The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, June 03, 1915, Image 1

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VOLUME 40- ry'fi'rjr's j local aitb personal Mr. Gus Gartrell, of Gartrell, was here on business in his auto Monday. Sunday and Monday were showery and made the grass and crops grow. Mr. J. M. Frady of Route 1 called in Wednesday and left us a big dollar. Our friend Bob Jones, of Dyke, was in to see the Courier Mon¬ day and left us some of the coin. Oscar and Horace Bennett and Brice Davis moved the show to Chatsworth last week across the Cohutta mountains. Mr, Jim Hipp one of our GS- j teemed Subscribers of Dyke called in last week and assisted j US financially. 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bryant and children, of Copperhill, Tenn., visited relatives in EUijay and at Santa Luca, Ga- recently Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown have 'returned from a 600 mile Auto trip in Tenn. They drove their Ford and had puncture. 1 never a Georg, Mullinax who hasj moved to Woodstock, is another; of our new subscribers. Wei wish him success in - his ™ new home w e had the pleasure of fining Sunday with Mrs L- H. Bennett and ate a mess of pease, beans and irish potatoes, raised this year in the garden. If some of our delinquent sub¬ scribers don’t come across we win be financially embarassed y£ewise qrvt onr grnop-v the iarne marywi.l fix. be ; n II. M Ellington is a Commer¬ cial No'ary Public and has a seal. All kinds of Legal Docu¬ ments executed. AdAertisement. Warden Jim Smith of the > w tate Farm of Milledgevilm was here this week and took to the State Farm Frank Hamby, Bun yan Beaver, Dovie Cochran and Lena Thomas. Austin Wright was taken to the Htate Sanitarium this week by Sheriff Milton. He was in¬ dicted for kibing his cousin John Wright 28 years ago and was found to be insane. if this war keeps on and flour gets any higher, biscuits will be so scarce that they will taste like they used to in old times, when we only had them when the preacher came to see us. Last week we planted a pea patch, a corn patch, a water¬ melon patch, some goobers and replanted our strawberries and gardehed some, [f we all would raise a little of everything to eat, times would be better. Mr. and Mrs. Martin T Misses Reba Allen and Etnej Perry all left Monday morning in Mr. Teem’s auto, with Morgan i ' _ Patterson Chauffer, „ Athens as tor Ga., where they will attend the closing exercises of the State Normal School, where Misses Ruth Perry and Bernice Teem will graduate, Deafness Cannot Be Cured. t By local applications, as they canno reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafne ss and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous linings of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en¬ tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tabe restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever, nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, whish is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caus¬ ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hail’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circu¬ lars. tree. F. J Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, j Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hail’s i ... tku athr, t Jr. ! . 8 ELLIJ AY Dr- Caldwell Here. Dr. E. V. Caldwell, of the Board of Health is in this county ducting a campaign of information the people on the prevention and t™l of contagious diseases. should go out and hear his free es on Typhoid Fever, Hookworm kindred subjects. He has just pleted a tour of Fannin County. advertisement of his lecture dates this issue. THIRTV-S1X FOX 25 CENTS. Dr. King’s New Life Pills are supplied in well-corked glass bottles, containing 36 sugar coated white pills, for 25c. One pill with a glass of before retiring is an average dose and pleasant to take. Effective p 0 siti ve in results. Cheap and cal to use. Get a bottle to-day, take dose to-night—your Constipation be re l ieved in the morning. 