Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 2—The Southern Cross, November 14, 1963
(Continued From Page 1)
‘'there will come a time when
the great Western powers, fear
ing another Munich, might be
forced to launch another global
He offered the newsmen-
delegates his observation that
"nationalism, economic re
sentment and romantic images
about the Marxist paradise are
fading in Latin America.”
"But do not feel relieved,”
he said. "The process is creat
ing a dangerous vacuum. The
old ideologies—liberals, con
servatives — and some newer,
ones—Marxist liberals, ultra
rightist conservatives—can
not fill that vacuum.
Charging that Red China is
now in control of a program to
wipe out the Church in
Cuba. Foncesca summed up
what he termed a "blueprint
for destruction” received by the
Cuban Communist party via Pe
king in 1960.
1. Avoid making martyrs.
2. Engulf Catholics in organ
izations and propaganda until
the religious content is supplan-
ed by Marxist doctrine.
3. Centralize control of such
organizations, smear the image
of the Church, and establish a
national church—a ‘patriotic’
4. As this vise closes in,
reactionaries and counter
revolutionaries will show them
selves. They must be anihilated,
without violence.
5. The masses will undergo a
psychological conflict of loyal
ties; God and Church vs. State
and Revolution. Be careful then
not to move with haste. If the
bonds with the Church are still
strong, then follow the policy of
two steps forward, one step
(Here Mr. Fonseca referred
to the apparent freedom of the
Church in the city of Havana,
reported by a reporter for the
HERALD, as an example of the
"step backwards.”)
6. Once the real Church is
weakened and the patriotic
"Catholic Groups are entirely
submissive, destroy the exter
nals: first the sacraments, then
the prayers. Organized religion
must be gradually opposed of
any denomination. When left to
the individual alone, religion
"We know that such tactics
COLUMBUS—Miss Beverly
JoAnne Theeringer became the
bride of Mr. William Hoyt Gam
ble on November 2nd at St.
Anne’s Catholic Church. Miss
Theeringer is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Rider
Theeringer, and the bridegroom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Hoyt Gamble of Phe-
nix City, Ala.
For Wedding Invitations
The Acme Press
PHONE 232 6397
Bridal Store
SINCE 1870
AD 2-1145
126 E. Broughton St.
Savannah, Georgia
Specializing in Commercial
Mortgage Loans
Corporate Funding.
Flem G.
Cliett Jr.
A Good Address In Atlanta
have been applied in Cuba,” he
said, "and can be applied in
many other nations.
Mr. Fonseca called for the
prompt enactment of social re
forms based upon the Papal En
cyclicals, in the economically
depressed areas of Latin Amer
ica, and vigorous missionary
activity to combat the forces of
militant secularism and es
tablish a truly Christian so
He voiced the hope that "the
Alliance for Progress, of the
United States Government, in
spite of its faults—and it has
them—will not be destroyed.
J. F. K. Praises—
(Continued From Page 1)
She said the problem "of each
of us is this; to see that po
litics in our own locality, our
election district, and our coun
try is drawing in the best brains
and effort of the most respon
sible citizens of the community,
including ourselves.”
William Resch of the Colum
bus diocese told a panel dis
cussing the "young adult mis
sionary” that "opportunities
for missionary or apostolic ac
tivity in our environment are
"By merely looking around
us,” he stated, "we can become
aware of the great unhappiness
caused by immorality in dating,
the high incidence of divorce,
criminal offenses and inse
curity among the 18 to 30 age
group. The only way to reverse i
these trends is to provide a
wholesome Christian environ
ment in which young men and
women can live.”
Resch said such an environ
ment "can be brought about in
only one way—by our own
hands; the hands of the priests
can do little.”
"They can moderate our pro
grams, give us advice and pro
vide for our spiritual welfare,”
he continued, "but we must
give the leadership, parti
cipation and leg work that is
Resch also said that the
"image of the NCYO (National
Catholic Youth Organization) as
a church organization is a bar
rier to our growth and,must be
"The NCYO is not a church
organization,” he said. "It is a
youth organization of young
adults involved in the mission
of providing hands for Christ in
the modern world. This mis
sion is clear and unavoidable.
