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Rfm^yibbii iiFfisf wpi± b
OLommujuatitml •
SourAliV il iiURMKNT. Fek, 18G2.
Hkau Fif *TIt v. t; I >:kui :—ll iO’ t I e-ressaiy for
flip to is,U♦ : j., I. g . ( (! j „, v mL net* a* acm res*
pond* nt, as i m n.-i r< iHtrt ti• >*t it. would satisfy
JUiV out-, hm'l Hjj dog: v |4 :i o. ii. ih! tiling, are of j
Flit hide roiis- <|*i tier. S * a-l„l-i'e! h tell and silver* i
IlKt'D <h-Sll*d II; v VVUs ;,l p[f !iIIIf S, Mfl <1 ’ ft* I - !
< ttf portion* r Sv-njitue, v (mi Mil j rts ctuineeled
“"i'll the p.*ae*e t*ij inv-spetliv of the Z oil of (roil
lH this w-iid. |t iji not out ,f nv -ehsiv-p-ct for
O’tv <f tin* 1 ••*’t,t 11 and s>■ t-V* •* that l have fail* <1
to Comply v’ ill 11 1 •-i• i que-ts }*>ut as I vve heart!
it r matk*d. *a it an knows hi* orn nfi mitie*
I'i't’n tflail MU It|r Mi (• (•■ -|. kn• w tin m.” so I
tan say Mi t itlli ati'i wr tv. Yet l have Sif^lbposp 1
fion Hi “'lie ii > h eihten til the tV-Howstop • f the
g’ sp- lii Cl itst. aoooiiiMio to tlm aFiliiv G -if ha
gVi li ill*-, and *i, he Content with IIIv lot. I is h!
m* St twenty f- >Ui years in*** I I>. ratlin }> member
Os li'* Up! Ist C-‘tiirli, and in - -it* t halt *w< tit y - V*' nr<i
•il-Ce Il rTtii to punch. jiml tbet'e Fas t. ti<> 1
time rl't!i 11 1 Hi J-l’o<l wh* n | have f!l more pml
and ie*dv than flaw <f lain. I often think of
that ‘--i ■ • I ’— !I ? lul - aiiMiv win--
the raia -Woin j>iforiiof Z oil sludl * i j -V etc* Hal
rest and je;ee. mu! where their wid he no dill of
w*r teu eda-ft f re se m rlii ga* in?. N r <> invading
f-e. wi’ii the t\ rants jdea * t i.-< •*- ssit v. sh; II ,-v#*i
tend that i appy land ; int ti *re tfie ii< t<> in im
mortality shad teign f.-r-vi, foe tr- in *’n. snirow,
and tail nmitalitv. il w to pt-arl> J -*mis file
sinnn*s Fiend, the lelie-Xet’s I • pe. our Piiphet.
iLie-t and Ki'g. 1 love to ip ak e f the undying
love i,t ,Jt-vus, who cited and t< sc- again for li e jus
tillealioii • f his chosen pec pie; and not‘only tot
then j-M.fiea'n.-ri, hut also their salvation Hrutn
sin. death, lull all i die g*av*'.
S-)Un t un* M’nre, S sM-i JnhaYia 11. S limn n. of
T’r iki n c-c.. V T -e. >e<j c>t- and o<\ views on the ninth
chapter * ( li -mans, the mr< nil and third Ve*s - c ,
Jiailiclilaliv if the- thud wise. •*! say the io-tfL.
in Cl list, I lie not.ji v c also heat inn me
witness it. the (rin s.r, liiai 1 have* jjieat hea
viness. and rontii uil sorrow in my heat;. For j
Could wish that myself wcie aeeurstd f’om Qiuis!
for tnv lue'.luen, mv k nsiinn arcoidii’i; io the
I S’ inetious find tr.oie,/’ flioultv to tell what a
f xt dies ii ran, than to t< li w i at it dors not un*an
From wiil tlie Apostle sajs in llir juere-liuij eh#*p
ter, and i-'s views in gene rl c.'f the gospel. I know
he dots not express any hing contrary to the reve-
“oas *.©&3, oua x>av, ams osb bavissh.”