36 25c , at all Druggists. Advt. Messrs. Ed Frady and R. Smith, Past Grands of the jay Lodge of Odd Fellows, been to Fitzgerald to attend Annual meeting of the Lodge of Georgia. The was saddened by the death JV f dge of *? bt American T. Daniel Odd Fel ire 1( > ws - w ^o just after making eloquent address to the Gfaad Lodge, was stricken with appo* plexy and died. He was at Griffin with impressive monies, A Doctor's Prescription for Couzh An Effective Cough Treatment. One-fourth to one teaspoonful of Dr King’s New Discovery, taken as needsd, wHI sdothe and check Coughs, Colds thetiore dangerous Bronchial and AWbf^i!' You can i. aaoict to risk of serious illness, when so simple a remedy as Dr. King’s fh w Discovery is obtainable. Go to Druggist to-day, gel a bott le of Dr. King’s New Discovery, start the ment at once. You will be gratified the, relief and cure obtained. Advt. Owltown Items. We are having some rainy weather this part. Misses Pearl Henson and Flora and Chadwick visited Misses Maiissa Etta Parks Sunday eve. Quite a large crowd attended the at River Hill Sunday and had a ce time. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Henson visited brother, Mr. Jim Parks, on Mountaintown Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Gordon Chadwick and wife visit his father D. F. Chadwick, night. Sunday school is progressing nicely the Owltown school house. Every invited to come. Mrs. Kate Parks visited her mother, Jane Hcnsen Sunday. As , this ,, . . first „ , attempt .. , to . write, is my close for „ fear : of ... the waste basket. Succeas to the Courier and its many Tobie. - A Mistake Made by Many. When you suffer pains ana aches by day and sleep disturbing bladder neas b - v ni « ht - feel tired - ner vous dnurn down, . tko ,, the m'rlnairc tudneys. ., . and ind run run . should be restored to healthy, and regular action. It is a mistake postpone treatment. Foley Pills put the T Kidneys y, m • sound, , , condition and keep them active strong. Sold everywhere. Aovt. ’Here We Have h! n ’The Best Medicine Made fcrRdncyand BiadderEoubles" FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS SpT Backache, ' Rheumatism. Msm. ludtieys end Bladder. ^ ‘ 1 e v ■? '-yr ELLI.IA Y, GEORGIA. THURSDAY JUNE.3 Elected. The Board* Trusts of the Ellijay Institute Tuesday night and elected Prof Hawley D. Walter, Principal and Mrs. EUa Fow'er and Miss Miilie Pow¬ ell, Assistants for the ensuing year. Prof. Walter conducted a successful school at East EUijay j last term and the ladies are well known as 8plendid teachers. j We pre(} j ct a successful year for , , “00l . sc neura- gia pains stopped. You don’t need to suffer those agoni¬ zing nerve p-tins in the face, head, arm, shoulders, chest and back. Just apply a few drops of soothing Sloan’s Lini¬ ment; lie quietly afew minutes. You will get such relief and comfort! Lif e and the world will look brighter. Get a bottle to-day. 3 ounces for 25c., at all Druggists. Penetrates without rub¬ bing: Advt. From Blue Ridge Summit. -Mayor Claud Wafckins, of Elli jay, was attending court here Monday. Ex-State Senator, J L. Weav¬ er, now Clerk of the Superior Court of Gilmer county, was among those attending court here this week CONSTIPATION CURED OYERNIQHT. A small dose of Po-Do-Lax to-night and you enjoy a full, free, easy bowel movement in the morning. No griping, for Po-Do-Lax is Podophyllin( May Apple) without the gripe. Po-Do-Lax corrects the cause of Constipation by arousing the liver, increasingthe flow of j bl!e - B,leis Nature ’ 8 antiseptic in the a. With proper amount of bile, digestion in bowels is perfect. No gas, no fermentation, no Constipation. Don’t j be sick, nervous, irritable. Get a bott'e of Po-De-Lax from your Druggist now and ™™your Constipation overnight. | j j Olfie JVeV/S t * i * I ) t f I t 4 ivfr. r.rschei Corbin, of Murray county, was visiting home folks last week. Mr, Oscar Nix, of near Chatsworth, visited his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nix, the latter part of the week. Misses Mamie aod Maud Miller, of i Mile Mile, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill Saturday. Mr J. J. Davis and family from Rock Creek, were visiting Mrs. Davis’ father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. j L. Nix, the latter part of the week. j j Mr w East Ellijay> £ SDent Saturday night with Mr . A Elwards and Sunday with his son, Mr. . H. C. Shepard, returning to his home Sunday. j We were indeed sorry that the dec ; oration was rained out Sunday and that I dinner was so scarce,,only a few of our j ^ om ' J people being present. Only two fami| y’ s took dinner. A number star i t®d an d were just ready to start with ! their dinner when the rain came. j those started had to g ., back> and those j that hadn ' t did not get to start at a ll j There was a crowd there. Four diff j erent sections who started early beating j the rain there. Although we had an interesting sermon delivered to us by j T Rev , E. J. DeWeese, on State