Newspaper Page Text
VOT.I1MK :ss-
)K j local ani> personal *" ^ I
^^rap^g^^^3 ^^*********^'***|
—--- -
Frank Pettit of Pike, was here
Taesday- hole j
The old swimming is a
popular resort for the boys these
hot days. ;
Miss Lola Swan, of Pike, and
her brother Steve, were in fclu»
city Monday.
Tan Bark , and , _ Lumber . ... being
hauled into the market here m
great quantities
The north bound tram Monday
flight ‘ was delayed ........... several hours “
by a freight wreck
Mr. Francis Lanning, of Tur
niptown, has been dangerously
sick for some days.
Quite a crowd of citizens were
here Saturday of the enmity. from different]
Sections ■
The hot nights have pat a
quietus on the bud worms and
the eorn is growing so fast you
car. almost see it jump.
Mr. George Holloway, of Bur
nett, was in town o.i business
last Saturday and gave the
Courier a pleasant visit. ;
Mr J. L. Weaver who has!
been confined to his room for!
some days is improving, and we
hope to see him out right soon.
The apple crop is short but we
hear of a scattering crop in diff¬
erent parts of the county which
will no doubt bring good prices
Children Cry
. - , -
We are sorry to hear that!
Charley Holt, of Owltown, had) j
the misfortune to have his milk
cow killed by a stroke of light¬
The Rural Carriers on Routes
1 and 2 from this office are in¬
terested in having the Good
Roads movement extended to»
their routes.
We notice in the Murray News
that a Company from St. Peters
burg, Fla, has bought
mountain land on Ft. Mountain
fora summer resort
W e suggest that at the next
Singing Convention that we have
as a feature of the occasion Rev
Larkin Chastains class to sing in
the Christian Harmony.
A number of prominent Speak¬
ers have been invited to attend
our Big Barbrcue on the Fourth
and an abundance of Barbecue
will be on hand Come on and
bring the folks.
We have received favorable
news concerning the Florida
Colony that we are trying to lo¬
cate at Ellijay and hope that we
will be able to secure a big Sum¬
mer Hotel for Ellijay.
Don’t quit working your corn
Until it gets ready to lay by.
Sometimes the people are so
ious to quit that they omit
last working that would have
been the salvation of the crop
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot
teach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure
and that is by constitutional remedies,
Deafness is caused by an inflamed
condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely dosed, Deafness is the result
and unless the inflammation can
taken put and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be
stroyed forever; nine cases out of
are Caused hy Catarrh, which is
but afi inflamed condition of the
We will five One Hundred
for any case of Deafness (caused
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J, CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists. 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Fills tor
OH Parks House Burned, j
Last Sunday while the family j
were ail away except Mr?. Parks,
widow old Parks of John residence Parks, Sr entirely , tl>e j j
by fire with all its eon- f
Ji.k; thong!/, u*at it
setby^irs. Parks whose mind
has beeh unbalanced for some
time ghe ha8 been unable t0
walk for „ a long , white ... and , gets J
in 111 “ a chair. When the!
was burning she was found
«ttmg in her chair some distance
away and seemingly not concern
ed about the burning This was
the oldest house in the county
and part of it was built by the
Cherokee Indians.
Prof- J vv * Cantrell, of Young
Hams, is spending part of his
vacatmn in Elnjay.
Mr. W. V. Mulkey, of Mascot,
Ter.n., has our thanks for a
CTd ? t0 Ws W
Work ,.as been going on this
week-on the rebuilding the Tank
vault which fell in on Clint Cole
* ast weGlt ‘
1 he Moody Bros., harness men,
are speaking of moving to Can¬
ton in the near future, V\’e will
be sorry to lose them.
Mr. Will Simmons has been
clearing off the Logan lot on!
River street preparatory to build
ng a nice Bungalow
The committee on Location has;
decided to have the Barbeele at;
the Pump Spring where it will j
be handy for everybody. . j
Dm’t forget to come to‘the |
Big Barbecue July 4th and bring j
the f .iks Take a day off and i
be happy and let the kids have a
We are' sorry to learn that
Mrs Sam Pelmet was taken t >
Atlanta this week for medical
treatment. We hope for ha'
early recovery.
Cheatum Payne carried the
Fails Creek mail one day recent-
1 / and his horse became ITighten
ed and tore up th2 buggy when
he ttjppi d for dinner
We ,,, suggest , that ,, . the ., New An. .
tomobile Highway be built OUti
the Jasper road via the Mosei
Jones Mountain and down by I
Talking Rock. This is a good '
dry way and the road is the
we now have in the county.
