The Jewish alliance. (Savannah, Ga.) 1945-1949, November 11, 1946, Image 2

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GA. THE JEWISH ALLIANCE Published bi-weekly by the Jewish Educational Alliance, Inc., 328 Barnard Street, Savannah, Ga. Affiliated with the Jewish Welfare Board and the Savannah Jewish Council OFFICERS Benjamin Silverman, president; Jack M. Levy, Isadore Movsovitz, and Dr. William A. Wexler, vice-presidents; Mrs. Raymond Rosen, secretary; A. L. Karp, treasurer Paul A. Kulick, Executive Director Jack Chilnick, Director of Activities Editorial Staff: Michael Forstadt, Edi tor-in-Chief; Abram Bernstein, Assist¬ ant Editor; Mrs. Abe Alpert, Jack Cooper, Sam D. Hirsch, Sol Mirsky. Chairman of Publications: Judge Eman¬ uel Lewis. THe fiauefccJnoppeJi Greetings for the new season at the Jew¬ ish Alliance! The buzz-buzz of activities ip the building echoes the pre-war enthus¬ iasm! and, joy of all of us being back in the fold. Once more our family is practically com¬ plete. God grant that we can keep it so. Back to work, back to play, back to school is the order of the day. Seems like everybody is in there pitching So far, the outstanding social event of the season was the Hadassah Membership Tea. You should have seen the way MINNA LEVINGTON react to the crowd on hand at that meeting: To think that the organ¬ ization she had helped start some years ago today could draw to standing room only! The effect was EXHILIRATING. The ladies beam¬ ed with sheer joy in just being together working towards a common cause. Hard to 'decide which part deserves the most credit. The Refreshment committee outdid ( them¬ selves in catering so beautiful an affair. The Program chairman did no less in putting on a tableau of beauty as well as of interest. Here it should be proper to publicly acclaim the splendid work of ANITA RASKIN and SISTER TLTJDOPSKY. From Athens comes the following jottings. MURRAY GORDON is seen around with JINX ENGEL. DAVID RAB HtAN Is still making the rounds with SAR¬ AH HARO WIN and IRVING LEVINE is cer¬ tainly not shunning VIRGINIA DIAMOND. Then of course, there is MICKEY KAPNER and MELVIN SIEGEL. BUDDY PORT MAN does his hometown proud in being elected President of the TEP pledge club. (Applause, pliz) Those who attended the Zionist Convention in Atlantic City recently were DR. MAURICE CAM3N, MAX HELLER, SAM PORTMAN, and MICHAEL ADILMAN, all of whom re¬ ported, a very interesting and informative meeting. The B’nai B’rith. Luncheons are once again a. Tuesday one o’clock “MUST.” Recently the program was highlighted by the appearance of the famous Radio Star “Professor Quiz.” Not only did he teU about his experiences of the past ten years in radio, but he also added to the zest of the program by performing some sleight of hands with playing cards. In this he was assisted by members of B’nai B’rith present, which, of course, detracted none from the informality of the presen¬ tation. On Nov. 10th MIRIAM LEVY, Hadassah president** will attend the National Conven¬ tion of Hadassah in Boston. Agudath . . . Achim Congregation has engaged the services of a new cantor, who should be an addition to the cultural life of our community.. Among the new faces seen at the Women’s Gym Clas e§ are DOT WEXLER and DOROTHY ODESSS THE JEWISH ALLIANCE Displaced Jews' Lead ers to Speak at Special U. J. A. Conference Four leaders of the Jewish Central Com¬ mittee of Liberated. Jews of Germany, spokes¬ men for the 180,000 Jewish survivors in dis¬ placed persons camps in the American zones of Germany and Austria, will fly from Europe to address the National Conference otf the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees, Overseas Needs and Palestine, which will be held at the Ambassador Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey, from November 30th to December 2nd. The representatives of the displaced Jews are coming to the United States to acquaint leaders of American Jewish Communities, who will be assembled at Atlantic City for the three day conference, with the actual conditions to¬ day facing the Jewish survivors and of their prospects for 1947, the announcement said. The delegation from the DP camps will include Leon Retter, general secretary of the Jewish Central Committee of Germany; Dr. Samuel Gringaus, president of the Committee’s advisory council; Dr. Boris Pilskin, chief of the committee health department; and Samuel Shlomovitch, chairman of the Frankfurt reg¬ ional committee. In addition to the spokesmen of the displa¬ ced Jews of Europe, the announcement said, distinguished leaders of Jewish committees elsewhere in Europe and Palestine will shortly proceed to the United States to help American Jewish leaders blueprint for 1947 a large-scale