The West Georgian. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1933-current, February 22, 1938, Page PACK TWO, Image 2

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PACK TWO CAMIPU / PIERSON A LI VIICJ lt.\('HKl< HUNT, President of Voluntary lli'llkloiin Association Rachel Hunt, better known by her ability to whistle, wus born September 20, 1010 in Cedar town, Georgia. "Little but Loud," or ‘‘Quick but Cute," or "Noisy but Nice," (or any other title you think she deserves) never moved from Cedartown until her arrival at Genolu. Her undying energy was pre valent even in high school as she was cheer leader there for two years. Traces of that hoarse yell still appears at West Georgia bask etball games. From other sour ces than herself it was discovered that "C’town” high school named her "most popular" and "sweet est” during her senior year there. She is not an "Apple polisher” but just the same she has no favor ite teacher as she likes them all. She has as her pet hate all boys that neglect their daily shave. Rachel added "I wasn’t speaking of Dick Grace especially.” Her pet likes are: suspenders, long stemmed pipes, and derbies. That sounds like a thum nail portrait of one of West Georgia’s most pro minent “Juniors.” Rachel likes all types and kinds of music but Alpha Psi Takes Risk; Tabulates Likes and Dislikes The die is cast, the thing is done, the Rubicon is crossed, in other words, at the risk of life and limb Alpha Psi has finally dared to make an attempt to tabu late the awful truth, the things that best friends refuse to tell, and the thing that we all want to know —what beys and girls like and dislike in each other. In a vote taken last week by the Home Economics Society un biased voters voluntarily offered to state their opinion on what makes the world go round, and what stops clocks. Although ears burned and blushes were frequent still the vote went on to a final recording of the way the sexes think. The results prove that the great class of men-haters is more simi liar in taste than the stronger race. The women voted a much more consistent ballot and more of them liked and disliked the same things. The results of this Personality Development Preference tabula tion has blazed a trial for future generations to follow. Henceforth instead of a "bull session” or “hen huddle” it’ll be a very simple mat ter to go to the chart and see whether “to do or not to do." The following is the result: GIRLS LIKE in BOYS— 1. Thoughtful, considerate. 2. Sense of humor. 3. Good sport. 4. Personality. 5. Adaptability. (5. Sincerity. BOYS LIKE in GIRLS— 1. Good sport. 2. Personality. 3. Sincerity, honesty. 4. Loyality. 5. Good disposition. G. Good companion. GIRLS DISLIKE in BOYS— 1. Conceit. 2. Drinking 3. Vulgarity. 4. Sloppy Dressing. 5. Insincerity. 6. Breaking dates. BOYS DISLIKE in GIRLS— 1. Drinking. 2. Swearing. 3. Sarcastic. 4. Conceit. 5. Boisterousness. G. Baby talk. pleads to "gimme swing." She said, “Classical is all right some times. I’m saving that for my rheumatic days when 1 can’t swing.” Benny Goodman can’t be beat in Rachel’s estimation and if he can she wants to hear that one that can do it! Rachel is a iover of sports with tennis, basketball and football leading the list. She plays both tennis and basketball, being in all tournaments that come along. As for her participation in football, it is merely from the cheering sec tion "as my size has always been a handicap.” Napoleon was a tall man of five feet and two inches. Rachel is a little behind with only five feet and one and a fourth inches to her credit. She wants to become famous, not as Napoleon, but in the field of creative arts. She is at present president of the Ciceronian Literary Society, President of the Voluntary Reli gious Association, Art editor of the Chieftain, feature writer on the West Georgian staff, a mem ber of the Women’s Glee Club, Alpha Psi, and Officers Club. Best Speakers . . . (Continued from Page 1) February 25 Georgia Evening School vs. West Georgia in Atlanta on the question: Resolved, That The Adoption of A general Sales Tax Will Be to the Best Interest of Georgia.” Tom Luck and Arline Phillips will pro bably compose this team. March 5 Emory-at-Oxford vs. W. G. C. in a dual debate on the question: “Resolved, That The Several States Should Adopt A Unicameral Sys tem of Legislature.” These two teams will probably consist of Luck, Herndon, Bailey, and Brew ster. March 11— Georgia Debate Forum at Macon on the questions already announ ced. Bailey, Herndon, and Luck will participate. March 17, 18, 19 — Phi Rho Pi (National Debate Society) w’ill hold its Southeast ern Divisional Tournament at Ban ner Elk, North Carolina. West W. W. Mac VISIT THE STORE THAT WELCOMES COMPLIMENTS OF T. A. HERNDON THE WEST GEORGIAN “Dabs of Dirt” By George Bagby Spring is almost here. The bees are buzzing and the peach trees are in bloom and so is Willis Hurst. The wheels are turning for Willis now', everything looks brighter (Maybe everything looks red). Her initials are N. W. W. We wonder if Bibba Adams has got hold of a "Horseshoe” or a "Black cat.” Better watch these “Luck” guys, Bibba. Is Tom Herndon forgetting that beauty queen in Fort Myers, Fla.? We wonder if he is just using 1). W. for a substitute until the spring holidays? We were just wondering. Now that Tom Luck Is out of the race, “Pee Wee Droopy” Al mon and Jim Griffin seem to be running "neck to neck” or “heart to heart” rather in the Meeks sweepstakes. Since we are always wondering, we wonder if Bobby Bell is out of Marge’s picture forever or just until he comes back? Bull Mc- Guire and his model “A” Ford seem to be “hitting on four,” at the present altho we guess he’ll start skipping about Friday nite; that is, if Mr. Driver happens to step into the picture. Woodfin Cole is certainly down in the dumps. His “uncle Horace” has disowned him and his girl at Shorter College has quit writing him all those sweet letters he used to get so regularly. What are the ladies and lovers of Hilly Billy music gonna do next quarter, since Billy “Gene Autry” Rudolf Valentino” Harris is leav ing at the end of this quarter. Millen, Georgia’s No. 1 Bachelor, A. B. seems to be falling for Sarah Georgia will probably be repre sented. April 15— G. S. C. W. vs. W. G. C. in a dual debate on: “Resolved, That The National Labor Relations Board Should Be Empowered to Compel Arbitration of All Labor Disputes.” May 3 University Freshmen team vs. W. G. C. here, debating the ques tion: “Resolved, That Mr. Roose velt should be elected president of the U. 9. in 1940.” A debate that has not been de finitely scheduled will be a dual meet between West Georgia and Young Harris on the question: “Re solved, That the U. S. Should Co operate More Actively with the De mocratic Nations of the world in preventing the aggressions of Japan and Italy.” President Brewster announced that there will probably be several other debates scheduled. CARROLL THEATRE WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY • Dick Powell IN “HOLLYWOOD HOTEL” WILEY CREEL JEWELER Drop by and See Our . . . WATCHES And RINGS hook, line and sinker. Of course, Sarah doesn’s know' that A. B.’s dresser is just simply covered with pictures of beautiful girls from an over Georgia. Sarah, if you can keep him you can beat what 5 hundred other girls have all tried and gave up. Oh! well! we’ll see well see. The girls at West Georgia must not be fast enough for Frank Dy sart and Lyone Abney. Frank is forever making trips up town to see some girl who goes to the high school. Frank says she boards up town and doesn’t have dormitory restrictions. We don’t intend to dig into any body’s past, but we wonder if Betty Rucker did show Walter Arnold the backstreets of Griffin during the Christmas holidays? Why don’t somebody take ad vantage of the fact that Mr. Tay lor has “sex appeal.” “Mr. Taylor always has a smile for you” Miss Preston. If you want to do a little puzz ling, figure this one out. A couple of weeks ago your correspondent was standing on a corner hitch hiking to Villa Rica. While I was standing there a car stopped a couple of blocks away. Two West Georgia girls got out. One was tall, the other was short. Both live north of Carrollton. Both go to school in the University system. One lives in Carrollton; the other in Chattooga, county. Who are they—Can you guess— The boys in the dormitory are trying to figure out why Edgar Howell is contemplating a visit to Signaport. Miss Frankie Burden entertain ed at a tea Wednesday afternoon. Her guests were the following young ladies, Paul Morris, Merlin Goss, James Key, Horace Davis, and “Mrs.” Gordon Smith. Re freshments were served. The final course included pink tea cakes and delicate cream puffs. We wonder: What A. O. Ingram wouldn’t do for a dollar. We’ve seen his forty-five cent act. Webb Auto Cos. DRIVE-IN-SERVICE PHONE 307 McGEE’S BAKERY 2 Adamson Square CORNER, NEWNAN STREET COMPLETE LINE OF BAKED GOODS . . . BREAD SWEET ROLLS CAKES COOKIES PIES, Etc. ROLLS MADE TWICE DAILY West Georgia Students Stop By Satisfy Your Taste TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1938 Delirious Debators . . (Continued from Page 1) these facts (sounds like a grand finale and jus’ as ya sigh up comes de fifth point.) Finally that lazy chairman wakes up and taps his pencil (how positively unprepared of him—only a club could have any effect.) Ah success at last! The student body nearly gets outa its habitual coma w’hen the rebut tal is begun (by the way, fer yer information dats where de fun comes in—all in the audience wid bruddees ’n sisters feel very much ta home.) “After much careful deliberation the judges “ —and all is over—nearly! Mistah Herndon wishes to have one or three points cleared up, so more balah- balah! Then some humanitarian pushes little Tommy into his chair, gags him, and all is over. And likewise my fervid, frothy frans this foggy, foolish, fopple is finished. Carroll Realty & Insurance Cos. INVEST WISELY WITH INSURANCE H. R. COLE, Mgr. DRINKS- EATS SUNDRIES 00000 All Forms of Tobaccos 00000 H. & T. Coffee Shop Newnan Street LANES SHOE SHOP • HEADQUARTERS FOR Bona Allen Shoes And Quality Service *