of _ Dead ! ’ . | till .... the Resurrection. „ ,. Also , other ,, sub- , j jects brethren were which discussed much by several enjoyed other by ( was ; those present. Will give some one else my chair. ! Su " cess and happiness to the Courier ! and lts reader s. No body’s Darling. | Don’t neglect a summer cold. A bn)nchial h causes broken s , j an , j owers vitaKty . EolevHo n ; and Tar Compound soothes and heais raw, inflamed . , membranes, , stops . tick- .. , > . u in throut and clears SIuffy> wheezy breathi Contains no opiates; chii | dren )ike and it; good bronchial for a ,l affections. colds, coughs, croup Sold everywhere. Advt. New Clubbing Rates. We are still clubbing the Courier Tri-Weekly Constitution and Toledo Blade fo $1.60 cash, also Courier, Tri Weekly Constitution and Home and Farm for $1.50 cash, or The Courier and Semi-Weekly Journal for $1.25 each in advance. The Courier alone will be strictly $1 from and after this date. Address all orders to Edijay Courier, EUijay, Ga, Advt. To Sleep Weli in Sumner. Slight i >flammation of the bronchial tabes causes a distressing cough and makes sleep impossible. Foley’s Honey and Tar Corr.nound stops that annoving tickling and'relieve* the racking, tiring cough. Good for ail coughs, colds, croup nod bronchial a*: - is. Sold evorvavoem. -dvt. Dental N otice. ^ and will be at my office from now on /%« all oil flm the time tirvir. ready krt to serve onvtrn the tkn i public. Cali and see me when you need dental work. B. B. Vandergriff, Dentist. Advt. Not For.Men Only, Women suffer as -much as men do from indigestion and constipation and require the same scientific remedy to keep the stomach *■-.? liver active and the bowels regular. Foley Ca¬ thartic Tablets are wholesome and cleansing: do not f'rip.'T.r eause nau¬ sea. Stout people say tins is the one cathartic that takes away that over¬ full and clogged-up feeling. Sold everywhere. Advt. From Pickens Progress. There was said to be the lar¬ gest crowd in attendance at the Singing Convention Sunday that had ever been, and there were certainly the largest number of automobiles that was ever in Jas¬ per at one time. A very conserva¬ tive estimate would be between 75 and 100 cars, and the crowd at between 2500 and 3000. Nelson carried off the Banner. The Fiddlers Convention Satur¬ day drew a large crowd in our town and was a grand success in every way. It Was such a suc sess and so much enjoyed that they are going to make it an an¬ nual affair. The prize winners were: 1st, 0. .^ Chastain, Big Ridge; 2nd, tied between Joe Byers, of Ball Dround, arid Don Doc Jones, of Worley Crossroads; 3rd, Margurite Turner, of Tate; 4th, R. V. Kelley, of near Talking aged 80 j cars. RHEUM A TIC GIVEN QUICK RELIEF P a in leaves almost V. iSHf as if by magic when you begin using “5 Drops,” the famousold remedy for Rheuma¬ tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia and kindred troubles. It goes right to aches the spot, stops the and pains and makes life worth living. Get a bottle of “5-Drops” today. A booklet with each bottle gives full directions for use. Don’t delay. Demand | “5-Drops.” anything Don’t else ac- in cept it Any drug¬ place of gist can supply you. If you live too far from a drug store send One Dollar to Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Newark, Ohio, and a bottle of '‘5-Drops" will be sent prepaid. » *- ML-.: The only way to get the genuine New Home Sewing Machine is to buy the machine with the name NEW HOME on the arm . and in the legs. This machine is j warranted for all time. No other like it No other as good Till New Heme Sewing Machine Compel ORANGE, MASS. OVER S 5 YE ARC EXPERIENCE Yradc wr.n»;3 C-cir.::3 CopvniG:'.T3 Ac. tvone Bonding a and dOFcrinMnn'inaY nnl Uiy ascertain our odu m ti free vhcth'r si liiri____ ntion ictlreouideidud'^IANDSOu^ ia probably p.-to*nn.bie. Cnmcitini Pttieaw tU»ns st rlctl? on pate-v •i-mc.' cncy id’securing -r/->;• Mima sWltriTHf & Cc. I special notice , without lout CBa. c oa,? ro, c, luthi ill the j A !••• I* r‘ an- r■ v ver-kly... - A I.r.rfci: .-r - Cd > <• - i - : • ” v:<. d -----r-r*?** j , . ^ TX ;r.. r*:ocA, <:-'5 i, t., j-.r - ; Trt kind of Si brick 1 work and Solicit VOUr • Brick Building A Specialty. See me or write me at EUijay, Ga., and I will do you a good job. H. C. CURTIS, Contractor and Builder. • Advt. To Preserve Your Dealt h. The kidneys are the great health preservers. Rheumatism, backache, headache, sore muscles, st iff joints come when the kidneys are out of order and failJto properly filter the blood. Fo’ey Kidney Pills tone up tired and diseased kidneys, banish backache and stop sleep disturbing bladder troubles. Sold everywhere. Advt. For a few weeks I will again be in my EUijay office each Tues¬ day, Thursday and Saturday in the afternoon. 