program for relief and rehablitation assistance to destitute Jews overseas, for mass settlement and upbuilding of the Jewish homeland in Palestine, and for expanded aid to displaceds Jews reaching American shares. The National Conference, which is expect¬ ed to reach decisions which wil affect the his¬ tory of Jews both in Europe and Palestine, will hear a detailed review of the 1946 programs of the Joint Distribution Committee, United Pal¬ estine Appeal and the United Service for New Americans, the three agencies in the United Jewish Appeal, and will draw up plans for 194T in the light of existing needs throughout the world. Every Jewish Community in the United States has been invited to send representa¬ tives to the Atlantic City meeting and! hund¬ reds have already formally named their dele¬ gates to the conference. (Ebbie, look to your laurals) To wit: Despite her being quarantined for three weeks with her child having Scarlet fever. HYLA HIRSCH is putting over the work of SOS in its drive for canned goods and clothes with the usual bang some of the gals seem to have a special talent for. Thanks and all that sorta thing to DAV¬ ID ROSENZWEIG for the very beautiful and professional signs adorning the lobby of the Jewish Alliance. But after all, what else has David to do - besides (being President of B’nai B’rith and chairman of the Adult Education Committee of the Alliance. .Seemed out of order to start off the recent Membership Drive for the Alliance without MATHILDA MEDDIN in attend¬ ance. But it was just one of those things: this time she needs must attend a recep¬ tion in Asheville that the “muckatawnum” were putting on for her newly-wed daugh¬ ter AUDREY and hubby. Anyway, she still didn’t ignore the drive entirely because dur¬ ing the course of the rally in came a very nice telegram from Mathilda with the usual good wishes. Thanks lots. Nice seeing WALTER LOWE up and about after his illness of several weeks. Keep up the nice work wontcha. ! Didja know that the new Radio Station WDAR has quite a representation from our family group, F’rinstnce, “Bob Bright” is none other than ABRAM EISENMAN. Then there’s MILTON BELLAH in the role of announcer, and last but not least the lovely receptionist in the office of WDAR is MRS. ALBERT YELL IN. See you next time! Z. O. A. Convention Rejects Partition ATLANTIC CITY, (JTA) - the - The 49th annual convention of Zionist Organization of America re¬ jected any proposals for the partition of Palestine, in a political resolution reiterating “the historic claims of the Jewish people to the whole of mandated Palestine.’” The resolution, which demanded establish¬ ment of a Jewish state, urged the Jewish agen¬ cy to submit any proposals made to it by the British Government to the World 1 Zionist Con gres for approval and expressed doubt of the wisdom of Jewish participation in the London Conference on Palestine. Dr. Abba Hillel Silver Re-elected to Presidency The action of the convention represented a clear-cut victory for Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, who was re-elected president of the ZOA for a second term. In an address to the body, Dr. Silver bitterly attacked the Jewish Agency ex¬ ecutive for informing the British Government that it was prepared to discuss the establish¬ ment of a “viable Jewish state” in part of Pal¬ estine. Dr. Silver criticized Dr. Goldman for allege¬ dly ignoring and flouting agreements reached with the American Zionists Emergency Coun¬ cil and charged that “We agreed unamimously, Dr. Goldmann concurring, that neither he nor we would propose a partition plan to the Cab¬ inet Committee or other American officials.” Dr. Silver also criticized Dr. Stephen S. Wise, although not mentioning him by name, for supporting the U. S. loan to Britain, which issue, he said, could have been utilized by the Zionist movement to apply pressure on the British to secure Jewish demands in connec¬ tion with Palestine. The ZOA president also sharply scored the Labor Government’s policy in Palestine and, while welcoming President Truman’s sin¬ cerity, expressed doubts that the American Government had “employed its full strength to get results on Palestine. U. P. A. Received $40,000,000 from U. J. A..for work in Palestine In a report to the convention, Rudolf G. Sonnenborn, of New York, acting national cha¬ irman of the United Palestine Appeal, said that $40,000,000 was received this year (by the UPA from the United Jewish Appeal. Of this amount half will go to the Jewish National Fund and half to the Palestine Foundation Fund. Despite the obstacles created by the British Government, more than 20,000 Jew¬ ish refugees entered Palestine during the eight months from Jan. 1 to Aug. 31,1946, he said. Also, more