Newspaper Page Text
The Official Newspaper of the Diocese of Savannah
Vol. 101 No. 03 Thursday, February 14, 2021
Put Faith in Your Opinions
Catholic Laymen’s Association of Georgia
By Bishop Kelley
1 «m **k*d in #*y » motd for »h* intkiMkl AU)Wb»t
Th* Bttltain, I ftRinM ##r*w*iJe «»y**U l am
n»««!d to write m article » pr***e of »k« Catholic
Ltymea'i Atmm'mimm. I da no« think rfw Ajummju*-
t**» mnmUi a»y prakw. It* qaite jteedelent *tvi *ttc>
tewf«] work and the nmIu ohuuiad are enough. It
h«> nan than )-a*ii&*4 llw expectation ef tie Fnund-
ee», and m areruSerfw! mm*m ha» f»* *ur|>a***tl the
hop** of the «m>« Mitcuene. It hat ihown the people
of Oomni that tire aroatmt vapport at tboM funiU-
•nrntat doctrinal a? dha tnHfien, the Divinity
of CThriet *nd r**de<»pt*o» by Hi* Blood, the Divine
ii**piratK<f« of the Bible and an eternal Heaven and
HelL t* found in ths Catholic Church. It ha* taught
our non-Cntholir failaor-eitixetM that *»* d« nut be-
iiav* in the Divinity of Mary, though w* do axh her
j*»*y*t» a* wc a»k the prayer* of o*»a another, and
that we do read the Bible, and treat it ae Cod’* Holy
We tried to aaake them bditw that there w«« noth
ing haerrwpetdble with loyalty to the Republic m Oof
m-ngnttion of the rpsrituel authority uf *h* INsjie, and
1 aorpeet that a»w *inc« the teer ailli the Hun*, there
b 00* a mrn* in Ceorgae who doubt* our complete
loyalty and einght-Haartnd devutton to uut CnettMUry.
'thorn are ***** and queation* now con-
froMtftg w* What would have been tha reaab .f (he
«**l aerih* hod not been C*&mI *ff? Riot*, dleoeder
and dbetraction of property and inn* of life are efway*
the ac.'ompnmmeor «d etrihea. I mm merely rtatkng
fn«t*. ! *m out piecing the blame »n «i«h«* *ide.
ht»t every lover of thi« land mil admit that (her* i*
peat nend of »m* »*re-tig, tenaarretiire force In
America whkh will rcaolutcfy oppoeo all viol***** and
*’ »e*olurtefy aupport the ranotiCMted authoritier in
d«U«*e «| a |»wf«l and orderly tondect of afnir*.
h*ey I eaggeM that there » a field f« the
of the Catholic Laymen'* A**onation with the am
erdor with which they fought the prejudice and qpn«w~
prrmiltny &» Otorgko. Let them proclaim that
thia strong, coaMreative force i* th* Catholic Church.
Let them proclaim that ehc rtenda for law, for order,
and for the Loyal aappert of tha eothoritiea, end
to* the abutlote end nn-qu««*iao*d mpt*m*vy «f the
taw of the IsmJ: that *he brands m an axwany of Godi
any one who COOMti* nr uphold* reautanco to author
Wy, -hetaure euthoraty cornea from Codi that «$te
teach a* that wh*ffi the ««*>b tale* charge and in&cte
death, it l* eirnply mnrder; that dt< ueremgfy inoiat*
that the laborer aauat rao**** * ’living Wife," and
moat hy law he piutactad from tmpmaMM yam.
and yet ha ha* no light 10 U*e violence; end that the
employer fnuit in turn he protected again* »*«-*(-
mnted and illegal inter!arena*; *h# 4*m>*fidt of both
h*barer and mmptoyor mhmi***f>n to law and the pr*»-
ermtion of order,
Th* auorthsat, the Socmlist and the I W. W, ate
greo*. ***e*«i** of oor Republic. A wry m«ch gteaUtf
one «* the Awrwa* ettiree who eooneete or tupport#
ratirtaace to law and order. There » no plaao for
any of the** in thi* Raymbiii,. The Catholic Church
takes thia stand- Tha Constitutioa and k*ri made in
pursue*t# thoreod ere end nnt he our guides. Down
W*fh Anarchy, Boleheehan, Snciafwm effid the I W. W,
Law and order taint and shati prevail;
Asiuradly th* C*tho&* Laymen’* Assoctetiun. vara
of t|m support of these principle* by every Catholic
tt* C««fgia «»kI throughowt the country, ton aim W
rut* that our Frotaatapt f»i**»d* in th»* State will aid
in th* fight *g»?r»*t ihe two great rrils her*—allitaraey
and mob i*wv
To my roind the victory m certnin if w# will ossly
unite «rer forces for th* <araggie,
Th* Layman'« Association ha* met sue cam in th*
past, not by eecret »nd underhand mothods, hut by
opws defense and hauwat «t»t*«wmt*. &ueh a method
Ufill ont* more meet with Ignonnca eau***
prajwdic*. Than I**’* fight itrtiBwnr*. MoH i*w mm**
in>n»*ica and uyhnn Then fight it.
The origins of the Southern Cross and its mission of evangelization
can be traced to The Bulletin of the Catholic Laymen’s Association
of Georgia (above), first published in 1920. To learn more about the
Catholic Laymen’s Association, listen to the “It’s Catholic Y’air podcast
History of Publications in
the Diocese of Savannah
The Bulletin of the Catholic
Laymen’s Association of Georgia
1/1/1920 -11/23/1956
The Bulletin of the Catholic
Laymen’s Association of Georgia,
Official Newspaper for the
Diocese of Savannah & Atlanta
11/24/1956 -12/31/1958
The Savannah Bulletin
1/4/1958 - 3/8/1958
The Bulletin, Diocese of
Savannah Edition
3/22/1958 -12/31/1962
Southern Cross
1/1/1963 - present
A Season of Renewal
We stand together on the
threshold of the beautiful
season of Lent: a time of
simplicity, purification,
sacrifice and renewal. How
necessary these forty days
are, as they take us out of
our everyday lives - out of
our “ordinary time” - and
encourage us to look more
closely at who we are and
how we live our faith. These
days of fasting, prayer and
almsgiving give nourishment
and renewal to the soul,
bringing us to resurrection
with the Body of Christ.
Ministries also need time for reflection and renewal. Over the
past months, I have been meeting with our Communications
Staff, Clergy, and Laity from around the Diocese to reflect on
the mission of the Southern Cross and the role it plays assist
ing me as Bishop of Savannah. Through these conversations,
it has become became clear that shifting from a primarily
‘news-driven’ publication to a ‘features-driven’ publication
would better meet our mission of building up the Body of
Christ in the Diocese of Savannah and beyond.
I am excited to announce that this March, the Southern
Cross will change from a bi-monthly newspaper to a monthly
magazine. It will focus on local stories and original features,
with content designed to engage, inform, inspire and - most
importantly - spread the beauty and truth of our Catholic
faith. This decision will also be more efficient from a budget
ing perspective. I am confident that the renewed version and
format of the Southern Cross will be pleasing and inviting
both in content and aesthetics.
Thank you for your patience during this time of transition.
Please know that I am grateful for your continued prayers
and be assured that I remember you, your loved ones and
your intentions in my daily conversations with God.
Stay tuned as we embark upon this journey to build upon
the legacy of this publication and begin a new chapter for
Communications in the Diocese of Savannah. May this Lent
be a beautiful season of renewal not only for us personally
and communally, but for the Southern Cross as well!
In Christ,
~h ^ozphLA /L
Most Reverend Stephen D. Parkes, D.D.
Bishop of Savannah