Don't wait for your house
burn down before you think
about Insurance. See mo
it. 1 represent several old
ble companies.
H M. Ellington, Agt.
[Ad vertisement]
The Legislature met on the
25th and Representative James
and Senator Burtz are on the job
looking after the interests of Gil¬
mer and the 41st Dist. We hope
they will succeed in doing great
things for this section of the
Last week Clint Wheeler and
other parties while building a
saw mill road in a dense laurel
up a small creek north of Ghop
| ped Oak on Boardtown, discov
ered bear tracks. The bear was
j probably making his home
the j aure i and had been heard in
the , settlement at night prowling
j around
< Hon Ralpb0 . Cochran,
Atlanta, candidate „ S
101 L
j Senate, was in our city last week
accompanied by Mrs. Cochran,
j H e was up j n this section looking
]. 1 vci . j fie]d and .7. gclting ac
quamted .... with citizens. He r>
, our
; will make the race on Industrial
Issues and will favor more Tech
, n i ca [ Schools aided by the Gov
Children Cry
T A 3 T O R ! A.
Holiness Camp Meeting.
, A camp meeting gill begin
East Ellijay, July st, held by
the Church of Go" in Christ,
We preach the old me Gospel.
c 0 me everybody ant stay 10 days
with us. Elder L Eghols and
" ^ ° haige '
A '.iackson
Mr. and Mrs. Hutson, and
Mrs. Emma of
ton, are visiting the family of
Mr T 7 , ' f ^is place.
‘Mr Lawrence D < is with his
bride of a week, ^arrived * here
afew days ago to ' . at his ^ father
and mother ano j ■ f*nds in this
section. He has a.fine position
at ,K ayre, Ala., an<«e*- doing well
Guaranteed Ears.Remedy.
i The constant itchir. burning, red
. ness> ras h and disagre ble effects ofj
eczema, tetter, salt rfc>. im, itch piles
and irritating skin v.ptiona can be
readily cared and the si. n made
and 9n a smooth with with Dr. rw tr,Kar,T,’« tobson’s Oint
ment. Mr. J. C. Eveli d, of Bath. Ill,
says: “I had eczema t enty-flve years
and had tried everytl Hg. All failed.
When I found Dr. H isati's Eczema
mentTthe ^'phyridan"^^ This oint
lias bee • jr, •\so f- - - -not an cx
perirnhn t. ffi it '.*• • can guaran¬
tee it. AH druggist, or by mail.
Price 60c. Pfeiffar • hemical Co -.
Philadelphia and St. L ojs.
Advertisem nt.
New County of Tate.
I n a new
county, , the citizens - f
recite the following:
Tbe creation of th s uew coun¬
ty would work no injustice to
our our neighbors>™- g a cou : ties as may may
G " n ' / a C ° lp f l ‘ )11 ° i,U t J eS
obtained i from r the omptroller , ,
General and from the U. S
Census Bureau Gi mer county
population, and $927,603 taxable
Our new county would
frbhi Gilmer 22 1-2 square
600 population and approximately
$25,000 taxable property. Pick
ens county we find from
official county map, contains
square miles. 9,C41 population
and $1,102,004 taxable property.
The new county cuts from
ens 35 square miles, 960
tion approximately $57,848
hlo property. The
county line is withm three
of I'airmount. The narrow
WC take from Pickens is rough
ridge land and thinly settled.
Cherokee county contains
square miles, 16.66!
and $3,461,012 taxable property,
! The new county would take from
I ! Cherokee 24 1-2 square miles,
6l3 population and $59,862 tax
,, nroaer t v
cou „ ty contains
?quflre mileSi 25,388
and $7,067,114 taxable property.
The new county would take
Bartow 6 square m l es ;
population and approximate!)
$280,000 taxable property.
Gordon county contains
square miies, 15 861
and $3,670,094 taxable property
j The new county would take
; Gordon 103 square miles,
population and
i $700 000 taxable property.
j Murray COUfitv contains
square miles, 9,763
and ‘*“' J $1,757,330 taxable property
The new countv would taiie
Murray 9 square miies, 175
Illation and $50,000
Most GhilJren Httve Wormr
Many mothers think <heir
a f , “ ffer1 " 8
; ache nervousness, weakness,
j ness, most when they of all are children victims of
j common s
| -worms. Peevish, ill-tempered,
I ful children, who toss and grind
J teeth, pains, have with all had the symptoms breath and of
j and should be given
Worm Killer, a pleasant candy
which expels worms, regulates the
j els, tones up the system, and
{children j children Worm Killer Well Well is and and guaranteed. happy. happy. All
[gists, or by mail. Price 25c.
i Indian Medicine Co.. Philadelphia
St. Louis.
