The Panther. (Atlanta, Georgia) 19??-1989, August 25, 1980, Image 13

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rage 13 The Panther August 25,1980 “National Job Opportunity A National & International Job Magazine/Directory: j With A Resume Circulation Service: j 0 We mail monthly to 20,000, companies, hospitals, health care ^ — | 0 We will circulate your resume to companies we know can use ^ your talents. S 0 We guarantee interviews, or a complete refund. \ Our fee $30.00, payable to the national Job Opportunity, money ^ order or cashiers check, only. Forward only one copy of your resume, please. 405 Ortiz, N.E. (STE-2) | Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108 \ It is not to early to start that job search. A place where nobody dared to go . . . They call it Xanadu . . . Olivia Newton-John plays the nurse, Kira, who comes down to earth to help a mortal bring his dreams alive. His dream is Xanadu. And on opening night, she performs a spectacular production number. Xanadu- Stars Olivia Jeff Lynne, the driving force behind the super rock group, ELO, recently completed his first songwriting assignmentforafilm — "Xanadu," the Lawrence Gordon production for Universal. Lynne has written five original songs for the musical fantasy starring Olivia Newton- John, Gene Kelly, and Michael Beck. Jeff is composer, producer, lead vocalist and guitarist for ELO, and can also play synthesizers, piano, drums and bass. He was born in Birmingham England on December 30, 1947. After playing with a few local Birmingham bands, Lynne joined his first professional group in 1966 at the age of 18. It was called the Idle Race, and in 1968 he started his recording career with them. "For the first couple of years with the Idle Race, we played all the pubs and clubs in the Birm ingham area, and there were hundreds of them. If you played every night for two months you still wouldn't have to play the same place twice I" In 1970, Jeff joined The Move, a group that had already been at the top in England for three years. "The Move was the group from Birmingham, and I had a lot of respect for them, but the reason I joined was actually totry to start ELO with Roy Wood, who was the leader of The Move, and Bev Bevan, the drummer. We disbanded The Move about a year after I joined, and started on ELO. 1972 was the real birth of ELO in the United States. A song that combined Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony with a Chuck Berry classic, "Roll Over Beethoven," opened the doors for a string of hit albums and singles that con tinues today. You may recognize “Telephone Line,” “Strange Magic,” "Evil Woman," “Livin’ Thing,” "Sweet Talkin’ Woman" and "Mr. Blue Sky" as ELO hits that fall into the “classics" category and still receive strong airplay on radio stations. ELO has earned enough gold and platinum albums and singles around the world to qualify as a "World Class Band.” Touring forthe group began in the U.S. and as ELO’s popularity grew to an international scope so did the tours. The biggest and most successful tour was in 1978, as the tour covered England, Canada, and the United States, and included a spaceship that spewed smoke and laser beams as the top portion opened to reveal the group performing in side the craft. This show and the special effects have never been rivaled. Jeff had received other offers to write songs for movies, but because of ELO’s constant tour ing and recording schedule, had never really had the time. 1979 was the first year in seven that ELO didn’t tour — so Jeff naturally seized the opportunity to sink his teeth into another new venture—this time to write and record songs for "Xanadu.” Jeff has composed five songs for the film, among them “Xanadu,” “I'm Alive,’’"Don’tWalk Away,” and "I Take The Fall.” Jeff is married to Sandi (A native Californian), and they have a baby daughter—Laura, who was born in Los Angeles, on December 7, 1979. "Xanadu,” which will be released in August of 1980, was produced by Lawrence Gordon, and co-produced by Joel Silver, with Lee Kramer as executive producer. Robert Greenwald directed from a screenplay by Richard Christian Danus and Marc Reid Rubel. Selta uUjeta j j^aroritgSncorporateb I IMgma Chapter j DnuitEBQOutn ! j “AiNigljKPfiElegance” j At our annual Heft Sc Ultjite Affair September 20, 1980 j at ttje ^tabium Hallr00m^tabium IHotet) 10:00-until Olickets nn sale September 1 j iStbeH will be prouibeb >«■»•( >«»<>•«■»•(>«■»'< UXi'l 0<! r< J ti'V > t «'w *