The Ellijay courier. (Ellijay, Ga.) 1???-1915, November 18, 1915, Image 1

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VOLUME 40- s I local anb person * ^^gsaaaggggag^sgggg Mimwwn ____ Mr. Charley Johnson has moved his family to Oakhill to live in the country awhile. Quite a crowd of our good far¬ mers were here last Friday to see the ExhiB%. of the Boys Corn Club of Gilmer. The.Legislature passed a very stringent Prohibition bill last Friday doing away with locker clubs and near beer. Parties having Deeds or Bonds to execute can have them fixed up at this office at reasonable prices. Advt. Mr. J • W. Clayton, the Apple King of Gilmer, was here last week. He is shipping a lot of fine apples this season. Mr. Jesse Souther of Whitfield county and wife, were' visiting relatives in Gilmer last week and gave the Courier a pleasant ca l. Rev. W. F. McHan was or¬ dained at Mt- Zion church Sun¬ day by Revs. Frost, Walker and Stone. Quite a large crowd at¬ tended. I have a good work mare that I will sell cheap or trade for other property. H. M. Ellington. Advt The Big Harvest Festival is on in Atlanta this week and they are having a gay time down in the Gate City $.nd the Hotel men are smiling the smile that wont come off. FOR SALE—A good two story st and lot in - EIHiay - near B Advt. ’ihe long spell of fine weather was broken by rain last Saturday and it rained again Sunday night and turned c )ol and gave us the first touch of real winter that we nave had. Prof. Geo W. Kimzey, of Brunswick. Ga., who married Miss Louisa Kennemer, of Dyke, | this county, is another of our! new subscribers. He has charge! of a school at that place. Mr. W. A. Keener, of Leaches district, leaves this week for Westville, Okla., to make his home. He is a good progressive citizen and we regret to have him leave Gilmer but wish him well in the west. We are sprry to learn of the death of Mr. Steve Burgess wl# died on Mountaintown Sunday last from cancer from which he had been suffering for some time. He was a hard working man and a good citizen. Oakland academy has ODened with the largest enrollment in years. The first week counted 125 with good prospects to reach 150 belore it runs one month. For the first time the school is carrying on a successsul music class. S« M of OMoCj^rf Towel". Frank J. Cheney mfikes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK ____________________ J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and in my presence, this 6th day of Decent ber, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A, W. Gleason, Notary Public. Hall „ s Catarrh r . , Cure _ is taken inter rally and acts directly upon the and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohia. Sold by druggists 75c. Take Pills for constifation. Advt. TH- COUR‘EER, Anderson-Clayto: At noon Sundav Mr. Clayton and Miss Emma ? son were happily iparred a 1 home of the brides mother Margaret Anderson, of L Ga. It was a quiet affair, t being only a few of the rels and friends present. Rev. Chastain officiated Notice to Tax Payers I will be in Ellijay Satu. Nov. 27 th t< collect taxes 1915. J. G. Ellis Advt. Tax Collector, H. M. Ellingtonisa Co mmer cial Notary Public and has a seal. All kinds of Legal Docu¬ ments executed. AdAerttsement. Logs Wanted. Will pay $10.00 per thousand for merchantable yellow pine logs in mdse. ShippenBros. L. Co. Advt. Lost— Dark brindle beifer, 2 years old past; unmarked. Any information as to her where¬ abouts will be rewarded by J. T. Lanning, Gatlin, Ga. -4 Advt. SPRAYED. A cow belonging to J W ctrlerS rr ' Wl iewin STOP! All parlies owing Mr. Hefner, the Watkins (medicine man. will please comeiin and settle at once, as the accaupts are in our hands. Respectfully, BURTZ & PETTIT. Advt. NOTICE. We will close our doors Nov. 25th, for the purpose of taking an inventory and will • reopen Dec 1st. No goods will be so'd betwren these dates, but will re¬ reive payments on notes and accounts. Truly Advt. Teem Bh s REWARD REWARD A 100 acre farm will be sold to the highest bidder at the COU house door in Fannin bounty Georgia on December 7th. ( the first Tuesday) 1915. This ^eiurth^e farm is about one mile south of a"d .tart half mile f>om the new $50,000. 