The West Georgian. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1933-current, February 25, 1981, Page 3, Image 3

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AT THE...V. We are an education. We are primarily personality and inner being.” INTERFACE Asa graduate student in Sociology and a someone who believes in the pur suit of excellence, of quality, of aesthetics but more especially in what I would call the dialogue of inquiry, I would like to address the issue which now rages in many minds and souls and probably in a few other unmentionable places The issue of concern, I believe, is the craft of educators. I would insist, for brevity’s sake first of all. to pose the question what is the highest priority in the transmission of knowledge? I happen to hold a rather firm belief that given the right at mosphere or environment, that being one who can promote individual worth in all persons goes a long way towards establishing the nch soil for growth For there to be growth, nurture must antecede To carry the garden analogy a bit further, let us say that there needs to be a concern for how well we want something to grow. In the human picture, 1 think we need to ask the question for some folks Some would say that is is not our business to mold people; just give them the facts encyclopedic an superficial data will suffice 1 find that a rather boorish at tituae, however Oddly enough when I went to my old copy of Webster's to check up on humanism one more time, I discovered that just above is the term, human engineering The definition goes like this: “management of human be ings and affairs esp in industry ” The Letters Stupid, Ignorant Remarks The Editor: Asa cast member of “Grease", I am appalled at Dodd's disturbing .criticism In defense of the play selec tion, I must inform him that “Grease’’ is the longest running musical in Broad way history This information comes , not from me, but from the Guinness Kook of World Records. Since Dodd stated in his letter that he f ,has “little knowledge of the play”, I agree that he does have “little knowledge” The play and the movie are two totally different works and ..should be kept separate. I have nothing against Dodd per sonally, and I could care less if he makes stupid, ignorant remarks But, if Continued from page 2 Oh what a woeful land, Wundagore had become! It did not take long before the magic of Wundagore had nearly died. The quantity-quality of things had returned the people to simple-verb and plus minus sections and even the wunda stool had been forgotten You know some times 1 get to think ing about the durdnest things Just for instance, the other day I got to thinking about garbage Now the reason 1 got to thinking about garbage is plain and simple One day last week I got to look ing out the window and I noticed my dog, Bill, working away on something. Now ordinarily, I wouldn’t be concern ed about this. But this thing that Bill had was different It looked for all the world like Bill had gone and done something awful. When I got out there to take a look, it turned out to be the head from a child's throw ed-away doll baby Anyhow I took it away from Bill and then I got to wondering where he got it from. I decid ed it was time for me and Bill to go for a walk By the time we got over to Black Creek Road. I know'd Bill was onto something. Well he hadn't gone 50 yards when there it was, a dadgum bright green dump box, a brand new one, some people call them dempsty dumpsters. I call them eyesores And this one had somebody’s garbage lay ing all over the ground instead of inside the thing. Now that disturbs me the dadblamedest about these things is that they tend * *t over stuffed and then everyth. ts to spill over. The other thii like I was just mention ing. a good number of people are just too lazy to put their garbage in the con traption in the first place. Now folks I could go on complainin' like this till I am blue in the face So instead of doing that which would only get me more flustered I’m going to tell you what I did. word management seems to stand out Now to humanism: “the revival of classical letters, individualistic and critical spirit, and emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance.” For my concerns, the words "critical spirit” are important, very important It is important to me that four years of college should pro duce, not someone who will be "manag ed", but someone who will see the need to maintain personal dignity in the face of a somewhat alienating work world In that sense, I would say that the task of the educator includes providing the student with a clearly delineated view of social reality. Of course I speak from the perspective of socialogist which naturally has a bias. But beyond Sociology, 1 hope 1 speak from a wider base of support. I would like to quote a length from a 1973 report by a Special Task Force under the auspices of what was formerly known as HEW: "Here we find the ‘blues’ of blue-collar workers linked to their job dissatisfactions, as is the disgruntlement of white collar workers and the growing discontent among managers Many workers at all occupational levels feel locked-in, their mobili ty is blocked, the opportunity to grow lacking in their jobs and the he wants to be referred to as a fool let him keep up the good work s-Rodney Shumake Go Blow Your Closed Mind Away The Editor: Concerning student apathy about the College Program Board attempts to provide good entertainment: I have attended several of the coffee house entertainment events this year, and I must commend the CPB for its selection of some very fine, quality music They have brought tu West Georgia a mime act, a juggler, a magi cian, a comedy duo, and several really excellent singer-songwriters However, attendance at these events averages about 1 percent (ONE PERCENT!!!) When you students have been polled. AAattison HEAVY-HANDED AUTHORITY still was Supreme HEAD and his silent boss and he sat around their mahogany and chuckled about how they had van quished the magic of Wundagore There were a few HEADS and people who worked the old magic but they were afraid and too few From The Earth' — By Uncle Wilbur Live In Good Faith I decided to get hold ot one of my bud dies that teaches a course