Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 6—The Southern Cross, September 12, 1963
As another school year be
gins, the CYO clubs that may
have been dormant during the
hot summer, will take on new
life. Elections will bring new
persons into office. Plans for
all kinds of activities will get
things humming again. The en
thusiasm of new officers will
make or break the clubs in
many cases. So we appeal to
those who are beginning office,
to accept the responsibility en
trusted to them, (or perhaps
rather even thrust upon them).
They must be serious about
discharging the duties of their
office. If they lag or lack fire,
cooperation will be poor, and
the club will be as if dead.
* * *
Occasionally, we like to call
attention to the fact that ad
adlare Dei medals, Parvuli Dei
medals, and Marian awards are
available through this office.
The achievement record books
for boy scouts are obtained at
your local scout office and
application blanks for the
awards. These blanks must be
forwarded through this youth
office to National Scout Head
Record books for those hop
ing to achieve the Marian award
are available through the youth
office and returned here upon
Incidentally, .for pastors who
want to honor the leaders of
scouting for long and faithful
years of service, there are
awards of recognition known
as St. George and St. Anne
All deserving people engaged
in scouting should not be over
looked. While awards are not the
prime goal, they are a spur to
the noble achievements that are
very worthwhile.
* * *
We earnestly renew our plea
of last week, incaseyoumissed
it, for suggestions as to a cen
tral theme for the plenary ses
sion of our annual CYO conven
tion. Nothing yet has arrived in
the mail, so only clerical ideas
are thus far available to choose
from. Current officers who
might read this appeal are es
pecially invited to mail their
ideas to CYO, Box 27, Savan
nah Beach.
* * *
From Columbus comes the
following letter describing the
work of two students at Pacelli
High, who spent six weeks
this summer working in Mexico.
The Southern Cross
Just before school was out
last June, Dr. J. C. Serrato,
Jr., prominent Columbus physi
cian, asked me if I would like to
spend several weeks in Mexico
this summer. Interested, I con
tacted a fellow classmate of
Pacelli High, Dickie Peluso, and
we talked it over with our par
ents. We would be sponsored by
the Catholic Medical Mission
ary Board of New York, under
the direction of Father Labau,
S. J. We would perform menial
labor and promote better rela
tions between our country and
Mexico, and we would serve
without pay. In addition we were
required to pay our own expen
The latter part of June,
Dickie and I left for Mexico,
(Continued from Page 1)
better council press policy.
Meanwhile, Auxiliary Bishop
Walter Kampe of Limburg said
in an interview given to KNA,
the German Catholic news agen
cy, that the council’s second
session will deal with internal
Church problems and that ex
ternal problems will not be dealt
with until a third session.
Speaking of the specific con
tribution of council Fathers
from German-speaking coun
tries, Bishop Kampe said that
their close contacts with Pro
testants have given them a
special interest in Christian
unity. He said that Germans
played a considerable role in
drawing up the material on
Christian unity for the council.
He added:
' 'In the question of the seri
ous problems of mixed marri
ages and toleration, usable
solutions must still be sought.”
New Leon, full of enthusiasm
and anticipa-
t i o n. We
spent a few
days in Mon
terrey where
Dr. Serrato
met us and
told us our
d e s t i nation,
San Gerardo,
a small WOODWARD
ranch about ten miles south of
Monterrey. Father Rady was in
charge of those teenagers work
ing out of
and he saw to
it that we had
housing and
food. At the
ranch we
were intro
duced to Ro-
ble, a genial
Mexican, PELUSO
fortyish with a heavy crop of
wavy black hair. Father Rady
entrusted our care to Roble and
told him we would be helping
with the work—painting hous
es, building, picking crops, and
anything we could do to help
raise the standard of living.
There were many difficulties
in the project. For one thing,
no one at the ranchero spoke
English except Dickie and our
knowledge of Spanish was limit
ed to high school and a course
in conversational Spanish, of
fered by the Latin American
Studies Group of Columbus, of
which I am a member and of
which Dr. Serrato is Coordi
nator General. Loneliness,
then, was one of our worst
enemies. Although Monterrey
was only ten miles away, there
was little transportation. There
were no books to read, no radio
or TV, so for amusement we
relied heavily on playing cards
and riding the ancient horses
which were used daily for plow
ing. Generally we were so tired
we were happy to get to bed.