00 Industrial School building. For full particulars address, Box 132, or Thus. A. Brown, Blue tv Ridge, i__ r Ga. *„ Advt. Cash paid for fat mules horses. Se#Lewis H. Cochran, Mineral Bluff, Ga. Advt j Any county one „a„tin farm will E a do good well Gil , mer ; consult the Editor of this paper. j We mean a sure enough I ith bottom land on it Advt. . , l Ridiculous Presumption. "What had you beeu eating?” "Corn beef and cabbage, doctor. 1 think I have a touch of ptomaine j S oning.” “Nonsense! Ptomaine poisoning j | w jtti imported caviar and canned eter . what you have is a case stomach -ache.” — Louisville j ourna i. 4 - Sr. Use’s Hew ‘■"IS Tl.fc COUCH. CUKES V^iE LUNGS- THURSDAY NOV. >8. 1915- Will selnZ^^^^HpRfion at my farm on^^^^ay, $ mile above Cross Roa'ds, Monday Dec 6th, at 9 o’clock, the following property. 1 pr of mules, 1 bug¬ gy and harness, 1 mowing ma¬ chine and rake, 1 No • 13 Oliver chill turner. 1 compost drill, 1 guano drill and other farm tools Terms of sale cash. Any party desiring t3 see me before the sale will find me at Teem Bros Retail Store Ellijay, Ga. J. B. Davis. Advt. OUR JITNEY OFFER—This and Sc DON’T MISS THIS. * Cut out this sli>, eucios with five cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111. writing your and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial pac«age containing „ „ \p£jg 4 c “ h " u '.• M • ' - Hogs for sale, inquire Lucas farm. Advt / WANTED. Gash paid for apples, eggs. poultry and potatoes. Ellijay Protiuce Co. Advt. Last Notice All partie owing the firm of R L. Smith &Co., on old ac¬ counts are requested to settle ! these accounts by 1st. of Dec. 1915. After that date these ac counts will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. B. H. Osborn & Bros. Advt. Locating The Trouble, When one is suffering from back-’che, i lheumatisro, lumbago, biliousness, n^Xavs^asy end st ff to lo cate the source of trouble, but nine times out o ten it can be traced to : overworked, weakened or diseased kid ne y s - Kole y Kidn ’J Pi have bene - “ wh New Clubbing Rates. W still clubbing the Courie . '. e ar e Tri Wee kIy Constitution and Toled Blade fo $1.50 cash, also Courier, lii Weekly Constitution and Home and Farm for $1.50 cash, or The Courier and Semi-Weekly Journal for $1.25 each in advance The Courier alone will be strictly $1 from and after this date. Address all orders to Ellijay Courier, Ellijay, Ga, Advt. Notice. The most up-to-dr.te ass rt ment of fruit trees al the lowert price heard of. Yy apples trees are all grafted on No. 1 French 1 roo's I also have peach, pears. j cherries, phim, quince, English j walnut, Himalaya berry, rasp | berry, at 4c- and up. This Stock j§ second to none. The H J DOVER. Nurseri#. Routs 2, Box 75. Ellijay. Ga. Advt. iW PHis *-» -- - . , E-- J’Box Supper Oak Hill. \he people at Oak Hill have finished the new room to their schoo 1 house except supplying it iwith desks- It furnished tem¬ porarily withs^its “that'll lo’ Lntil r better or^s car. be /secured. \s a means 4 Jjlj^ng money to kjt desks, thv pat ule have de hqrf supper at the ihoolhouse ntA*2?afcur<iay night, tfov. 20tb and * cordially invite erybody to comb All the girls nd ladies of this community in ite the girls and ladies of sur ounding communities to bring boxes with something good to eat so that there will be a box for everyone who wishes to have a good supper an 1 contribute to a good cause. Ail the boys and men of this community invite the boys and men of surrounding communities to come and help them buy the nice boxes brought by the members of the fair sex. so that all may have a very pleasant time as well as to help in a very worth;, cause. Respectfully, W. B. James. A Pine Whoopi;* Cough Remedy. Mothers, Dr. Beni’s Pine-Tar-Ho-.ey is just the remeci for your children's cold ailments. 