Southern Baptist messenger. (Covington, Ga.) 1851-1862, April 15, 1860, Page 64, Image 8

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64 Labor, Xrusft, Be sober, then; be vigilant—forbear To seek or covet aught beyond thy sphere ; Only bo strong to labor, and allow Thy Master’s will to appoint the where and how. Servo God ! And winter’s cold or summer’s heat, The breezy mountain, or the dusty street, Scene, season, circumstance, alike shall be IJis welcome messengers of joy to^thee. % His kingdom is within thee, rise and prove A present earnest of the bliss above! Heaven knows not disappointment; earth alone Mourns wishes unfulfilled, and hopes o’erthrown. Pass but the golden gates; distrust and doubt, The brood of guilt and fear, are left without; Once bathe thino eyes in heaven's essential light, Which casts no shadow, and expects no night. And all God’s mighty works, and wondrous ways Shall wake no thought that shall not speak his praise For thou shalt see Him as He is, and then Shalt know that God is love.—Amen, Amen, Bearing the Cross. The heaviei cross, the nearer heaven; No cross without, no God within, Death, judgment from the heart are driven Amidst the world’s false glare and din. Oh happy he, with all his loss, Whom God hath set beneath the cross! The heavier cross, the stronger faith ; The loaded palm strikes deeper root; The vine juice sweetly iasueth When men have pressed the clustered fruit, And couragt grows where dangers corno, Like pearls beneath the salt sea foam. The heavier cross, the heartier prayer ; The bruised herbs most fragrant are, If wind and sky were always fair, The sailor would net watch the star; And David's psalms had ne’er been sung, If grief hia heart had never wrung. The heavier eross, the more aspiring; From vales we climb to mountain crest: The pilgrim, of the desert tiring, Longs for the Canaan of his rest. The dove has nere no rest in sight, And to the ark she w ings her flight. The heavier cross, the easier dying, Death is a friendlier face to see ; To life’s decay one bids defying — From life’s distress one then is free. The cross sublimely lifts her faith To. Him who triumphed over death. Thou Crucified ! the cross I carry— The longer may it dearer be, \nd, lest 1 faint, whilst here I tarry, Implant thou such a heart in rile. That faith, hope, love may flourish there, Till for my cross the crown J wear! “These Three And I.” Almighty Father, Spirit, Son, Iu name and person Three, In attributes and being One, What part have I in thee t SOU THJS KJN BAPTIST MESSENGER. lam the creature <fa day ; Thou from eternity: I dwell in tenements A*clay ; Thou art Infinity. And I am all unrighteousness, An erring, trugile thing ; While thou art perfect holiness, A universal .King. But, holy Father, I am thine, Mv being is of thee ; A parent’s care and love divine Thou dost bestow on me. The Spirit dwells within m3 breast, And points to joys above ; lie soothes my tr nbled Jiuu t to jesfc Through luith iu aesus’ love. The Son, Redeemer of 1113” soul, Blest Savior, tiiou art mine ; ‘G.uiay thy liie control, And make me w holly thine. Thou art my Friend, my Hope, my Trust, Thou blessed One in Turee, And all thy ways are kindtyjust, And show thy love for me. Then welcome all the pain and care Which 1 his brief lile shall bring, If thus thou wih. my soul prepare To meet my heavenly King. HUSHTON’S LETTERS, AND THE EVEItLASTING TASK. 1 Liere being a great 110103 calls lor inis very valu - -L ble work w Inch oan on I3 be supplied by the.- issuing ol anew edition we u.iv<- now republished it in am a 1 pamphlet for 111 of about 100 pages. I’o wbich will be appended thus Everlasung Ta.sjr for Armenians, By Win Gadsby late of Manchester England. The whole neatly covered with pqper. and sent pre paid to any Post Uliice oh the follow ing terms. Une copy, .... ,3h Four copies to one person, ... o ( , Twenty-live copies to one person, - - $6( 0 Address orders to WM L. BEEBE Covington, Ga. NEW HYMN BOOH! “ ELD G BEEBE’S NEW HYMN BOOK, pr.-praed expressly for the use of the *>l<J ."Cheol or Primitive Baptis s, is now tea y.