The new Western railway guide (Atlanta, Ga.) 188?-1???, November 01, 1887, Page 16, Image 16

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16 Notice to the Taokers. Any Traveling Passenger Agent who desires to become a member of the T. P. A. A. can make ap plication (in letter form) to H. C. Holabird, Secre tary, Cincinnati, 0., enclosing $5.00 for member ship fee, and also attach to said application the notice of his official appointment, or an endorse ment of some member of the association. This is important, as it Is necessary for the secre tary to have all names who desire to go to Jackson ville, Fla., in January on the books, and also to en gage transportation and sleeping car berths &c. necessary for the trip. TACK HAMMER and TICKET AGENTS. Mr. R. H. Hill, T. P. A. H. & T. C., has paid the boys in Atlanta a visit recently, and it was pleasant to see “Dick’s” charming face again. He brought a “smile” with him. He always does when he comes to Atlanta. He is worried with a dry cough, and it worries him worse in Atlanta than in any other point he visits. But the prescription he brought with him was readily filled by our admira bly equipded druggists; after which his smile was dispelled on account of the aforesaid dry cough. * Col. John Howard, G.T.A. M. & O. R’y., (one of the Boys), was here to see Frankie and Grover. He remarked while here that he was considerably dis appointed’ as he had devoted some very valuable time to getting up a speech to make to “ Frankie ” when he shook hands with her. He says he’ll be dad-blasted if he ever thought of it until the next morning, when he pulled the drapery back from his couch in the Kimball House corridor. Mr. J. J. Champlin. T. P. A. Monon route, has been here on a short visit. He is now in Florida, working up winter biz., which he says will be good this season. * Col. Toe White, T.P.A Ga. R’y, paid Atlanta a flying visit the other day. His air-ship, “Eli,” was greatly admired by the crowds here during the Ex position. Carlotta, the aerolist, wanted him to run a race with her, but he declined on account of his pilot, Charley Walker, being sick. * Newt. Haight, T. P. A. of U. P. R’y, has come and gone, like the flowers that bloom in the spring, tra-la. But memories are left unfading, eloquent with fraternal love. The T.P.A.6 of the Southeast have called a special meeting for the purpose of get ting up a properly equipped invitation to Newt, to come down to Jacksonville next year to the T.P.A. convention. * H. W ■MnrHson. G. T. A. “ Cotton Belt Route,” whose headquarters are at Memphis, Tenn., has been here for several days past. He says the amount of freight and passengers his road is handling is in creasing daily. He has just closed big freight con tracts here, and goes to Birmingham, Ala., to look after the interests of his line at that point. Mr. Morrison is comparatively a new man in this terri tory, but he has winning ways, and is cordially en rolled in the Tack Hammer Boys’ brigade. * Colonel Raoul, of the Mexican National R’y, has shaken up matters on that road. When he went to to the City of Mexico to look into the way it had been managed, he discovered many abuses and ir regularities, which he at once corrected by making a wholesale discharge of the officials who were guilty. These dishonest and incompetent men were succeeded by capable officers from the United States. Most of the conductors, switchmen, brake men and ticket agents on this railway are men who went from the South. All the Georgians who went to Mexico to engage in railroading have done well. They get much larger salaries than they could com mand here. The same is true of the railway men who went to Panama. They have all succeeded. A prominent official remarked that “Georgia has fur nished to the country some of the ablest railway managers in the United States, and she has another crop ready,” # Seelve & Carter .8 the firm name of a live real estate, stock, J.and land |company at Decatur, Ala. We recognize our old friend, M. M. Carter, of Montgomery, formerly one of the passenger agent boys. Success to his new undertaking. * Ben