As a result of our Confirma
tion we have been called to give
of ourselves to the extent we
"The goal of restoring all
things in Christ can only be
achieved,” he concluded, "by
the involvement of the entire
Church Militant—both the cler
gy and the laity.”
At a teenage panel, on "Mo
rality and Cheating—Popular
Conception,” Susan Kelley of
the Salina (Kan.) diocese said
"parents have the first obliga
tion to instill into their chil
dren’s hearts a hatred for the
sin of cheating in school.”
She said parents should "im
press upon their children that
they want grades to be honest
ly earned,” and "teachers
should also use reasonable su
pervision to prevent or detect
"If conscience is to guide
our young people through life,”
Miss Kelley said, "parents
must be sure the child learns
at home that honesty is impor
tant for its own sake before
he starts school and meets play
mates who think the important
thing is—not avoiding sins, but
concealing them.”
Black Muslims
Held Not
Court of Appeals for the 7th
Circuit ruled here that the Black
Muslim movement is a “racist
organization” and thus not
entitled to constitutional gua
rantees of religious freedom.
An opinion written by Judge
F. Ryan Duffy said (Nov. 6):
“Social studies show that the
Black Muslim movement, de
spite its pretext of a religious
facade, is an organization that
. . .has for its object the over
throw of the white race and in
side prison walls has an im
pressive history of inciting
riots and violence.”
The court turned down an ap
peal by a convicted murderer,
a member of the sect, who said
prison authorities violated his
religious freedom by preventing
him from acquiring printed ma
terials distributed by Black
LITTLE APOSTLES CLUB, Our Lady of Lourdes School, Columbus, who sponsored
a car-wash for their adopted parish in Peru. Besides making $40.00, they had a lot of
fun. In the picture, L. to R., Ronnie Wilkinson, Lotty O’Brien, Linda Lorenz, Aida Pa
dilla, Linda Hall, Leonard Eickhoff, Mike Thompson and Mike Regnier.
2332 North Decatur Rd. Decatur, Georgia
J. D. Conway Fides, 299 pp„
one map, $5.95.
As the world focuses its eyes
on the General Council,
Monsignor Conway offers a
background study in the history
of past councils. The terms
General and Ecumenical mean
about the same thing in this
connection. Our author takes
the reader back through twenty
centuries whose pressing is
sues of doctrinal difficulties
and moral problems called into
being twenty great general ga
therings of the leaders of the
Church. The author terms them,
"Times of Decision,” times
when really vital dangers men
aced the Church or her doctrine.
Some councils succeeded,
others were seemingly failures.
And behind all is the action of
the Holy Spirit, bound to win,
even when His own agents be
tray Him.
With scholarly precision,
sents in a flowing and readable
English, the time, place, back
ground, personalities and the
proceedings of each successive
council. Pacing down the cen
turies we follow the differences
marking each, the varying hu
man and historical circumstan
ces, but at the same time we
never quite lose the thread of
similarity weaving in and out of
the twenty, supplying us with
more than a hint of what we
may expect to develop in the
This is a timely, on-the-
scene account of important mo
ments in Church history and
supplies a cross section of the
menacing errors doctrinal and
moral which the Church has
weathered in her long and unique
career. The true Christian doc
trine is explained, and why it
is true. Here, for the average
person as well as the student
are to be found the many perti
nent details we all want to know
about General Councils in pre
paration for the great events
before us this fall. (MPB)
Kolars, Benziger Brothers,
1960, 181 pp„ illus., $2.00.
This book gets off to a dra
matic beginning by relating the
fear engendered in young Billy
Cody, later to become the Buff
alo Bill of international fame,
by the tragic death of his daring
brother. How Billy overcomes
his fear and how the family im
migrates West continues to in
terest the young reader; more
than half of this book deals with
the youth of Buffalo Bill, pre
senting it in swift, exciting,
simple language.
Afterward, the years in the
Wild West Show and the slow
decline of the dynamic Buffalo
Bill ending with his death just
after his conversion to Catho
licism are presented with ade
quate skill. It is to the author’s
credit that he avoids name
calling and maudlin sentimen
tality and presents the real pic
ture of how the Wild West Show
petered out hastening the old
hero’s death. This is a good book
to reinforce hasty impressions
of an interesting character of
our heroic West received, per
haps, from early movies and te
levision coverage.
