Southern Baptist messenger. (Covington, Ga.) 1851-1862, May 01, 1860, Image 1

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VOL.'X. (il'omnuuucations. Abbeville, Ala., *Ai*ml 22 1860. Brethren Editors: —l desire by vour punis tiofi,*4o .address the brethren ami sisteis, with vinn fc formed an acquaint an -e la*t summer if. ywurSaic, ami especially Eld. D. W. Patman. $My flea’ brother, it is with pleasure that I ail dress you, according to y ur r* qn<-st through the medium of the Southern Baptist Messenger, ami if H make-my letief 100 personal, you must, excuse nae, for I assure you, that on my part, ach inei;t could not be greater. My doctrinal opinions are)-, known and read of all men, so far as I am known. I may not say anything in a doctrinal waytihiough this Correspondence; yet I do not llufck that I would be saying too much, if I were tostell you, and the brethren and sisteis autotig whom 1 went preaching, ( ast July and August,) that J never shall, f.>rget our Pst iuteiviews to getter, and the blessed feelings produced in my soul, l y the simple and pathetic r lation winch many of the dear jjtje, of ho w die migh* ty’jGod amLS ivfer blessed, ibem in the fug vvnoss of their sms; the emotions of ulnSe mi ids to getbefv'with ynr own my dear hurtle , I judged tube wholly undisguised, and of the pine gospel kind. .And according to my firm conviction * I Blind and faith-in wliat I then saw about you, as-■dear saints i:r ChrisfJesus, so it 1/atb been with and unto me; namely .; it hath united my aoul with youis in a l*md ot love, which i hope will never be dissolved in this, flor inhb i world to come. AVe lead of tlw-tuiby of the Spirit; and I can hut think ihat this blessed union does now aciua ly exist between you and me ; and .if H does, I am sure that none can sever the twain, dissolve the union, 01 break the Indy a-liiatic ■; tor what God by hia-Spirit hath j ined together, no one can put asuiakr. ‘And if my visit t**, and preaching ill y<ur cofHitry and churches, wvre intended by the giKdtLoid* for no oilier purpose than that of form ng (die above happy union, you and I ought henceforth and forever to l ies* and-praise the G >d of our'salvation,-.who is the king of saints. My brother, believe-, m*. when I say thaf I have, and yet do iriuch desire vtliat you may be great ly indulged of the Lord, and blessed with afeige portion of divine window in tlie*-tm Mary iT bis word, and spiritual light and strength, and that your soul may he richly juul bountifully fed wij.h the sweet, dainties of the got-pel a f the Sn of God ; and that you may more and more be blessed witha. tender <on science, and a meek and quiet spirit, and a low. DEVOTED TO THE SERVICE'OF THE OLD SCHOOL BA PTISTS. “ohs 4Sa oac COVINGTON, NEWTON CO., OA., MM I, ISGO. ly mind, anil tiiai you myv walk worthy of ih*- v* <M.tin wherewith you h ave been called. ‘;My dear brother, your letters >f love ands xhor* ianon to me have been gdadlv received, and I ibitUc that 1 ImVe-great leasoM to bl<*>? the good L *ro fr their ; hence votr see, thai I'attach great importance t* the dude* and p ivi leges of si-in it gup the chiisiim mb.d, to a seu-e of ilu'.v,.and to ti c i xeicise . I tiigli ami liolv clriT-tian privileges. I study fee! much indebted to \ou for vour la hors of love to trie. F. r 1 know , mt it is vain to think that l can be happy in my own soul, aird'r i vely in mind, and savory in conv. rsa lion, aad-bving near to Gal, when the duti sot a chn-tMaU ife are neghcied. It i- t'lie mv brother, that oumiwn experience, as well as his word, lias lot.ifiswce taught ti- that (Taj will iie. sought unto by hi* people, that he may do that which he hath proirtiS tl to, for them to answer to the prayer ot taiih. We are told in hi* wvord, that the ijdigeut son! shall be made far. and ‘t 1v that seek ihV* Lrd early, shall find him. And it is equally tti* that the Christian, man finis great coiid rt in searching me Scriptur**. 