Nevils, P.A. N.C. & St. Little Rock, not long since was missed for several days, and consid erable anxiety was felt as to his welfare. But he has turned up all right. He claims to have drawn first prize in the L. S. L., as is generally the case with widowers when they get their second wife. Hope Mr. Nevils and his lady will attend the T. P. A. convention at Jacksonville next Jan., so that we may tender our congratulations. * C. N. Kight, T.P.A. M. <t. C. at Little Rock and Dallas, now as well known there as formerly he was here, writes us that our prospects for the holiday excursion is better than was ever known, as it has been twenty years since they have had an excursion to the Southeast. Our friend Kight is one of the most efficient P. A’s. No one knows better than he how to set forth the advantages of his route, and he has the knack of making friends everywhere. « Chas. Jones, passenger agent K.C., M., 8., & A., has moved his herdquarters to Atlanta, and is lo cated in the Ga. Pa. ticket office. The opening of the new line to Memphis via Birmingham by above route is the cause. Leaving Atlanta by the Ga. Pa. R’y, 10 p. m., arrive at Birmingham at 5.30 a. m.; leave Birmingham 5.45 a. m., arrive Memphis 5.30 p. m., making direct connection at Memphis with Memphis & Little Rock for all points in Texas. Double daily service will be inaugurated about De cember Ist. THE NEW WESTERN RAILWAY GUIDE. NEW READ HOUSiE, - - Chattanooga, Tenn. Fronting: the Union Depot. Covering the Entire Block. f'--- . - .. I t - ■ I X . . .. - • . ‘ ’’jin- W■' B A - ■■ Louisville, New Orleans & Texas R’y Co, MISSISSIFFI ROUTE. « Offers for Sale, in the MISSISSIPPI, YAZOO t>ELTA, . 700,000 ACRES OF THE FINEST UNO ON EARTH! Fully ten thousand people settled in this El Dorado, the poor man’s paradise, during the past year. The soil is the most fertile in the world—two bales of cotton or one hundred and twenty-two bushels of corn having been raised on an acre of land. Two passenger trains daily each way afford satisfactory accommodations to its constantly increasing volume of travel. IT IS RAPIDLY BECOMING THE MOST POPULAR LINE IN THE SOUTH! For Maps and Circulars apply to 6. W. MeGINNIS, Land Commissioner. R. B. MURRAY, Gen*i Traveling Agent. For Time Tables, Price of Tickets, etc., address P. R. ROGERS, Ass’t Gen’l Passenger Agent, E. W. NSW, General Passenger Agent, Memphis, tzbhstisr J*. MARKAM HOUSE, A.tlanta, &a. Newly Fitted up and Refurnished. Rates, $2.00, $2.50 & $3-00 per Day. THE BEST, FINEST FURNISHED, and Most Complete 52.00 Hotel IN THE SOUTH. Located at the East End of Union Depot. Billiard and Reading Room. Table unexcelled. Single Meals, 50 cents. Porters will be at Union Depot, on arrival of all trains, to conduct you to Hotel. ERVIN MAXWELL, Proprietor. 7th no-0 mo Also of Palace Hotel, Cincinnati, O. WINDSOR HOTEL, C. C. CHASE, Proprietor. Recently re-fttted and now takes its place among the best hotels in Upper South Oarolina. Only four doors from the Asheville and Spartanburg and Spartanburg, Uaion & Columbia Railroad Crossing, where passengers getting on and ofl these trains find very con venient. STOP AT THE WINDSOR. ’Bus meats all trains. 4-12 mes. The Fort Smith Railway takes you through the finest Inad tor in the world. Notes to the Traveling Public. Dougherty’s Parlor Dining Room, IN UNION DEPOT AT CHATTANOOGA, Where all Trains stop 20 Minutes for Meals. On ground floor, left hand side as you go in. REGULAR MEALS AND MEALS TO ORDER. ALSO Elegant Sleeping Apartments within Fifty Feet of Union Depot. FIRST-CLASS in EVERY RESPECT AT REASONABLE RATES. Passengersen-route can enjoy their meals without fear of being left, as conductors of all trains notify you in dining room before departure of all trains, which insures you from being left. If trains are late, you can telegraph ahead for Meals or Lunches, delivered at train. Western Union Telegraph Office in Depot. 4-12 mos. WANTED! 