Not remarkable as to style,
nevertheless, the book is nicely
written and will appeal to boys
especially. It is a worthwhile
addition to the juvenile biogra
phy field, a purpose of the Ban
ner Book series to which it be
While summarization is used
too often and without too much
imagination, it serves to keep
the facts clear. An occasional
anecdote is happily and skill
fully inserted and intriguing
facts brought to bear, as for
example, the interesting dis
tinction made in the old West
between ‘gunfighters’ and ‘gun
men.’ * * *
Reviewed by Theodora Koob.
At long last, a much needed
book about the Lords Baltimore
and the founding of Maryland
has been written. This story
is, perhaps, not quite long
enough. It starts out with a
thrilling chapter about the exe
cution of Mary, Queen of Scots,
and continues through six gen
erations of the Calvert family.
The writing is smooth, inter
esting, full of appropriate de
tail. Frequently, the authors
lapse into anecdote which
breaks up the monotony of ne
cessary history involved.
Boys and girls, Catholic or
non-Catholic and Protestant
alike, will enjoy this story,
geared for the ten to fourteen
group. While carefully pre
serving the Catholic point of
view, the book doesn’t ever be
come prissy or preachy.
The illustrations by Leonard
Vosburgh add a great deal to
the period viewpoint. As much
sustaining interest as can be ex
pected from generation to gen
eration is carefully engineered.
Some small criticism might be
made of the authors’ tendency
to jump too swiftly from chap
ter to chapter and, particularly
toward the end of the book, from
one Calvert to another without
enough name-calling and indi
vidualizing. A chart of the Cal
vert family would have been
On the whole this book is ex
cellent for filling in a period in
colonial history too often given
merely a paragraph or two in
some middle grade history text
book. Good organization, reada
bility, and interesting format all
add to its usefulness.
Rabbi Sad To
See Attack On
Pope Pius XII
mark’s Chief Rabbi, Marcus
Melchoir, commented on Rolf
Hochhuth’s controversial play,
"The Deputy” as it opened
here and said it is "really sad”
to experience an "attack upon
a dead man who has no oppor
tunity to defend himself.”
The play criticizes Pope Pius
XII for not speaking out against
nazi persecution of Jews.
"I think,” Rabbi Melchoir
said, "that there is a mis
understanding if anyone be
lieves that Pope Pius XII could
have exerted any influence upon
the brain of an insane man.
"If the Pope had opened his
mouth, Hitler would probably
have murdered even more than
6 million Jews and perhaps also
10 times 10 million Catholics,
if he could have borne the loss
of so many human lives.
"Personally, I feel a genuine
thirst for justice, in taking sides
against the play. . .It is tragic
that this drama should appear
right at this time, when Catho
lics, under, Pope John XXIII and
his successor, are trying to
bring about tolerance among [
SISTER SWING—Holy Humility of Mary Sister M. Pius of
Magnificat High School for Girls, Rocky River, Ohio, is
the only nun in the diocese who teaches physical education.
She also gives golf lessons to her students and here gives a
demonstration of swinging away to drive one down the
fairway, (NC Photos)
No “Phasing Out”
^Continued From Page 1)
mento’ (up-dating),” Msgr. Mc
Manus stated. “What we need
and are getting in the Catholic
schools is exactly what the
Church needs and is getting at
the Vatican council; ‘aggiorna-
“We must continually up-date
our schools. That is what we are
doing. It’s our whole mood and
He pointed to the Catholic
school system’s flexibility as a
key reason why it can so con
sistently up-date and modernize
its educational programs.
“We’re very flexible, you
know,” he said. “Public school
administrators generally ad
mire the flexibility of the Ca
tholic school system. They envy
our freedom to experiment.
“They think that the indivi
dual school, not being bound by
strict regulations from a
central office, is in a position
to discover all sorts of things.”
This flexibility can also be
seen in the Chicago school sy
stem’s modernization of the
science curriculum, he said.
A committee of the best
science teachers in the arch
diocese spent a year reviewing
science textbooks and courses
of study on the elementary
school level.
After intensive study he said,
a textbook widely used in pub
lic schools was selected in pre
ference to a so-called ‘ ‘Catho
lic” text.
