Inside Morehouse. ([Atlanta, Georgia]) 2008-????, May 01, 2011, Image 6

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INSIDE MOREHOUSE. MAY 2011 "Up, You Mighty Men. Become Co-Creators of a Better World!" D uring his inaugural address in February 2008, President Robert M. Franklin 75 shared his vision of a renaissance for the College. This "rebirth" of proven traditions would be married with all the latest advances of 21st-century teaching. The offspring of such a powerful union: Renaissance Men. The 500 men of the class of 2011 are the first to matriculate all four years under Franklin's tutelage. They are Franklin's Renaissance Class, and embody the president's five wells: well-spoken, well-read, well-traveled, well-dressed and well-balanced. Here we introduce you to a few of them. As you will read in their brief profiles, they have all been inspired to go into their corner of the world and make a difference. They speak earnestly of their desires to help others, serve as role models and uplift their communities. Luke Yancy Jr. HOMETOWN: Southfield, Mich. MAJOR: Computer Science AFTER GRADUATION: Entering into a doctoral program in biomedical informatics at Stanford University CAREER GOAL: To become a researcher, study diseases that affect minority populations “Coming to Morehouse has been one of the greatest deci sions that I have ever made. It has opened my mind not only to research, but also to the social and ethical concerns associated with scientific research. Sometimes you have to look at the smaller problems that may not be as well funded or appreciated, but in the long run it will help benefit someone. Morehouse also instilled in me the idea of making sure that I help someone and not just work to make the big money and be famous. (After being named Man of the Year by students) I was truly humbled by it. 1 wasn’t expecting it all. I felt like my mom would be proud of me because of it. I hope it’s not just about me. I hope it’s a testimony to somebody else to realize that although you face adversi ty, you can get through it all and still do things and go on to be great.” They have taken to heart the words that Franklin spoke when they were freshmen, just starting to realize that the vision for their future was even greater than they had imagined: "Let us make men-men who in the face of fear and temptation embrace the words of C.S. Lewis: 'that courage is not one of the virtues, it is the form of all the virtues at the moment of testing. ".. .Men, confident, in the words of the poet Goethe, that 'at the moment of commitment, the entire universe conspires for your success.' "...Men who heed the words of Rabbi Hillel that 'the world is equally balanced between good and evil and your next act will tip the scale." "Up, you mighty men, become co-creators of a better world!" Here is a small sample of the men of the President Franklin's Renaissance Class. ■ Gerren Gaynor HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, N.Y. MAJOR: English AFTER GRADUATION. Attending graduate school at the Columbia University School of Journalism w-gg CAREER GOAL: Becoming a writer and owning his magazine catering to the black intellectual “Becoming a Morehouse Man means being the creme of the crop, being the best that you possibly, can but not in a sense of being arrogant. It is being a man who goes back into his community and shows he really cares; wants to uplift and change the trajectory of African American men, especially in education; giving black youth hope and letting them know that their goals are very obtainable and they don’t have to be an athlete or a rapper. They can become a doctor or a lawyer or a writer. If you have people to support you and you have the determination to get through college, it is definitely obtainable.” Jacques A. Pape HOMETOWN: Port-au-Prince, Haiti MAJOR: International Studies AFTER GRADUATION: Entering the University of Michigan to pursue a masters of science in engineering and nuclear engineering CAREER GOAL: To become an international energy consultant for governments academic and faculty support with the earthquake. “If I could sum it up, I would say being at Morehouse was impactful and outstanding, just because I have been able to do a lot. The support has been unparalled. That was one of my main reasons for coming to Morehouse in the first place—basically because of the brotherhood and the that I would get, especially after what happened in Haiti Efrain Gallegos HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, Calif. MAJOR: Spanish AFTER GRADUATION: Opening his own restaurant CAREER GOAL: To teach underprivileged or high-risk students Morehouse taught me the true meaning of presevering. Thats what HBCUs do. I was locked up four times and even faced a fife sentence. Now I’m going to have a Morehouse degree and I’m doing something positive. I want people to learn from my story that anyone can make it, regardless of their skin color, their ethnicity, their race. Anyone can man up, or woman up, and take responsibility for their actions and eventually be successful in life. If I can do it, anyone can do it.” The Top of the Class of 2011 Valedictorian Camron Jarel Yarber Business Administration 4.0 GPA Hometown: Pittsburg, California Salutatorians Lemario Jamal Bland Psychology 3.92 GPA Hometown: Macon, Georgia Emmanuel Dominique Marish Biology 3.92 GPA Hometown: Dallas, Texas