The Maroon. (Atlanta, GA) 1996-????, May 01, 1997, Image 13

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    May 1997
The Maroon
Page iij
hat if...
by marc joseph
What if the
Uood news
could be found in more
places than the Bible?
What if we coii Id agree on
ONE person to do the
planning while the rest of
us commited ourselves to
work? What if everyone
just up and quit? What if
power wasn't measured
by the weight of your
bankbook? What if blind
people determined levels
of beauty in he world?
What if we could see our
destiny before it con
sumed us? What if all the
comforting we needed
wasn't available in our
own cipher? Wha t if your
actions and not your con
tribution to the collection
plate made you a man of
God? What if we were as steady with our pursuit of spirituality as we
were with our drive for sex? What if there was some depth behind that
"confident" walk of yours? What if we threw some of that black magic
stuff at white folks instead
of at each other? What if it
was impossible to use
words to hurt one another?
What if I just stopped in the
| middle of my column to
give thanks to God? What
if we had a TRUE leader
bring us together? What
dedication wasn't our great
est redeemer? What
Marley wasn't God’s only
I lion? What if black fo|
I stopped relinquishing th
power to white peopl
What if we added ANG
and ACTIVE to the you
) and restless label that ot
: folk have stuck on our geH
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