(Ad vertisement.)
T)ay Singing' at Mt. Zion.
“" *”
day singing was held at Mt. Zion
Church 6 miles east of Ellijay,
conducted bv Rev. Larkin Chas-'
tain. The Old Christian Har-!
mony books were used and we
thtak^ofrfd times when weused
to g0 to meet ing barefooted and
f ee j dressed up if we had on a
^hirt pa j r 0 f uew galluses and a clean
A big crowd was present from
the - surrounding country and an
ample and sufficient and most
excellent dinner was served on
the <1g of which VPUr cor .
partook with great
rdish and h ; gh apore ciation.
The Gntire audience enjoycd
the occasion and went awcy hap .
We hope to see more of
these kind of singings They
are all right and mighty fine in
many ways.
Mr John Tom Moreland was
in Ellijay this week.
Messrs. Jim and Pink Wells,
of Route 2, were here on business
this v eek.
Prof. Ledford fo,riper 3^-ioci-.
pal of the Institute, was here
among his old friends this week.
We are Agents for the Asheville
Steam Laundry, and will send your
goods by Parcel Post if left at Post
offlee. H. M. Ellington. Adv.
Mrs. Mattie Bell Roberts and
her two little girls are visiting
her sister, Mrs A, H. Burtz, of
this place
a. D C • Anderson, of
Dawson county, called on us
Tuesday and renewed his own
and his mo* hers subscription
Tr ,,^ n p hin nen with a crowd
of young men who are his guests
has been down to the Falls this
week on a camping and fishing
trip They went down the Coo
sawattee river in a boat and had
a great time.
Children Cry
Best Laxalive for the Aged.
Old itien and women feel the need of
A laxative more than young folks, but
it must he safe and harmless! and one
which Will not cause pain. ^ Dr, Kind's
New Life Pills arc es cially , Jood for
tboagcd f or they act promptly and
easily. p,-i C e 25c. Recommended by
Teem Bros, Adv.
\a decision of the U. S. Supreme
Court Upholds the Postal law, as to;
making statements etc. Thi ,
sworn *
means that, we will have to strictly ob-1
-m the L.. in w rh sendingo„>I
papers Bal tics owing tor more than
one year and not having renewed, will
have to be left
The City ri Fathers , hate been
busy this week assessing the ta.
i for this year. They raised near¬
ly everybody and fixed the rate
at 50c on the hundred which
should provide sufficient revenue
to do some much needed work on
our streets and walks.
tilcers and Skin Troubl-s ’
running or ^ fever sores, ulcers, boils,
eczema or other skin troubles, get a
j from Bhcklen’s an u S Arnica l >- ulcer Salve for nine cured months her and in
two wepks Will help you. Only 25c.
Recommended by Teom Bros,
Think It Over ,
Yod go down the street seeking eai
ployment, and at, every door you are
“turned down." Why? Because you
are not. trained. Business men are
looking for trained voung men and
women—advertising for them every
day. If you want to qualify for a good
position as bookkeeper, stenographer,
Or or the the like, like, take take the the Draughon Draughon Training, Training,
For catalogue, address Draughon’s
i Practical Business College, Atlanta, Ga.
I or Jacksonville, Fla., or Nashville,
On June 5. 1913, the death
angel Came within our circle and
| jbade our sister, Mrs J. S.
kersley, come to her reward in
Her l : fe, influence, and exam
i pie have been an inspiration in
our Missionary Society of the
: EllijayvBaptist Church. But she
is gone. “The silver chord is
i° ose( h and the golden bowl
broken,” «nd she has passed into
the presence of her Lord. The
suffering which she bore,
| 9UVU such beautiful WV.WUtll.Ul patience, J^WLIVlJt-^j is “j over, v *
and she rejoices
Qh t £ b g sorrow in the home
c j e She was a beloved daugli
jter, devoted sister, and faithful
] wife and mother, and a conse
j crated Christian. As loyal
diers of the cross, let US dr A
j | yet closer together, .weld
broken chain by our, -mvn se
ceg and f alt hf ulna's, and so ^
as sne uito, ulus nonoring ner
ex-imple,. and glorifying our
ta lt e
a Society, bo it Resolved,
First. That we thank God
the privilege of having lived in
touch with our dear departed
sister, and we submit to His will,
ji n placing this, one of his rarest
j jewels, in the home above the
stars, and we thank Him for the
assurance, which comforts and
consoles us, that she is reaping
the reward of the faithful.