500 COTTON PICKERS to go to Arkansas. Pay 75 cents per hundred for picking cotton. Will pay railroad fare for families after they contract. Plenty of work for single men and women who can pay their own fare out. < Money has been deposited with the M. & L. R. Ry. to pay railway transpor tation. Apply to R. A. WILLIAMS, Agent, Atlamta, Ga. First Class Hotel With all Modern Im provements . The most convenient to Union Depots and business houses of any hotel in the South. On arrival of trains you will always find, at tne door of Union Depot, porter to take your hand bag gage and conduct ladies to ladies’ entrance. STREET CARS PASS THE DOOR —for the foot of— IrfOoJsovrb Where you take the In cline Railway up the Mountain, which makes the ROUND TRIP Every 30 Minutes. johnT read & SON, PROPRIETORS, CHATTANOOGA,TENN. 4-12 mos. C. L. Hopkins, formerly ticket agent of R. & D. at Greeneville, has been appointed passenger agent of the E. Tenn., Va. & Ga., with headquarters at Charlotte. Mr. Hopkins is very popular among the passenger boys, and will make a good man for the business. * Among all the Southern cities that are booming, it is predicted that ’Decatur, Ala., will be another Birmingham, and in many respects she has the ad vantage. In another column will be found some interesting facts concerning this progressive city, * J . U The Irma is a new hotel opened in Hot Springs, Ark., within one block of the postoffice, banks and bath houses. Too much cannot be said in praise of the management. Everything is of the best, and visitors and the traveling public will do well to stop at the Irma before going elsewhere. * We have received a neat little circular from Messrs Jacoby and Parker, Southwestern emigra tion agents of Kingsland, Ark. We are sorry our space is all consumed for this issue, but next month we will take pleasure in publishing it. * “Handsome Sammie” Ray, traveling passenger agent of the E. Tenn., Va. & Ga. R’y at Charlotte, came down to Atlanta during the exposition last month to break in his new suit and see the sights. We told Sam his flashy togs would get him into trouble if he couldn’t give the grip, but he didn’t believe us until he was arrested on suspicion and had to identify himself. Os course it didn’t take long to do that, but Sam thinks it was a fixed up job by some of the tack hammer gang. * Col. C. P. Atmore, general passenger agent of the Louisville & Nashville, was in Atlanta last week, in attendance upon the meeting of the general pas senger agents. » He left here and went to Florida. He reports the prospects for winter travel to the “land of flowers” as rather slim this season, on ac count of the refusal of the Florida railroads to make a reduction in rates proportionate with that usually made by the trunk lines of the North, that have of late years held out such enticing inducements to those wishing to spend a portion ‘of the winter in Florida. He says that since the action of the Flor ida railroad commissioners in postponing the pro posed reduction of from 4 to 3 cents per mile, which was to have taken place on November 1 to Decem ber 1, or till such time as the Forida roads show cause why the reduction should not be made, he will make no further effort to secure reduced rates, unless the Savannah, Florida & Western takes some steps toward making a fair divide with the outside roads. * We publish in this issue of the Guide advertise ment of Hunnicutt’s Rheumatic Cure. This won derful cure has made many remarkable cures among the railroad boys, prominent among them Albert Howell, Union Ticket Agent, Atlanta, Ga. ; N. Haight, Traveling Agent, Union Pacific Railroad, Louisville; Z. T. Underwood, Louisville, and J.W. Shaffer of L. & N., Louisville We advise all per sons suffering with Blood Diseases and Rheumatism to give H. R. C. a trial, and are convinced that they will not regret so doing. FOR SALE BY LIWIS & IVANS; City Real Estate, Land and Loan r —AGENTS, — Sherman, - - Texas. Grayson County Lands, Ranchman Handle Lands Mexican Ranch Lands, We have a fine list of Sherman city property, consisting of Business Blocks, Residences, Lots and Suburban Tracts that wo specially Invite capital to investigate. We offer the best location in Texas for Cotton, Paper and ether and solicit correspondence.