The Panther. (Atlanta, Georgia) 19??-1989, May 01, 1965, Image 4

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4 MAY, 1965 The Panther Mr. Wayman Carver, Instructor and Associate Professor ot Music, has been associated with Clark College since 1942. He is the Director of the Concert and Marching Bands. Professor Wayman Carver Back in 1928, as a Clark College senior, Wayman Carver put together some very talented student musicians and called them “The Collegiate Ramblers." Specializing in that brand of jazz peculiar to the area, the "Ramblers" became one of the “hottest” A group from Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin, were visitors on Clark campus during the week of March 21-27. One of groups who visited Clark campus on March 25-April 5. Three Groups Visit the Campus little bands in the city. Clarkites of that day, when they recall campus dances and the Rambler jazzed-up football pep meetings, probably picture very clearly this group. There is no group on the campus now as counterpart to the famous “Ramblers,” but Wayman Carver’s musicians, now replaced with the more “dignified" flutes, oboes, french horns, etc., still stir the spirits of music lovers who come en- masse each time they hear the Clark Concert Band is going to give a performance. Mr. Carver is a graduate of Clark College and has served as instructor and Associate Professor of Music since 1942, following a stand with the late Chich Webb's orchestra. This experience, coupled with his own likes and the time in which he learned his music, and his formal study along classical lines, served to make him the versatile musician that he is. Mr. Carver's first concert at Clark took place in Davage Auditorium in the spring of 1943. It was huge success and marked the beginning of a long series of distinguished perfor mances which never fail to draw capacity audiences. There are two instrumental music organizations at Clark— the Marching Band and the Concert Band. To the tune of Carver’s “Hail, Roaring Pan thers,” with prancing majorettes leading the way down the field, the marching band has been the delight of Clarkites and Clark fans for many years. The department’s record in fulfilling its objective of turn ing out school music teachers is outstanding. In the Atlanta area alone there are a dozen or so former band members who direct music at elementary and high school. Mr. Carver has worked un tiringly with many Clark stu dents and the band to make Clark the kind of institution it is today. We hope you have many more years of success, Mr. Car ver. Faculty Members Serve On Evaluating Committee On April 5 and 6, Dr. Den nis, Chairman of the Mathe matics Department; Mrs. Gladys Cothran, Assistant Pro fessor, Business Education De partment; Mr. Alfred Gourdet, Professor of French; and Dr. Stella Brewer Brookes, Chair man of the English Department, served on the Visiting Commit tee which evaluated C. L. Har per High School in Atlanta. Criteria used were materials de veloped by the Cooperative Study of Secondary School Standards. Dr. Laurence E. Boyd, Professor of Education at Atlanta University, served as coordinator of the Committee. Also on April 11 through 14, Dr. Dennis served as a member of the Visiting Committee at Savannah State College, Savan nah, Georgia. Rogers Tours Europe During the Christmas Holi days, Mrs. Rogers luckily won a trip to Europe from just sign ing a card. It will be the pleas ure of Dr. Herbert F. Rogers, Chairman of the Religion and Philosophy Department, to ac company his wife to Europe the middle of August. They will tour France, Belgium, Holland and England. Plans are being initiated to carry their two children. Before making the trip, Dr. Rogers will be teaching at the Atlanta University Summer School. Our hats are off to you, Dr. Rogers, and we hope your trip will be a wonderful experience, and we look forward to your sharing your experience with us upon returning in the fall. 3n Hemoriam CLARENCE R. J. WEEKS National Alumni President Psi Chapter Phi Beta Sigma “A past to cherish, a future to fulfill” This quotation is very applicable to the men of Sigma. The brothers of Psi Chapter have a tremendous burden setforth by our prede cessors. We must follow in the same footsteps as Alain Locke, first negro Rhodes Scholar, James Weldon Johnson, Jake Gaither, Senator Leroy Johnson and A. Philip Randolph. The brothers of Psi Chapter have accepted this impressive chal lenge. At this date we do not claim to be national celebrities but we do claim we are con tributing to prosperity. We are unequivocally above reproach. In the academic area we are second to none for the majority of the brothers of Psi Chapter made the honor roll. In addition the brothers of Psi Chapter have tried to cater to the interests of the Clark fami ly by bringing into our midst two outstanding speakers. These noble Sigma scholars were Brother Dr. C. V. Troup, Pres ident of Fort Valley College and Brother Dr. Von D. Mizell. Moreover the brothers of Psi Chapter have participated in many civic activities. Brother Ben Brown, Student Government Association presi dent 1961 and Student move ment leader, is running for the State Legislature from the 135th District. The brothers of Psi Chapter are pushing Brother Brown on to victory. Since the Brothers of Psi Chapter believe every Sigma man is an active Sigma man, they are constantly being praised for their many achieve ments. Brother Elmer Mixon has been elected to the All City and All Conference Football Team for the last three years. Brother Pellin Cuadra has been using his professional skill as our school photographer. Bro ther Marion Phillips represented our Clark at a Religious Life Conference held in New York City. Brother James Graham was a delegate to the United Nations Assembly held at the University of North Carolina. In addition he represented Psi Chapter at the National Con clave of Phi Beta Sigma Fra ternity held in Washington, D. C. It is very evident that the brothers of Psi Chapter are carrying on the tradition of Sigma and molding the future achievements of Sigma men. Two Clark Seniors Awarded Grants Two Clark College seniors this week were awarded grants to do advanced study next year in political science. They are Johnny K. Bryson, of Ameri- cus, Georgia, and Elias Oye, of Nigeria. Bryson has won a fellowship to study toward the masters degree in political science at The Eagleson Institute of Poli tics at Rudgers University. Oye, has been awarded a Nigerian Government Scholar ship to study political science at The University of Ibadan, in Nigeria. A group comprising one fac ulty member and four students from Lawrence University, Ap pleton, Wisconsin, were visitors on the campus the week of March 21-27. According to their interests, they attended classes and participated in the total program of the College and Center. The members of this group were: Miss Dorothea Harvey, Associate Professor of Religion, Alexander Abercrom- bia. Freshman, Kim Dammers, 18th President Dr. Vivian Wilson Hender son has been elected by Clark College’s Board of Trustees to become the institution’s 18th President. Announcement of Dr. Hen derson’s appointment climaxed a search for a new president which began three years ago when Dr. James P. Brawley first announced retirement plans which will become effec tive in June, ending a 24-year term as president of the college and a total of 40 years of serv ice to the institution. The president-elect is a Ten nessean with wide experience in collegiate administration. His background includes teaching and administrative positions at Prairie View and North Caro lina Colleges and at Fisk Uni versity where he has been Chairman of the Department of Junior, Ginny Shy, Sophomore, and Mark Wilmat, freshman. March 25-April 5 another similar group from Haverford College and Bryn Mawr Col lege visited the campus. Like the first group they attended classes and participated in ac tivities of the College. During the spring recess, stu dents from Clark visited the campuses of Lawrence Univer sity, Haverford College and Bryn Mawr College. Economics and Business Ad ministration since 1952. He is a graduate of North Carolina College and earned the masters and doctorate degrees at The State University of Iowa. Dr. Henderson is married to the former Anna Powell. They have four children. Dr. Stella Brookes Writes New Book Release Dr. Stella Brewer Brookes contributes the Introduction to a new edition of The Unde Remus Stories. The book was released April, 1965 by Scho- cken Books Inc., 67 Park Ave nue, New York, N. Y. The University of Georgia Press published Dr. Brookes’ books Joel Chandler Harris'. Folklorist, in 1950. She wrote the Harris sketch for the 1957 edition of Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica. Clark College Announces President-Elect Appointment