The labor herald (Savannah, Ga.) 1???-19??, December 24, 1909, Image 8
I LOOK! LOOK!! LOOK!!! § AT SCHWAB’S WINDOW g ; For the biggest bargain you ever saw in Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry at y cost We have been closing out our jewelry stock for the past year, but still % have some of the finest pieces left. pX Diamond Brooches, Diamond Rings, Diamond Cuff Buttons, ? Diamond Lockets, Diamond Bracelets, Diamond Scarf Pins, | Gold Signet Rings, Gold Watches, Gold Pen Knives, Tie Clasps, Automobile Goggles, Lorgnettes, and a g lot of other things too numerous to mention See us before buying elsewhere and compare prices. § SCHWAB , BULL AND STATE STREETS ■ 1 " 11 I A few dollars a Month • That’s all we ask. and we will furnish your home complete—make your selections from the largest and most complete housefurnish in g store in the city—pay a little down —and afew dollars a month, just os it suits your convenience—no extra charge for the accomo dation and no embarrasing questions asked. THE The Glass \8 p? El TP Successors to Front Store HX W ■> ■ ■ Rhodes-Haverty FURNITURE COMPANY BAUGHN, ASPINWALL & ENSEL .'. F'a.shiorna.ble Attire and Accepta-lole Presents Men and Young Men COMPLETE LIKE OF MEN S FURNISHINGS A Delightful Xmas Present I E. Rr VZ. Collars '■A. Evening Dress Shirts Fancy Vests Gold and Silver Handle T* r\ TT o i a 2.f3SOiS iTOITI Evening Dress Protectors rancy bocks qq S2O 00 Evening Dress Gloves Sweaters ' Evening Dress Vests Also Gentlemen’s Umbrellas yj Evening Dress Ties Night Robes $5-00 to $35.00 jW JSjf •■■■•l* II 1 WRIIIIWIII I 6 kSoB f '■■•t'PJj II E style and fit of our clothes have j|| 1 | .* made them very much in demand this ! & |MI rp- 1 Ol season. 1 hey have a quality so fully ex- 1| |Lpf pressed they please the most exacting taste. 'fF Atterbury's Fine Suits from 28.50 to 60.00 Alfred Benjamin &. Sons Suits 18.50 to 37.50 Business Suits from 12.50 to 18.50 Overcoats and Covert Coats .... SIO to SSO Cravenette Coats from SIO to S4O Special Boys’ Department Boys’ Coat Suits Sole Agents for the Original Buster Brown Suits -Jq SIS $4 tO $7.50 Everything in Stock for the Little BAUQHN, ASPINWALL & ENSEL •C-. - - WE WANT TOUR TRADE | THE FASHION MORRISON-SULLIVAN DRV GOODS CO. Is the Place to buy your Wholesale and Retail Dealers In CHRISTMAS PRESENTS DRY GOODS, NOTIONS and FANCY ARTICLES Goat Suits, Cloaks, Sweaters n gents furnishings A speualty * 23 Broughton St., West 110 Whitaker Street t Telephone 2485 H and ail seasonable goods. You will save money at ‘ the underselling sTORd Solomon’s Company, Druggists. i 15 BROUGHTON STREET, EAST TWO STORES. ——- and Whitaker Sts., and Bull and Charlton Sts. “Society can have no respect for the intelligence of working men who take no interest in the organization of la bor. In proportion to their weakness in the spirit of unionism they lose the confidence and support of the public. It is the spirit of the times. It should not require argument to so convince wage-earners. To maintain strong or ganization in the true spirit of union ism is the only way for labor to be prepared for a crisis.”—From a recent address of Judge Alfred J. Murphy, Detroit, Mich. • fit LABUU rttWALD; > The Ludden and Bates Club Plan of piano selling was created for people w ho really want a high-grade piano, yet lack -1 ready money for its purchase. By joining the club of one hundred now forming, members can secure a really | | genuine $400.00 New Scale Ludden and I I Bates Piano at once. We send you the P . piano as soon as your application is ac- II cepted. You pay for it a little at a time \ IL each month. It’s like putting your 'X ( I ® ” money in bank, only better; —you actu- v-*' ally save $113.00 on the price. The Ludden & Bates c e a Te PIANO is a genuine $400.00 instrument if judged by the values of other pianos. It would cost s4ooxo too, only for our