| la ion c f (tody made known to him lhrc|ugii Je>us
| Christ, nnhss it n ghi f-e to txpiess ||r <Usc*iihe
some of his <wii fi sblv fee;tugs. llis sorrow for
the Jew* was very great \ and he testifies before
Cod in the most sej. run mam er, as xj'lesscd in
the hist verse, that sued indeed wsh the rase. 1
do not say ihwt fie was under the it fluence <-f the
flesh w'ln-rr he c xpressed himself in surb a solemn
manner. Oi* ! r-irt he savs the,until in Christ,
\ and docs no he ; atso Lore hull wit
ness in the Hole Ghost that lie had (/realhenvines
and rot tinnac sorrow in his l au, and that it was
for his hteiiu.M , his kinsmen according to, the
flesh. • l'aid ceitanly under went,a sore mi tl m in
his mind,.tWs'deiing, in tlie one rase, (E el’s nn
e-tiantie ai*f> { tyi*}*-e ie lative to the Jews. .ir Israel,
that tiny w< ie a lejetited pee pie, and that the (jfen
’ tiles we re to he iMvee!, wlnle ti the other ease, his
social aUarhiwi-i t t tiie Isiaeiitrs was sostioi.'or ;.s
i C 9
he otiCr hjyoievl |e*'j l * ■ f God, ami that he him
Hll w} s i-h l me iile. aid thoneh once a ln-i&eciiloi
t ” p , • 1
of the sail its. hi -i hi i*mv to God. hut now ‘a
Milj'Ct umginee —) say, <: v lesuiei ii g tryse things,
i'fc was an great ia aviiu ss, and e'e-nunuai sot row ot
i term. Kodowlt g the impulse •r • X*-ie’
ol his sot row and >,rief. f e says. ■* L'or I could wish.
Unit myself wir accursed [v /; * rated ] from Christ’
it->. i- --ill j*'i ti *. t it
iy as r ady to u< dng.* any ac*'-fi-.;e for ie a kiusnieu
it it would avail, anything t* waids their salvation.
LJ s somov was imm uT ia o, not ee> fi*u-d to mim,,
ole hmits, sotU ‘Wli-i si ndar to
xvi. I ) when the hold said !<* him, “H >w I ,ng.
wilt thou iiiouiii for Smiil, fe.-e!ig { have tej use ‘
him f oin ri**giit! g over Fraei if’ - Tiie injection o
Saul was a. soie ti ng to tl:e Ihopln t, as ihe iejtc- j
tiou of I raid was to tie Apeesiie. I have tio doubt
that Sumiei ki ew it v*a* just tn God to ieject Saul,
as S*ul Was a wiik'd man. eo I‘auf knew it va>
jnsi. m (and to io i-j eh Israel as a w -eked n. tio*. j
Vet 1 ‘aill cofliei te-ti lesliinoiiV that Isiatl hail a I
zeal ot (Eai, lut not according to k. owlweig *. F r
tiiev hemg ignorant of tiie I ighteoiisin;sß oi Go i. i
v j
went ahem to estJil'lish-a light;, e>usm as o! thru !
A- WP, would lie - l sul'lUlt to the ngfiteOUSiifwl of
God. \el ills for them, as < Xpressed till
Uie verstf Wilie ie ith chap!-r, ac- ords wiihj
wliat iie expresses in tlies t< xt : ** lLetioeu, ifi\ |
(lean’s desire and prayer to Go I for Imh 1 is, that, I
they m'ght he save d.” ijn does not say in il.e;
U-xt that iie did wish hunself arrui’std <jr si-]iiated j
from Christ, on account es his k tistneii, hut that I e
cot'ld wish hiimelt weie a* closed from Chits', it.-.
