property on River st- See H. M Ellington; ,, Adv. And the roads are still bad, also they will continue to be so till spring. W e are sorry to learn that Mr. T. w. Craige has been quite sick this week. Remember n if you owe for , your paper one year it will be stopped if not renewed. Neal Gentry, Jr., of Round Top, killed a hog last week that weighed ;’-92 lbs. Mr. E- J. Chastain and son Grady, visited Mr. Lemmy Clay¬ ton near Tioga Sunday. Terrell Jones, of Route 1, call¬ ed last week and left us a big dollar for the Courier*; ' Mr. C. L. Sud'deth, of . W hite Stone, cafierl Saturilav i ’ Mr. C M. George utes us to change his paper to Screven, Ga., where he is now located Our.friend Neal Gentry, Jr., of Round Top, was in Tuesday to renew his subscription ’ Mrs. Mag Greer Jias gone, to Fairmount to visit Mrs Lark Bishop who is in bad health. See me if you want a bargain n a33.ving machine. H. M Ellington. Advertisement. Mr Cairo Duval, of Ramhurst. Ga., was in to see us Tuesday. He says they like Murray county fine. Mr. George Gordon Ward, of Mercer University, Macon, Ga.. has our thanks for a years’ sub¬ scription. Messrs. Neely Weeks, H- B. McFarland, Emory Henson and others have recently renewed their papers. Charley and Henry Evans, of Dyke, were in town Tuesday selling'isome nice sweet potatoes at 90>. per bushel ,If you know yourself to be in debM (»the Couner don'thesi tate about eatling and paying up. It wont shock us a bit. *■ We hear that the inquest over the remains ofHar ley I teatherwood failed to find any evidence of foul play and found that he was killed by train- He is said'to have been intoxicated. - --; Ht)»’s This, We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can¬ not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu¬ cous surfaces of the system. Testimo nials sent free. Price 75 oen ts perfcot !e. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family 'Pills for constipa tion. ■ Adv. THE ELLIJAY COURIER. Jube Stuart, of White Path, was here Wednesday. Mr. W. R. Wimpey, the hustling merchant, of Route 2, was in to see the Courier Wednesday. Mr. George Clayton, Paullina, Iowa, is another of our new sub scr jbers. Mra , p Harper> o( j, has our thanks for cash on sub¬ scription. Our friend George Forrester, of Roy, was a caller at the Courier office Wednesday. Mr. Houston Elliott was in the city the first of the week. He recently purchased a fine mare in Murray county. Tax Collector Raekley was here Tuesday and Wednesday and qV u te a number of citizens came in and registered. We understand that he will be back at Ellijay Saturday Feb. 8th again so that all those who have not previously had an opportuni¬ ty to Register can do so. Mr. C. B. Kelley, of the Hyatt Hotel has just returned from a fishing trip to *7“ a ’ Fia ” and report8 a mighty Our friend Lester Smith, writea us from Liant0 „, 0 am , ^ hjs ds hjj friends in Gilmer. Mr. Doll Nelson recently pur chased a fine team of mules from! W. H. Ray. of Town Creek, and j is prepared for hauling j Mr. and -Mrs. M, I Teem the happy parents of a fine boy born Bunday. Mother and child are doing well. This is their first bov and weighed 131b: te o n Padgett has bought :yuv East theVhtile «** * *» *» dwellings We understand that a company is mining for Talc at the Wishon place, near the Gilmer and Fan nil. county line, and are finding a fine quantity of this product. Mrs. Jane Ratcliff, * widow, died at her home a miles west of Ellijay. last Sator day. She Was the mother John Goosby and General TT “ ron. Three 5c. packages of Arm a: net Hammer'Soda for _10c. Other bar gains in proportion. Call and see me if you want goods cheap. Adv. W. R. Wimpey Route 2. EHijay, Ga. It is very sad how some of our subscribers have failed and, refused to come across with the little mite they owe us and have ignored our polite requests to pay up. We are requested to announce that Rev F. L Cochran, Dist. Supt., will hold quarterly con¬ ference at the M. E. Church at this place, Saturday February 1st ! a t 2 p. m i Ifwehad all the 6tamps „ e dave wasted dunni de . .. linquent • . subscribers, , w _ could ,, we send them all another dun. but we can’t afford to buy any more at present and will have to leave it to them and their conscience if they hare any. * ------— Insect Bite Costs Leg. A Boston man lost his