1 ; fact' is that pine is a quick enemy oj **oid condiiions. Its qualities loosen ^ne mucous in the throat, soothe lur s and open up the air passages. Tl,^-combination of hon¬ ey, soothing and pleasant, with the loosening pine entity makes this an ideal cough remedy for children. Each passing yes brings for it, new friends. A fa mi It of growing children cannot afford to }e without it. 25c. a bottle. Ad ft. - LISTEN: —We " will print your name 1JCU1JC a ailu nd ad/.resfi „ and No. of ztsZA?« Yfftet’Uiefe Zr faffs it' wifi come back to you. Courier Office Ellijay, Ga. Cheaper Than Home-Y.ade, You cannot make a good cough med¬ icine at home fo.-ss little as you pay for Foley's Hone$r and Tar, nor can you be sure of getting the fresh, full strength, clean and pure materials. Did you ever hear of a home-made cough medicine doing the work that Fo ey t is doing every da/ all over the country? Sold everywhere. Advt. LOU1V1LLE & NASH VILLE RAILROAD Arriving ar,d L tf SI till Time at Ellijay Ga. All Trains Daily. Kfiei tive Sunday October 4th, i'.vl4. Leave Arrlv. Knoxville and North, 11 ‘15 a m i ,14 P [I tie Ridge and Jlnrpliy7:21 P m6:49 am M arietta & Atlanta. I 14 P M tt;15 A M Ma,ietta& Atlanta 6:43- a m 7:2! r n Advertisement. RHEUM SUFFERERS A Tip GIVEN QUICK RELIEF Pain leaves almost as if by magic using when "5 you begin famousold Drops,” the remedy for Rheuma¬ tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia and kindred troubles. It goes right to the spot, stops the aches and pains and makes life worth living. Get a bottle of "5-Drops’' today. A booklet with each bottle gives full directions for use. Don’t delay. Demand "5-Drops.” Don't ac¬ cept anything else in place of it Any drug¬ gist can supply you. If you live Dollar too far from a drug store send One to Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Newark, Ohio, and a bottle of "5-Drops" will ba sent prepaid. New Zealand’s Natural Gas. New Zealand lias many mineral springs percolated by a natural Inflam¬ mable gas. At some of tin* spas uoi only is the mineral water used for bathing and drinking purposes, hut tin natural steam is used for vapor baths, and the whole establishment is lighted, its rooms warmcil and its meals cook ed by tile natural gas. Mbits;/ Uni.arm— Uniforms were first adopted liy Ur English military organisation in Ur seventeenth century. SUMMEROUR MAKES A HANDSOME FIND. Mr. Z. W. Summerour, a well known citizen of Cherokee, has found on his lands one mile from Holly Springs a vein of gold said to be among the richest in Geor¬ gia and quite the richest yet dis¬ covered m Cherokee county. Mr. ^umraeroilr is now making prep¬ arations to have the vein worked, out and it is believed that this' will be a long step toward revi-1 ving the gold mining industry in! this county. Mr. Summerour; has very good reasons to believe that he has “struck it rich’’ and j developments are awaited vt ’th i interest. —Cherokee Advance. 1 HER SIGHT COMiNG BAuK. A Wonderful Treatment Of A blind j Girl’s Eye. Miss Nora Adams, of Rockmart, lost one eye in childhood and went blind from sores and inflamation of the other eye. She is now 20 years old and had tried all specialists possible without relief. At last she visited Dr. Hughes and Kennon Mott, and now by their treatment, where before she was to¬ tally blind, she now is seeing better and better all the time. These spe¬ cialists are doing wonderful eye work as well as in all chronic ailments. They will be in Ellijay at the Hyatt Hotel Tuesday Nov. 23rd, and give free consultation. See their announce¬ ment eisewhere in this ssue. Advt. Dental N Mice. I have mived my family to Ehijay to make my home here and will be at my office from now on all the time ready to se'rve the public. Cab and see rm when you need dental work. B B. Vandergriff, Dentist. Advt. 1 iViade Over Ag&ii^ ^ Mrs Jennio Miner, David-’on, Ind., wri'es; ‘‘I can. truthfully say Foley Cathartic Tablets are the best I ever nsed. They are so mild ifi action. 