The West Georgian. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1933-current, February 13, 1976, Page 15, Image 15

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news notes news news notes news EXEMPTION EXAM The History Exemption Exam will be administered on Tuesday. Feb 17. at 6:30 p.m. in social science room 209 Students who wish to take the examination must register with the secretary of the history department not later than 4:00 p.m Friday. Feb 13 For further information, contact the history department. West Georgia College, at 834- 1345 ALPH A G AMS Paula Schuler has been elected President of Alpha Gamma Delta Other new of ficers are Joy Feagler. first vice president; Suzie Inman, second vice president: Laurie Fairfield, recording secretary; Lynn Taylor, corresponding secretary and Debbie Merntt, treasurer ATHLETES IN ACTION Athletes in Action will play the Braves in the HPE Building on Thursday. Feb 19 The time of the game will be announced later. AIA is part of the world wide Campus Crusade for Christ organization This team is made up of professional basketball players who travel around the country, playing professional and collegiate teams, and sharing their Christian faith BIKECENTENNIAL Bikecentennial. a group which is sponsoring a cross snunzi WEST GA. STUDENTS & FACULTY (families included) SPECIAL RIBEYE DINNER $1 89 With * Free Beverage (except miik) (a 30% savings) Includes: Baked Potato Toast All the salad you can eat -.V Free beverage Free refills on beverages milk j 7 days a week Just show college I.D. BREAKFAST 6:00-11:00 Don't forget... our Sirloin Room is available at no charge for your meetings. Simply contact the manager for further details to reserve the Sirloin Room. 834*6661 Located on Hwy. 27*4 Lane South country bike tour to celebrate the Bicentennial, is recruiting leaders to guide small groups of eight to twelve cyclists on the trip Leaders will receive food, lodging, and all other tour services, as well as a small daily expense allowance. Training courses are offered at four centers in Oregon. Colorado. Ohio, and Virginia The seven-day sessions include classroom and field instruction in bicycling and touring techniques, safety, repair, group dynamics, special bicycle and camping skills, and first aid Cost, including food, lodging, instruction, books, and materials, is $75. Tours vary in length from 12 to 82 days. For further details on leader ship training courses and ap plication write: BIKECEN TENNIAL, Dept L.T.P., P.O. Box 1034. Missoula. MT 59801. GINGRICH RECEPTION Congressman John Rhodes, House Minority Leader will be the guest of the “Newt Gingrich for Congress Committee” Friday Feb 13, for a fund raising reception. The informal reception will be held in the College Park home of Mrs. D. Keys. Individual tickets cost $l5 and $25 a couple. For ticket information contact Ray Ful ford at 832-3671. CHI OMEGA Karen McKlanahan has been elected president of the Chi Omega sorority. The other officers are Terri Johnson, vice president; Kathy Entrikin, secretary; Cindy Kurtzhals. treasurer; Cindy Aaron, pledge trainer; Joyce Steelman, personnel chairman. Phi Kappas pledge class consists of Sherri Bellah. Cathy Crew s, Frances Freeman, Vicki McCoy, Connie Mitcham, Debra Morris, and Jill Sailors. McGILL FUND The Ralph McGill Scholarship Fund, a memorial to the late publisher of the Atlanta Con stitution, offers scholarships to those who have completed at least two years of college and who have demonstrated an abiding interest in the news and editorial phase of newspapers. Scholarships are limited to those young men and women whose roots lie in the South. Applicants must convince the awards committee that they firmly intend to pursue a career in daily or weekly news papering and that their in terests and aptitudes are such that they are likely to become leaders in this field. Awards for the upcoming scholastic year will be for the third or fourth year of college. A “B" average will be required to maintain the scholarship. Awards will be in an amount not to exceed $1,500 for the school year. A 500-word letter along with a photograph of the ap plicant must accompany each application giving reasons for seeking a Ralph McGill Scholarship. Applications also must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a college authority. The Ralph McGill Scholarship Fund is supported by grants from the Cox Foundation and their contributors. OUTREACH Outreach is sponsoring a "Gospel Extravaganza” on April 29 and May 1. Anyone who wishes to participate contact Jarrett Jennings or Chuck Thomas. ATO The Brothers of the Georgia Eta Phi Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega at West Georgia College announce the installation of their new officers for the coming year. They are: President - Marc Phelps; Vice president - Judson Adamson; Treasurer - Shepard Howell; Kepper of annals - Mark Williams; Seniinel - Randy Mosley; Usher - Tommy Tid well; Scribe - Rick Kendall; Rush chairman- Steve Rags dale; Social chairman- Gene Autry; Pledge trainer - Steve McGhee. FERLING SPEAKS Dr. John E. Ferling, Assistant Professor of History, will be the guest speaker for a Bicen tennial Program in which Alpha Lambda Delta, Accolade, and Phi Eta Sigma honor at 7:30 p.m. in Meeting Rooms 2 and 3 of the Student Center. Dr. Ferling’s topic will be “A Historians View of the Bicen tennial.” FIRST PLACE Susan Dalton, a graduate assistant in Education won first place in the college and university division for slide tape presentations at the winter meeting of the Georgia Association for Instructional Technology held in Atlanta, You Are Always Satisfied When You Shop At... Perry's Westside Pharmacy Maple Street Carrollton IHI YVt>l GiORGIAN FRIOAY MRRUARY I], IY7* Georgia, January 29. Her slide tape presentation was titled "Small is Beautiful.” BON FIRE The Second Annual Homecoming bonfire sponsored by Sigma Nu Fraternity will be held this Friday night at 6:00 p.m in the dirt parking lot across from the Social Science building. FRENCH FILM “The Cow and I," a French comedy with English subtitles, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 19, in the Social Sciences Auditorium at West Georgia College. The movie stars Fernandel, the French comedian, and is about a French soldier who escapes from a German prison farm. Leading a cow and carrying a pail he walks 400 miles to the border. There is a general admission charge of $.75, $.50 for students, children 12 and under free. This is the fifth in a series of foreign films sponsored by the West Georgia Department of Foreign Languages. WOMEN S TENNIS The women’s tennis team will begin practice on Monday, Feb. 16 at 3:30 p.m. Meet at the HPE Building. SCHOLARSHIPS . The Beta lota Chapter of Delta Delta Delta Sorority announces its scholarship competition. A $150.00 scholar ship will be awarded to a fulltime undergraduate female student who shows promise of valuable service in their chosen field, is involved in extra curricular campus activities, and is in need of financial assistance. Applications are available in the housing office and should be submitted to Vicki L. Carrithers no later than March 1. Local winners are automatically eligible for one of the $1,000.00 national scholar ships to be announced May 1. 15