Because there is not specific
reference to religion in the
science series, the school board
depends on the ingenuity of the
teacher to work in appropriate
references to religion, he said.
“We have been very gratified
with the reactions of both the
teachers and pupils to our mo
dernization of the science pro
gram the last two years,” said
Msgr. McManus. “The up
dating has sparked up our whole
school program.”
* ‘We found” he said, ‘ ‘that be
cause of the better science pro
gram, the over-all reading abi
lity of the students improved.”
The up-dating in Chicago’s
schools also has been very evi
dent in their languages cour
ses, he said.
Figures for the 1962-63 aca
demic year show that 114 arch
diocesan grade schools have at
least one foreign language cour
se. In 1959-60, there were 48.
Of the 114 schools, 46 teach
French, 41 Spanish, two German
and two Russian. Other schools
teach Polish, Italian, Lithuan
ian, Slovak and Ukrainian. And
there is even a course in Chi
nese—at St. Therese Chinese
Catholic mission school.
Name Youth
Chairmen At
St. Michael’s
chael’s CYO appointed its four
chairmen for the current year:
Paul Tilton, Spiritual Commit
tee; Don Golden, physical;The
resa Edgerly, social; Nancy
Owen, cultural.
The spiritual program was
announced as group attendance
at Mass and corporate Com
munion on Thanksgiving Day.
St. Mary’s
Home Guild
meeting of St. Mary’s Home
Guild will be held on Sunday,
Nov. 17th a t 4 p.m. at the
Open House will precede
the meeting from 3 until 4
p.m. Benediction of the Most
Blessed Sacrament will take
place in the chapel imme
diately following the meet
School Aid—
(Continued From Page 1)
schools will be hard pressed,
indeed, to find the funds which
will be necessary if their
schools are to impart an edu
cation at least comparable to
that provided by public educa
Class A Section 3
Pick Up And Delivery
1710 BULL AD 3-0985
CLASS A — Section
Alakazam, The Great—Am. Inti.
Angel in a Taxi— Magna Films ^
Assignment Outer Space—Am. Inti.
Bear, The (Fr.)—Embassy
Black Gold- War.
Boy Who Caught a Crook (Was: Boy Who
Found $100,000)— UA
Captain Sindbad—MGM
Capture That Capsule—UA
Cattle King—MGM
Crimson Blade (Br.) — Col.
Dentist in the Chair. A (Br.)— Ajav Film Co
Drums of Africa—MGM
55 Days at Peking—AA
First Spaceship to Venus—Pan-World Films
Flight That Disappeared—UA
Francis of Assisi—Fox
Gathering of Eagles—U-I
Gidget Goes to Rome—Col.
Great Escape—UA
Hercules and the Captive Women <Ital.) —
Honeymoon Machine—MGM
— Morally Unobjectionable f«r General Patronage
It’s a Mad, Mad. Mad. Mad World- l A
tHow The West Was Won- MGM
Incredible Mr. Limpet, The— War.
Invasion Quartet—MGM
Jason and the Argonauts—Col.
King Kong vs. Godzilla—U-I
Lafayette—Maco Films
Lassie's Great Adventure—Fox
Lilies of the Field—UA
List of Adrian Messenger—l -l
Man From the Diner’s Club—Col.
t Miracle of the White Stallions Buena \ ista
Mouse on the Moon—UA
Murder at the Gallop (Br.)—MGM
My Son, the Hero—UA
Mysterious Island—Col.
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North—Buena Vista
Nutty Professor, The—Para.
Pied Piper of Hamelin—Prod. Unlimited
Pirates of Tortuga—Fox
PT 109—War.
Purple Hills—Fox
Queen of the Pirates—Col.
Raiders of Leyte Gulf—Hemisphere Pictures
CLASS A — Section II — Morally Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents
Hide and Seek (Br.)—U-I
Four Days of Naples (Ital.)—MGM
Frantic (Fr.)—Times Film Corp.
Fury of the Pagans—Col.
Fury of Smuggler’s Bay (Br.)—Embassy
Gone Are the Days—Hammer Bros.
Good Soldier, Schweik (Ger.)—Lionex
Guns of Darkness—War.
Harbor Lights—Fox
Haunted Palace, The—Am. Inti.