leg ftom the bite of an insect two years before. To avert such calamities from strings ande of insects use Bucklen’s Arnica Salve promptly to kill the poison and prevent inflammation, swelling and pains Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles, ecze m a, cuts, bruises,. Only 25 cents at Teem Brjs. Adv, ___ DO YOU WANT A HOME. McDuffie county is cutting up its -large plantations into small tracts and offering homes cheap, and on easy terms, to desirable white families Those who come? first will get the best farms and the best prices. Buy you a home in one of the finest agricuitur 1 sections in the state. Write for book et containing desriptions and pried*. | NEAL BROTHERS, Thomson, Ga. ELLIJAV, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 80. 1913 A Fine Exhibit. The Northern Pacific Exhibit car which was here last Friday contained a fine exhibit of the products of the great northwest, but our people should remember that this exhibit represents the best that could be selected from all these great states and should not be in a hurry to rush off up there without investigating the conditions they will find There was hardly anything in the ex-' hibit that we could not raise in Georgia And as for apples, with the proper care and atten¬ tion.! we can equal anything in that car right here in Gilmer. Too many of our good citizens have already emigrated, only to find that they have to work har¬ der in a new country than in the old, and if our folks here would work intelligently like they have to work in the west, and get up and hustle and mix brains with their! endeavors our section wou*d fast come to the front. J What Makes A Woman? One hundred and twenty pounds, more or less, of bone and muscle don’t make a woman. Its a good foundation. Put into it health and strength and she may rule a kingdom. But that’s just what Electric Bitters give her. Thousands bless them for overcoming fainting and dizzy spells and for dis¬ pelling weakness, nervousness, back¬ ache and tired, listless, worn out feel¬ ing. “Electric Bitters have done me a world of good,” writes Eliza Pool, De¬ pew, Okla., “and I thank you, with all my heart, for making such a good med¬ icine.’’Only ’ 50c. Guaranteed by Teem B ros Adv. -__ Mr . Jim Briant , o£ Fannin was here Monday. He been to see his s< n Vemie, vt'ho is in school at Oakland, Club Rates. For Cash in advance we will send you. Courier and TriWesek; t?< '-^Tod - -XT , 40 / r . Th. <toto and] Home & Farm or Toledo Blade' for/$l. O'). H. M. Eli.ingTon, Editor. Fnj-m Young Harris News. When you send your money away to a mail order house, it is good-by Mr. Dollar, you will nev r “ ore - B “.‘ if s Pf d 11 *•*»•“ hom f. "' erc 1 ' will hkely meet it ayam. . From Spring Place News. P. A. Gates, well known to Spring Place folks, was in our town Friday. Mr. Gates was formerly connected with the Murray News. Later he has been employed on the Etowah Enterprise, recently severing'his connection with that Journal, He has purchased the Calhoun News and will start the publica tion of that paper the first of next month The News wishes our former townsman success in his new venture. From Dawson County Advertiser. Mr. fe. McClure, of this place has received his commission as Fertilizer inspector from Com¬ missioner Conner for the coun¬ ties of Dawson, Lumpkin, Union, Fannin and Gilmer and will start out on the performance of bis duties some time in February We join his numerous friends in congratulating him in obtaining the appointment and congratu¬ late the Agricultural department for being able to obtain the ser¬ vice of as wide-awake and hust¬ ling a gentleman in this depart¬ ment of the state SPECIAL OFFER: i •• mm s>«v B—tM to. atrulwm Rrtzg ( •‘ll.'SliA , WrHt to^tmy; Mention thtt Paper. • SEND 10 CENTS Ikuwain t B m d i—iw tote? SSR ”V r “ ■ NOTICE. To the Young Men of the 9th District: I desire the initials and post office address of every young man in the 9th district between the ages of 16 and 25. Please write me giving initials, proper address and present age. I hope every youne man in the district will get this notice and send me their names as soon as possible to Washington, D. C., care House of Representatives. Very truly, Thos. M- Bell. Mail Carriers Will Fly. This is an age of great' discoveries. Progress rides on the air. Soon