0. L. Stocks, Dentist. Advt. NOTICE. I am agent for Coggins Marble Co , and prepared to sell Tomb¬ stones, Monuments and Ceme¬ tery fencing. Prices right- See me before you buy, U. K. Goble, EUijay, Ga. ^dvti LOUIVILLE & NASH VILLE RAILROAD Arriving and Departin Time at EUijay Ga. AH Trains Daily. Kffccuve Suikirj October 4 th, njlf. Leave Arriv. Knoxville and Norili, 1 1 -15 A M 1,14 P M Blue Ridge anil Murphy 7:21 I’ J)6:49 am MaH-Ma & Atlanta, i 14 p m i i:15 a m Marietta & Atlanta G:4U- a m 7:21 r 1.1 Advertisement. KRYPTOK INVISIBLE BI-FOQAJL It used to be true that bifocal glasses were troublesome and old-looking, and trying to the eyes. It is not true of Kryptoks — the new bifocals that look and wear like plain glasses, but give perfect near-and-far vision, « See M. L. Sivils at the Methodist Parsonage, neat EUijay Institute’ He can tit you with any style or grade ot glasses that you warn and at reasonable pries g Satisfaction guaranteed. v&HftESTER SPILLS D^-aMOND BRAND 00** I.ADIE3 ! Afk ?»! 1 F Draught for CIII-CHES-TEIt S EXAM OKD IiKAKO PILES iu Red n-’d Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Bluet Ribbon. Tale ho other. Bor of Tour ■ »-.-og«t3t PIAAIOKD and »sk for CHI.CHLS.TLK twenty-Sw; 3 BItANi* PILLS, for years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME EVERYWHERE WORTH TRIED TESTED Cough If It You You Them. 1 Kill ail Let Lot Instead NEW DISCOVERY, kill your Cough It with heals DR, Irritated KING’S j Throat and Lungs. Thousands In last 40 years benefited by Dr. King’s i Hew Discovery t Cfoasy Bacti T» It Fotis Alt r.'mfg.l.ts 50c. acti §I,0u 4. Sc . . : . -I.-.*: . r '• ^ NUMBER ‘22 Hookworm and Typhoid Dr. E. V. Caldwell, representing the State Board of Health, is in EUijay to begin a Health and Hookworm Campaign. The campaign has Two Distinctive Features: 1st. A series of lectures, illustrated with stereopticon pictures, will be given at the following places on the follow dates on the “Cause, Manner of Spread and the Preven tion of Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis and Hookworm Dis¬ eases: Round Top, Sunday Night, June 6th, at 7:30 Tails Creek School Monday Night, June 7th, 7:30 Mountaintown, Tuesday Night, “ 8th, Cherry Log, Wednesday Night, “ 9th, Cartecay, Thursday Night, “ 10th, 2nd- A series of Dispensaries for the FREE examina tion and treatment of Hookworm Disease will be opened at the following places at the dates given below and visited the same day in each week for three weeks: Round Top, Every Monday during June Hyatt’s Store, Every Tuesday during June Mountaintown, Every Wednesday during June Cherry Log, Every Thursday during June Cartecay, Every Friday during June EUijay, Fvery Saturday during June in Court House. You are urged to be present and bring your family and learn what is to be learned about the prevention of these diseases. Our S'S/ Yotx Facilities cannot r «Jo Tyebtef c. ito for good Banking service follow iru> are not surpassed, and we the footsteps offer our customers every of people-'D who courtesy and convenience. j We Want Your Account. and it is for your interest to bank with us if you appreciate safety and good judgment combined with a broad liberal policy. Four per cent paid on time deposits. The Bank of EUijay. Sam Tate, President. B, L. McClain, Vice-President E- T. Hudson. Cashier. :-Li r —( y-~T s W " >|! !i I Ih f-. ' c j A Contented Man 7^, jW AKE the home attractive and comfortable and a man will fairly ru?-h to it when his day’s work is over. Recent statistics com¬ piled in Boston proved "Unhappy that the Homes”. greatest cause of intemperance was r • %hat man does not enjoy to come home, put on his "comfy” slippers, take up his favorite paper or magazine—re|sx and drink a bottle of cold, refreshing beer.^ man like this is never found idling around public places and drinking to excess. Men like this are invariably steadily employed at a living wage and do not jeopardize their employment by over-indulgence. They drink mod¬ erately of beer and are physical and mental exponents of true temperance. * —Aduertuemcnt Burpee's Annual for ISIS tells the Plain Truth about Burpis-Quality Seeds. It » m 'M i : 6ee Wife for it today ,“Led r.i Jon-.. »- tj *1 . &TLES BliRPEE l CO j irr " _r..r