The diet was monotonous, most
ly beans, coffee, eggs and pota
toes, but we learned to eat
whatever was available, quite
a change from the way we pick
and choose at home.
Soon after we arrived there
we learned of the need of a
burro for the ranchero. We
heard of one for sale about
twelve miles away. An Ameri
can school teacher had it and
she sold it to me for forty
pesos ($3.20). Usually they cost
about 200 pesos ($16). A com
panion and I rode several hours
in a hard rain to bring it back
to the ranch. It was gratifying
to see how happy thepeople were
to have a burro and I considered
the money well spent.
Although the people there are
poor, I would not consider them
among the extremely poor. They
were clean and neat of habit,
intelligent and eager to learn,
although most were illiterate or
almost so. We observed a great
need for more Catholic mis
sionaries there because so few
of the workers have had any
opportunity at education, even
religious, relying on faith hand
ed down through generations.
But there are an abundance of
Protestant missionaries there
offering education to these peo
ple and they become easy con
verts for lack of instruction in
their own faith.
I hope we were able to teach
the people of San Gerardo a
little in our six weeks with
them—I am sure we learned a
great deal from them. I think
more teenagers should do this
sort of thing next summer. It
is a wonderful way to learn the
language, an invaluable experi-
' ence, and is profitable both for
the teenagers and the people
they go to help. It is commen-.
dable to work at a summer job
to make money but even more
so to give up your summer to
serve others. Dickie and I are
grateful to all who made our
trip possible—including our
parents who sacrificed in order
to finance the trip for us.
As a result of our trip, Youth
Health Organization was or
ganized. We hope to send more
teenagers to Mexico to work as
we did next summer and to ob
tain sponsorship in the form of
financial grants from civic
groups so that we could accom
plish more. YHO is sponsored
by the Inter American Medical
Association, of which Dr. Ser
rato is Chairman. Anyone in
terested in joining Y.H.O. is
requested to contact me at this
address: Terry Woodward, 3610
Walton Street, Columbus, Geor
gia 31907.
Yours truly,
Terry Woodward
Pope Calls For
European Unity
Twice In 2 Days
(Radio, NC)—His Holiness Pope
Paul VI spoke here on behalf
of European unity for the second
time in two days.
Pope Paul urged participants
in the convention of the Eu
ropean Women’s Union, who
were among the thousands pres
ent at his regular weekly gen
eral audience (Sept. 4), to work
for a unified Europe.
The day before he had told
members of the Federation of
Italian Catholic University Stu
dents that European unity can be
immeasurably aided by the Ca
tholic religion. He declared:
“We have the conviction that
the Catholic Faith can be a fac
tor of incomparable value for
instilling spiritual vitality by
virtue of that fundamentally un
ited culture which must be the
basis for the animation of a so
cially and politically united Eu
Speaking at his audience
to members of the women’sun-
ion in French, the Pope said;
“In thanking the ladies for
their diffident words of hom
age, We want to encourage them
to continue in their work, which
will not be either easy or rapid,
but which is providenital in the
reawakening of the awareness of
women to the great cause of the
unification of Europe, a unifi
cation which can certainly be
judged a necessary advance of
modern progress, a guarantee
of peace, and a condition for the
safeguarding of the inheritance
of our civilization and its fur
ther development.”
Speaking in English during the
audience, Pope Paul said:
"We are ever mindful of Our
high office as the Vicar of Christ
and the successor of St. Peter,
as well as the teacher and pas
tor of the Catholic Church. We
pray that We may truly be the
minister of Christ and the dis
penser of the mysteries of God,
particularly at this moment.
"As we look before Us, We
see you as creatures of God,
worthy of admiration; as Chris
tians worthy of intense love and
as members of the Church wor
thy of Our every affection and all
Our interest.