1 feel like 1 had been made over again. Thev keep stomach sweet, livnr active and bowels regular. They batiish.; con¬ stipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache. Sold everywhere. j Adqt. Notice. We have give’i you ample i o tice of our intention to s le on all notes and accounts of Ray & McArthur and W. S. McArthur. Many have not made satisfaction and we are forced to collect these at law We will sue on them as fast as*we can get to t ,om, tak ing it district b;, district. Respectfully. Buiitz & Pettit. Advt ^The Best Medicine Made | fa Kidney and Bjaddeflroubles" FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS , f 0 r Backache, ' Rheumatism. Kidneys Bladder. and NUMBER 4<! ’Dont's' DON’T carry large sums of money around with you. Hold-ups are not unheard of. DON’T hide money around Good thing the house. There are a few burglars left. DON'T be exfravif^ent, put your money £in this bank and add all you can spare to it. DON’T fail to take this advice and you will have an easy and happy o ! d aga Four per c~nt paid on time deposits. The Bank of Ellijay. Tate, President. R. L. McClain, Vice-President E. T. Hudson. Cashier. Dental Notice Extra Ordinary. Dr* Stocks, formerly of Atlanta, now of Blue Ridge and Ellijay, will spend all of next week, Nov. 22-29 in his Ellijay Office. Get Your Teeth in Shape Before the Rough Weat!:e r Begins. ELLIJAY INSTITUTE. The and| Leading School of the County Designed equipped with the sole aim of training, develop¬ ing arid educating the Boys and Girls of Ellijay and Gilmer county. E'ertant building, strong faculty, three year high school course/department of Music and Domestic Science to be added thife fall. Board and tuition at a minimum cost. An opportunity fqr the boy or girl seeking an education. •F. u d* y. FnrjfnrtHftr information a<hlre.v* HAWLEY D. WALT £R, Supt. .* THIS TONIC IS A SCIENTIFIC TREAT ilENT “ for the hair and scalp, perfectly harmless and is not giv.asy, •.1i*rk?ns the hair so evenly that no one can tell it has been *., ’d. We a-3 living in the 20th Century, an age when a youthful appearance i«of the greatest advantage, the folks are using it andit is very popular. Lut what delights everybody besides keeping the hair IH which original color it produces a soft luster and appearance of abundance makes iho hair so ficinating, besides it will remove every bit of da .draff, stof * the hair from falling out, allays itching scalp and makes t he heir grow rapidly. Make a personal trial of t his remarkable tonic yourself. It will please you. 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at druggists or sent prepaid by 20 th CENTURY CHEMICAL* CO.. Memphis. Tbnnessbs} Sold by M. M. DAVI'*, Barhr II jay, Ga i '■'* old Settled in my Stomach. Lost My Took Appetite. Peruna. Could Not Am Cured. Sleep. Peruna All A Great Remedies Family Failed. Medicine. Mr. Chas. Sauerbier, 815 Main street, Si. Joseph, 1 Mich., a constant Friend of Peruna, Uses it in J Family. r Do you want this dandy AiV Bic y^ BICYCLE Xy Man’ % ThaEleCallCa. 9 A/’ ' ^ / 236 W. 37' : > Street / V New Ycrk Ci!7 / / N Dear "Bicycle Mar”: Contest. Every boy /'*'/ Plerse toil me Low to This is not a Prize Sf* / p-t one of your higti gr. e who fills out and mails the comer cou¬ / Bic;-ies, .us, without «*-••• - money, an4 this high-grade Bicycle ^ iur very lit lie effort. pon can little earn during litzme. for very effort spare / time. ASK “The Bicycle Man.” Addrez:. Mail this coupon TO-DAY. y -——=—«<£-.