Southern Baptist messenger. (Covington, Ga.) 1851-1862, June 15, 1860, Page 96, Image 8

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96 pjftrg. j The Guiding filar. ■ Tuffs—G reenesboko’. There is a star, a guiding star, Os all the train most bright, Its glory shines above the skies, It dvrells entfifoiied in light. It is the friend of all the good. Whose hopes are fixed on high, It cheers them through the vale of earth, Its comforts never die. *lts rays aTe seen on India’s ooasts, In distant lands afar, It shines above human ways, It is our guiding star. O may this blessed star of hope, The pilgrim’s guide below, Shifie in our souls 4 and bear us up, ’Till him we fully know. Then in that glorious world above, Which now is seen afar, ‘We’ll meet to sing the praise of Hint ‘Who is our guiding star. - mm* **e*AM~ * imrn Adoration. \ love my God, but with no lore of mine, For I have none to give ; I love thee, Lord, but all the love is thine, For by thy life I bve. lam as nothing, and j ioe to be Emptied, and lo3t, and swallowed up in thee. Thou, Lord, alone, art all thy children need, And there is none beside ; From T nee the stream* of blessedness proceed, In Thee ihe ble-t abide, Fountain of life, and all abounding grace, Our source, our centre,'Ji till ur dwelling place ! * ■ i ■■ ■*.. ... App ointments - ®ld. 11. F. Pickett, the Lord willing, expects to preaoh at the following named churches, and time designated, in the bounds of the Ebenezer, Conecuh River, and Antioch Associations, to wit: Mount Pleasant, Montgomery’ Cos., Ala., Thurs day, June 7. Bethel, Montgomery Cos., Ala., Friday June 8. Shiloh, Lowndes Cos., Ala., Saturday, June 9. Bathlehom, Montgomery Cos., Ala., Sunday, June 10. Rest, Monday June 11. Cool Spring, Lowndes Cos., Ala., Tee&day, June 12. Harmony, Lowndes Cos., Ala., Wednesday, June 13. Sweet Water, Butler Cos., Ala., Thursday, June 14. Mount Zion, Butler Cos., Ala., Friday, June 15. Mrriah, Butler Cos., Ala., Saturday and Sunday, June 16, and i7. Rest, Monday, June 18. Fort Dale, Butler Cos., Ala.. Tuesday, June 19. Shiloh, Butler 0 >., Ala., Wednesday, tune 20. Breast Work. Butler Cos., Ala., Thursday, June 21. Bethsaida. Wilcox C >., Ala., Fri ay, June 22. Cedar Greek, L iwndes Cos.. Via., Saturday and Sun day, June 23 and 24. Rest, M >nday, June 25. Stiait Creek. WdooxCo., Ala., Tuesday and Wednesj- July 26, aud 27. SOUTHERN B ATT IST MESSENGER. Big Swamp, Monroe Cos., Ala., Thursday, June 28. | Harmony, Monroe Cos., Ala., Friday, June 29. Salem, Monroe Cos., Ala., Saturday and Sunday, June 80, and* JulyH. Union, Monroe Cos., Ala., Monday,* July 2. j Rest, Tuesday, July 3. Antioch, Conecuh Cos., Ala., Wednesday, July 4. | u Ebenezer, ButlerCo., Ala., Thursday-and‘Friday, ■ Julv'S.'and'G. Macedonia, Butlef Cos., Ala., Saturday and Sunday, ‘July 7, and*. W. M.’-PURIFOY. , ‘Snow Hi El, Ala., May 7, 1860. * Randolph Cos., Ga., May 7, 1860. Brother Beebe : —Be so good as to insert iu your paper the following appointments for ine to try to preach at the following places, Colquit, Miller Cos., Ga.,on Thursday night, Juno 21. Pilgrims’ best, Friday, June 22. Prosperity, Saturday and Sunday, June 23 & 24. Richland, Monday, June 25. ’Tired Creek, Tuesday, June 26. ■Piedmont, Wednesday, June 27. Ilephzibah, Fla., Thursday, June2B. Attapulgus, (known by the name of Hack) Friday, June 29. Bjthel, (Fowltown,) Saturday, June 30. Bainbridge, Sunday, July 1, ’ABNER BELCHER. NEWH VMNROOK! ELD. (J BEEBE’S NEW HYMN BOOK, prcpraed expressly for the use of the old ;>chool or Prindthe Baptists, is now ready. It contains ever Thirteen Hundred Hymns, printe i on New Stereotyped PLaiesin the best of workmanship, on first rate paper, and good substantial binding, making a book of 800 pages TKRAYS : Plain Binding, Single COj.y, $1,00; or 6 copies, Blue Bimling, Sing e Copy, $1,12#; 6 copies, $5,50; or 1 Dozen Copies for SIO.OO. Blue Binding with Gilt Edges, Single Copy, #>1,25; or € eVrpies v so 00; or 1 “Dozen copies, for $ll,OO Best Quality Binding in Turkey Morocco, Single Copy, $2,00; 0 Copies for &ll,Oo; or l liozon*copies, for $21.00. The Cash must accompany the orders in all cas.s, an.