Southern cross. (Savannah, Ga.) 1963-2021, October 12, 2000, Image 4

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The Southern Cross, Page 4 Thursday, October 12, 2000 In the face of violence By Stephen Wilson ospel lessons can often be learned by observing the behavior of nations and peo ple. These lessons, however, are too often missed or simply ignored. But there are times when two events coincide so remarkably that to miss the deeper significance and lessons would be unfortunate. Two such events, which stand as mirror images of each other, have taken place over the last couple of weeks. In Yugoslavia long time President— some would say “Dictator”—Slobadan Milosevic, lost in his attempt to be reelected as president of the country. The opposition declared victory and called for the citizens of the country to strike and shut the country down until Milosevic step ped down from office. This action was apparent ly successful, and Milosevic has been removed. Meanwhile, across the Mediterranean, Palesti nians and Israelis came to violent conflicts over the question of who has sovereignty over the Temple Mount and Jerusalem. This violence was instigated by the visit of Ariel Sharon to the Temple Mount. Sharon is a former general in the Jewish armed forces and is believed to be a war criminal by the Palestinians. Sharon admitted that he visited the site to show that Israel had sovereignty over the site that both Jews and Palestinians claim as holy. Within both countries there is a struggle for political as well as personal freedom. The people of Yugoslavia are seeking a political voice that they believe has been denied them for too long. The Palestinians have been under the control of the Israelis for approximately 50 years, and for the past seven years have been negotiating a peace treaty with the Israeli Government. Within both situations an impasse was reached, but the responses were very different. Not having access to weapons the opposition leaders in Yugoslavia used the only weapon at their disposal—the power of the people. They called for strikes and protest by the people, and asked that the protests be kept peaceful. The Palestinians, on the other hand, have chosen a more aggressive response using stones and guns to attack Israelis. This aggressive response has been responded to by an even more violent response by the Israelis who have used guns, tanks and helicopters. How two groups go about achieving their goals often influences a great extent what is accomplished, and dictates what the relationship between the two people will be after the conflict is over. If we look at recent history, countries such as Poland, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Latvia and other countries of Eastern Europe, which had what has come to be called a non-violent revolution, are presently on the road back to recovery. The revolutions which took place were such that there was little animosity between peo ple, and while these countries still face prob lems, much of the instability that afflicts other countries is not present. By contrast an examination of the countries that violently attempted to prevent change shows a different outcome. Yugoslavia has attempted to (Continued from page 11) 601 E. Liberty St. Savannah, GA 31401-5196 Yet more comments on declaration Dear Editor: Catholics like Pansy Bird (September 21) and Jackie Kennedy (September 28) are the reason the Church needs to issue documents such as Dominus lesus. Ms. Kennedy may be surprised to learn that this is not Cardinal Ratzinger’s novel theory. It is the constant teaching of the Catholic Church for over 1900 years. Ms. Bird’s belief that this document is an insult to the pope shows her ignorance. Apparently, the pope himself does not feel insulted since he approved ... the document. The statement that “Scripture did come before the church” is incorrect. The New Testament was written by Catholics for Catholics. The belief that “No Church is necessary for salvation” is completely the opposite of what the Church has always taught. Pope Boniface VIII (1302) stated that the Church “is absolute ly necessary for salvation.” The Second Vatican Council affirmed this in Unitatis Redintegratio. “It is through Christ’s Catholic Church, alone, which is the universal help towards salvation, that the fullness of the means of salvation can be obtained” (emphasis added). I found Ms. Bird’s attempt to equate Cardinal Ratzinger with Hitler to be positively bizarre. I did not detect any hate in Dominus lesus nor any statements contrary to scripture. Ms. Bird quotes the Bible, but not one church document. It is the Catholic Church, not the Bible, which is the “pillar and bulwork of truth” (/ Timothy 3:15). Jesus left us with a teaching church, not a book to be privately interpreted. History has shown the wisdom of our Lord. Private interpretation has given birth to 25,000 denominations of Protestantism. Our Lord’s prayer for unity (sec John 17:20-23) can never be realized under such conditions. I believe it is clear that the Catholic Church offers us the only alternative to the ever-grow- Letters ing chaos of private interpretation (see 2 Peter 3:16). Ms. Kennedy states that Cardinal Ratzinger would keep us separate. It is not the Cardinal, but rather schism and heresy from God’s one, holy, catholic and apostolic church which accomplishes this separation. It is the failure to recognize and submit to God’s chosen authority over his family that causes the division. Jesus chose Peter to head the family of God (see Matthew 16:18-19). There is an unbroken line of popes or papas from Peter to John Paul II. To the Ms. Birds and Ms. Kennedys of the world I say: Listen to your papa! For as Saint Ambrose noted, Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia (“Where Peter is, there is the church”). Sal Magluilo East Dublin Dear Editor: I would like to respond to Ms. Bird from Statesboro, who stated that we are justified by faith alone. The teaching of the Catholic Church, [which] by the way, is biblical, states that nowhere in Scripture is it written that faith alone justifies. Saint Paul wrote: “For we account a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law.” He was referring to works peculiar to the old Jewish law, and he cited circumcision as an example. The church teaches that we are justified by faith and works only when we are in the state of grace. Ms. Bird should not only read Romans but include James, which stated that faith without works is dead, also that a man is justified by [faith and] works and not faith alone. “Faith alone” is a Protestant fundamentalist concept. Ms. Bird also stated that no church is necessary for salvation. It was Saint Paul who got his salvation through the Church. Instead of misquoting Scripture and questioning church FAX: (912) 238-2339 E-mail: doctrine, Ms. Bird should read the Catechism, which draws on the Bible. Read and listen to great Catholic theologians like Scott Hahn and Karl Keating: they are true defenders of the faith. Remember the Catholic Church is the pil lar of truth. With all the negative things that have been said about our faith, the Catholic Church, along with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will triumph. Tom MacFarlane Valdosta Dear Editor: I am deeply chagrined by the misunderstand ing by some of the faithful of the document Dominus lesus. Who here supports adultery? None, I hope, for the Church has always taught the inherent dignity and respect of every human being, especially the respect due one’s spouse on account of the sacrament of matri mony. Therefore it is abhorent if a man states that “in truth” only one woman “in fullness” is his wife, but that he can be with other women in a similar way because they are like his wife, or worse yet, they have the same fullness his wife has! Yes, of course, there is participation in the one truth by other faith traditions, but dare one decry the voice of Christ which speaks through his Church as he proclaims, “This is my beloved who by marraige is in truth and in fullness my wife, through whom I give abun dant life to the world.” Ecumenism starts with truth as Abraham so rudely found out when he tried to pass Sarah off as his sister instead of his wife. It is only in proclaiming the fullness of the “Bride of Christ” that the salvific act of the passion, death, and ressurection of our Lord, when “heaven was wedded to earth”, becomes fully effective for all humankind. Joseph Peek Decatur n o O 0 V © y'