"In the words of St. Peter,
you are ‘the people of God, a
chosen race, a royal priest
hood, a consecrated nation, a
people God means to have for
"Recognize, O Christians,
your dignity! Guard it from ev
ery danger, particularly from
the threats of a world which
conspires to rob you of your
dignity or else to mar it! That
you may ever be mindful of your
supernatural dignity is the
intention for which We shall
shortly impart Our apostolic
Aquinas High
Boosters Will
Raise $25,000
AUGUSTA—The current ac
tivities of the Aquinas Boost
er’s Club serves as a reminder
that the high school athletic year
is upon us.
'The officers who have laid
extensive plans for the promo
tion and support of Aquinas
athletics during the coming year
are as follows:
Jack Markwalter, President
Sonny Casey, Vice President
Pat Rice III, Recording Sec
Bill Herman, Financial Sec
Father Ralph Seikel, Treas
The club undertakes the fi
nancing and promotion of
■ the athletic program at Aqui
nas High School. The school
currently fields teams in foot
ball, basketball, baseball, ten
nis, and golf. These teams com
pete in Region 2 AAA of the
Georgia High School Athletic
The Boosters annually as
sume an obligation of approxi
mately $25,000. This revenue
is derived principally from five
sources. Ranking first in net
gain to the organization is its
annual membership drive, fol
lowed closely by the soliciting
of ads for the football pro
gram, distributed free of charge
to those attending Aquinas home
games. The regular Thursday
night Bingo held at the school
throughout the year, the annual
car raffle, and admissions paid
to athletic contests round out the
main sources of income.
Committees which are cur
rently engaged in the fur
therance of the Aquinas athlet
ic program are:
Program — Art Bowles,
Bingo — Dan Bowles, Chair
Membership — Bill Bal-
dow, Chm.
GETTING SETTLED—Richard M. George Jr. of
Cathedral parish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
George is pictured with Mrs. George as the first-year
student unpacked shortly after arriving to begin his
studies at St, John Vianney Minor Seminary.—(WARD
Viet Nam—
(Continued from Page 4)
to the governor of Saigon, Ngo
dinh Can, also a brother of
President Diem.
According to II Tempo’s re
port of the Archbishops account
of events, Ngo dinh Can agreed
in the interest of national soli
darity against the communits
to allow the Buddhist flag to fly
at the same level as the national
But while Can was conferring
with the Buddhist delegation,
police proceeded to the Budd
hist celebration in Hue to order
illegally-flown Buddhists flags
removed from pagodas. The
Buddhist monks refused to re
move them. Then the governor
of Hue, a Buddhist, sent two
sound trucks to announce both
to the monks and the police
that the government had re
scinded its order.
Despite this, according to II
Tempo’s interview, the Budd
hists organized a protest march
the next day and tried to occupy
the radio station to deliver an
antigovernment broadcast.
While the governor of Hue,
Ngyet van Dang, was conferring
at the radio station with Budd
hist leader Thich tri Quang, a
bomb exploded killing one per
son and injuring many others,
including two Catholics and four
children of policemen.
Archbishop Thuc, II Tempo
reported, said the bomb was of
a plastic type which is not avail
able to police forces in Vietnam.
The newspaper said the Arch
bishop sees in this a proof that
the bombing was the work of
Buddhists or communist agents.
(Vietnamese Buddhists have
•claimed that the government
was responsible for the bomb
Archbishop Thuc had this to
say about the suicide of the
Buddhist monk who burned him
self to death following the Hue
The monk, stupefied by drugs,
was taken by automobile to the
gates of the Cambodian embas
sy where he was doused by gaso
line by the driver who then set
him on fire. Therefore, II Tem
po said, the Archbishop consid
ers this not as a case of genuine
suicide, but as a case of pre
meditated homicide.
"The same thing happened,
the prelate affirmed, in the See
of Hue,” II Tempo said.
"It concerned a Buddhist
monk with a wife and children.
This man was stunned before-
the sacrifice with a blow from
a hammer. The son, in fact, has
brought a court accusation
against the General Buddhist
Association for the murder of
his father.”