( the Books wid be sent bv rebu *n mail, postage paid; or by Express at the publisher’s expanse. Address orders to WM. L BEEBE Covington, Newton CdUhty, Ga., or to Eid. G BEEBE, Middletown, Grange. Cos , N. Y TO JOINT SUBSCRIBERS. The joint feilbseription arrangement with the Banner of Liberty, is henceforth abc iShed ; the names of those who have sent to us, h wever, for the “ Banner.” will be sent on to the Editor of that paper; but t on -us too rrt-tieh labor to write on for all those who have be- n accustomed to order that paper through us. Cur pa rous will please in future order the “‘Banner” separate y from the Editor of that paper, at Middle town, N Y. T e Signs of the Times, however, will be sent'to those or leri ng it with the Messenger at One Dollar an i Fifty cents, which* mustbe paid invariably ia v advance. ftUSHTON’S LETTERS, AND “THE EVERLASTING task inhere 'being a great many calls for this very v*alua“ . ble work which can only be supplied by the issuing, of anew edition we have now republished it in a neat pamphlet form of about 100 pages. To wlifeh ‘ t/ill be-a-ppeii'ded The Everlasting Task for Arminians, By Win Gadsby late of Manchester England. The whole neatly covered with paper, and sent pre paid to any Post Office on the following terms. One copy, .... - ,30 Four copies to one person, ... $1 On Twenty-five copies to one person, - - SSOO Address orders'to WM L. BEEBE Ga. A CIRCULAR TO THE PRIMITIVE BAPTISTS. Dear Brethren—Previous to the death * of ► inv husband, Elddr Benjamin Lloyd, author of the Prim itive Hymns, he requested that his -Hymn Book bu siness should be canned on* for the accommodation of the*Primitive Baptists. Ilis family v will carry on tho book business just as it was during his lifetime. We will continue to have the books published—always keeping a full supply on hand so that our agents and Ml others can order them at any time ; and we will be thankful to meet their orders promptly. We hop* that all the brethren and friends who have heretofore been acting as agents lor the Ilyn.n Bc< k, will con tinue to exercise their influence and assistance in cur behalf. Very Respectfully, N AOMI A. LLOYD. FRlMili v xu n l iVii\ IS. CASH PRICES. Plain, substantial binding, single copy, 75 cts; six ■copies for $4.00, and twelve copies tor SB.OO. -'Blue and Red Morocco binding, plain edges, single copv SI.OO ; six copies for $5.00, or twelve copiesfor $9.00. Extra Gilt Edge and Gilt covers, elegant style, sin glecopy, $1.25, six copies fer $0.50, or twelve copies for sl3 00. At these prices we will send our books by mail, at our own expense, to any Post Office in the ■ Unitea States or Territories. Any person, company, or church, ordering as many as a dozen books, at the above rates, shall have one book extra of the same .quality of the d’ zen so ordered ; or, if a dozen should be wanted embracing some of each quality, then the extra book shall average with the dozen thus ordered, and we will pay the postage on all the books when they are mailed. Wo would return our most sincere thanks to the brethren and friends for the interest they have taken in the-sale of our Ilymn-Books, and we w< uld most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. All letters and orders for the Primitive Ilymns should he addressed to Mrs. N. A. Lloyd, Greenville, Butler county, Ala. Greenville, Alabama, Feb. 21, 1860. WILL IA M L . BEE BE~ = f lain, Jfancj anj) Ornamental BOOK AID JOB PRINTER COVINGTON, GEORGIA, Is now prepared to execute nearly every description • Printing, hi shoit notice, and in good siyl*-, m ch as CARDS. t TICKETS. CIRC UL A RS, ‘GA TA LO<. U ES, LARGE BILLS, *■ LABELS, I’RO i R A M M ES, *PA a. I’ll I KTS, POSTERS. /Jpfefe BOOKS, BILLHEADS, ’ LA W BLANKS, BLANK DEEDS, ‘'&C., V &C., <fec., &c. The selection of Type having been carefulh made, and the material being mostly lit w, he flj.ti n t-’l in nlf that lie can give satisfa* tion in every ]>nriicular. Orders tbrany thing in the l'rintii g lire is respect fully solicited. Cash is required foi a.l Job Woik The Tenth Volume of the SOUTHERN BAPTIST MESSIKGIR W. L. BEEBE, &f J. L. DURING I ON, Editors. The Southern Baptist Messenger, dev it < u tl* service of the Old School w Primitive Baptists, ia published at Covington, Ga., on or aboutthe Ist and 15th of each month, b> WILLIAM L. BEEBEj Pioprietor, To whom all communication! musi 1 • addressed 1 Terms. —One Dollar a year, invariably in a< vance i r*ix copies o detvd and paid for at one lin.e $5 00 thirteen copies, $lO. Specimen copies sent free of charge, on .application.