we may see Uncle Sam’s mail carriers flying in all directions, transporting mail. People take a wonderful interest in a discovery that benefits th m. That’s why Dr. King’s New Discovery for Coughs, Colds and other throat and lung diseases is the moot popular medicine in America. “It cured me of a dreadful cough,” writes Mrs. J. F. Davis. Stick ney Corner, Me., "after doctor’s treat¬ ment and all other remedies had failed,’. For coughs, colds or any bronchial aff¬ ection its uhequaled, Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Teem Bros. Advertisement. Esq. Noel Sanford, of Ridge¬ way, was in to See us Wednesday and renewed his subscription. Ex-Sheriff Bob Milton, who is now Marshal of McCaysville, Ga, was down to see the folks last week. FOR RENT One 8 room dwelling and one four room dwelling in Ellijay. Adv. Ed W. Watkins. Jr. Wanted Teachers. SCHOOL TEACHERS—I have the questions and answers otJthe last seven te School, examinat; in print, • »iSs HlM.DE. r. V,j-< 7* KUfjay, Ga. ' __ _ __ s ___ Don’t wait for your house to burn down before think * - you about Insurance. See me about it. I represent several old ble companies. H. M. Ellington, Agt. [Advertisement] Wanted* 1000 cords chestnut wood. Will pay $450 per cord. Reece & Trammell. A Stranger. A stranger, entering a bank, asked: “Can you tell me where Draughon’s Business Colleges are located?” “Yes, ’ said the bank cashier, “Dra upho n has 43 Colleges in 18 States. aak^^Klfice If^flE^sire any further information, dATJOH assistants; the,allfcnn, • • ON’S.” For prices on lessons BY MAIL, addreajJNO. F. DRAUGHON, President, Nashville, Tenn. For e.u Nashville, Tenn. Adv. A - A LARGE CONTRACT. What Team Bros, Wants Every Man in EHijay To Co. When Teem Bros., the enter prising merchants, first offered a 50 cent package of Dr Howard's specific for the cure of constipa¬ tion and dyspepsia at half price, *~ ■na 1 guaranteed , • to , . return , tne ,, _ ____ money thou^tit if it JL. did not cure, they experifince with other ages returned. But; ^though thej have sold hundreds of tles, not <me has been back. To those suffering with ness, headache, poor digestion, constipation and straining, Dr. Howard’s specific offers relief. It is an invaluable to all who feel after eating, and is to day popular dinner pill in all arge diies. PARCEL POST INFORMATION. The act of Congress authorizing the establishment of a parcel post system provides that on and after January 1. 1913, fourth class mail matter shall embrace all other matter, including farm ■ and factory products, not now j first, embraced second, by law third in class, either the or not exceeding 11 pounds in nor greater in size than 72 es in length and girth nor in form or kind likely to in jure the person of any postal ployee or damage the mail ment or other mail matter, and not of a character perishable within a period reasonably re¬ quired for transportation and de¬ livery. The local rate is applicable to parcels intended for delivery at the office of mailing or on a rural route starting therefrom. DISTINCTIVE STAMPS. The law requires that on and after January 1, 1913, the pos¬ tage on all matter of the fourth class must be prepaid by distinct¬ ive parcel .post stamps affixed (see sec- 3). Postmasters can not receive for mailing parcels that do not bear such stamps. Parcel post stamps are not valid for the payment of postage on matter of the first, second, and third classes, and, when used for that purpose, *ths matter to which they are affixed shell be treated as “Held for postage,” as prescribed in section 9. PREPARATION FOR MAILING Parcels must be prepared for mailing in such manner that the contents can be easily examined. (See secs. 19to37, inclusive.) A parcel must not be accepted for mailing unless it bears the and address of the sender, word ‘ ‘From. ’ ref use to re ; cer; uyr parcels not | propePJIWr sate r dt or packed for • WHERE MAILABLE Parcels must be mailed at a postoffice, branch post cffice, named or lettered station, or such numbered stations as may be de¬ signated by the postmaster, or delivered to a rural or other car¬ rier dulv authorized to receive such matter. Pareels collected on star routes must be deposited in the next post office at which the carrier arrives and postage charged at the rate from that office. INSURANCE ON PARCELS. A