called En vironmental Ethics Well, he brought me up a bunch of books and all kinds ot papers and stuff and we commenced to going over the facts of garbage. Now in order to keep this piece of writing down to some unlongwinded talk, we decided to bring it down to one thing Brownpaper bags is what we decided to talk about. Now it seems that some folks did a study a few years back and they came up with some mightly interesting observations. Did you know that the average American uses about 576 pounds of paper every year. Yep, and in 1969, 54 million tons of paper were pro duced. Now it’s about 69 million tons. Way back in 1925 an average person us ed about 180 pounds for his own needs and there were only about 9 million tons produced Now of course, we done growed a whole heap since back in them days. Now about them brown paper bags. Did you know that brown grocery bags used by supermarkets every year average about 200 per American— that comes out to roughly 20 billion bags!!!! Union Camp proudly announced and I quote, “The number of bags made at the Savannah plant since it opened would reach, if laid end to end, from Earth to Venus and back with enough left over to encircle both Earth and Venus almost 100 times." Now if that don’t just take the cake The problem is they end up at the dump challenge missing from their tasks. Young workers appear to be as committed to the institution of work as their elders have been, but many are rebelling against the anachronistic authori tarianism of the workplace. Minority workers similarly see authoritarian worksettings as evidence that society is falling short of its democratic ideals Women, who are looking to work as an additional source of identi ty, are being frustrated by an op portunity structure that confines them to jobs damaging to their esteem " This happens to be one view of social" reality There have been any number of articles and books written on the nature of alienation in our society In this light I would urge educators to consider this personal observation: one, that we as a nation are spoiled by a capitalist “bulldozer" technology which strongly hints of a 19th-century philosophy of “Manifest Destiny”; two, that under this system everything is supposed to be attainable at any cost with the added deception of positing the belief that material rewards will be forever abun dant As far as jobs are concerned, especially as they are related to the you say the CFB needs to have more rock concerts and keg parties. You say you don’t like the entertainment offered by the coffee-houses. How do you know you don’t "like" it if you never come????? Have you ever tried singing along with a really good performer, like Gene Cotton, while sitting only thret> feet from the stage?? The reason you are in collge is to learn and that in cludes exposing yourself to a variety of arts and entertainment. Again, I thank CPB for a superb job In closing, let me say this: 1 like rock concerts and beer bashes as well as anyone else, but if that is all you really want out of the CPB, 1 suggest that you would do just as well to sit down with your headphone's and a 12-pack, crank Mother’s Finest up to 10, and blow your closed mind away. Sincerely, Skip Sweat The magical land of Wundagore became what you might recognize as middle-class mediocrity A H Maslow (one of the original magical HEADS) would call it the psychopathology of the average. And only the Supreme HEAD and his silent boss lived happily ever after sigh. In the making of paper products (all you paper experts correct me if I’m wrong), there are about 17 trees that go to make one ton of paper Then there are about 100,000 to 150,000 gallons of polluted water and some right dirty and smelly air that goes along with chang ing them trees into paper And last but certainly durn shore not least, you’ve got the problem of how to get rid of all that paper after we get done using it And besides brown paper bags, it comes in every form im aginable Like the box the tooth paste comes in. Off to the dump with thousands upon thousands of toothpaste boxes I’ve heard about them folks out yonder in Oregon now they are sup posed to have passed all kinds of laws One had to do with returnable bottles I believe the law states something to the effect that is all them folks are allowed to use I’m here to tell you that we could shore use something like that here. I wonder what they do with all their toothpaste boxes All kidding aside, folks, it’s getting high time we all start thinking about what we are going to do with our gar bage. as a matter of fact, it’s already past time And we better be thinking about other decisions that will affect us and the children that ain’t even bom yet. We owe the future generations a decent place to live; that’s what we were given a long time ago. People have got to live in good faith with one another, ‘cause to live in bad faith is to live dishonestly.’ Take it easy, Uncle Wilbur function ot schooling, I would like to conclude with a quote from Studs Terkel’s book. Working: “I think most of us are looking for a calling, not a job. Most of us, like the assembly line worker, have jobs that are too small for our spirit. Jobs are not big enough tor some people," Nora Watson There will be a forum sponsored by the AAUP on Tuesday, March 3 at 3:00 p.m. in the Social Science lec ture Hall. The topic will tie "The Hole of the Humanities in Educa tion" and panelists will be former contributors to “At the Interface;” Mike Arons, Douglas Hilt and Siegfried Karsten, as well as William S. Doxev. There will be opening presenta tions by the panel members and a chance for rebuttal. Afterwards there will be a question and answer period with the audience. All in terested students and faculty are in vited. * DISCOVER THE RINGS. .~ j -r raTJrS*£. 4 ~- ... * v.vf/ rfT >#r\ < / ~ % . - '■ ■ •'*' ... s -A YELLOW ‘ LUSTRIUM New, space-age alloy that looks as good as gold, wears as jjjood as £>old, costs about half as much. SPECIAL INTRODI CTORY OFFER: Save $lO off the regular price. (Offer valid through February 27 ONLY.) Yellow Lustrium by Jostcns available daily at your bookstore. Mr CAMPUS BOOKSTORE WEST GEORGIA COLLEGE - 'V-.rtHOLLTON, GA. 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