According to II Tempo, Arch
bishop Thuc also complained
that while many Catholics in
Vietnam practice a form of
ancestor veneration, approved
of by the Church, Buddhist as
sociations claim to represent
all who do so.
The General Buddhist Asso
ciation, the Archbishop said, in
fact represents only three of
the 16 Buddhist sects in the
country. This is far from the
vast majority they claim, he
told the paper.
Archbishop Thuc said, II
Tempo reported, that commun
ism has few followers among
the Buddhist masses. But the
Archbishop, the paper added, is
of the opinion that Buddhist
leaders have been driven by am
bition or fanaticism to play the
communist game.
The Archbishop also pointed
out, II Tempo reported, that
pamphlets and manifestos found
in pagodas are edited in the
style widely used by the Reds.
Priest’s 99
ST. LOUIS, (NC)—Father
Fred L. Zimmerman, S. J.,
veteran in Sodality work, has
been named to take over the
operations of his longtime
friend, the late Father Charles
Disrnas Clark, S. J., who was
famed as “the hoodlum priest.”
Father Zimmerman is no
stranger at Disrnas House,
founded here by Father Clark in
his work for rehabilitation of
convicts. He used to "mind the
store” when Father Clark was
called out of town.
"The hoodlum priest” had a
premonition of his death which
occurred from a heart attack
August 15, according to Father
Zimmerman. The day after Fa
ther Clark checked into the hos
pital, he sent for F ather Zim
merman and asked that the last
rites be administered to him.
"I told him, ‘You don’t look
to me like you need them,’ ”
Father Zimmerman related.
"But he replied: ‘Please—I
don’t think I’m going to make
it.’ He never left the hospital
and died two weeks later.”
"I don’t expect to be another
Father Clark,” said Father
Zimmerman. "They threw the
mold away after they made him.
But I’ll do my best to carry on
his work.”
Father Zimmerman disclos
ed he was asked by his provin
cial at one time to look into
Father Clark’s activities and
determine whether they should
be curtailed.
"I looked into the matter,”
Father Zimmerman said, "and
recommended that Father Clark
continue to help these peo
ple accused or convicted or
crime. Little did I know that one
day I would be asked to take over
the work he started.”
Fish Company
3800 River Road
Columbus, Georgia
For Home Delivery
Call FA. 3-3651
Robins AFB
Guild Names
New Officers
ROBINS AFB—Mrs. Anthony
Papaneri has been named presi
dent of the Catholic Women’s
Guild at Robins AFB, Ga.
Other new officers for the
1963-64 term are: Mrs. Wil
liam W. Deyerle, vice presi
dent; and Mrs. Crawford Hicks,
The first meeting of the fall
was held Friday (Sept. 6) after
Mass at the new chapel. Guild
members met immediately in
the chapel annex.
Guild members honored
Chaplain (Capt.) John J. Kasti-
gar with a farewell reception
at the Service Club. Chaplain
Kastigar has departed Robins
for a new assignment with the
Alaskan Air Command.
$10,00 For
(NC)—The Holy See has donated
$10,000 in reply to an appeal for
funds by the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for
The office said it made its
appeal to complete programs on
behalf of the last group of post
war refugees in Europe who
still require international aid.
The Sovereign Military Or
der of Malta, ancient Catholic
military and religious order
which engages in international
charity work, contributed
(Continued from Page 4)
at the door with a lighted candle
and silently conducted to the
sick room. Those attending the
sick person should withdraw
momentarily while the Sac
rament of Penance is being con-
fered. All members of the
household who can do so should
enter the sick room and kneel
in adoration during the Com
munion rite itself. Finally, the
priest should be led out as he
was conducted in—in silence if
he is still carrying the eu-
is to be administered together
with Holy Viaticum—Holy Com
munion given to those in danger
of death -- the same prepar
ations are indicated. In addition,
however, a container with
several pieces of cotton (at
least six, if possible) should be
prepared and placed on the ta-
Educators To
Meet Oct. 7-8
ble. (The cotton is used for wip
ing the holy oil after each
anointing. It will be retained by
the priest.