than 5,000 others reached the shores of the Jewish homeland but were deported by the British to Cyprus. Judge Morris Rothenberg, president of the Jewish National Fund, reporting for the J. N. F. said that 35 new settlements had been establish¬ ed, during the past year and more than 40,000 dunams of land redeemed “despite the vicious and restrictive land laws of the British.” To make possible this achievement, the J. N. F. remitted to Palestine the sum of $12,000,000 since September, 1945. Judge Rosenberg expr¬ essed particular gratification over the found¬ ing in one night by 1,000 Jewish Pioneers, in¬ cluding 300 girls, of 12 new agriculture settle¬ ments in the Negev. Byrnes Says State Dept. Backs Truman on Palestine WASHINGTON, (JTA) - - Secretary of State, Byrnes has assured Dr. Stephen S.Wise, American member of the Jewish Agency of Palestine, that no difference of opinion ex¬ ists between President Truman and the De¬ partment of State regarding United States policy toward Palestine. me jjeparwnenc oi state has made publi an exchange of correspondence between Byrne andl Rabbi Wise, in which Dr. Wise asked fc clarification of rumors that “the President statement (of Oct..4) is not to be considere as policy of the American Government an that, in fact, the State Department is nc giving full support to the policy which th President's statement would seem to reflect. (Continued on page 3) NOVEMBER 11, 1946 , THE SCOUTING CORNER Cub Scouts......... A pre-requisite of the Cub Scout program has been that all parents of potential Cubs take a short lead¬ ership training course. The parents of the newly organized Alliance Cub pack No. 2 have given this nat¬ ional pre-requisite their full sup¬ port. In the past three weeks Geo¬ rge Serotta, Chairman of the JEA Cubbing program, has capably or¬ ganized these sessions. Although all parents did not turn out, those who did became quite enthusiastic about the Cubbing program and gained an understanding of the role played by the parent in this character-buil¬ ding activity. They had an oppor¬ tunity to meet with Ernest F. Sch¬ midt, a member of National Scout¬ ing Headquarters, who conducted the three training sessions. Sound technicolor motion pictures were used at each meeting, to concretize the subject matter. The final meeting was held Oct. aOth. At this time a pack committee and Den Mothers were selected. The following were chosen as members of the Pack Committee: Albert Ten enbaum, Abe Javetz, Pete Kamin¬ sky, Morris Rosenthal. Den Mothers selected were: Mrs. Aaron Haysman, Mrs. Barney Poller, Mrs. Abe Javetz, Mrs. Albert Tenenbaum. Harry Richman was chosen as Cub-Master to be assisted by Ralph Yumofsky. Parents who participated in the training course were: Mrs. Louis Black, Mrs. W. Leon Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tenenbaum, Mr. Morris Rosenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Samuels, Mrs. Al. Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Haysman, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Javetz, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Katzman, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Perlman, Mr. and- Mrs. Maurice Lasky. Mr. Pete Kaminsky, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Yumofsky. The Cubs, themselves, are now ready to meet at the Alliance on Friday, afternoons. Brownies......... . The spirited Brownies held their first meeting of the 1946-47 season on Friday, October 25th. Some 25 Brownies—many of them new comers were led in songs and games by their dynamic leaders: Mrs. Evelyn Karsman, Mrs. Elsie Singer, and Mrs. Mildred Rosen. The group is planning to work on puppets and we hope to have some super demonstrations of pup¬ petry by our little gals. Members of the Brownie troop to date are: Sheila Brooks, Gloria Buchsbaum, Harriett Cohen, Lyda Ginsberg, Deanne Javetz, Arlene Kemper, Rebecca Marcus, Ruth Mincey, Jane Mirsky, Patsy Nichol¬ son, Nancy Passink, Johanna Rot kow, Harriett Rosen, Marcia Rosen, Elaine Rubnitz, Bunny Sherman, Patsy Singer, Bailee Tenenbaum, Barbara Tenenbaum, and Harriett Weiss. Boy Scoutmaster Scouts......... Arthur Horovitzof the Alliance Boy Scout Troop 2 predicts a great scouting season. New blood has been added to the troop with many newcomers enter¬ ing. Mr. Horovitz says that the troop plans to have overnight hikes, camping programs and meetings that will be full of fun and spirit, as well as of educational value. The following boys are mem¬ bers of the troop: Dean Beberman, Richard Beberman, Murray Brooks, Albert Cohen, Henri Cohen, Fred Halperin, Charles Itzkovitz, Neal Markowitz; Herman Rubinowitz, Louis Scharff, Kurt Scheier, Hy Sussman, Gerald Greenfield, and (Continued on page 5)