Haunting, The (Br.)—MGM
Hootenanny Hoot—MGM
House of the Damned—Fox
Householder, The—Col.
Huns, The (Ital.)—Altura Films
It Happened at the World’s Fair—MGM
Just For Fun—Col.
Kiss of the Vampire—U-I
* Lancelot and Guinevere—U-I
Lawrence of Arabia—Col.
Lazarillo (Spanish)—Union Films
Life in Danger—AA
Lord of the Flies—Walter Reade-Sterling
Mary, Mary—War.
Miracle Worker—UA
Mutiny On the Bounty—MGM
My Name Is Ivan (Russian)—Sig Shore
Naked Edge—UA
Section III — Morally Unobjectionable for Admits
The—MGM Take Her, She’s Mine—Fox
Heavens Above (Br.)—Janus
Hellfire Club—Embassy
Hustler, The—Fox
I Could Go On Singing—UA
In the French Style—Col.
Leopard, The—Fox
Love and Larceny (Ital.)—Maj<
Love at Twenty (Fr.)—Embassy
Love Is a Ball—UA
Magnificent Sinner—Film-Mart, Inc.
Marriage of Figaro (Fr.)^-Union Films
Mind Benders, The—Am. Inti.
Money, Money, Money (Fr.)—Times Film
Monkey in the Winter (Fr.)—MGM
Nine Hours to Rama—Fox
One Plus One—Selected p ics.
Panic in Your Zero—Am. Inti.
Passionate Thief (Ital.)—Embassy
Pink Panther—UA
Police Nurse—Fox
AIL tire Way Home—Para.
Amazons of Koine (was: Virgins of Rome)
Any Number Can Win (Fr.)—MGM
Atlantis, the Lost Continent—MGM
Billy Budd—A A
Birds, The—U-I
Black Fox—Capri Films
Black Zoo—AA
Bridge to the Sun—MGM
Burning Court, The (Fr.)
Call Me Bwana—UA
♦Castilian, The—War.
Cat Burglar—UA
Onturion (Ital.)—Altura Films
Come Fly With Me—MGM
Convicts 4 (was Reprieve)—AA
Courtship of Eddie’s Father—MGM
Cow and I, The (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Day and the Hour, The—MGM
Day of the Triffids—AA
Devil at 4 O’Clock—Col. (Ind.)
Donovan’s Reef—Para.
I)r. Blood’s Coffin—UA
Duel of the Titans—Para.
♦Erik, The Conqueror—Am. Inti.
Savage Sam—Buena Vista
Sergeant Was a Lady- ll-l
Siege of the Saxons (Br.)
Snake- Woman l \
Son of Flubber—Buena Vista
Summer Magic—Buena Vista
tSword in the Stone—BV
Tammy and the Doctor—U-I
Tarzan’s Three Challenges—MGM
Teenage Millionaire—UA
Thief of Baghdad—MGM
13 Frightened Girls—Col.
30 Years of Fun—Fox
Ticklish Affair, A—MGM
Two Daughters (Indian) Janus
Ugly American—U-I
Valiev ol the Dragons Col.
Varan—The Unbelievable—Pan-World Films
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea--Fox
When the Clock Strikes—UA
V ou Ha\e to Run Fast—UA
Young and the Brave, The MGM
Young Swingers, The—Fox
Old Dark House, The--Col.
Play It Cool—AA
Pit and the Pendulum—Am. Inti.
Sanjuro (Jap.)—Toho Inti.
Scream of Fear—Col.
Secret of Deep Harbor—UA
Slave, The—MGM
Square of Violence—MGM
Stolen Hours—UA
Suitor, The (Fr.)—Atlantic
Terror, The—Am. Inti.
Thrill of It All—U-I
Thunder Island—Fox
Trunk, The—Col.
Twenty Plus Two—AA
Twice Told Tales—UA
Two Nights With Cleopatra—Ultra Films
War is Hell—AA
“Weekend With Lulu—Col.
Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory—MGM
Wheeler Dealers—MGM
X—The Man With the X-Ray Eyes—Am. Inti
Yellow Canary—Fox
Young Doctors—UA
Young Racers, The—Am. Inti.
Angels of Darkness—Thalia Films
Armored Command—AA
Beach Partv—Am. Inti.