TO AVOID last-minute an
xieties, all the articules re
quired for Communion calls
might be kept together on hand
in one place—a table drawer,
for instance, or a closet shelf.
* * *
Q. Several times you’ve men
tioned an official book contain
ing all the Church’s indulgenced
prayers. What is its name,
again; and where can I obtain!
A. The Church’s official
handbook of indulgenced pray
ers and practices is known as
The Raccolta. The English ver
sion is published by Benziger
Brothers in New York, and can
be obtained in any Catholic sup
ply store. The Raccolta (the It
alian word refers to a gathering
together or collection of pray
ers and works) should be next
to the missal in every home li
lic educators studying how to
improve the continuity of
courses from elementary to se
condary schools will hold their
first meeting here October 7 and
A project of the National
Catholic Educational Associa
tion, the articulation commit-
teees will gather at Washington
Retreat House for sessions on
religion, English, foreign lan
guages, mathematics, science
and social studies.
Life In Danger
Small World Of Sammy Lee, The
CLASS A — Section I-
Morally Unobjectionable lor General Patronage
Alakazam, The Great--Am. Inti.
Assignment Outer Space—Am. Inti.
Hear, The (Kr.)— Embassy
Black Gold—War.
Boy Who Caught a Crook (Was: Bov Who
Found $100,000)—UA
Captain Sindbad—MGM
Capture That Capsule—UA
Cattle King MGM
Constantine and the Cross—Embassy
Day Mars Invaded the Earth—Fox
Dentist in the Chair, A (Br.)— Ajav Film Co.
Drums of Africa—MGM
55 Days at Peking—AA
First Spaceship to Venus—Pan-World Films
Flight That Disappeared—UA
Francis of Assisi—Fox
Gathering of Eagles—U-I
Gidget Goes to Rome-Col.
Great Escape—UA
Great Van Bobbery- UA
Hercules and the Captive Women (Ital.) —
Honeymoon Machine—MGM
tHow The West Was Won—MGM
In Search of the Castaways—Buena Vista
Invasion Quartet—MGM
Jason and the Argonauts—Col.
Joseph and His Brethcrn—(Ital.)—Colorama
Kill or Cure—(Br.)—MGM
King Kong vs. Godzilla—U-I
Lafayette—Maco Films
Lassie’s Great Adventure—Fox
Legend of Lobo—Buena Vista
Lilies of the Field—UA
List of Adrian Messenger—U-I
Make Way for Lila—Parade Releasing
Man From the Diner’s Club—Col.
t Miracle of the White Stallions—Buena Vista
Mouse on the Moon—UA
Murder at the Gallop (Br.)—MGM
My Six Loves—Para.
Mysterious Island—Col.
Mystery Submarine—U-I
•Nikki, Wild Dog of the North—Buena V’ista
No Place Like Homicide (Br.)—Embassy
Nutty Professor, The—Para.
Papa’s Delicate Condition—Para.
Password Is Courage—MGM
Phantom Planet—Am. Inti.
Pied Piper of Hamelin—Prod. Unlimited
Pirates of Tortuga—Fox
PT 109—War.
Purple Hills—Fox
Queen of the Pirates—Col.
Raiders of Leyte Gulf—Hemisphere Pictures
Raven, The—Am. Inti.
Reptilicus—Am. Inti.
Savage Sam—Buena Vista
Sergeant Was a Lady—U-I
Seven Seas to Calais—MGM
Snake Woman—UA
Son of Flubber—Buena Vista
Summer Magic—Buena Vista
Swordsman of Siena—MGM
Tammy and the Doctor—U-I
Tarzan’s Three Challenges—MGM
Teenage Millionaire—UA
Thief of Baghdad—MGM
13 Frightened Girls—Col.
30 Years of Fun—Fox
Ticklish Affair, A—MGM
Titans, The—UA ‘
Two Daughters (Indian)—Janus
Ugly American—U-I
Valley of the Dragons—Col.
Varan—The Unbelievable—Pa.n-World Films
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea—Fox
When the Clock Strikes—UA
You Have to Run Fast—UA
Young Guns of Texas—Fox
Young and the Brave, The—MGM
CLASS A — Section II —
Morally Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents
Wheeler Dealers—MGM
All the Way Home—Para.