* It contains v-r Thirteen Hundred Hymns, prmt e - on New Stereotyped Plates in the best of workmanship, on first rate paper, and good substantial bindings making a book of SOn pages. , TERMS : Plain Binding, Single Copy, $1,00; or 6 copies, $5,00 Blue Binding, Single-Copy, SGCi4-; & -copies, $5,50: or 1 Dozen Copies for SIO,OO. Blue Binding with Got Single Copy, $1,25; or G copies $6 00; or 1 Dozen copies, for $1,1,00 Best Quality Binding m Turkey Morocco, Single Copy, $2,00 ; G Copies for $11,00; or 1 Dozen copies, for $21.00. The Cash must accompany the orders in all ras.s, an l the Books wid be sent by retu *n mail, postage paid; or by Express at the publisher’s expense. Address order- to VVWi. L BEEBE Covington, Newton County’, Ga., or to E and. G BEEBE, Middletown, (.'range. *Co , N. V’ TO JOINT SUBSCRIBERS. The joint subscription a rangemtnt with the Banner of Liberty, is henceforth abolished ; the names of those vho have sent to us, h >wever, for the “ Banner.” will >e sent on to the Editor of that paper; but .t. imposes >u us too much labor to wit-e-au for all tlrose wive ave be.-n accustomed to order that paper through us. ur patrons will please in future order the “Banner” •pirate y from the Editor of that paper, at MiJdle- vn. N Y. Tie Signs of tub Times, however, will be nt to those ordering it with the .Messenger at One ’■dlar an 1 Fifty cents, which mustbe paid invariably .o advance. A CIRCULAR TO THE PRIMITIVE BAPTISTS. Dear Brethren— Previous to the death of mr husband, Eider,Benjamin JLlpyd,iaut!ior <and tlietPum .itive.Hymns, he requested that his Hymn Book Lu -sincss should be carried on lor the accommodation of the Primitive Baptists. His family will carry, on the book business just as it was during his lifetime. AYe will continue to have the books published— always keeping a lull supply on hand so that our agents and all others can order them at any time ; and we will f be thanklul to meet their orders pr< mptly. \\e hope that all the brethren and friends.who have heretofore been acting as agents lor tlodiyn n Id , k, will con tinue to exercise their influence and assistance incur behalf. Very Respectfully, NAOMI A. LLOYD. PRIMiTi V, lihhNiS. CASH PRibJtX PJain, substantial binding, single copy,7s cts; copies for sd.oo, ana twelve copies tor SB.OO. B,u . e , a Jl d Ked Morocco binding, plain edges, single copy SLOO; six copies for $5.00, or twelve copies lor SU'.OO. 1 .Extra Gilt Edge and Gilt covers,.elegant strle, sin* ? e *.T/,i„ $1 - £5 > six **>**• <cr *O.BO, or twehe copies tor !plo 00* At these prices we will send our books by mail our own expense, to any Post Office in the United States or Territories. Any person, compand or chinch, ordering as .many as a in zen books, at the above rates, shall have one hook extra of ihe same quality ol the d< zen so ordeied ; or, il a dozen should be wanted embracing some ol each quality, then the extra book shall average with the dozen thus ordered and we will pay the postage on all the books wLun they are mailed. Wo would return our -.-most sincere thanks to the brethren and friends lor the interest they have taken in the sale of our Hy mn Books, and wf vv. uld most respectiulJy solicit a continuance ol the san e Ail letters and orders lor the Primitive Hymns s! 0111 1 0 addressed to .Mrs. N. A. Lloyd, Greenville, Li tier county, Ala. Greenville. Alabama. Feb. WILLIAM L\ b t tb 1 , slain, Inntji ani (Sjrnamtiu.i BOOK AMD JOB PBIMM COVINGTON, GEORGIA, Is now prepared to execute mar y everj descript ion 0 Priming, ai short notice, g>od styde, mc! as CAHI >S. TK’KE'IS. CIRCULARS, CATA LOt.UES, LARGE KILLS, IJUL LABELS, I *ltO iRA M M ES, - PA... Pill ETS, POSTERS. JSEpte BOOKS billheads. daw blanks, BLANK DEEDS, • A<\, Ac.. Ac., Ac. The selection of Type having hem carefully made, ami the material beinu mostly m w, he fl; tuisTin rtlf that he can give satisfa-lion'll, even pi.riicuiar orders for any thing i„ the r r inti, g lii e is respect fully solicited. Cash is 1 eq.uired fx>i a l Job ‘W oik The Tenth Volume of the SOUTHERN BAPTIST MESSENGER VV. L. BEEi>E, & J. L. DURING ION, Editors. The SoUTjiJtKN Baktisi >1 esskngxr, dev on o u the service of the Old School or Primitive Baptists it i.ubhshed at Covington, Ga., on or ahoutthe Ist and 15th of each month, by WILLIAM L. BEEBE. Proprietor, To whom all communications must be addressed Terms. One Dollar a year, invariably in urranee. •"lx copies o deivd and paid for at one time $6 00 thirteen copies, $lO. Specimen copies sent free es charge, on applicntio*