The West Georgian. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1933-current, March 27, 1936, Image 1

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BE A BOOSTER FOR VV.G.C. VOLUME 111. UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS ATTEND PUBLIC FORUM Official Student Sponsor Groups Entertain Guests OFFICERS’ CLUB IS THE STUDENT FORUM SPONSOR DRAMATIC CLUB TO SPONSOR DANCE FOR SPECIAL VISITORS The Officer’s Club, composed of the presidents, and other officers of the various clubs on the campus are acting as the officail student “sponsors” at the Public Forum now being held at this college. These students, whose official capacity is to act as guides for vis itors, assist in parking, and re leave confusion in the working of the program of the forum are rec ognizable to visitors by the red and white ribbons worn on their sleeve. Members of the W. G. C. Dra matic club are acting as the of ficial student sponsors of enter tainment at the public forum be ing held today on this campus. Members of this club may be seen in the various “figures” of the opening march at the dance which that club is sponsoring at the gym nasium tonight for the student body and special guests who are receiving invitations. Dean’s List For W. G. C. Announced This Week For Winter Quarter Following is the Dean’s List for the Winter Quarter. As usual it is composed of the upper ranking fifteen per cent of the student body of West Georgia College. Walter Abney, Reagan Barton, Elizabeth Burnham, Pee Wee Car ter, Mary Cole, Opal Cowart, Ma bel Duncan, Voncile Ellis, Wood row Floyd, Ruth Goswick, Howard Handley, Helen Hanes, Mable Har per, Rosalind Hays, Myrl Hearn, Glenn Hogan, James Lassetter, Marion Lassetter, Nina Martin. Warner Morgan, Elizabeth Moul trie, Lucille Portwood, Edwin Potts, Marguerite Powell, Ralph Racey, Lewis Reese, Charles Scott, Mildred Sims, George Smith, Laura Smith, Cecil Stanley, Katherine Stephens, Elizabeth Strange, Mo zelle Taylor, Kate Whitlock, Ralph Whittemore, Grace Wing, Esther Zill. Nature Study To Be Given This Spring The regular spring nature study course, in accordance with anew plan will be conducted jointly by Mr. T. A. Hart, of the science de partment and Miss Katie Downs of the Education department, in an ef fort to make this scientific course of more benefit to prospective teachers for whom it is given. The student assistant for this course is Rosy Spence. Students who took this course last year and who are now teaching are to assist also, and present the bene fits of the course to themselves as teachers to the present class, ac cording to the latest plan revealed. THE WEST GEORGIAN FORUM SPEAKERS WELCOMBED BY W. GA. STUDENTS Today there arrives upon our campus a group of visitors whom it is a privilege and an honor for the student body of our college to entertain. These men have been selected to com pose the gruop of speakers for our Public Forum and are all prominent in political and edu cational circles in our state. They bring to the students and faculty the latest information and opinions on matters of state and national importance. They speak with well-founded au thority on their respective sub jects, and their views and opin ions thoughtfully considered, honored and accepted. The student body of West Georgia College wishes to as sure these visitors of the cor dial welcome awaiting them. The students want them to ex amine our campus in detail and gain an insight into the student life. They want these visitors to be as interested in the school as the students are interested in them. Let our guests be as sured that every member of our institution will receive their messages with respect for their opinions and appreciation for their coming. Copy of Dramatic Production Given To Emory Library A copy of “The Shephards Play”, the dramatic production rendered by the students here last Christ mas has been placed in the Emory library at the request of Dr. Dewey, head of the fine art de partment of that University. This play is an adaptation of a pre- Shakesperean play, made by Gor don Watson. Tax Authority DR. R. P. BROOKS Noted Tax Authority who will Discuss Georgia’s Tax Problems. CARROLLTON, GA., FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1936 Agriculturalist llllilli & Jl|l||||l PROF. MALCOLM H. BRYAN Recognized Georgia Authority on Agricultural Problems. Will take part in Public Forum Here Today. FORUM PROGRAM Friday Morning, Ten O’clock President I. S. Ingram, Presiding. Song, “America the Beautiful” — Audience. Welcome to vistors. Song—-Men’s Glee Club—Profes sor Gordon Watson, Director. Opening Address, “Seven Won ders of Georgia”—Honorable Mil ton Fleetwood —Former President of Georgia Press Association. “Some Problems of Georgia Ag riculture”—Dr. Malcolm Bryan — University of Georgia. Friday Afternoon, 2:30 O’clock Professor R. M. Strozier, Presid ing. “The Taxation Problem”—Dr. R. P. Brooks. Discussion