1v reading the-Bitde of ten and closely, bis nimd becomes more and more ( e.o,UgtleUed, Hlid informed iq, t ho great feeding doc. I trine of 1 he.go-pel, -ai/d hjs *oltl comforted uni eti cmiragMl in the pursuit* AdfetW'iiiviiie j fe the pre.oou* promise* of G id ; the il dv--Spirit accom pai y tig them wi || wauii I) and powe< to hi* s ail, a i.d >liei.'ili>g beams of light upon thrill a* lie lead ami meditates therein. In prayer ais >, lie draws! mar io G <d at times, and become* familiar with imp, ami ink s known to him bis tioubl and Waiits an I distresses ; and at the sane time he seeciyas him to appear es his he per in line of need Afevld *• In mv di-tress I cried unto the L nd : 1 -hewed ; b'fore him niy tidulde. Mv sp rit made -ddigent -watch; O God thou art my God; ear y will 1 seat tlreef every day will 1 bless thee, and l will praise tiiy ua ue forever ami ever. I wait for ihe L -rd :my soul doth wait, ami in his word do I hope. 1 wid c4lLjjpo.ll 4he L>rd, who is worthy to be praised : blessed Je tie* L nd, bt-eau*e he hath Lean! the \oiceof tny suppl eiiion.” I verv ot ten, my biother, trv to n> *elf tiie liupor ani question, ha* Lcil heard tiie Voice of my r up plication ? for l have often been in deep di-tress ! have al*o had sea*<4u of rj -icing in nn own soul. 1 have wondered at tin- mfi nte cumpa—i m oi ,(} and, ami admiied and adored tin riches of grace aml.Jimrry displayed Hi the salvativ n, of ,iii\ jioor soul, which bv nature wa* exposed to ruin. 1 have of >ll beam deliver* and from dunres*atjd t-risuble sine*.-and 1 hope yojj my brother will give thanks to God our Settlor for me: for it in yet true that 1) an a Manning inonuin.-til olgit-utmeicy. lam mi liable to give -ocp-esaions oLgiatit ude amltbai ks .givmg a* ought to be done, to the*God of giacei who trath called rue (ass h'P* ) unto Lls eternal glory. It is indeed g.eai 111* icy and grace 1 o u*, and for ns, that the atui.Jnf:GoiTs tveilas t r.g love, will tbievcr hold ffsl the W bole redeem ed f-rnily ,-so that inrt a hoof of ihrn phall be Jett behind. AI whom Giuisi’s 11 *td hath bought, and redeemed unto Gol, we believe wid be brought fife-tu rlly to the participation 1 hereof, by the Spirit o’ out Svi *t. For want of space l must corndudc, by saxing that 1 want 10 .-ee y*u and all the dear saints ia your parts, and I intend, God being-will ug to visit Georgia again. It, may I e that T sfiall send on mv appointments for publication .aiioiit ti e 10th of May. I want to visit many xfcjiurches that t fa bd to vi.-it last, a ear. i givatCy desire to be fill ed with tlje company *f ail the brethren in my tour, i saints, ibe great p* int w ilb me is to walk btirt'ibly with God, mid to ku*<w lv the t sti mony I>F the’ Spirit that l am horn of G and, and interested in the blessing* *f the. gospel, tor..with out this, all wit! g*j id wj*h me at last. I mean by ibis to ve a ferni t< ken *f my hive to all win* !<>ve mu L >nl Jesus Gnrist, m sineeiify, VoUis truly, &c. JL \V. HELMS. CkAwk*irdsvi4.l. ’ Jnd., Mulch, 1860. Dear Brethren Edit ks:— 1 liave been an at- Itemive reader oi ttie Messenger since it-commence ment, and have tormcibq me an acqu.sinlance with some of its ooirespondent-, by leavling rite*.r cojn • uuidcHtions, wbicti no>k-s iimje I .lojiyalik my G and lUIOII * Very reun llibmu*;e of tinm. Beimr eol ii feuL.of this veiy tiling, that he which hath beguu-s gg >od a work m \ou, will peifenn it un til the day id J sus Giirisi. I have felt much in debtedness for the many pieefeus Scripture lessons, and Christian evidences I have received wlfee lead ing Ihe Messenger. I know the paper has been pi. fi able io me, and every ;,uuife r liylps to build me ;jj> in love to- ,the br*-tlii* u, which ts an evi dence. to me of Having passed lYom *l. atli to ld'e and every Dumber. I icad stiis up a desire to speak often, -Vdy.i**ften, to ih.ise who love the Lord, and talk upor. Ins, jyune. lint wiitiig is laboiious woik, which prevents m** fry in following mv desir** -ii 1, may ,le f j, j; some ojlier.-, who hav# wriden very coudortab! * things I t tiie Messenger. Nothing hut love to the cause, could make me wiiiiug to try to cotnimiiin a e in this way—yet have 1 at times so ei j iye*l my uiediianous wbde tiying to write to the faithful followers ot Christ, that 1 have been doubly paid for tuy labor, and NO. 9