The West Georgian. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1933-current, November 02, 1937, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two VTtxss ‘Burnett and tMr. (Robert Strozier To Wed Christmas Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Burnett of Denver, Colorado, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Robert Manning Strozier. The marriage is to be solemnized at some date during the Christmas vacation. Miss Burnett attended Ward- Belmont College in Nashville, len nessee, and received her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Colorado. Here she became a member of the Pi Beta Phi soror ity. Her father is a heart special ist in Denver and also member of the faculty of the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Mr. Strozier received his Bache lor of Philosophy degree and his Master of Arts degree at Emory University. While at Emory Mr. Strozier was editor-in-chief of the annual. He was also a member of the Sigma Alpha Epilon social fraternity. The honor fraternities to which he belonged included the D. V. S.; O. D. K.; Pi Delta Epsilon; and Phi Sigma lota. He was also a member of the well-known Emory Glee Club which toured Europe. Having taught at the Georgia Suite College for Men in Tifton for three years, Mr. Strozier ac cepted a position on the West Georgia College faculty in 1933, when it was organized. During the time of his professorship there he graduate work at the Sorbonne in Paris and at the University of Chicago at Chicago. His parents are the late Profes sor R. J. Strozier and Mrs. R. J. Strozier of Tallahassee, Florida. Fall Elections To Be Held During This Week The Freshmen election, accord ing to the Committee on Student Activities will be held this week. The officers to be elected are the president, vice-president, and secretary and treasurer of the Freshmen class. Any Freshmen who have made an average of “C” for his first six weeks work is eligible. Although there is little work connected with these positions, holding such an office is a distinct honor. Then, too, these officers will automatically be included in the Officers Club. Nominations will probably be made the first of the week with several days intervening before the time of election. These days are for the purpose of campaigns, political speeches, and to give stu dents time to make up their minds as to the person best qualified to fill the respective offices. One other office is to be filled during these elections. That is the position as Associate Editor of the Annual which was not filled last year. Dick Grace, Student Body Presi dent, will be in charge of the en tire election. Ballots will be avail able in the Student Activity Room. The Bulletin Board will contain definite notice of the time. PALMER & HOLCOMB 00000 BARBERS 00000 Meet Us —We Await You THE WEST GEORGIAN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1937 Faculty (Dance Given Saturday Features Apple ” The first dance of the year was given Saturday, October 23, by the faculty for the entire student body and alumni. This dance swung the season open and will be fol lowed by dances every month. The Cedartown Capers furnish ed the music for the dancers from 8:30 until 11:45. One of the features of the even ing was the performing of the Big Apple by most of the student body. This was the first time that the dance has been tried on a dance floor here and dancers and spectators were very enthusiastic over it. The alumni that attended were: Andy Floyd, Dorothy Justice, Jean Winn, J. G. Robertson, Lulu Williams, O’Rear Treadaway, El bert Hendrix, Ruth Mitchell, Mon dell Driver, and Robert Tillman. KOLLEGE KALENDAR Thursday, November 4—Mu Zeta Alpha meets in Room A. at seven P. M. Dr. G. B. Lang to address members. Friday, November 4 —Chapel. Sunday, November 7 —Voluntary Religious Club will hold Vesper Service at five P. M. Resume of Convention. Tuesday, November 9—Frencli Club will hold monthly meeting. Tuesday, November 9—Home Ec nomics Club will hold meeting. Wednesday, November 11—Zeta Sigma Pi will hold monthly meet ing in Room 5 at seven P. M. Thursday, November 18— Cice ronian Society will assemble at ninetthirty A. M. Organization meeting. Tuesday, November 23—Home Economics Club will hold bi-month ly meeting at seven P. M. THE IDEAL LAUNDRY ***** Dry Cleaning And Pressing ***** CHAS. FONG, Prop. ***** Depot Street :: Phone 9110 At CARROLL THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday Paul Muni in “The Life of Emile Zola” HOGAN’S SERVICE STATION 26 MAPLE STREET PHONE NO. 1 Woco-Pep, Tiolene Oil, Yale Tires Specialized Lubrication Dabs Of Dirt By Bill Berry Something Nobody Knows—Mer lin Goss spends 0 hours a day in front of a mirror. (Who is she? Red Bryan says it must be one of the wateresses.) Wholesale “pretended drunk ness” prevailed in the boys dormi tory Sunday evening until Mr. Gunn’s arrival on the scene. Second floor dormitory boys are glad to hear that Red Byran has learned the second line of his favorite song HARBOR LIGHTS. The dance, so long in coming, but twice as good.