All Night Long—Colorama
Amazons of Rome (was: Virgins of Rome)
(Ital.) —UA
Atlantis, the Lost Continent—MGM
Billy Budd—AA
Birds, The—U-I
Black Fox—Capri Films
Black Zoo—AA
Bridge to the Sun—MGM
Burning Court, The (Fr.)—Trans-Lux
Call Me Bwana—UA
♦Castilian, The—War.
Cat Burglar—UA
Centurion (Ital.)—Altura Films
Child Is Waiting, A—UA
Come Fly With Me—MGM
Convicts 4 (was Reprieve)—A A
Courtship of Eddie’s Father—MGM
Cow and I, The (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
David and Lisa—Continental
Day and the Hour, The—MGM
Day of the Triffids—AA
Devi (Ind.)—Harrison
Devil at 4 O’Clock—Col. (Ind.)
Diary of a Madman—UA
Donovan’s Reef—Para.
Dr. Blood’s Coffin—UA
Duel of the Tifans—Para.
♦Erik, The Conqueror—Am. Inti.
Everybody Go Home (Ital.)—Davis-Roy;
Four Days of Naples (Ital.)—MGM
40 Pounds of Trouble—U-I
Frantic (Fr.)—Times Film Corp.
Fury of the Pagans—Col.
Good Soldier, Schweik (Ger.)—Lionex
Guns of Darkness—War.
Harbor Lights—Fox
Hook, The—MGM
House of the Damned—Fox
Huns, The (Ital.)—Altura Films
It Happened at the World’s Fair—MGM
Just For Fun—Col.
Kiss of the Vampire—U-I
♦Lancelot and Guinevere—U-I
Lawrence of Arabia—Col.
Lazarillo (Spanish)—Union Films
Long Absence (Fr.)—Commercial Pictures
Miracle Worker—UA
Murder on the Campus (Br.)—Colorama
Mutiny On the Bounty—MGM
My Name Is Ivan (Russian)—Sig Shore
Naked Edge—UA
Old Dark House, The—Col.
Play It Cool—AA
Pit and the Pendulum—Am. Inti.
Playboy of the Western World—(Br.)—Janus
Samson and the Seven Miracles of the World
Am. Inti.
Sanjuro (Jap.)—Toho Inti.
Scream of Fear—Col.
Secret of Deep Harbor—UA
Slave, The—MGM
Square of Violence—MGM
Taras Bulba—UA
Terror, The—Am. Inti.
Thrill of It All—U-I
fTo Kill a Mockingbird—U-I
Trunk, The—Col.
Twenty Plus Two—A A
Twice Told Tales—UA
Weekend With Lulu—Col.
Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory—MGM
X—The Man With the X-Ray Eyes—Am. Inti.
Yellow Canary—Fox
Young Doctors—UA
Young Racers, The—Am. Inti.
-Section III — Morally Unobjectionable for Adults
Condemned of Altona—Fox
Armored Command—AA
Baltic Express (Pol.)—Telepix Corp.
Beach Party—Am. Inti.
Big Risk, The (Fr.)—UA
Breakfast At Tiffany’s—Para.
Bye, Bye, Birdie—Col.
California—Am. Inti.
Claudelle Inglish—War.
Come Blow Your Horn-
Come September—U-I*
Corridors of Blood—MGM
Couch, The—War.
♦Crime Does Not Pay (Fr.)—Embassy
Critic’s Choice—War.
Crooks Anonymous (Br.)—Janus
Day in Court, A (Ital.)—Ultra Films
Dime With A Halo—MGM
Fatal Desire—Ultra Films
Five Miles to Midnight—UA
Great War, The—Lopert
Heavens Above (Br.)—Janus
Leopard, The—Fox
Hustler, The—Fox
I Could Go On Singing—UA
In the French Style—Col.
Love and Larceny (Ital.)—Major Films
Love at Twenty (Fr.)—Embassy
Lo\e Is a Ball—UA
Lovers of Teruel—(Fr.)—Continental
Magnificent Sinner—Film-Mart, Inc.
