The Panther. (Atlanta, Georgia) 19??-1989, October 01, 1976, Image 6

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By Joe M. Fuggett It no longer has to decide who is going to college. Your future no longer has to be in the hands of the al mighty dollar —your dollars that is. Because an Air Force ROTC 4-year scholarship will pick up the bills. Tuition bills .. .textbook and lab bills. Plus, it provides for a hundred dol lar a month allowance for you to spend as you see fit. And at graduation, that scholarship really starts pay ing off. You receive a commis sion as an Air Force officer. Plus a good job to go to. And a future without limits. Travel. Promotions. Prestige. There are 6500 Air Force ROTC college scholarships in total. Why not see if you've earned one during the last few years. The tension and ner vousness which accompanies most auditions were at their apex while Joan Lewis, Chairman, Clark College Theatre Department, was in search of her perfect family for the dept.’s upcoming production of "Night of the Baker’s End”. The play, written by Ted Shine, is a moving, tragic drama that centers around three generations of a black family living together in Dallas, Texas. Performances for the show are scheduled for the week of November 15 at 8 p.m. in Davage auditorium. Admission is free and open to the public. “During auditions, actors with a desire to receive a role had to prove their acting capabilities to survive the heavy competition that seemed to increase daily before final casting,” said Lisa Watson, drama major. However, to the surprise of those who auditioned, she said, when the final call back list was posted it consisted of at least thirty-two names for a show that needs only nine actors. She said that actors did not know how to react. But they knew they had to give their best to receive the role they wanted. Finally, Mrs. Lewis decided on October 22 to reveal the names of those who would be cast, she lamented. Call Major Greenberg at Georgia Tech, 894-4175 Put it all together in Air Force ROTC. BANKER'S END ‘‘Unlike othci theatre companies that use the same cycle of talent, Mrs. Lewis likes to utilize as many newcomers as possible, without running the risk of faulty casting.” Charlece Thomas, drama major and stage manager for the production, added that it has been this typical manuevering of talent which has proven effective in past productions of “Purlie” and “Ain’t Supposed To Die A Natural Death”. But this production will take work because it is a fresh show with intense emotions that could belong to any family in conflict, she said. “Why will this production be more difficult than ones already accomplished by the department?,” asks Ms. Thomas who answers her own question. “Because the show is tear rendering.” She said it will require the actors to be alert, aware and able to transmit emotions non verbally at any given moment. With expectations of polishing the show by November 8, Mrs. Lewis said the cast has had intensive readings but it was not until Saturday (Oct. 23) that actors realized the profound strength of the Baker family’s dilemma. She continued by claiming that actors were treating the play too gingerly. “They were scared of its strength,” she said. Franzelle Mathis admitted that she had not actualized the steadfastness of the play until after the third reading. But with a sigh of relief she said, "1 am going to study my character each and every day until I have mastered her.” Other actors who were casted agree with Ms. Mathis and have come to grips with the fact that “Night of the Baker’s End” should not be treated lightly, said one actor who had been casted for the role of the grandfather. “I am going to conduct half-hour sessions before rehearsals which will primarily concentrate on exercises for the mouth and eyes and movement for the body, said Carol Mit chell . Ms. Mitchell, ac tress/dancer and English graduate student at the Atlanta University said that Mrs. Lewis believes in total mind and body congregation through exercise to attain total relaxation. She said these tools are necessary to be free from frustrations, inhibitions or other, problems outside those of the character that will the deter the actor’s maximum performance. Meanwhile. Mrs. Lewis said she has been supervising simultaneous rehearsals of the newly-formed Clark College Players Dance Theatre. Declining to comment when the company would give its premier performance, she CoNT. P/?G-£ 8 WE GIVE PRICE QUOTES OVER THE PHONE 892-4444 CALL 24 HOURS WE CARRY OVER 50 MAJOR BRANDS OF HI-FI COMPONENTS, CAR PLAYERS, C.B. RADIOS, AND CALCULATORS. 62 3 RD ST. AT SPRING // ////// RD ST. AT SPRING campus aucic T ^ h ' ™ WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL (Near Ga. Tech) Member of Chamber of Commerce - Better Business Bureau US ?! i'CNV . W-vr.v h t