Chairman —Honorable Charles Redwine —President, Geor gia State Senate. “Agrarianism” Dr. John D. Wade —University of Georgia. Discussion Chairman —Mr. Glenn Wiley. BANQUET Friday Evening, 6:30 O’clock College Dining Hall Master of Ceremonies —Mayor T. R. Luck. Introduction of Speaker—Presi dent I. S. Ingram. “The University System and It’s Relation To The State” —Chancel- lor S. V. Sanford. Song—Men’s Glee Club . Saturday Morning, 10 O’clock Professor L. E. Roberts, Presid ing. “Neutrality”—Dr. Fletcher Green —Emory University. Discussion Chairman —Mrs. S. C. Boykin. “The Political Situation in Eu rope Today”—Dr. George Raffalo vich. Discussion Chairman —Professor L. E. Roberts. NOTED GEORGIANS TO SPEAK DURING BIG TWO-DAY SESSION Dr. S. V. Sanford ; Milton L. Fleetwood, Dr. R. P. Brooks, Hon. Charles D. Redwine, Dr. Malcolm Bryan, Dr. John A. Wade Dr. Fletcher Green to Participate The West Georgian, on behalf of the student body of West Georgia College, is today extending a cordial welcome to the many distinguished visitors on the campus. All of these visitors are here to help West Georgia make a success of its first Public Forum. The Honorable Charles Red\yine, President of the State Senate, will devote his especial attention to the discussion of the tax situation in Georgia, which is the subject of the address to be given Friday afternoon by Dr. R. P. Brooks, noted tax authority of the University of Georgia. Dr. Brooks’ weekly articles on the subject of taxation have been appearing in the Atlanta Georgian and have attracted wide in terest. The Forum will be officially opened at ten o’clock Friday morn ing with an address by Mr. Milton L. Fleetwood, editor of the Carters ville Tribune-News and former president of the Georgia Press Associtaion. He will discuss the “Winders of Georgia”. Mr. Fleet woqd has been intimately associat ed with many of Georgia’s most prominent citizens of recent years, and he has always been an en thusiastic champion of Georgia’s writers and statesmen as well of its natural advantages. Following the address of Mr. Fleetwood, Dr. John D. Wade, noted writer and lecturer of the University of Georgia, formerly of Vanderbilt University, will speak on Georgia, not extolling its vir tues as Mr. Fleetwood plans to do, but rather evaluating its possibili ties and offering suggestions as to the course Georgians should fol low. Dr. S. V. Sanford, Chancellor of the University System, will be the speaker at the banquet this eve ning in the dining hall. This ban quet is sponsored by the College, the Civitan, Lions, the Lit-Mu and the Business and Professional Wo men’s Clubs. Dr. T. R. Luck, mayor of Carrollton, will serve as Chancellor DR. S. V. SANFORD Visits Carrollton to Speak at the Banquet of the First Annual Pub lic Forum held here this week. BE A BOOSTER FOR W.O.C. toastmaster at the banquet and will introduce President I. S. In gram of West Georgia College. Mr. Ingram will introduce Dr. Sanford. Dr. Malcolm Bryan of the Uni versity of Georgia will speak at the Friday afternoon session on the subject of Agrarianism. He will give especial attention to tenancy in his address. A forum discus sion, led by County Agent Wylie of Carroll county, will follow.this address. The Forum will give its atten tion to problems that are more na tional and international in scope at the Saturday morning session. Dr. Fletcher Green, of Emory Uni versity, will discuss the question of Neutrality, one which is in the minds of the whole wrold today. This discussion is timely since the United States Congress has only recently passed a neutrality bill. At the end of his address, Mrs. S. C. Boykin, prominent club wo man of Carrollton and student of national affaris, will serve as chair man of the discussion. The concluding number of the Forum is the address by Dr. George Raffalovich, distinguished lecturer and writer, who will discuss "The Political Situation in Europe To day”. Dr. Raffalovich spoke in January at West Georgia College before an enthusiastic group of students. Dr. Raffalovich has serv ed on the faculties of Dartmouth and Emory Universities, and is the author of several books. He is a native of France. The discussion to follow Dr. Raffalovich’s address will be led by Prof. L. E. Roberts of the history department of West Georgia College. President I. S. Ingram is serv ing as ex-offico chairman of this, the first Public Forum of West Georgia College. The faculty com mittee on public exercises, Prof. Robert M. Strozier, chairman, Dean W. F. Gunn and Professors Gor don Watson, Ruby Jenkins and Dorothy St. Clair, is directing the Forum activities. Serving as spon sors with the faculty committee are Mayor T. R. Luck, Horace Cole, President, Civitan Club; Dr. D. S. Reese, President, Lions Club; Mrs. W. C. Cantrell, President, Lit-Mu Club and Miss Louise Phipps from the Business and Professional Wo men’s Club, who constitute the general commiteee. NUMBER 7.