Marriage of Figaro (Fr.)—Union Films
Mind Benders, The—Am. Inti.
Money, Money, Money (Fr.)—Times Film
Monkey in the Winter (Fr.)—MGM
Nine Hours to Rama—Fox
One Plus One—Selected Pics.
Panic in Your Zero—Am. Inti.
Passionate Thief (Ital.)—Embassy
Period of Adjustment—MGM
Police Nurse—Fox
Quare Fellow (Irish)—Astor
Rebel with a Cause (was: Loneliness of the
Long Distance Runner) (Br.)—Continental
Rice Girls (Ital.)—Ultra Films
Rififi in Tokyo—MGM
Two Are Guilty—MGM
Rocco and His Brothers (Ital.)-
Running Man, The—Col.
Season of Passion—UA
Sparrows Can’t Sing (Br.)—Janus
Spencer’s Mountain—War.
Summer and Smoke—Para.
Sundays and Cybele (Fr.)—Davis-Royal
Susan Slade—War.
Term of Trial—War.
Three On a Spree—UA
Thunder of Drums—MGM
Town Without Pity—UA
Toys in the Attic—UA
Trial, The—Astor
Trial and Error—MGM
Two Women (Ital.)—Embassy
V I.P.’s, The—MGM
♦Warriors Five—Am. Inti.
West Side Story—UA
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?—War.
♦Where the Truth Lies (Fr.)—Para.
Winter Light (Swed.)—Janus
Wrong Arm of the Law (Br.^Continental
Yojimbo—(Jap.)—Seneca Inti.
CLASS A—Section IV—Morally Unobjectionable for Adults, with Reservations
(An A-IV Classification is given to certain films which, while not morally offensive in themselves, require caution and some analysis and explanation
as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.)
Adam and Eve (Mex.)—Wm. Horne
Advise and Consent—Col.
Anatomy of a Murder—Col.
Case of Dr. Laurent (Fr.)—Trans-Lux
Circle of Deception—Fox
Cleo from 5 to 7 (Fr.)—Zenith
Crowning Experience—MRA
Devil’s Wanton (Swed.)—Embassy
♦Divorce, Italian Style (Ital.)—Embassy
Eclipse (Ital.)—Times Films
8J4 (Ital.)—Embassy
Girl of the Night—War.
Important Man (Mexican)—Lopert
King of Kings—MGM
L-Shapcd Room, The Columbia—Davis-Royal
La Dolce Vita (Ital.)—Astor Pictures, Inc.
Lolita—Seven Arts
Long Day’s Journey Into Night—Embassy
Martin Luther—de Rochemont
Mondo Cane—Times Films
Never Take Candy From a Stranger—Omar
Pressure Point—UA
Sky Above and the Mud Below,.The (Fr.) —
Storm Center—Col.
Strangers in the City—Embassy
Suddenly, Last Summer—Col.
This Sporting Life (Br.)—Continental
Too Young to Love—Arthur-Go Pictures, Inc.
Y’ictim (Br.)—Pathe-America
Walk On the Wild Side-Col.
— Morally Objectionable in Part for All
Crv of Battle—AA
Arturo’s Island—(Ital.)—MGM
Back Street—U-I
Candide—(Fr.)—Union Films
♦Diamond Head—Col.
Explosive Generation—UA
Follow the Boys—MGM
For Love or Money—U.I.
Free, White and 21—Am. Inti.
Girl Hunters, The—Colorama Features
Goodbye Again—UA
Head, The—Trans-Lux
House of Fright (was: Two Faces of Dr.
Jekyll)—Amer. Inti.
In the Cool of the Day—MGM
Irma La Douce—UA
Island of Love—War.
Johnny Cool- UA
Joker, The (Fr.)—Lopert
Kind of Loving, A (Br.)—Governor
Landru (Fr )—Embassy
La Viaccia (Ital.)—Embassy
Ledu (Fr.)—Times
Light Fantastic—Embassy
Main Attraction—MGM
Man Trap—Para.