Big Risk, The (Fr )— ITA
Breakfast At Tiffany’s—Para.
Bye, Bye, Birdie—Col.
California—Am. Inti.
Claudelle Inglish—War.
Come Blow Your Horn—Para.
Come September—U-I
Condemned of Altona—Fox
Corridors of Blood—MGM
Couch, The—War.
Crooks Anonymous (Br.)—Janus
Day in Court, A (Ital.)—Ultra Films
Dime With A Halo—MGM
Dr. Crippen (Br.)—War.
Fatal Desire—Ultra Films
Fun in Acapulco—Para.
Great War, The—Lopert
Gunfight at Comanche Creek—AA
CLASS A——Section IV—Morally Unobjectionable for Adults, with Reservations
(An A-IV Classification is given to certain films which, while not morally offensive in themselves, require caution and some analysis and explanation
as s protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.)
Pyro—Am. Inti.
Quare Fellow (Irish)—Astor
Kififi in Tokyo—MGM
Rocco and His Brothers (Ital.)—Astor
Running Man, The—Col.
Season ol Passion—UA
Sparrows Can’t Sing (Br.)—Janus
Spencer’s Mountain—War.
Summer and Smoke—Para.
Susan Slade—War.
Three On a Spree—UA
Thunder of Drums—MGM
Town Without Pity—UA
Toys in the Attic—UA
Trial, The—Astor
Twilight of Honor—MGM
Two Are Guilty—MGM
Two Women (Ital.)—Embassy
Y.I.P.’s, The—MGM
West Side Story—UA
Winter Light (Swed.) — Janus
Wrong Arm of the Law (Br.)—Continental
Adam and Eve (Mex.)—Wm. Horne
Advise and Consent—Col.
Anatomy of a Murder—Col.
Case of Dr. Laurent (Fr.)—Trans-Lux
Circle of Deception—Fox
Qeo from 5 to 7 (Fr.)—Zenith
Crowning Experience—MRA
Devil's Wanton (Swed.)—Embassy
'Divorce, Italian Style (Ital.)—Embassy
Eclipse (Ital.)—Times Films
syi (Ital.)—Embassy
Arturo's Island—(Ital.)—MGM
Back Street—U-I
Candida—(Fr.)—Union Films
'Conjugal Bed, The (Ital.)—Embassy
Cry of Battle—AA
'Diamond Head—Col.
Explosive Generation—UA
Follow the Boys—MGM
For Love'or Money—U.I.
Free, White and 21—Am. Inti.
Girl Hunters, The—Colorama Features
Goodbye Again—UA
Gun Hawk, The—AA
Head, The—Trans-Lux
House of Fright (was: Two Faces of Dr
Jekyll)—Amer. Inti.
In the Cool of the Day—MGM
Irma La Douce—UA
Island of Love—War.
Johnny Cool—UA
Joker, The (Fr.)—Lopert
Kind of Loving, A (Br.)—Governor
Girl of the Night—War.
Important Man (Mexican)—Lopert
King of Kings—MGM
L-Shaped Room, The Columbia—Davis-Royal
La Dolce Vita (Ital.)—Astor Pictures, Inc.
Lolita—Seven Arts
Long Day’s Journey Into Night—Embassy
Martin Luther—de Rochemont
Mondo Cane—Times Films
Never Take Candy From a Stranger—Omar
CLASS B — Morally Objectionable In Part for All
Palm Springs Weekend—War.
Lady in the Cage—Para.
Landru (Fr.)—Embassy
La Viaccia (Ital.)—Embassy
Leda (Fr.)—Times
Light Fantastic—Embassy
Love on the Riviera—Ultra Films
Main Attraction—MGM
Man Trap—Para.
Marines Let’s Go—Fox
Mary Had a Little (Br.)—Lopert
New Kind of Love, A—Para.
Night Is My Future (Swed.)—Embassy
No Exit—(Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Of Love and Desire—Fox
Operation Bikini—Am. Inti.
Paris Blues—UA
Peeping Tom—Astor
Private Lives of Adsm and Evs—U-I
Purple Noon (Fr.)—Times
CLASS C — Condemned
Pressure Point—UA
Sky Above and the Mud Below, The (Fr.) —
Storm Center—Col.