Second. With our tenderest
sympathies extended we com
mend Hod’s all-sufficient ,, grace r.o
the bereaved husband and
rowing • family. - Third. — ■ ’ —. •
these resolutions be spread upon
, book book of of Minutes> Minutes, and and pub
ur .
j j lished iii our local papers and the
Christian Index.
] M A Fowl or
j^ rs> g g. Kelley
j Mrs. Mrs. J. M. I Allen Teem 'I
j O. (
Oui friend Poley Holt, who
j owns writes property from Maben, in this Ala., section, that
1 us
our good roads plan proves
successful to put him down for
: Uvho $50 We like to hear from men
talk like this.
—-—— ----
Plan for Federal Aid to
,| on Jonathan Bourne, Jr.. Chairman
of lho Jljml Col „„ lt „, „„ ,
in the Construction of Post Roads, has
given out the following interview:
j “With city population increasing three
times aa fast as ru a) population, and
j there is surely need to make farm life
; more attractive. The problem is one
j national import nee, for congestion
1 F-or-ulaOc, in
Upon country life we depend chiefly for
a nation
| “To halt the drift of men and women
j J°' Vard the city, we must make
pro fi tab]e - No public,
, will aid more in this direction than im
i provement of highways, for good
1 destroy the isolation of country life,
improve market opportunities and
erease the cost of hauling farm
j °.. TomC(lt th „ s it„ a tion I h ue «u
; geste d a p i an fo r Federal aid to
roads, the purpose of which is to
j the nation and the several States- in an
lexpemtatare of three billions of
in fift y years construction
' nroducc produce these these results: results:
“Fir^t, add one hundred billion dol
j lars to our national wealth.
“Second, save a billion dollars
! ^ farmers by . partial . substitution
j motor power for horse and mule
as today it costs two billion dollars
nuallyto feed 25/100,000 horses
mules on American farrtia. Even
con d»ceo,,7 c,i n na.ti 0 n of animal power W it
j re t ,osent- m ,.<l «.
dred m j lljoRS annually,
•‘Third, furnish occupation for
qqq p CO p] e maintaining the highways,
cept during the harvest season,
t jj ey wou ij jj e f ree t Q work on
during the busy season . A road
maintained until that time needs no
during the harvest period.
j -- Any perFOn interested in the
| 0 f goo d roads can can secure secure a a Copy copy of of
suggested plan Dy writing me, care
: the genate g ena t e Office office Buddi Bu ;id in g, .....
j-> q —inland Partner
Tut best thing to cake tor biUo-asness
s a Sir.. SiPss' Laxativ* TaWet,
Decoration and Mission Rally
at Flea^ant Hill 5th Sunday
! in J' jne ‘
9a. m Song services by choir.
9:30. Welcome address by J.
E. Ellis.
9:45 a. m. Decoration Work
Rev. Hogan-
10:15 a m. March tp grave'
yard. Gatherto.churchforser
H a. m. • ermon by Rev.
■ Deweese State of Dead from
Death to Resurrection.”
Noon. Recreation with dinner
| on ground
1 p. m. Singing by choir,
h'31 p. m. Recitations by chil
2 p m. Talks on Missions.
Rev. J. T. McHan and W. R.
3 p. m. Song by,choir.
Dismissal in prayer by V. C.
Deweese. Everybody invited.
M Tatum (
j J..E. Ellis f Committee
;j j j^ 0 h rs
I. * wBI rwlb for green
<1 ?Y“" al5C ' Pe r *>• tm dry
flint hides. J . W. WlMPEY
Mountaintown News.
We are having some nice
weather at present
«ake up correspondents and
let us hear from you I
/Altha Newberry was the guest j
of Annie Hill Sunday. , ]
Sunday was a nice day and
I went Visiting. J
!__, Mr. and Mfk. John Soiltlief
| — -u d SayS aaya its ,ts ., a “ . uuy. boy ' j
j ing The nicely Sundav at Gates school Chapel. is progress- ] ,
Mrs. Sarah Mill v/as the guest \
of Mrs. Lu ( ra Parks recently.
- ■ \ , ,
Miss Ollie Hill was the guest I
of Annie Parks Monday night. I
Mrs- Mollie Hill was calling on ■
Mrs. Sarah Hill Sunday night.
Mrs. Aim Painter was ihe
guest of Mrs. Sarah Hill Monday.
Mrs. Eva Page is planning a
trip to her sisters soon at Chats -
Mrs. Eva 4ewberry was the]
I ‘4 ues - °f Mrs, Sarah Souther |
Sunday last.
Misses Annie Talks and Ollie
Iliil were the guests of Mrs. Eva
Page Monday.