Marines Let’s Go—Fox
Mary Had a Little (Br.)—Lopert
New Kind of Love, A—Para.
Night Is My Future (Swed.)—Embassy
No Exit—(Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Of Love and Desire—Fox
Operation Bikini—Am. Inti.
Paris Blues—UA
Peeping Tom—Astor
Private Lives of Adam and Eve—U-I
Purple Noon (Fr.)—Times
♦Shock Corridor—AA
Sodom and Gomorrah—Fox
Splendor in the Grass—War.
Stripper, The—Fox
That Touch of Mink—U-I
Temptress and the Monk (Jap.)—Hakim Pro
Time Out For Love (Fr.)—Zenith
Tomorrow Is My Turn (Fr.)—Showcorp.
Two Weeks in Another Town—MGM
Vampire and the Ballerina—UA
Very Private Affair—MGM
Wail of Noise—War.
Waltz of the Toreadors (Br.)—Continental
War Lover, The—Col.
White Slave Ship—Am. Inti.
Wild Harvest—Pathe-Am.
Wives And LoverS—Paramount
World by Night—War.
CLASS C — Condemned
And God Created Woman (Fr.)—Kingsley
Baby Doll—War.
Balcony, The—Continental
Bed of Grass (Greek)—Trans-Lux
Bell’Antonio (Ital.)—Embassy Films
Boccaccio 70 (Ital.)—Embassy
Breathless (Fr.)—Films Around World
Cold Wind In August—Aidart
Come Dance With Me (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl.
During One Night (Br.)—Astor
Exprrsso Bongo (Br.)—Continental
Pive Day Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley- Inti.
Girl With the Golden Eyes (Fr.)—Union Films
Green Carnation (was: Trials of Oscar Wilde)
(Br.)—Warwick Films
Green Mare (Fr.)—Zenith
Heroes and Sinners (Fr.)—Janus
I Am a Camera—DCA
I Love, You Love (Ital.)—Davis-Roval
Joan of the Angels?—Polish-Telepix
Jules and Jim (Fr.)—Janus
L’Avventura (Ital.)—Janus
La Notte (Night) (Ital.)—Lopert
Lady Chatterlev’s Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley
Law, The (Fr.)—Embassy
Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Fr.)—Astor Pic
tures, Inc.
Liane, Jungle Goddess—DCA
Love Game (Fr.)- Films Around World
Love Is My Profession (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl.
Lovers, The (Fr.)—Zenith
Mademoiselle Striptease (Fr.)—DCA
Magdalena (Ger.)—Buhawk
Maid in Paris (Fr.)—Bellon-Foulke
Mating Urge—Citation
Miller’s Beautiful Wife (Ital.)—DCA
Mitsou (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Mom and Dad (Sideroad)—Hallmark Prod.
Moon Is Blue, The—UA
Never On Sunday (Greek)—Lopert
Nude Odyssey, The (Ital.)—Davis-Royal
Odd Obsession (Jap.)—Harrison
Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Four City Enterprises
Passionate Summer (Fr.-Ital.)—Kingsley
Phaedra (Gk.)—Lopert
Playgirl After Dark (Br.)—Topaz Films
Please, Not Now ! (Fr.)-
Port of Desire—Union
Pot Bouille (Lovers of Paris) (Fr.) —
Prime Time—Essanjay Films, Inc.
Private Property—Citation
Question of Adultery—NTA
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Br.) —
Savage Eye—Trans-Lux-Kingsley Inti.
Seven Capital Sins (Fr.)—Embassy
Sins of Mona Kent—Astor
Smiles of a Summer Night (Swedish)—Rani?
Tales of Paris (Fr.)—Times Films
Temptation (Fr.-Ital.)—Shelton
Third Sex (Ger.)—D. & F. Dist.
Too Young, Too Immoral—Rialto Int’l.
Trials of Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Warwick Films
Truth, The (La Verite) (Fr.)—Kingsley Inti.
Viridiana (Sp.)—Kingsley Inti.
Wasted Lives and The Birth of Twins—
K. Gordon Murray Production
Women of the World (Ital.)—Kmbassv