Strangers in the City—Embassy
Suddenly, Last Summer—Col.
This Sporting Life (Br.)—Continental
Tom Jones (Br.)—UA
Too Young to Love—Arthur-Go Pictures, Inc.
Under the Yum Yum Tree—Col.
Victim (Br.)—Pathe-Amrrica
Walk On the Wild Side—Col.
•Shock Corridor—AA
Small World of Sammy Lee, The (Br.)—7 Ai
Sodom and Gomorrah—Fox
Splendor in the Grass—Wsr.
Stripper, The—Fox
That Touch of Mink—U-I
Three Fables of Love (Fr.)—Janus
Temptress and the Monk (Jap.)—Hakim Pro
Time Out For Love (Fr.)—Zenith
Tomorrow Is My Turn (Fr.)—Showcorp.
Two Weeks in Another Town—MGM
Vampire and the Ballerina—UA
Very Private Affair—MGM
WaU of Noise—War.
Waltz of the Toreadors (Br.)—Continental
War Lover, The—Col.
White Slave Ship——Am. Inti.
Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed—Para.
Wild Harvest—Pathe-Am.
Wives And Lovers—Paramount
World by Night—War.
And God Created Woman (Fr.)—Kingsley
Baby DoU—War.
Balcony, The—Continental
Bad of Grass (Greek)—Trans-Lux
Bell’Antonio (Ital.)—Embassy Films
Boccecdo 70 (Ital.)—Embassy
Breathless (Fr.)—Films Around World
Cold Wind In August—Aidart
Come Dance With Me (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl.
During One Night (Br.)—Astor
Expresso Bongo (Br.)—Continental
Five Day Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley- Inti.
Girl With the Golden Eyes (Fr.)—Union Films
Green Carnation (wss: Trials of Oscar Wilde)
(Br.)—Warwick Films
Green Mere (Fr.)—Zenith
Heroes and Sinners (Fr.)—Jenus
I Am a Camera—DCA
I Love, You Love (Ital.)—Davis-Royal
Joan of the Angels?—Polish-Telepix
Jules ind Jim (Fr.)—Janus
L'Awentura (Ital.)—Janus
La Notte (Night) (Ital.)— Lopert
Lady Chatterley's Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley
Law, The (Fr.)—Embassy
Lea Liaisons Dangereuses (Fr.)—Astor Pic
tures, Inc.
Liane, Jungle Goddess—DCA
Love Game (Fr.)—Films Around World
Love Is My Profession (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl
Lovers, The (Fr.)—Zenith
Mademoiselle Striptease (Fr.)—DCA
Magdalena (Ger.)—Buhawk
Maid in Paris (Fr.)—Bellon-Foulke
Mating Urge—Citation
Miller’s Beautiful Wife (Ital.)—DCA
Mitsou (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Mora and Dad (Sideroad)—Hallmark Prod.
Moon Is Blue, The—UA
My Life to Live (Fr.)—Union
Never On Sunday (Greek)—Lopert
Nude Odyssey, The (Ital.)—Davis-Royal
Odd Obsession (Jap.)—Harrison
Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Four City Enterprises
Passionate Summer (Fr.-Ital.)—Kingsley
Phaedra (Gk.)—Lopert
Playgirl After Dark (Br.)—Topaz Films
Please, Not Now I (Fr.)—Fox
Port of Desire—Union
Pot Bouille (Lovers of Paris)
Prime Time—Essanjay Films, Inc.
Private Property—Citation
Question of Adultery—NTA
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (B(.)—
Savage Eye—Trans-Lux-KingaUy Inti.
Seven Capital Sins (Fr.)—Embassy
Sins of Mona Kent—Astor
Smiles of a Summer Night (Swediah)—Rank
Tales of Paris (Fr.)—Times Filins
Temptation (Fr.-Ital.)—Shelton
Third Sex (Ger.)—D. ft F. Dlst.
Too Young, Too Immoral—Rialto Inti.
Trials of Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Warwick Films
Truth, The (La Verite) (Fr.)—Kingsley Inti.
Viridiana (Sp.)—Kingsley Inti.
Wasted Lives and The Birth of
K. Gordon Murray Production
Women of the World (Ital.)—Embassy