Mrs. Altha Parks was the
hw llau*ht«r, Mra Noru
; ’ e ,=i ’ ‘ ^ n day ■
Mrs. J. P. Crook is visiting her
- ,, M ^ T Lo,s • McClu,d
I ‘°yd cltic; -
j COUnt.\.
Mr. Bob Parks, of Owltown.
was vistiting his brother Jim
Parks, Satlird&y and Sunday.
Okla., has returned home after
an extended visit to her mother*
A large crowd attended the
j funeral of Mrs. Ann Hill who
was brought to Mountaintown
01 buna ‘
Mr. Charlie Painter and wife
i has returned home after an ex
tended visit to their mother in
Middle, Ga.
Mrs. N. A. Hill and daughter
; •''ophia, visited their daughter
and sister Mrs. Effie Henson, of
Crandall, Ga,, last week.
Mr. Monrce Fowler will preach
• at £ dyal Cove Shnday 30th, and
I Rev W. F Cochran will Dreach
. ' '
. tbe {2nd- Sunday at the same
I p ace.
«i,h best »iah« to the
ana its many readers.
Blue and Black Eyes.
j t i-i
- —--------
| ro We . ho{)e a!i 11 our county . people ,
i Will , come to the Barbecue on
! f [ the Fourth- We expect to have
j enough Barbecue for all who
or COnU. . m „ w \ ;thnnt nout dinner Sinn. but in case
j thg gu , y sboa ] d run short it
: might be a good scheme for our
county folks to bring a basket
i with th'-m.
Fire Insurance,
H. M, Ellington* Agent*
Ellijay, Ga.
1 represent The Security Fire
Ins. Co. of New Haven, Conn.
The National Union Fire Ins.
Co of Pittsburg, Pa.
The CeOTgla Fire Ins. Co- of
American Central Ins, Co,
St- Louis, Mo.
These are all leading old line
Companies authorized by the
State^of Georgia to do business
and having made the required
deposit with the Insurance Do
parfcment of Georgia. Adv
Expert-Licensed Embatfncis,
Long Distance Phone 465,
Adv, Marietta, Ga,
Club Rates,
Por Cash in advafice we will sfend you
The Courier and TriWeekly Constitu¬
tion and foi'
cinly $1,50. The Courier and Sem
Weekly Jpufnal for $1.25. TheCourier
and Home & Farm or Toledo Bladd
$1. U i, H M. Ellington, Editor.
V x , LUE mu««<f\vnw RAILRoAD
AfPlVlllg d.lld Departing
Tihie at F-llijay Ga,
All Trains Daily.
Effective Huiiday DacCrnber Sth. lHitf;
Leavt ...... Ar ,
and North, ..-38* *. .,14 «
, } . ue a , u i Murphy 7:45 pm 7:04 aw
AtUnla> , , 14 P M l4 , 8 , M
Marietta amt Atlanta 7:o4 7:45 I’ !-t
t 1
'* TKB e
If you purchase the NEW HOME you will
have a life asset a i the price you pay, and will
not have an endless chain of repairs.
-■Vo “=5
it is the
in the end
to buy.
.<f y<>ti want fi sewing machine, write fof
ihr latest catalogue before jrou purchase.
t* I!o!Hr Sewing Mil Co,, Orange, llllasi
Woman Finally Recover#
From Nervous Breakdown
people Impoverished nerves destroy m:iny
before' their time. Often be¬
fore a suffertr realizes whit the
trouble is, he is on the verge of a
complete nervous breakdown. It
is of the utmost importance to keep
youf nervous -system in good co 1
dition, as tiie nerves are the sourer
0 Kouhz, / all bodily Mechanic power. St.,' Mrs. Pueblo, Anna
Colo., says:
1 “For many years I suffered front
nervous prostration; I was unable
fo do any house work and doctors
failed to help me. Remedies I
tried from druggists did not do
rrie a particle of good. A neighbor
told n:y husband about
Dr. Miles’ Nervine
and he procured a bottle. After the
first 11ISL improvement' ICW few doses uu . w and'after I , showed a „ marked ....
taking two
bottles I was entirely cured. I aiiii
t, een perfectly well for yeafS
cannot praise Dr. Miles' Nervine
"?.W& weakness, -
appetite, poor digestio,). in
inability to sleep; if ,ypu are and f
general run down condition
unable to bear jC-ir part of tae
iX-iiy grind of life, you need some*
thing to strengthen your nerVes
You may not realize what is the mat¬
ter with you, but that is no teascht
why you should delay treatment.
Dr. Miles’ Nervine
has proven its value in nervous dis¬
orders for thirty years, and merits
a trial, no matter hov. many other
remedies new? failed to help you.
Sold by ail drugsists. If first bottle
fails to benefit your money Is returned.