—Orchids to Mr. Strozier and Mr. Bonner, even though they haa to sit down two out of every three dances, it was fast music. Keep it up Kermit Harris, we’re with you till spring.—H. Greene got an unsigned letter this week. The girl that wrote, please break down, I HAVE to room with him. Boys—these are still flirting girls —be an assistant in Chemistry Lab, ask Billy and Kermit Harris, —old father Hicks fights with fath er time, while swings the pendelum with Cupid’s help. Why did Nelle Clegg, Betty Rucker and Marion Lanier go to the Baptist Convention? Why can’t they have one at Emory cries Dot Causey? Can’t George Bagby and Dick Grace stay here just one week end? —Tech will win from Clem son, and W. G. C. will beat Gor don, and Robert Stevens will win from Frank Dysart —(10 cents a hand). Welcome WEST GEORGIA STUDENTS! SPECIAL Biggest “Naner” Splits in Town! 10c JONES DRUG CO. W.W. MAC STORE • The Store That Helps Students Say: i “They have what I want j and there’s where I’ll get it.” The COMMUNITY STORE • THE BEST FOR THE LEAST : CA/UIPU i : IP CIP Jf ©NAIL IITII lEjf JEFF BLADE, President of the Sophomore Class Jeff Slade, West Georgia’s gift; to the Decatur women, was born on a fortunate summer day (?) some eighteen years ago in the city of Griffin, Georgia. He must have been a cute baby (we have to say something nice about him), but before long he moved into Florida where he got the habit of reading the Literary Digest (and he claims to be a Democrat!) From Florida he returned to Georgia and has since lived in Thomaston. He attended the R. E. Lee Institute (get that name!) where he acquired that military bearing and military chest. In cidentally, he ended school as a second lieutenant (up from the ranks). Jeff has been on this campus for a year now, and has become well liked by both faculty and student body. He never gets ex cited over an issue but quietly hangs around and lends his sup port, if any. He is a member of the West Georgian staff, Glee Club, Chieftain staff, and the V. R. A. Council. He has almost set up a record for going with the different girls and he never seems to have a rea son for going with any of them. However, more than one girl seems to have been slightly gaga CAMPBELL CLEANERS Cole and Buckaleu) College Agents • We Strive To Please BEN FRANKLIN STORE • If we have’nt got it— It can’t be found! Our Prices are Right Delicious Hamburgers— ooooo As YOU Like Them WEST GEORGIA STUDENTS At THE GREEN FRONT SOUTHEASTERN MOTOR LINES Bus Schedule FROM CARROLLTON TO ATLANTA One-Way Ticket SI.OO Round-Trip Ticket SI.BO Leave CARROLLTON Arrive ATLANTA 5:30 AM DAILY 7:25 AM 7-30 AM DAILY 9:15 AM 10:00 AM DAILY 11:45 AM 11-00 AM ... SATURDAY ONLY ... 12:45 PM 1-30 PM DAILY 3:15 PM 3-30 PM DAILY 5:15 PM V: 00 PM DAILY 7:45 PM .over him. Confidently, he admitted that he doesn’t have “best” girl friends, and that he just likes to diddle around. (Take warning, girls, a aiddler). Anoth er frank admission was the fact that he is definitely not a one woman man. Strozier is his favorite teacher with Hart running at close sec ond. His pet hate is a hypocrite with grits coming in for a goodly share of hate. Awful faults are: singing in the shower, smoking pipes, and shooting “ducks.” Some of these days he plans to go to the University and study Dentistry. Jeff has very definite political views, liking Roosevelt and Rivers, but disliking Talmadge and his ardent supporter, George T. Bagby. He is also in favor of Strozier’s script dances because it will furn ish him more opportunity for trucking. Does very little gam bling but he hates for people to be coming into his room and bor rowing his cards. Some of his hobbies are: tennis, swimming, bow-ties, sophistication, and sport clothes. Among Jeff’s most decided likes are brunettes with those good old fashioned curves. (Nancy Knight, please apply). But he is a good fellow. WILEY CREEL 00000 JEWELER 00000 Carrollton, Georgia CARROLL REALTY & INSURANCE CO. ***** H. R. COLE, Manager ***** First National Bank Building ***** Phone 280 A. J. IVEY’S BARBER SHOP ***** Patronize Quality Service West Georgia Students