The Panther. (Atlanta, Georgia) 19??-1989, August 25, 1980, Image 8

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    Page 8
The Panther
August 25,1980
The ladies of
AIpha Kappa AIpha
Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Pi Chapter
Welcomes the Class of ’84
and invites you to join us in
“Slimnastics Class”
“A Health Committee Production”
Every Tuesday at 6:30 - 7:30 (place to be announced)
Young Film
The film will be used by CETAfor
public relations purposes. The
script centers around three
jobless youth who found aid
through CETA.
The Young Filmmakers,
housed in the mass media center
here at Clark, consisted of 31
participants including five youth
staff members who worked
along with Folkes and Harris.
Participants included Vincent
Woodard, 18, youth director,
Tammy Scott, 19, unit manager,
Lynette Stanley, 17, script as
sistant, Elena Mola, 18, public
from page 7
relations representative and
Linda Brown, 18, production
Among the Young Filmmakers
crew were several Clark College
students including Alison
Howard, film editor, Jody
Mayfield, soundtrack composer
and 1980 graduate ValerieOoyle,
camera operator.
Dr. Elias Blake, president of
Clark College, Mr. Thomas
Hamall, executive vice president
of the Atlanta Chamber of
Commerce, Deidre McDonald,
producer of WXIA-School
Without Walls program and Mr.
Aaron Turpeau, director of CETA
were speakers for the premiere.
Entertainment was provided by
members of the Atlanta Dance
Theatre and Neisha Folkes, es
tablished dancer and star of the
movie “Fame.”
The premiere of “Making It,
On My Own” was proof that the
youth of today can indeed make
it on their own.
Philadelphia Italian Style Hoagie & Steak Shop
(Next to University Cleaners)
Welcomes All Students Rack To School
With Our
**Back To School” Special
Open 11-7 MondaysThru Fridays^
We take
phone-in orders.
Watch for our
‘Back To School’
with this coupon
with the purchase
of any sandwich
565 Fair Street
Philadelphia Italian
Style Hoagie &
Steak Shop
The Distinctive Men of
invite you to . . .
Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1980 i y
^ ; yt
Apothecary Lounge
■ -r,r
10 *
(Underground Atlanta) - 1 o* 3
10 p.m. - until
Rides Provided
Welcome Class of 84
“Smokey and the Bandit II” is Universal Studio’s sequel to “Smokey
and the Bandit,” the little comedy that became a box office giant.
Bandit (Burt Reynolds) is about to be pitched in a box by Charlotte,
his elephant friend.
The Clark College Panther Essay Contest
The Clark College Panther
Newspaper announces the First
Annual Black College Day Essay
Contest. The contest will be held
in conjunction with the Black
College Day '80 March and Rally,
sponsored by the Coalition to
Save Black Colleges, Monday
September 29, 1980, in
Washington, D.C.
Using the theme, “Why I
Chose a Black College,"
contestants will be given a
chance to compete for an all
expense paid trip to Washington,
D.C. to participate in the Black
College Day activities as student
representative of Clark College.
The winning student will also
present excerpts of the winning
essay during a film on the Black
College Day activities for "Tony
Brown’s Journal”, a nationally
syndicated commercial
television series about black
people for black people.
Contest rules are as follows:
Essays must be written on
"Why I Choose a Black College"
All entries must be typed,
Cover page must include
student's name, classification,
campus address, home address,
and a telephone number where
the student can be reached.
All contestants must be
registered students of Clark
College - - no exchange students
or students legally registered at
other Atlanta University Center
institutions will be elgible.
Only one entry per student can
be submitted.
Deadline for all entries is Mon
day, September 15,1980 at 5 p.m.
Send all entries to:
Essay Contest
Clark College Panther
P.O. Box 154
All entries will be judged by a
panel of judges consisting of
selected Clark alumni, staff, and
faculty, under the direction of
the Development Staff. First,
second, and third place winners
will be announced by September
22, 1980. The winners will be
presented awards during half
time activ ities of the Clark VS F isk
football game at Herndon
Stadium on Saturday, September
For further information
concerning the contest, contact
Ms. Denise R. Johnson, Public
Information Officer, at 681-3080,
extension 273.