Yet, admitting that his language was su*e< p< tt*le!
of'the coiisirueltoii (which I will not deny) mat he
did wish himself aicursed or sepaiated tiom Cinist f
Oil He rnutlt of the Jew s, it is n ) greater expression
of the immod- rite impulse of the flesh than what
ha*- been occasionally the vx|>-*neure t tiie saite e,
when their own desite? and wishes l*ave come n
• nfl'ct with the will and purpose of God. It is
Tory clear to my iidnd. however it roa\ at jear to
others, that the Apostle’* sorrow auri fieai t’ desire
‘or Israel was not in accordance with theiriiid and
I U’pofte of God ;sfir not only in the nmtii, hut also
in the tenth and eleventh chapters, fie, uii ter tlie
mspiiation of the Holy Spirit, in a very c ear
and lurid niani v er, points mu the eternal pu> j o'O
of God. relat ve t< Israel, and iri reference to the
Gentiles. 11- >'i\s in the ninth raraptcr that ;hy
are not all Israel that are eif Israel. Neither li--
eatoetluy ar tie seed of Atuaham ae th \ aT
i hilehen, Imi in Isaac shall thv see el ir called. Toat
is, they which ate the ehi'dten of the tl--*i' r .ther©
Hie* riot tile t* li ildi •ll e f (tv el ; hilt the chthfieti ■ f
pi’’ tfjjswi aie coUnred fur the srel. lie then s| k?
ol the pUipose i t (re and / CvOid’.ng to * s
t•• h'ls.hed upon the pi inriple not of woi ks,*,"; of -mi
that ta! *t h, as ii is wt it ten. “J coh have 1 h-v •• , ’ t
K*au t-ave I hated,” and that before they w- let U in.
And though min s, and i pp" Sets m geneea 1 , uiay
e-> a<gv (E el wiiii uniigl,teousne.s, vet lU"i sins,
*’ XX La ! s-hali wr sav then ? Is thete UuilgHtei US*
n- >? with (i <I T <ioef F m M e to
Moses, I wdi have nie-iry oti vri otll 1 wtil !, v<3
mercy, and 1 wiii have compassion on whom 1 ni
tiMiv Ce 'll) paS-ie 'll.”
Tim* foregoing testimony of tlie Ap tstle i* snf]i
e’ient t<> show to every inquiring mind the u-ve-H tj I
purpose of G< ii, and lliat the Apostle acquiesr--d
h ;o!l‘i iu the same truth, in t Ithstaud ng ti o
great heavim ss and coiitintt il soreow of In ait lie
had for Im aI. l’.iul Huitutied fr Is ae> a* a oioi
uiouriMjli for his onlv sou, and a> 11-.viti mouimd
is do'ti, even to wish lie had el e-f f->r him ; vet
I -io not undeistanil that any wish l'aui e-ou'el tiave,
under the imj'tdse of a smtcwful lieait, either to
he separated fr->m C'utst, or to lnr riUeMfi*<l after
the yianinT >f Cmist. eeltld change hi- ronditiou,
tn titV condition jof the Isiaeliles. Ile dli oied that
in his tl sh there dwn It t.o good thing, and all tie
wished, er evulei wi*ii, its aiising from the u *sii,
has lu-thiiigjio do with, ne.iti-er ran it chang* t’he
pmp <r ot (id. * All that the Aj)o* I sltd, or did,
tiM'H-i the ilopTiU'-tr of the # Hot) (lost, a:* all
A j.o*l ie, minister of Christ, or as a was
ligtit heh ieGvd hut when not unehrihat s e-e tal
inspiration, he- was as likely to ftel, speak, ami do
wrong a* ot her nn u.
Tlie* saints in tEese davs are hahl-.* to he under
t he ii flu Mice e f the fl ‘!*h, arnl and a-e Milpe icepti
bly citnied away sometimes by tie. Idy feelings in
NO. 22>