plan of making and selling one hundred pianos at a Ume, in stead of a single piano like other dealers. The saving to you issti3;-$287 instead ofs|co. The Ludden and Bates New Scale Piano is guaranteed for a life time. Has special copper-wound and steel strings throughout. Full cabinet grand, balanced scale, as perfect as skill can make it. Double repeating action, with light, even touch. Gen uine ivory keys. Beautiful cases of fancy walnut, mahogany or oak, lined through out with birds-eye maple. Tone full aud rich, with that peculiar “singing” quality found only in the highest grade of piano. In case of the death of the head of the family we cancel the club contract and make you an outright present of the unpaid balance. The piano then belongs to you absolutely. This free life insurance has allowed the completion of many a musical education, and is worth your consideration. It is practically an assurance that you will not lose your piano through inability to pay dues. Write us at once for an application blank and complete description of different styles of finish. In this way you can make a selection that will delight you. You can leave the question of tone to us. We will see that you get a perfect instrument. A well made, attractive stool and a beautiful scarf go with each piano. Write for i full information of the club that is now forming. LUDDEN & BATES, Southern Music House, Dept. 8 Savannah, Ga. For Ladies BAGS W-3T ' German Silver, Gun Metal, Leather, Beaded, and the fancy effects. z ' • li-4«\ KIMONAS Silk, Cotton aud Blisses, made with the yokes, shirred and Em- tWfPjw/ T j pi re effects. J j furs What’s nicer for a gift than a beautiful set of Furs? jPlrvFy PARASOLS WBWQSSk Each one in a nice box, pretty handles and good quality silk. O' gloves nrWnllSv Tverything you can ask for. Every pair guaranteed and put up in nice holiday boxes. HANDKERCHIEFS Linen, Blain, Initial, Embroidered, Boxes 6 each with Initials, hand embroidered UNDERWEAR Dainty conceits in French hand-embroidered Silk, Cotton, with the beautiful laces NECKWEAR \on will find Jabots, Bows, Ties, Collar Sets, Jet Trimmed Bows, Scarfs, Ruches ete HOSIERY box for asking te a"'' bliK,k ’ 98c ’ Silk eml >roidered from $3 to $6 pair. A nice Xmas JEWELRY i ' a.' 1 pa nik n”« « Hon l Ba “ dpaus . Jet. Crosses, Beads, Back Combs with brilliants lianN "ete S ’ ° 8 ’ lrooCheS ’ BtefU "B Front “eltKna, Horse Shoes, in poarl and bril- AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C. 1 Secretary Knox at ’Phone—Connect j with Slaughter House, moody Ranch, Central Africa. Call Chief Butcher of = baby monkeys. Chief Butcher—Hello, Knox! What’s up? Secretary K.—Rush home—don’t wait to murder another baby mon key. War declared against Nicaragua. \ou alone can save the American na 1 tion. Chief B. —Do you think there is any ' glory in the little enterprise? Secietary K.—Glory! I should say so! Half a dozen low hills to climb, and a few natives to shoot in the back. Triumphal finish at the M aite House, 1912. Chief B.—Thanks. I’ll take the job J on those conditions. Will not wait for further instructions. Will .and at Panama in kid monkey skin outfit.. So long. IWE HANDLE AMERICA’S BEST LINE OF ! IN MEN’S READY-TO-WEAR j =SUITS=! lAt the Popular Prices of C H M It M j We Guarantee Every Garment to Give Perfect Satisfaction, or S MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED « B. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO., E ! SAVANNAH. CA. J ftz zxxxxxzxxxxzxxxxxzxxxxxxzxxzzzzz si NEW HOU DA Y SUITS The smart and serviceable Washington Company’s, Hackett, Carhart & Co.’s ai d “Eft-l.fl ” ieady to wear Clothes for Fall and Winter aie now ready. We are agents for Knox, Stetson and Hawes Hats and now have the new shapes and colors on display Exquisite things in Men’s Furnishings are ready John W. Parker Harry Hirsh '"anayer Asst. Manager