mailable parcel on which the postage is fully prepaid may be insured against loss in an amount equivalent to its actual value, but not to exceed $50, on payment of , “ feC , 0110 “f tS “ ,'T“‘ ^ : stamps, cramtio onnn such eromno stamps to ta be hn affixed. ofrivA/i UNMAILABLE MATTER. The following matter is de States, approved Mar. 4,1909): 1- Matter maniefestly ob¬ scene, lewd, or lascivious; arti ticles intended for preventing conception or for procuring abor¬ tion; articles intended for inde¬ cent or immoral purposes; all matter otherwise mailable by law, the outsi de cover or wrapper of which bears any delineations or language of a libelous, scurrilous, defamatory, or threatening character. Spirituous, vinous, malted, ferment - ed, or other intoxicating « liquors * of any •» / kind; poisons of every kind, and articles *nd compositions containing poieor es, benzine, kerosene turpentine, oiT^y^solme, 'denatured naphtha, alcohol, etc. ); infernal machines, and mechan¬ ical, chemical,' or other devices or com¬ positions which may ignite or explode; disease germs or sqabs (except as pre¬ scribed in sec. 36) f fend other natural or artificial articles, compositions, or materials of whatever kind which ^nay *j damage > l ari ’ n the mail or other f?? 0 * 8 property. or f Children Cry FAR FLETCHER’S CAS TORI A ; • NUMBER T> ftil.lllililHd.Hi CUSTOM, For Infants and Ch ildren. The Kind You Have AVfcgelable llllirMU; m- Preparationfor As¬ Always Bought similating the Stomachs the Food andBegula- Bowels Bears the ting and of 1 m an is /( h i u>K r N Signature Promotes and Rest.Contains DigeStion.Cheerful ness neither of Not Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Rarc otic . Ayr afOUJb-SANUIlPmmR fim ya k m Seat' jtlx.Smuta . Ill BMUStUt Aw,W » fazs&j*,. WfhM' Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Use Ron, Sour .Convulsions Stomach,Diarrhoea For Worms .Feverish¬ Over ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of ^ NEW I b it i«*111L YORK. old Thirty Years % )jl)(lStS-}jClNIS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTOR!: ▼MS OlNTAUfl tOMMNT. NIW FOH 0*TV. E5 - rpi 1 he TAT Name Burpee Wto is * £ " own the worl< l ever as ayn * !>»y a fair price for selected seeds the choicest vegetables and mot# beautiful flowers ? If so, it may prove of mutual interest if you rite to-day (a postal card willdo) for Th« New Burpee-Annual. This is a bright book of > pages that is intensely interesting to every one who gardens either for pleasure or profit. Shall t mall you a copy ? If so, what W« ATLEE a*v*v pp nvtDDPP BURPEE & o CO« Philadelphia #•« •« « % your address ? Our address is, 9 for Jot) PrintingL._______ Now is the time td Sub¬ scribe for the Courier.’ Read Our Clubbing Offers. FURS Hot Wool AND HIGHEST FOR mentioning on Commission. RAW MARKET Ihio FURS HIDES ad. AND WrRo PRICE HIDES lor PAID pries JOHN WHITE & CO. SSSSw. $ 53 , 000.00 to those who act as BEING GIVEH the local representa¬ tives MAGAZINE of EVERYBODY’S and THE AWAY Secure a Share V simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends and neighbors and collecting the renewals of our present subscribers. Try for THIS month’s prizes. There are lots of prizes that can be won only by persons living in towns same size of your own. Write at once to the BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY Butterick Building, New York City. CABBAGE PLANTS Do you want Early Cabbage and Plenty of Them Too*' If so, buy your plants from us. They are raised from the best seed, and grown on tfie sea islands of South Carolina:, which on account of being surrounded by salt B«Sb water, raise laiou plants pifUKD that WlOb ate are earHar end hardier than those grown in . the m t withoutidanger from frost, terior. Varieties: They can Early be Jersey set out Wakefield sooner. Charleston Large Wakefield, Hender or ' Cabbage Plants Lettuce, ■ Beet and Onion Plante Per 1,000 Per $1.50 1^)00 1.000 to 3,000 - $I.S0 1.000 to 5,000 - 1.2S 4.000 to (S.lWO 1 - ’. 1.25 5.000 and to 9,000 - : 1.00 7,00(rto9^0Q a : *38 10,000 Special oxer Price* - - Large Order*. 10,000 .rad over « Wifi Give Yas an WE WILL MEET ALfc COMPETITION IN PRICES N. H. BLITCH COMTANY The Largest Truck Farm in the World. MEGGETT, S. C. - I — Children Cry Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A CASTQRIA