Newspaper Page Text
The Maroon
Page 8
Monday, November 4,19196
by arthur w. conquest iv
world & local news co-editor
McKinney Battles Mitnick And Media
The U.S. Supreme Court, based on the
unconstitutionality of giving niggers too
much power, recently redrew the pre
dominantly Black 11th District, a deci
sion which made it extremely tough for
U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney of Georgia
to retain her seat in Congress. Her
newly drawn district, the 4th is about
Is it Billy McKinney, who has
no power with which to de
grade and exploit a race
based on his prejudices? Or
is it Congress who finds time
to condemn Khalid Abdul
Muhammed but won't con
demn racists like David
Duke, Rush Limbaugh, or
Bill Clinton, for that matter.
two-thirds white. But her biggest ob
stacle hasn't been winning over the vot
ers, it has been avoiding the ire of the
Atlanta news media.
Controversy sparked when
McKinney's father, State Rep. Billy
McKinney spoke out against the politi
cal tactics of her challenger, Republican
John Mitnik. Billy McKinney, represent
ing his daughter's re-election campaign
in a political forum at the Ebenezer Bap
tist Church attacked Mitnick, calling
him a "racist Jew." His remark was pre
cipitated by Mitnick's attempts to smear
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
as an anti-semite and paint Cynthia
McKinney in that same image.
Mitnick has repeatedly accused Louis
Farrakhan of being anti-semitic and
Congresswoman McKinney of being
one his chief supporters in government.
He twisted McKinney's refusal to sup-
Rep. McKinney
port a congressional resolution con
demning Nation of Islam spokesman
Khalid Abdul Muhammad, in 1994, into
evidence of her approval of anti
semitism. In fact, McKinney refused to
vote for the resolution because she be
lieved that Congress had no authority
to denounce someone of exercising their
fundamental right of free speech.
The Atlanta media, which has a repu
tation for stirring up controversy in the
Black community, blasted Billy
McKinney as a "racist" and a "bigot."
They transformed his remark about one
man into a slander of an entire people.
Since when has "a Jew" meant "those
Jews?" It is obvious that the media has
a problem with a Black man who stands
up to speak what he believes and who
is not afraid to call a "duck" a "duck."
Furthermore, the media should look
more closely at who they label "racist."
Is it Billy McKinney, who has no power
with which to degrade and exploit a race
based on his prejudices? Or is it Con
gress, who finds time to condemn
Khalid Abdul Muhammad but won't
condemn racists like David Duke, Rush
Limbaugh, or Bill Clinton, for that mat
In an October 16 editorial in the At
lanta Constitution, that exposed Edito
rial Page Editor, Cythnia Tucker as an
Aunt Jemima "knee-grow," Tucker
wrote "If McKinney loses, she will have
been defeated by racism - but not by the
remnants of an old-fashioned racism of
Southern whites. She will have been de
feated by the racism that emanates from
her own campaign." Wake up, honey!
Its 1996, racism is alive and well, in no
small part due to your employer, media
mogul Anne Cox (net worth $4.1 bil
lion). Tucker, you are clearly trying to
make yourself look good in front of your 1
Master by denouncing your sister . . .
and Black folk still ain't free.
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